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흰주름버섯 bookmark_add Agaricus arvensis Schaeff. 1774

활엽수림 또는 혼효림에서 홀로 또는 무리지어 발생한다. 갓은 최대 지름 15.0cm까지 자라며, 반구형에서 편평형이 된다. 갓 표면은 흰색에서 담황색이며, 작은 인편으로 덮여 있다. 주름살은 어릴 때 흰색이었다가 성숙할수록 흑갈색이 되며, 주름의 폭은 빽빽하고, 대에서 떨어진형이다. 대의 크기는 8.0-15.0×1.0-2.0cm로, 원통형이며, 밑동 쪽으로 점점 굵어진다. 표면은 흰색이며, 약간의 인편이 있다. 턱받이는 흰색이며, 막질의 치마 모양이다. 포자는 타원형으로, 평활하며, 암갈색을 띤다. 크기는 7.0-10.0×4.0-5.0㎛이다. 우리나라를 포함한 세계 전역에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2017), 한반도의생물다양성시스템고도화


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    Characterization of cellobiohydrolase from a newly isolated strain of Agaricus arvencis. Kyung-Min Lee,Hee-Jung Moon,Dayanand Kalyani,Hoon Kim,In-Won Kim,Marimuthu Jeya,Jung-Kul Lee Journal of microbiology and biotechnology 2011 조회
    Isolation and characterization of a novel thermostable lectin from the wild edible mushroom Agaricus arvensis. J K Zhao,Y C Zhao,S H Li,H X Wang,T B Ng Journal of basic microbiology 2011 조회
    Fatty acid and amino acid compositions of selected wild-edible mushrooms consumed in Turkey. Faik A Ayaz,Luther T Chuang,H?lya Torun,Ahmet Colak,Ertu?rul Sesli,Jack Presley,Barrett R Smith,Robert H Glew International journal of food sciences and nutrition 2010 조회
    Covalent immobilization of β-1,4-glucosidase from Agaricus arvensis onto functionalized silicon oxide nanoparticles. Raushan Kumar Singh,Ye-Wang Zhang,Ngoc-Phuong-Thao Nguyen,Marimuthu Jeya,Jung-Kul Lee Applied microbiology and biotechnology 2010 조회
    Conversion of woody biomass into fermentable sugars by cellulase from Agaricus arvensis. Marimuthu Jeya,Ngoc-Phuong-Thao Nguyen,Hee-Jung Moon,Sang-Hwan Kim,Jung-Kul Lee Bioresource technology 2010 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Characterization of cellobiohydrolase from a newly isolated strain of Agaricus arvencis. Kyung-Min Lee,Hee-Jung Moon,Dayanand Kalyani,Hoon Kim,In-Won Kim,Marimuthu Jeya,Jung-Kul Lee Journal of microbiology and biotechnology 2011 조회
    Isolation and characterization of a novel thermostable lectin from the wild edible mushroom Agaricus arvensis. J K Zhao,Y C Zhao,S H Li,H X Wang,T B Ng Journal of basic microbiology 2011 조회
    Fatty acid and amino acid compositions of selected wild-edible mushrooms consumed in Turkey. Faik A Ayaz,Luther T Chuang,H?lya Torun,Ahmet Colak,Ertu?rul Sesli,Jack Presley,Barrett R Smith,Robert H Glew International journal of food sciences and nutrition 2010 조회
    Covalent immobilization of β-1,4-glucosidase from Agaricus arvensis onto functionalized silicon oxide nanoparticles. Raushan Kumar Singh,Ye-Wang Zhang,Ngoc-Phuong-Thao Nguyen,Marimuthu Jeya,Jung-Kul Lee Applied microbiology and biotechnology 2010 조회
    Conversion of woody biomass into fermentable sugars by cellulase from Agaricus arvensis. Marimuthu Jeya,Ngoc-Phuong-Thao Nguyen,Hee-Jung Moon,Sang-Hwan Kim,Jung-Kul Lee Bioresource technology 2010 조회

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