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매듭풀 bookmark_add Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl.

Hedysarum striatum Thunb.

산, 들, 길가 등에서 높이 10~30cm가량 자라는 한해살이풀이다. 밑에서 가지가 많이 갈라지고 줄기 밑에 밑을 향한 잔털이 있다. 잎은 어긋나며 3출겹잎이다. 작은잎은 긴 도란형으로 길이 10~15mm, 폭 5~8mm이며, 끝이 둥글거나 둔하고 가장자리는 밋밋하고 털이 있다. 꽃은 8~9월에 피는데 잎겨드랑이에서 1~2개씩 달리며 연한 홍색으로 핀다. 꽃받침은 짧은 털이 있으며 끝이 5개로 갈라진다. 꽃잎은 길이 5mm쯤으로 꽃받침보다 2배쯤 길다. 폐쇄화에는 꽃잎이 없다. 열매는 협과, 9월에 익으며 난형이고 1개의 씨가 들어 있다. 우리나라 전역에 나며, 타이완, 러시아, 일본, 중국 등에 분포한다. 북아메리카에는 귀화하여 분포한다. 둥근매듭풀은 줄기에 난 털이 위를 향하고, 잎의 끝이 들어가며, 꼬투리의 길이는 꽃받침 길이의 2배 정도로 길므로 구분된다. 사료, 약으로 이용한다. 매돕풀이라고도 한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 대만, 러시아, 일본, 중국; 북아메리카(귀화) [2]

    전국 [2]

    타이완, 러시아, 일본, 중국; 북아메리카(귀화) [3]

  • 산, 들, 길가에 자란다. 꽃은 8~9월에 핀다. [2]

    한해살이풀이다. 꽃은 8~9월에 핀다. [3]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2019), 국외반출 승인대상 생물자원 선정 연구

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Anti-melanogenic and anti-oxidant activities of ethanol extract of <i>Kummerowia striata</i>: <i>Kummerowia striata</i> regulate anti-melanogenic activity through down-regulation of TRP-1, TRP-2 and MITF expression Lee, Jae Yeon;Cho, Young-Rak;Park, Ju Hyoung;Ahn, Eun-Kyung;Jeong, Wonsik;Shin, Hyoung Seok;Kim, Mi-Sun;Yang, Seung Hwan;Oh, Joa Sub; Toxicology reports 2019
    An invasive plant promotes its arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses and competitiveness through its secondary metabolites: indirect evidence from activated carbon. Yongge Yuan,Jianjun Tang,Dong Leng,Shuijin Hu,Jean W H Yong,Xin Chen PloS one 2014 조회
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal mediation of plant-plant interactions in a marshland plant community. Qian Zhang,Qixiang Sun,Roger T Koide,Zhenhua Peng,Jinxing Zhou,Xungang Gu,Weidong Gao,Meng Yu TheScientificWorldJournal 2014 조회
    Soil characteristics and heavy metal accumulation by native plants in a Mn mining area of Guangxi, South China. Jie Liu,Xue-hong Zhang,Tian-yu Li,Qing-xin Wu,Zhen-jiang Jin Environmental monitoring and assessment 2013 조회
    Plant coexistence can enhance phytoextraction of cadmium by tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in contaminated soil. Ling Liu,Yuefang Li,Jianjun Tang,Liangliang Hu,Xin Chen Journal of environmental sciences (China) 2011 조회
    Anti-inflammatory effects of ethanol extract from Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl on lps-stimulated RAW 264.7 cell. Jun-Yan Tao,Lei Zhao,Zhi-Jun Huang,Xiao-Yu Zhang,Shu-Ling Zhang,Qiong-Guang Zhang,Fei-Xiao,Bao-Hui Zhang,Qi-Lin Feng,Guo-Hua Zheng Inflammation 2008 조회
    Diverse rhizobia that nodulate two species of Kummerowia in China. Dong Xu Lin,Chao Xin Man,En Tao Wang,Wen Xin Chen Archives of microbiology 2007 조회
    Evaluation of the estrogenic activity of Leguminosae plants. Hye Hyun Yoo,Taehyeong Kim,Soyun Ahn,Yoon Jung Kim,Hyun Young Kim,Xiang Lan Piao,Jeong Hill Park Biological &amp; pharmaceutical bulletin 2005 조회
    Herbaceous vegetation productivity, persistence, and metals uptake on a biosolids-amended mine soil. G K Evanylo,A O Abaye,C Dundas,C E Zipper,R Lemus,B Sukkariyah,J Rockett Journal of environmental quality 2005 조회
    Inhibitory effect of luteolin 4-O-glucoside from Kummerowia striata and other flavonoids on interleukin-5 bioactivity. K Y Park,S H Lee,B K Min,K S Lee,J S Choi,S R Chung,K R Min,Y Kim Planta medica 1999 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Anti-melanogenic and anti-oxidant activities of ethanol extract of <i>Kummerowia striata</i>: <i>Kummerowia striata</i> regulate anti-melanogenic activity through down-regulation of TRP-1, TRP-2 and MITF expression Lee, Jae Yeon;Cho, Young-Rak;Park, Ju Hyoung;Ahn, Eun-Kyung;Jeong, Wonsik;Shin, Hyoung Seok;Kim, Mi-Sun;Yang, Seung Hwan;Oh, Joa Sub; Toxicology reports 2019
    An invasive plant promotes its arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses and competitiveness through its secondary metabolites: indirect evidence from activated carbon. Yongge Yuan,Jianjun Tang,Dong Leng,Shuijin Hu,Jean W H Yong,Xin Chen PloS one 2014 조회
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal mediation of plant-plant interactions in a marshland plant community. Qian Zhang,Qixiang Sun,Roger T Koide,Zhenhua Peng,Jinxing Zhou,Xungang Gu,Weidong Gao,Meng Yu TheScientificWorldJournal 2014 조회
    Soil characteristics and heavy metal accumulation by native plants in a Mn mining area of Guangxi, South China. Jie Liu,Xue-hong Zhang,Tian-yu Li,Qing-xin Wu,Zhen-jiang Jin Environmental monitoring and assessment 2013 조회
    Plant coexistence can enhance phytoextraction of cadmium by tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in contaminated soil. Ling Liu,Yuefang Li,Jianjun Tang,Liangliang Hu,Xin Chen Journal of environmental sciences (China) 2011 조회
    Anti-inflammatory effects of ethanol extract from Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl on lps-stimulated RAW 264.7 cell. Jun-Yan Tao,Lei Zhao,Zhi-Jun Huang,Xiao-Yu Zhang,Shu-Ling Zhang,Qiong-Guang Zhang,Fei-Xiao,Bao-Hui Zhang,Qi-Lin Feng,Guo-Hua Zheng Inflammation 2008 조회
    Diverse rhizobia that nodulate two species of Kummerowia in China. Dong Xu Lin,Chao Xin Man,En Tao Wang,Wen Xin Chen Archives of microbiology 2007 조회
    Evaluation of the estrogenic activity of Leguminosae plants. Hye Hyun Yoo,Taehyeong Kim,Soyun Ahn,Yoon Jung Kim,Hyun Young Kim,Xiang Lan Piao,Jeong Hill Park Biological &amp; pharmaceutical bulletin 2005 조회
    Herbaceous vegetation productivity, persistence, and metals uptake on a biosolids-amended mine soil. G K Evanylo,A O Abaye,C Dundas,C E Zipper,R Lemus,B Sukkariyah,J Rockett Journal of environmental quality 2005 조회
    Inhibitory effect of luteolin 4-O-glucoside from Kummerowia striata and other flavonoids on interleukin-5 bioactivity. K Y Park,S H Lee,B K Min,K S Lee,J S Choi,S R Chung,K R Min,Y Kim Planta medica 1999 조회

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    Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl. 매듭풀 rbcL rbcLaF/FGA043R 국립생물자원관
    Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl. 매듭풀 rbcL rbcLaF/FGA043R 국립생물자원관
    Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl. 매듭풀 rbcL rbcLaF/FGA043R 국립생물자원관

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    • 김준태 ; 김종균 (1992) 콩과(科) 식물(植物) 주변(周邊)의 토양(土壤)에서 발견(發見)되는 VA-mycorrhizae. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 20 (3) : 171 – 182

      around the Kongju National University ( )
    • 안태근 ; 이민웅 ; 이상선 (1992) 콩과식물 주변 토양의 내생균근균에 관한 생태학적 연구. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 20 (3) : 204 – 215

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