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수염수리 bookmark_add Gypaetus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Vultur aureus Hablizl, 1783
Vultur barbatus Linnaeus, 1758
Vultur barbatus Linnaeus, 1758

매목 수리과에 속하는 조류이다. 몸길이는 약 110cm이다. 머리는 회색이고 몸 아랫면은 누런 갈색, 몸 윗면과 꽁지는 검은색이다. 눈을 지나는 검은 선은 수염처럼 보인다. 날개는 가늘고 길며 꽁지는 길고 쐐기꼴이다. 고산 지대의 바위 벽의 선반처럼 생긴 곳에 둥우리를 틀고 한배에 1~2개의 알을 낳는데 보통 1개만이 부화한다. 주로 동물의 죽은 고기를 먹는데, 먹이를 높은 곳에서 떨어뜨린 뒤 바스러진 뼈에서 골수를 빼먹는다. 때로는 거북도 같은 방법으로 먹는다. 함경남도, 강원도에서 발견된 기록이 있고 세계적으로는 알타이, 중국, 몽골, 에스파냐, 모로코, 북아프리카, 티베트에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 알타이, 중국, 몽골, 에스파냐, 모로코, 북아프리카, 티베트 [2]

    함경남도, 강원도 [2]

  • 바위 벽의 선반처럼 생긴 곳에 둥우리를 틀고 한배에 1~2개의 알을 낳는데 보통 1개만이 부화한다. 주로 동물의 죽은 고기를 먹는데, 먹이를 높은 곳에서 떨어뜨린 뒤 바스러진 뼈에서 골수를 빼먹는다. 때로는 거북도 같은 방법으로 먹는다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2018), 한반도의생물다양성시스템고도화


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Risk assessment of bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) exposure to topical antiparasitics used in livestock within an ecotoxicovigilance framework. Rafael Mateo,In?s S S?nchez-Barbudo,Pablo R Camarero,Jos? M Mart?nez The Science of the total environment 2015 조회
    Differential range use between age classes of southern African Bearded Vultures Gypaetus barbatus. Sonja Kr?ger,Timothy Reid,Arjun Amar PloS one 2015 조회
    Man-induced activities modify demographic parameters in a long-lived species: effects of poisoning and health policies. Antoni Margalida,Ma Angels Colomer,Daniel Oro Ecological applications 2014 조회
    Detection and characterization of a Trichomonas isolate from a rehabilitated bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Whitney K Kelly-Clark,Scott McBurney,Mar?a J Forz?n,Marion Desmarchelier,Spencer J Greenwood Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 2014 조회
    Detection and assessment of electrocution in endangered raptors by infrared thermography. Mar Melero,Fernando Gonz?lez,Olga Nicol?s,Irene L?pez,Mar?a de Los ?ngeles Jim?nez,Susana Jato-S?nchez,Jos? Manuel S?nchez-Vizca?no BMC veterinary research 2013 조회
    Uneven large-scale movement patterns in wild and reintroduced pre-adult bearded vultures: conservation implications. Antoni Margalida,Martina Carrete,Daniel Hegglin,David Serrano,Rafael Arenas,Jos? A Don?zar PloS one 2013 조회
    The present Pyrenean population of bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus): its genetic characteristics. C B Garc?a,J A Gil,M Alc?ntara,J Gonz?lez,M R Cort?s,J I Bonafonte,M V Arruga Journal of biosciences 2012 조회
    Livestock drugs and disease: the fatal combination behind breeding failure in endangered bearded vultures. Guillermo Blanco,Jes?s A Lemus PloS one 2010 조회
    Hematology and blood chemistry reference values and age-related changes in wild Bearded Vultures (Gypaetus barbatus). M Hern?ndez,A Margalida Journal of wildlife diseases 2010 조회
    Phylogeography, genetic structure and diversity in the endangered bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus, L) as revealed by mitochondrial DNA. Jos? A Godoy,Juan J Negro,Fernando Hiraldo,Jos? A Don?zar Molecular ecology 2004 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Risk assessment of bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) exposure to topical antiparasitics used in livestock within an ecotoxicovigilance framework. Rafael Mateo,In?s S S?nchez-Barbudo,Pablo R Camarero,Jos? M Mart?nez The Science of the total environment 2015 조회
    Differential range use between age classes of southern African Bearded Vultures Gypaetus barbatus. Sonja Kr?ger,Timothy Reid,Arjun Amar PloS one 2015 조회
    Man-induced activities modify demographic parameters in a long-lived species: effects of poisoning and health policies. Antoni Margalida,Ma Angels Colomer,Daniel Oro Ecological applications 2014 조회
    Detection and characterization of a Trichomonas isolate from a rehabilitated bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Whitney K Kelly-Clark,Scott McBurney,Mar?a J Forz?n,Marion Desmarchelier,Spencer J Greenwood Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 2014 조회
    Detection and assessment of electrocution in endangered raptors by infrared thermography. Mar Melero,Fernando Gonz?lez,Olga Nicol?s,Irene L?pez,Mar?a de Los ?ngeles Jim?nez,Susana Jato-S?nchez,Jos? Manuel S?nchez-Vizca?no BMC veterinary research 2013 조회
    Uneven large-scale movement patterns in wild and reintroduced pre-adult bearded vultures: conservation implications. Antoni Margalida,Martina Carrete,Daniel Hegglin,David Serrano,Rafael Arenas,Jos? A Don?zar PloS one 2013 조회
    The present Pyrenean population of bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus): its genetic characteristics. C B Garc?a,J A Gil,M Alc?ntara,J Gonz?lez,M R Cort?s,J I Bonafonte,M V Arruga Journal of biosciences 2012 조회
    Livestock drugs and disease: the fatal combination behind breeding failure in endangered bearded vultures. Guillermo Blanco,Jes?s A Lemus PloS one 2010 조회
    Hematology and blood chemistry reference values and age-related changes in wild Bearded Vultures (Gypaetus barbatus). M Hern?ndez,A Margalida Journal of wildlife diseases 2010 조회
    Phylogeography, genetic structure and diversity in the endangered bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus, L) as revealed by mitochondrial DNA. Jos? A Godoy,Juan J Negro,Fernando Hiraldo,Jos? A Don?zar Molecular ecology 2004 조회

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