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누운땅빈대 bookmark_add Euphorbia prostrata Aiton

열대 아메리카 원산의 귀화식물로 국내에는 태안군 일대에 자란다. 유럽과 아시아에 귀화하였다. 줄기는 땅 위를 기며, 사방으로 가지가 갈라지고, 붉은색 또는 녹색을 띠며, 흰색 털이 있다. 잎은 마주나며, 타원형 또는 난형으로 앞면은 녹색이고 간혹 붉은색을 띠며, 뒷면은 백록색이다. 꽃은 9~10월에 피며, 잎겨드랑이에서 배상꽃차례로 달린다. 열매는 삭과, 세모지며 능선을 따라 길고 흰 털이 난다. [저작재산권자]

  • 아시아, 유럽(귀화); 열대 아메리카(원산) [2]

    충청남도(태안) [2]

  • 여러해살이풀이다. 꽃은 9~10월에 핀다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2013), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Green Synthesis of Silver and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Using Euphorbia prostrata Extract Shows Shift from Apoptosis to G0/G1 Arrest followed by Necrotic Cell Death in Leishmania donovani. Abdul Abduz Zahir,Indira Singh Chauhan,Asokan Bagavan,Chinnaperumal Kamaraj,Gandhi Elango,Jai Shankar,Nidhi Arjaria,Selvaraj Mohana Roopan,Abdul Abdul Rahuman,Neeloo Singh Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2015 조회
    Evaluation of different extracts and synthesised silver nanoparticles from leaves of Euphorbia prostrata against Haemaphysalis bispinosa and Hippobosca maculata. A Abduz Zahir,A Abdul Rahuman Veterinary parasitology 2012 조회
    Study of the anti-hyperglycemic effect of plants used as antidiabetics. F J Alarcon-Aguilara,R Roman-Ramos,S Perez-Gutierrez,A Aguilar-Contreras,C C Contreras-Weber,J L Flores-Saenz Journal of ethnopharmacology 1998 조회
    Topical antiinflammatory effects of Euphorbia prostrata on carrageenan-induced footpad oedema in mice. A K Singla,K Pathak Journal of ethnopharmacology 1990 조회
    Anti-inflammatory studies on Euphorbia prostrata. A K Singla,K Pathak Journal of ethnopharmacology 1989 조회
    Effects of Euphorbia prostrata and Fumaria parviflora in normoglycaemic and alloxan-treated hyperglycaemic rabbits. M S Akhtar,Q M Khan,T Khaliq Planta medica 1984 조회
    Experimental evaluation of dugdhika (euphorbia prostrata w. Ait) for the treatment of tamaka svasa (bronchial asthma). G D Sharma,S N Tripathi Ancient science of life 1984 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Green Synthesis of Silver and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Using Euphorbia prostrata Extract Shows Shift from Apoptosis to G0/G1 Arrest followed by Necrotic Cell Death in Leishmania donovani. Abdul Abduz Zahir,Indira Singh Chauhan,Asokan Bagavan,Chinnaperumal Kamaraj,Gandhi Elango,Jai Shankar,Nidhi Arjaria,Selvaraj Mohana Roopan,Abdul Abdul Rahuman,Neeloo Singh Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2015 조회
    Evaluation of different extracts and synthesised silver nanoparticles from leaves of Euphorbia prostrata against Haemaphysalis bispinosa and Hippobosca maculata. A Abduz Zahir,A Abdul Rahuman Veterinary parasitology 2012 조회
    Study of the anti-hyperglycemic effect of plants used as antidiabetics. F J Alarcon-Aguilara,R Roman-Ramos,S Perez-Gutierrez,A Aguilar-Contreras,C C Contreras-Weber,J L Flores-Saenz Journal of ethnopharmacology 1998 조회
    Topical antiinflammatory effects of Euphorbia prostrata on carrageenan-induced footpad oedema in mice. A K Singla,K Pathak Journal of ethnopharmacology 1990 조회
    Anti-inflammatory studies on Euphorbia prostrata. A K Singla,K Pathak Journal of ethnopharmacology 1989 조회
    Effects of Euphorbia prostrata and Fumaria parviflora in normoglycaemic and alloxan-treated hyperglycaemic rabbits. M S Akhtar,Q M Khan,T Khaliq Planta medica 1984 조회
    Experimental evaluation of dugdhika (euphorbia prostrata w. Ait) for the treatment of tamaka svasa (bronchial asthma). G D Sharma,S N Tripathi Ancient science of life 1984 조회

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    NIBRGR0000675636 Euphorbia prostrata Aiton / 누운땅빈대 / 2021-10-17 조직 1건
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