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철갑상어 bookmark_add Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1835

철갑상어목 철갑상어과에 속하는 어류이다. 전체 길이는 2m 정도이다. 몸통은 긴 원통형이고 딱딱한 비늘이 있다. 입은 주둥이 아래쪽으로 열리고 입 아래쪽에 수염이 있다. 눈 뒤쪽에 분수공이 있다. 등지느러미는 몸 뒤쪽에 위치하고 뒷지느러미보다 약간 앞에서 시작된다. 꼬리지느러미의 윗부분과 아랫부분은 비대칭으로 위의 것이 길다. 등 색깔은 진한 청회색이고, 배는 흰색을 띤다. 바다에서 생활하며 산란하기 위해 강으로 돌아온다. 저서성 동물을 주로 먹는다. [저작재산권자]

  • 중국, 일본, 러시아 [2]

    서해 및 남해로 흐르는 강 하구 [2]

  • 바다에서 생활하며 산란하기 위해 강으로 돌아온다. 저서성 동물을 주로 먹는다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2018), 한반도의생물다양성시스템고도화


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  • 논문 (76건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Quantitative analysis of marker compounds in Angelica gigas, Angelica sinensis, and Angelica acutiloba by HPLC/DAD. Su Yang Jeong,Hye Mi Kim,Kyu Ha Lee,Kyu Yeob Kim,Dae Sun Huang,Jong Hwan Kim,Rack Seon Seong Quantitative analysis of marker compounds in Angelica gigas, Angelica sinensis, and Angelica acutiloba by HPLC/DAD. 2015 조회
    Coexistence of Two Congeneric Praying Mantids: A 7-Year Field Study of Reproductive Success and Failure. Robert K Rose,Lawrence E Hurd Coexistence of Two Congeneric Praying Mantids: A 7-Year Field Study of Reproductive Success and Failure. 2016 조회
    Synergistic Effect of Ferulic Acid and Z-Ligustilide, Major Components of A. sinensis, on Regulating Cold-Sensing Protein TRPM8 and TPRA1 In Vitro. Yuwei Pan,Guoping Zhao,Zejian Cai,Fengguo Chen,Dandan Xu,Si Huang,Hai Lan,Yi Tong Synergistic Effect of Ferulic Acid and Z-Ligustilide, Major Components of A. sinensis, on Regulating Cold-Sensing Protein TRPM8 and TPRA1 In Vitro. 2016 조회
    De novo annotation of the immune-enriched transcriptome provides insights into immune system genes of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis). Rong Zhu,He-Jun Du,Shun-Yi Li,Ya-Dong Li,Hong Ni,Xue-Jing Yu,Yan-Yan Yang,Yu-Ding Fan,Nan Jiang,Ling-Bing Zeng,Xing-Guo Wang De novo annotation of the immune-enriched transcriptome provides insights into immune system genes of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis). 2016 조회
    [Cloning and tissue expression of 4-coumarate coenzyme A ligase gene in Angelica sinensis]. Sui-chao Wen,Yin-quan Wang,Jun Luo,Qi Xia,Qin Fan,Shu-nan Li,Zhen-heng Wang [Cloning and tissue expression of 4-coumarate coenzyme A ligase gene in Angelica sinensis]. 2015 조회
    Salinity stress induces the production of 2-(2-phenylethyl)chromones and regulates novel classes of responsive genes involved in signal transduction in Aquilaria sinensis calli. Xiaohui Wang,Bowen Gao,Xiao Liu,Xianjuan Dong,Zhongxiu Zhang,Huiyan Fan,Le Zhang,Juan Wang,Shepo Shi,Pengfei Tu Salinity stress induces the production of 2-(2-phenylethyl)chromones and regulates novel classes of responsive genes involved in signal transduction in Aquilaria sinensis calli. 2016 조회
    Angelica sinensis in China-A review of botanical profile, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and chemical analysis. Wen-Long Wei,Rui Zeng,Cai-Mei Gu,Yan Qu,Lin-Fang Huang Angelica sinensis in China-A review of botanical profile, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and chemical analysis. 2016 조회
    Transcriptome Sequencing of Chemically Induced Aquilaria sinensis to Identify Genes Related to Agarwood Formation. Wei Ye,Hongqing Wu,Xin He,Lei Wang,Weimin Zhang,Haohua Li,Yunfei Fan,Guohui Tan,Taomei Liu,Xiaoxia Gao Transcriptome Sequencing of Chemically Induced Aquilaria sinensis to Identify Genes Related to Agarwood Formation. 2016 조회
    Five 2-(2-Phenylethyl)chromones from Sodium Chloride-Elicited Aquilaria sinensis Cell Suspension Cultures. Zhongxiu Zhang,Xiaohui Wang,Wanqing Yang,Juan Wang,Cong Su,Xiao Liu,Jun Li,Yunfang Zhao,Shepo Shi,Pengfei Tu Five 2-(2-Phenylethyl)chromones from Sodium Chloride-Elicited Aquilaria sinensis Cell Suspension Cultures. 2016 조회
    [Protective effect of Angelica sinensis polysaccharides on subacute renal damages induced by D-galactose in mice and its mechanism]. Yan-ling Fan,Jie-yu Xia,Dao-yong Jia,Meng-si Zhang,Yan-yan Zhang,Lu Wang,Guo-ning Huang,Ya-ping Wang [Protective effect of Angelica sinensis polysaccharides on subacute renal damages induced by D-galactose in mice and its mechanism]. 2015 조회

    특허 (33건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Sterilizing, temperature controlling, circulating, filtering and aquaculture device for Acipenser sinensis | Device for raising Chinese sturgeon with the functions of sterilization, temperature control and circulating filtration FENG, Guang-peng 2008-12-22 조회
    Temporary cultivation apparatus for wild acipenser sinensis juvenile fish caught by mistake | Temporary cultivating device for the falsely caught wild Yangtze River sturgeon ZHAO, Tao | ZHUANG, Ping | ZHANG, Long-zhen | LIU, Jian-yi | FENG, Guang-peng | ZHAO, Feng | HUANG, Xiao-rong | HOU, Jun-li 2008-01-28 조회
    Three-stage aerating, precipitating and filtering tank for Chinese sturgeon culture | Three-stage aeration settling filtering tank for culturing Acipenser sinensis FENG, Guang-peng 2008-12-22 조회
    Identification method of Chinese sturgeon juvenile fish wile population and artificial breeding population | Identification method of sturgeon young wild population and artificial tagging population of Guangpeng Feng | Xiaorong Huang | Jianyi Liu | Longzhen Zhang | Tao Zhang | Feng Zhao | Ping Zhuang 2007-10-22 조회
    Real-time fluorescence PCR assay kit for Chinese sturgeon and detection method thereof | Acipenser sinensis real time fluorescence PCR detection kit and detection method thereof HUANG, Wen-sheng | JIANG, Yuan | WU, Bin | SHEN, Chong-yu | ZHANG, Rui | SHAO, Jing-dong | ZHANG, Xiao-wu | ZHU, Chang-qing 2010-07-02 조회
    Permanent marking method for groups of artificially cultivated Chinese sturgeon juvenile fish FENG, Guang-peng | HUANG, Xiao-rong | HOU, Jun-li | LIU, Jian-yi | ZHAO, Feng | ZHANG, Tao | ZHUANG, Ping | ZHANG, Long-zhen | YAN, Wen-gang 2009-06-22 조회
    Chinese sturgen artificial insemination method and used diluent | Acipenser sinensis artificial insemination method and dilute solution Liu, Jian-yi | Wei, Qi-wei | Yang, De-guo | Chen, Xi-hua | Zhu, Yong-jiu | Wang, KAI 2005-09-29 조회
    Sea water domesticating method for Chinese sturgeon | Acipenser sinensis seawater domestication method Jun Li | Zhizhong Xiao 2004-09-15 조회
    Method for temporarily cultivating wild Acipenser sinensis juvenile fish caught by mistake | Temporary cultivating method of accidentally captured wild Chinese sturgeon ZHUANG, Ping | ZHANG, Tao | ZHANG, Long-zhen | LIU, Jian-yi | FENG, Guang-peng | ZHAO, Feng | HUANG, Xiao-rong | HOU, Jun-li 2008-01-28 조회
    Compositional agent for rapid healing large-sized Acipenser sinensis with serious injury | Large acipenser sinensis fast recovery unit agent Ping Zhuang | Guangpeng Feng | Feng Zhao | Longzhen Zhang | Jianyi Liu | Tao Zhang | Xiaorong Huang | Junli Hou 2008-01-28 조회

    전통지식(문헌) (2건)

    문헌명 전통지식(문헌)조사내용 번역문 용도 열람등급
    자산어보 크기는 수십 자, 모양은 큰 민어를 닮았다. 비늘은 손바닥만큼씩 크고, 강철과 같이 단단하다. 다섯가지 색이 섞여 무늬를 이루고 있어 매우 선명할 뿐아니라 미끄럽다. 비공개
    자산어보 길이는 10.5자 정도이다. 모양은 다른 상어와 유사하나 몸이 약간 좁고 윗입술에 2개의 촉수가 있고 아랫입술에는 한 개의 촉수가 있다. 촉수를 들추어 보면 털이 더부룩하다. 비늘 크기는 손바닥만하고 층층이 쌓인 기왓장과 같이 매우 현란하다. 이 물고기를 먹으면 곧잘 학질이 떨어진다. 비공개

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    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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    논문 (76건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Quantitative analysis of marker compounds in Angelica gigas, Angelica sinensis, and Angelica acutiloba by HPLC/DAD. Su Yang Jeong,Hye Mi Kim,Kyu Ha Lee,Kyu Yeob Kim,Dae Sun Huang,Jong Hwan Kim,Rack Seon Seong Quantitative analysis of marker compounds in Angelica gigas, Angelica sinensis, and Angelica acutiloba by HPLC/DAD. 2015 조회
    Coexistence of Two Congeneric Praying Mantids: A 7-Year Field Study of Reproductive Success and Failure. Robert K Rose,Lawrence E Hurd Coexistence of Two Congeneric Praying Mantids: A 7-Year Field Study of Reproductive Success and Failure. 2016 조회
    Synergistic Effect of Ferulic Acid and Z-Ligustilide, Major Components of A. sinensis, on Regulating Cold-Sensing Protein TRPM8 and TPRA1 In Vitro. Yuwei Pan,Guoping Zhao,Zejian Cai,Fengguo Chen,Dandan Xu,Si Huang,Hai Lan,Yi Tong Synergistic Effect of Ferulic Acid and Z-Ligustilide, Major Components of A. sinensis, on Regulating Cold-Sensing Protein TRPM8 and TPRA1 In Vitro. 2016 조회
    De novo annotation of the immune-enriched transcriptome provides insights into immune system genes of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis). Rong Zhu,He-Jun Du,Shun-Yi Li,Ya-Dong Li,Hong Ni,Xue-Jing Yu,Yan-Yan Yang,Yu-Ding Fan,Nan Jiang,Ling-Bing Zeng,Xing-Guo Wang De novo annotation of the immune-enriched transcriptome provides insights into immune system genes of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis). 2016 조회
    [Cloning and tissue expression of 4-coumarate coenzyme A ligase gene in Angelica sinensis]. Sui-chao Wen,Yin-quan Wang,Jun Luo,Qi Xia,Qin Fan,Shu-nan Li,Zhen-heng Wang [Cloning and tissue expression of 4-coumarate coenzyme A ligase gene in Angelica sinensis]. 2015 조회
    Salinity stress induces the production of 2-(2-phenylethyl)chromones and regulates novel classes of responsive genes involved in signal transduction in Aquilaria sinensis calli. Xiaohui Wang,Bowen Gao,Xiao Liu,Xianjuan Dong,Zhongxiu Zhang,Huiyan Fan,Le Zhang,Juan Wang,Shepo Shi,Pengfei Tu Salinity stress induces the production of 2-(2-phenylethyl)chromones and regulates novel classes of responsive genes involved in signal transduction in Aquilaria sinensis calli. 2016 조회
    Angelica sinensis in China-A review of botanical profile, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and chemical analysis. Wen-Long Wei,Rui Zeng,Cai-Mei Gu,Yan Qu,Lin-Fang Huang Angelica sinensis in China-A review of botanical profile, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and chemical analysis. 2016 조회
    Transcriptome Sequencing of Chemically Induced Aquilaria sinensis to Identify Genes Related to Agarwood Formation. Wei Ye,Hongqing Wu,Xin He,Lei Wang,Weimin Zhang,Haohua Li,Yunfei Fan,Guohui Tan,Taomei Liu,Xiaoxia Gao Transcriptome Sequencing of Chemically Induced Aquilaria sinensis to Identify Genes Related to Agarwood Formation. 2016 조회
    Five 2-(2-Phenylethyl)chromones from Sodium Chloride-Elicited Aquilaria sinensis Cell Suspension Cultures. Zhongxiu Zhang,Xiaohui Wang,Wanqing Yang,Juan Wang,Cong Su,Xiao Liu,Jun Li,Yunfang Zhao,Shepo Shi,Pengfei Tu Five 2-(2-Phenylethyl)chromones from Sodium Chloride-Elicited Aquilaria sinensis Cell Suspension Cultures. 2016 조회
    [Protective effect of Angelica sinensis polysaccharides on subacute renal damages induced by D-galactose in mice and its mechanism]. Yan-ling Fan,Jie-yu Xia,Dao-yong Jia,Meng-si Zhang,Yan-yan Zhang,Lu Wang,Guo-ning Huang,Ya-ping Wang [Protective effect of Angelica sinensis polysaccharides on subacute renal damages induced by D-galactose in mice and its mechanism]. 2015 조회

    특허 (33건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Sterilizing, temperature controlling, circulating, filtering and aquaculture device for Acipenser sinensis | Device for raising Chinese sturgeon with the functions of sterilization, temperature control and circulating filtration FENG, Guang-peng 2008-12-22 조회
    Temporary cultivation apparatus for wild acipenser sinensis juvenile fish caught by mistake | Temporary cultivating device for the falsely caught wild Yangtze River sturgeon ZHAO, Tao | ZHUANG, Ping | ZHANG, Long-zhen | LIU, Jian-yi | FENG, Guang-peng | ZHAO, Feng | HUANG, Xiao-rong | HOU, Jun-li 2008-01-28 조회
    Three-stage aerating, precipitating and filtering tank for Chinese sturgeon culture | Three-stage aeration settling filtering tank for culturing Acipenser sinensis FENG, Guang-peng 2008-12-22 조회
    Identification method of Chinese sturgeon juvenile fish wile population and artificial breeding population | Identification method of sturgeon young wild population and artificial tagging population of Guangpeng Feng | Xiaorong Huang | Jianyi Liu | Longzhen Zhang | Tao Zhang | Feng Zhao | Ping Zhuang 2007-10-22 조회
    Real-time fluorescence PCR assay kit for Chinese sturgeon and detection method thereof | Acipenser sinensis real time fluorescence PCR detection kit and detection method thereof HUANG, Wen-sheng | JIANG, Yuan | WU, Bin | SHEN, Chong-yu | ZHANG, Rui | SHAO, Jing-dong | ZHANG, Xiao-wu | ZHU, Chang-qing 2010-07-02 조회
    Permanent marking method for groups of artificially cultivated Chinese sturgeon juvenile fish FENG, Guang-peng | HUANG, Xiao-rong | HOU, Jun-li | LIU, Jian-yi | ZHAO, Feng | ZHANG, Tao | ZHUANG, Ping | ZHANG, Long-zhen | YAN, Wen-gang 2009-06-22 조회
    Chinese sturgen artificial insemination method and used diluent | Acipenser sinensis artificial insemination method and dilute solution Liu, Jian-yi | Wei, Qi-wei | Yang, De-guo | Chen, Xi-hua | Zhu, Yong-jiu | Wang, KAI 2005-09-29 조회
    Sea water domesticating method for Chinese sturgeon | Acipenser sinensis seawater domestication method Jun Li | Zhizhong Xiao 2004-09-15 조회
    Method for temporarily cultivating wild Acipenser sinensis juvenile fish caught by mistake | Temporary cultivating method of accidentally captured wild Chinese sturgeon ZHUANG, Ping | ZHANG, Tao | ZHANG, Long-zhen | LIU, Jian-yi | FENG, Guang-peng | ZHAO, Feng | HUANG, Xiao-rong | HOU, Jun-li 2008-01-28 조회
    Compositional agent for rapid healing large-sized Acipenser sinensis with serious injury | Large acipenser sinensis fast recovery unit agent Ping Zhuang | Guangpeng Feng | Feng Zhao | Longzhen Zhang | Jianyi Liu | Tao Zhang | Xiaorong Huang | Junli Hou 2008-01-28 조회

    전통지식(문헌) (2건)

    문헌명 전통지식(문헌)조사내용 번역문 용도 열람등급
    자산어보 크기는 수십 자, 모양은 큰 민어를 닮았다. 비늘은 손바닥만큼씩 크고, 강철과 같이 단단하다. 다섯가지 색이 섞여 무늬를 이루고 있어 매우 선명할 뿐아니라 미끄럽다. 비공개
    자산어보 길이는 10.5자 정도이다. 모양은 다른 상어와 유사하나 몸이 약간 좁고 윗입술에 2개의 촉수가 있고 아랫입술에는 한 개의 촉수가 있다. 촉수를 들추어 보면 털이 더부룩하다. 비늘 크기는 손바닥만하고 층층이 쌓인 기왓장과 같이 매우 현란하다. 이 물고기를 먹으면 곧잘 학질이 떨어진다. 비공개

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