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양집게벌레 bookmark_add Forficula auricularia Linnaeus, 1758

Forficula borealis Leach, 1835
Forficula caucasica Bey-Bienko, 1926
Forficula dentata Fabricius, 1775
Forficula forcipata Stephens, 1835
Forficula infumata Megerle, 1825
Forficula major de Geer, 1773
Forficula media Marsham, 1802
Forficula neglecta Marsham, 1802
Forficula parallela Fabricius, 1775
Forficula auricularia silanoides Karny, 1911

몸길이는 9~12mm, 집게 길이는 수컷이 3~5mm, 암컷은 2.5~3.5mm다. 머리는 붉은색 계통의 갈색이며, 가슴등판은 대개 어두운색이지만 측면 가장자리는 노란색이다. 딱지날개와 날개는 노란색 계통의 갈색이며, 다리는 노란색이다. 복부는 갈색 또는 어두운 갈색이다. 집게는 노란색 또는 갈색이다. 머리의 큐티클층, 가슴등판, 날개는 가죽질이다. 북한에만 있는 한국 고유종이다. [저작재산권자]

  • 한반도(북한) [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도고유종특성평가및총람발간


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Feces production as a form of social immunity in an insect with facultative maternal care. Janina M C Diehl,Maximilian K?rner,Michael Pietsch,Jo?l Meunier BMC evolutionary biology 2015 조회
    Impact of insecticide exposure on the predation activity of the European earwig Forficula auricularia. Laure Malagnoux,Yvan Capowiez,Magali Rault Environmental science and pollution research international 2015 조회
    Management strategies in apple orchards influence earwig community. Laure Malagnoux,Ga?lle Marliac,Sylvaine Simon,Magali Rault,Yvan Capowiez Chemosphere 2015 조회
    Negative association between parental care and sibling cooperation in earwigs: a new perspective on the early evolution of family life? J Kramer,J Thesing,J Meunier Journal of evolutionary biology 2015 조회
    Parent-offspring conflict and the genetic trade-offs shaping parental investment. Mathias K?lliker,Stefan Boos,Janine W Y Wong,Lilian R?llin,Dimitri Stucki,Shirley Raveh,Min Wu,Jo?l Meunier Nature communications 2015 조회
    Cues of maternal condition influence offspring selfishness. Janine W Y Wong,Christophe Lucas,Mathias K?lliker PloS one 2014 조회
    De novo transcriptome hybrid assembly and validation in the European earwig (Dermaptera, Forficula auricularia). Anne C Roulin,Min Wu,Samuel Pichon,Roberto Arbore,Simone K?hn-B?hlmann,Mathias K?lliker,Jean-Claude Walser PloS one 2014 조회
    Effects of food restriction across stages of juvenile and early adult development on body weight, survival and adult life history. J W Y Wong,M K?lliker Journal of evolutionary biology 2014 조회
    Mother and offspring fitness in an insect with maternal care: phenotypic trade-offs between egg number, egg mass and egg care. Lisa K Koch,Jo?l Meunier BMC evolutionary biology 2014 조회
    Paternal signature in kin recognition cues of a social insect: concealed in juveniles, revealed in adults. Janine W Y Wong,Jo?l Meunier,Christophe Lucas,Mathias K?lliker Proceedings. Biological sciences 2014 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Feces production as a form of social immunity in an insect with facultative maternal care. Janina M C Diehl,Maximilian K?rner,Michael Pietsch,Jo?l Meunier BMC evolutionary biology 2015 조회
    Impact of insecticide exposure on the predation activity of the European earwig Forficula auricularia. Laure Malagnoux,Yvan Capowiez,Magali Rault Environmental science and pollution research international 2015 조회
    Management strategies in apple orchards influence earwig community. Laure Malagnoux,Ga?lle Marliac,Sylvaine Simon,Magali Rault,Yvan Capowiez Chemosphere 2015 조회
    Negative association between parental care and sibling cooperation in earwigs: a new perspective on the early evolution of family life? J Kramer,J Thesing,J Meunier Journal of evolutionary biology 2015 조회
    Parent-offspring conflict and the genetic trade-offs shaping parental investment. Mathias K?lliker,Stefan Boos,Janine W Y Wong,Lilian R?llin,Dimitri Stucki,Shirley Raveh,Min Wu,Jo?l Meunier Nature communications 2015 조회
    Cues of maternal condition influence offspring selfishness. Janine W Y Wong,Christophe Lucas,Mathias K?lliker PloS one 2014 조회
    De novo transcriptome hybrid assembly and validation in the European earwig (Dermaptera, Forficula auricularia). Anne C Roulin,Min Wu,Samuel Pichon,Roberto Arbore,Simone K?hn-B?hlmann,Mathias K?lliker,Jean-Claude Walser PloS one 2014 조회
    Effects of food restriction across stages of juvenile and early adult development on body weight, survival and adult life history. J W Y Wong,M K?lliker Journal of evolutionary biology 2014 조회
    Mother and offspring fitness in an insect with maternal care: phenotypic trade-offs between egg number, egg mass and egg care. Lisa K Koch,Jo?l Meunier BMC evolutionary biology 2014 조회
    Paternal signature in kin recognition cues of a social insect: concealed in juveniles, revealed in adults. Janine W Y Wong,Jo?l Meunier,Christophe Lucas,Mathias K?lliker Proceedings. Biological sciences 2014 조회

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