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목도리도요 bookmark_add Philomachus pugnax (Linnaeus, 1758)

Tringa pugnax Linnaeus, 1758

우리나라에서는 나그네새로 9~10월에 적은 무리를 볼 수 있다. 몸길이는 수컷 32cm, 암컷 25cm 정도이다. 수컷의 여름깃은 번식기에 목 부분에 흰색 또는 보라색, 붉은색 등 개체에 따라 다른 빛깔의 목도리 모양 장식깃이 생긴다. 겨울깃은 여름깃과 같은 목의 장식이 없고, 등 쪽이 회갈색이며 깃의 가장자리는 흰색이다. 몸 아랫면은 흰색 또는 회색이다. 바닷가 간석지나 습지 등에서 생활한다. 풀밭이나 관목이 있는 땅에 접시 모양 둥지를 짓는다. 산란기는 5월 중순~하순이고, 알 4개 정도를 낳는다. 주로 곤충을 먹으며, 그 밖에도 조개류, 갑각류, 환형동물과 식물 열매를 먹는다. 구북구 북부에서 번식하며 아프리카와 아시아의 온대 및 열대 지역에서 겨울을 난다. [저작재산권자]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Genetic variation in nuclear and mitochondrial markers supports a large sex difference in lifetime reproductive skew in a lekking species. Yvonne I Verkuil,Cedric Juillet,David B Lank,Fredrik Widemo,Theunis Piersma Ecology and evolution 2014 조회
    Major breeding plumage color differences of male ruffs (Philomachus pugnax) are not associated with coding sequence variation in the MC1R gene. Lindsay L Farrell,Clemens K?pper,Terry Burke,David B Lank The Journal of heredity 2014 조회
    A dominant allele controls development into female mimic male and diminutive female ruffs. David B Lank,Lindsay L Farrell,Terry Burke,Theunis Piersma,Susan B McRae Biology letters 2013 조회
    A first-generation microsatellite linkage map of the ruff. Lindsay L Farrell,Terry Burke,Jon Slate,David B Lank Ecology and evolution 2013 조회
    Genetic mapping of the female mimic morph locus in the ruff. Lindsay L Farrell,Terry Burke,Jon Slate,Susan B McRae,David B Lank BMC genetics 2013 조회
    Hidden haemosporidian infections in Ruffs (Philomachus pugnax) staging in Northwest Europe en route from Africa to Arctic Europe. Lu?sa Mendes,Sara Pardal,Joana Morais,Sandra Antunes,Jaime A Ramos,Javier Perez-Tris,Theunis Piersma Parasitology research 2013 조회
    Gene expression divergence and nucleotide differentiation between males of different color morphs and mating strategies in the ruff. Robert Ekblom,Lindsay L Farrell,David B Lank,Terry Burke Ecology and evolution 2012 조회
    A novel mitochondrial gene order in shorebirds (Scolopacidae, Charadriiformes). Yvonne I Verkuil,Theunis Piersma,Allan J Baker Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 2010 조회
    Selective mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue in migratory birds. Edwin R Price,Anna Krokfors,Christopher G Guglielmo The Journal of experimental biology 2007 조회
    Variation in the innate and acquired arms of the immune system among five shorebird species. Luisa Mendes,Theunis Piersma,Dennis Hasselquist,Kevin D Matson,Robert E Ricklefs The Journal of experimental biology 2006 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Genetic variation in nuclear and mitochondrial markers supports a large sex difference in lifetime reproductive skew in a lekking species. Yvonne I Verkuil,Cedric Juillet,David B Lank,Fredrik Widemo,Theunis Piersma Ecology and evolution 2014 조회
    Major breeding plumage color differences of male ruffs (Philomachus pugnax) are not associated with coding sequence variation in the MC1R gene. Lindsay L Farrell,Clemens K?pper,Terry Burke,David B Lank The Journal of heredity 2014 조회
    A dominant allele controls development into female mimic male and diminutive female ruffs. David B Lank,Lindsay L Farrell,Terry Burke,Theunis Piersma,Susan B McRae Biology letters 2013 조회
    A first-generation microsatellite linkage map of the ruff. Lindsay L Farrell,Terry Burke,Jon Slate,David B Lank Ecology and evolution 2013 조회
    Genetic mapping of the female mimic morph locus in the ruff. Lindsay L Farrell,Terry Burke,Jon Slate,Susan B McRae,David B Lank BMC genetics 2013 조회
    Hidden haemosporidian infections in Ruffs (Philomachus pugnax) staging in Northwest Europe en route from Africa to Arctic Europe. Lu?sa Mendes,Sara Pardal,Joana Morais,Sandra Antunes,Jaime A Ramos,Javier Perez-Tris,Theunis Piersma Parasitology research 2013 조회
    Gene expression divergence and nucleotide differentiation between males of different color morphs and mating strategies in the ruff. Robert Ekblom,Lindsay L Farrell,David B Lank,Terry Burke Ecology and evolution 2012 조회
    A novel mitochondrial gene order in shorebirds (Scolopacidae, Charadriiformes). Yvonne I Verkuil,Theunis Piersma,Allan J Baker Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 2010 조회
    Selective mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue in migratory birds. Edwin R Price,Anna Krokfors,Christopher G Guglielmo The Journal of experimental biology 2007 조회
    Variation in the innate and acquired arms of the immune system among five shorebird species. Luisa Mendes,Theunis Piersma,Dennis Hasselquist,Kevin D Matson,Robert E Ricklefs The Journal of experimental biology 2006 조회

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