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이삭물수세미 bookmark_add Myriophyllum spicatum L.

저수지, 하천 등에서 자라는 여러해살이풀로 침수성 수생식물이다. 줄기는 연약하고 물 깊이에 따라 2m까지 자라며, 두께 2~3mm, 윗부분에서 가지가 갈라진다. 물속 잎은 잎자루가 없고 4개씩 돌려나며 길이 2~3cm, 깃 모양으로 길게 갈라지며 깃꼴잎은 13~15개가 마주나며 길이 0.5~1.5cm다. 꽃은 7~9월에 피는데 이삭모양꽃차례는 물 밖으로 나오며 길이 3~8cm, 10개 이상의 마디가 있어 마디에서 4개의 꽃이 달린다. 수꽃은 꽃차례 윗부분에 달리며, 암꽃은 꽃차례 아랫부분에 달린다. 열매는 난형, 길이 1.5~2.0mm, 등 쪽에 미세한 털이 있으며 3~5개의 돌기가 있다. 한반도 평안남도, 황해도, 경기도, 강원도, 경상남도, 전라도 등에 나며, 북반구 한대지역에 분포한다. 물수세미는 꽃이 잎겨드랑이에 달리지만, 이삭물수세미는 물 밖으로 나오는 줄기 끝에 이삭꽃차례로 달리므로 구분된다. 담수녹조(남조류) 억제 효과가 있으며, 연못이나 수조에 관상용으로 심는다. 전초를 약재로 이용한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 평남, 황북, 황남, 경기, 경북, 경남, 전북, 전남 [2]

    분포: 북반구 냉대 및 온대 지역 [2]

    북반구 한대 [3]

    평안남도, 황해도, 경기도, 강원도, 경상남도, 전라도 [3]

  • 개화기: 6-8월 [2]

    여러해살이 침수성 수생식물이다. 꽃은 7~9월에 핀다. [3]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2016), 한국생물지발간연구

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2013), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    A toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic model approach of Myriophyllum spicatum to predict effects caused by short-term exposure to a sulfonylurea. Simon Heine,Frederik Schild,Walter Schmitt,Ralph Krebber,Gerhard G?rlitz,Thomas G Preuss Environmental toxicology and chemistry 2015 조회
    Colonization by fragments of the submerged macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum under different sediment type and density conditions. Feng Li,Lianlian Zhu,Yonghong Xie,Li Jiang,Xinsheng Chen,Zhengmiao Deng,Baihan Pan Scientific reports 2015 조회
    Effects of surrounding land use on metal accumulation in environments and submerged plants in subtropical ponds. Hui Liu,Hongmei Bu,Guihua Liu,Zhixiu Wang,Wenzhi Liu Environmental science and pollution research international 2015 조회
    Estimating relative risk of within-lake aquatic plant invasion using combined measures of recreational boater movement and habitat suitability. Marion E Wittmann,Bruce E Kendall,Christopher L Jerde,Lars W J Anderson PeerJ 2015 조회
    Experimental tests of priority effects and light availability on relative performance of Myriophyllum spicatum and Elodea nuttallii propagules in artificial stream channels. Emily P Zefferman PloS one 2015 조회
    Induced responses to grazing by an insect herbivore (Acentria ephemerella) in an immature macrophyte (Myriophyllum spicatum): an isotopic study. Karl-Otto Rothhaupt,Felix Fornoff,Elizabeth Yohannes Ecology and evolution 2015 조회
    Metabolic Effect Level Index Links Multivariate Metabolic Fingerprints to Ecotoxicological Effect Assessment. Janet Riedl,Ren? Schreiber,Matthias Otto,Hermann Heilmeier,Rolf Altenburger,Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen Environmental science & technology 2015 조회
    Monitoring of heavy metal burden in mute swan (Cygnus olor). Adrienn Gr?z,G?za Szemer?dy,?va Kormos,P?ter Budai,Szilvia Majoros,Eleon?ra Tompai,J?zsef Lehel Environmental science and pollution research international 2015 조회
    Native and non-native plants provide similar refuge to invertebrate prey, but less than artificial plants. Bart M C Grutters,Bart J A Pollux,Wilco C E P Verberk,Elisabeth S Bakker PloS one 2015 조회
    Some arguments in favor of a Myriophyllum aquaticum growth inhibition test in a water-sediment system as an additional test in risk assessment of herbicides. Tanja Tuni?,Varja Kne?evi?,?urđa Kerkez,Aleksandra Tubi?,Dragana ?unjka,Sanja Lazi?,Dragica Brki?,Ivana Teodorovi? Environmental toxicology and chemistry 2015 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    A toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic model approach of Myriophyllum spicatum to predict effects caused by short-term exposure to a sulfonylurea. Simon Heine,Frederik Schild,Walter Schmitt,Ralph Krebber,Gerhard G?rlitz,Thomas G Preuss Environmental toxicology and chemistry 2015 조회
    Colonization by fragments of the submerged macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum under different sediment type and density conditions. Feng Li,Lianlian Zhu,Yonghong Xie,Li Jiang,Xinsheng Chen,Zhengmiao Deng,Baihan Pan Scientific reports 2015 조회
    Effects of surrounding land use on metal accumulation in environments and submerged plants in subtropical ponds. Hui Liu,Hongmei Bu,Guihua Liu,Zhixiu Wang,Wenzhi Liu Environmental science and pollution research international 2015 조회
    Estimating relative risk of within-lake aquatic plant invasion using combined measures of recreational boater movement and habitat suitability. Marion E Wittmann,Bruce E Kendall,Christopher L Jerde,Lars W J Anderson PeerJ 2015 조회
    Experimental tests of priority effects and light availability on relative performance of Myriophyllum spicatum and Elodea nuttallii propagules in artificial stream channels. Emily P Zefferman PloS one 2015 조회
    Induced responses to grazing by an insect herbivore (Acentria ephemerella) in an immature macrophyte (Myriophyllum spicatum): an isotopic study. Karl-Otto Rothhaupt,Felix Fornoff,Elizabeth Yohannes Ecology and evolution 2015 조회
    Metabolic Effect Level Index Links Multivariate Metabolic Fingerprints to Ecotoxicological Effect Assessment. Janet Riedl,Ren? Schreiber,Matthias Otto,Hermann Heilmeier,Rolf Altenburger,Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen Environmental science & technology 2015 조회
    Monitoring of heavy metal burden in mute swan (Cygnus olor). Adrienn Gr?z,G?za Szemer?dy,?va Kormos,P?ter Budai,Szilvia Majoros,Eleon?ra Tompai,J?zsef Lehel Environmental science and pollution research international 2015 조회
    Native and non-native plants provide similar refuge to invertebrate prey, but less than artificial plants. Bart M C Grutters,Bart J A Pollux,Wilco C E P Verberk,Elisabeth S Bakker PloS one 2015 조회
    Some arguments in favor of a Myriophyllum aquaticum growth inhibition test in a water-sediment system as an additional test in risk assessment of herbicides. Tanja Tuni?,Varja Kne?evi?,?urđa Kerkez,Aleksandra Tubi?,Dragana ?unjka,Sanja Lazi?,Dragica Brki?,Ivana Teodorovi? Environmental toxicology and chemistry 2015 조회

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    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRVP0000016733 Myriophyllum spicatum L." / 이삭물수세미 전라북도 고창... / 2007-05-05 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000017057 Myriophyllum spicatum L." / 이삭물수세미 전라북도 고창... / 2007-07-04 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000107756 Myriophyllum spicatum L." / 이삭물수세미 경상남도 합천... / 2002-09-18 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000107757 Myriophyllum spicatum L." / 이삭물수세미 경상남도 합천... / 2002-09-18 건조표본 1건
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    NIBRVP0000121719 Myriophyllum spicatum L." / 이삭물수세미 경기도 안산시... 대부도 / 2007-09-12 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000121885 Myriophyllum spicatum L." / 이삭물수세미 경기도 안산시... 대부도 / 2007-09-12 건조표본 1건
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    NIBRVP0000151333 Myriophyllum spicatum L." / 이삭물수세미 강원도 고성군... / 2008-07-06 건조표본 1건

    소재 (총21건)

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    NIBRGR0000136779 Myriophyllum spicatum L. / 이삭물수세미 전라남도 곡성... 섬진강 / 2012-08-27 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000136797 Myriophyllum spicatum L. / 이삭물수세미 강원도 강릉시... 연곡천 / 2012-09-05 조직 1건
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