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캐나다기러기 bookmark_add Branta canadensis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Anas canadensis Linnaeus, 1758
Anser leucopareius Brandt, 1836
Anas canadensis Linnaeus, 1758

기러기목 오리과의 새로 전체 길이는 67cm가량이다. 목덜미와 목둘레의 흰색과 머리와 목의 나머지 부분이 검은색으로 대조적인 것이 특징적이다. 등과 윗날개는 흑회색의 불명확한 가로줄 무늬가 있다. 첫째날개깃은 흑갈색이고 배와 가슴은 연한 갈색이다. 위꽁지와 아래꽁지덮개 및 아래꽁지 부분은 흰색이고, 꽁지는 흑색이다. 북미에서는 습지, 논, 강, 골프장 등 숲이 아닌 평지 어디에서나 볼 수 있으며, 도심 공원에는 텃새화한 개체들도 흔히 보인다. 가족 형성은 둥지에서부터 시작된다. 둥지는 풀의 잎이나 줄기로 만들며, 그 위에 털을 올려놓는다. 알은 4-7개 낳으며 암컷 단독으로 부화한다. 수컷은 둥지 주위를 지킨다. 25-30일 만에 부화한다. 새끼는 부화된 첫날부터 물에 들어간다. 북미 대륙, 알래스카, 알류샨 열도에서 번식한다. 일본에서 월동한다. [저작재산권자]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Fuel metabolism in Canada geese: effects of glucagon on glucose kinetics. Eric Vaillancourt,Jean-Michel Weber American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2015 조회
    Subtype-specific influenza A virus antibodies in Canada geese (Branta canadensis). Whitney M Kistler,David E Stallknecht,Thomas J DeLiberto,Kyle Van Why,Michael J Yabsley Veterinary microbiology 2015 조회
    Outbreaks of West Nile virus in captive waterfowl in Ontario, Canada. Sherri L Cox,G Douglas Campbell,Nicole M Nemeth Avian pathology 2015 조회
    Metal levels in eggs of waterbirds in the New York Harbor (USA): trophic relationships and possible risk to human consumers. Joanna Burger,Susan Elbin Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 2014 조회
    Environmental contaminant concentrations in Canada goose (Branta canadensis) muscle: probabilistic risk assessment for human consumers. Katherine Horak,Richard Chipman,Lisa Murphy,John Johnston Journal of food protection 2014 조회
    Ecological implications of reduced forage quality on growth and survival of sympatric geese. Samantha E Richman,James O Leafloor,William H Karasov,Scott R McWilliams The Journal of animal ecology 2014 조회
    Hematologic parameters and hemoparasites of nonmigratory Canada geese (Branta canadensis) from Greensboro, North Carolina, USA. Lauren E Charles-Smith,M Elizabeth Rutledge,Caroline J Meek,Katherine Baine,Elizabeth Massey,Laura N Ellsaesser,Christopher S DePerno,Christopher E Moorman,Laurel A Degernes Journal of avian medicine and surgery 2014 조회
    Investigation into the possibility of vertical transmission of avian bornavirus in free-ranging Canada geese (Branta canadensis). Pauline Delnatte,Eva Nagy,Davor Ojkic,Graham Crawshaw,Dale A Smith Avian pathology 2014 조회
    Avian bornavirus in free-ranging waterfowl: prevalence of antibodies and cloacal shedding of viral RNA. Pauline Delnatte,?va Nagy,Davor Ojkic,David Leishman,Graham Crawshaw,Kyle Elias,Dale A Smith Journal of wildlife diseases 2014 조회
    State-level approaches to managing the use of contraceptives in wildlife in the United States. John D Eisemann,Jeanette R OHare,Kathleen A Fagerstone Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 2014 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Fuel metabolism in Canada geese: effects of glucagon on glucose kinetics. Eric Vaillancourt,Jean-Michel Weber American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2015 조회
    Subtype-specific influenza A virus antibodies in Canada geese (Branta canadensis). Whitney M Kistler,David E Stallknecht,Thomas J DeLiberto,Kyle Van Why,Michael J Yabsley Veterinary microbiology 2015 조회
    Outbreaks of West Nile virus in captive waterfowl in Ontario, Canada. Sherri L Cox,G Douglas Campbell,Nicole M Nemeth Avian pathology 2015 조회
    Metal levels in eggs of waterbirds in the New York Harbor (USA): trophic relationships and possible risk to human consumers. Joanna Burger,Susan Elbin Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 2014 조회
    Environmental contaminant concentrations in Canada goose (Branta canadensis) muscle: probabilistic risk assessment for human consumers. Katherine Horak,Richard Chipman,Lisa Murphy,John Johnston Journal of food protection 2014 조회
    Ecological implications of reduced forage quality on growth and survival of sympatric geese. Samantha E Richman,James O Leafloor,William H Karasov,Scott R McWilliams The Journal of animal ecology 2014 조회
    Hematologic parameters and hemoparasites of nonmigratory Canada geese (Branta canadensis) from Greensboro, North Carolina, USA. Lauren E Charles-Smith,M Elizabeth Rutledge,Caroline J Meek,Katherine Baine,Elizabeth Massey,Laura N Ellsaesser,Christopher S DePerno,Christopher E Moorman,Laurel A Degernes Journal of avian medicine and surgery 2014 조회
    Investigation into the possibility of vertical transmission of avian bornavirus in free-ranging Canada geese (Branta canadensis). Pauline Delnatte,Eva Nagy,Davor Ojkic,Graham Crawshaw,Dale A Smith Avian pathology 2014 조회
    Avian bornavirus in free-ranging waterfowl: prevalence of antibodies and cloacal shedding of viral RNA. Pauline Delnatte,?va Nagy,Davor Ojkic,David Leishman,Graham Crawshaw,Kyle Elias,Dale A Smith Journal of wildlife diseases 2014 조회
    State-level approaches to managing the use of contraceptives in wildlife in the United States. John D Eisemann,Jeanette R OHare,Kathleen A Fagerstone Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 2014 조회

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