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독우산광대버섯 bookmark_add Amanita virosa (Fr.) Bertill 1866

여름~가을철에 침엽수림 혹은 활엽수림 내 땅 위에 단생 혹은 군생하여 발생. 갓과 대가 전체적으로 백색이며, 습할 때는 약간 점성을 띠며, 대의 표면에 손거스러미 모양의 인편이 있으며, 턱받이는 백색이고 대주머니는 백색의 막질임. KOH 용액을 떨어뜨리면 노란색으로 변한다는 점이 특징. 큰갓버섯, 유균상태의 말불버섯, 흰달걀버섯 등 다른 식용버섯과의 감별이 매우 중요. 가장 치명적인 맹독성 버섯의 일종. 아마톡신계열의 독소를 함유하고 있어, 중독증상은 버섯 섭취 후 보통 10~12시간 정도에 갑자기 복통을 동반하며 오심, 구토, 출혈성 설사가 나타남. 버섯 섭취 후 3~4일이 경과 후 황달, 의식장애 등의 간부전증 징후가 나타날 수 있으며 이러한 경우는 사망률이 상승함. [저작재산권자]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2013), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Severe mushroom poisoning in one Macedonian family. Andon Chibishev,Zanina Perevska,Natasha Simonovska,Lidija Petkovska,Milena Miletic,Emilija Shikole The International journal of artificial organs 2015 조회
    Bioactive lipids metabolites in Amanita virosa. Francesca Cateni,Marina Zacchigna,Bojan Doljak,Marko Anderluh,Giuseppe Procida,Andrej Piltaver Natural product communications 2013 조회
    A concept study on identification and attribution profiling of chemical threat agents using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry applied to Amanita toxins in food. Daniel Jansson,Sten-?ke Fredriksson,Anders Herrmann,Calle Nilsson Forensic science international 2012 조회
    Cytotoxic proteins of Amanita virosa Secr. mushroom: purification, characteristics and action towards mammalian cells. V O Antonyuk,O Yu Klyuchivska,R S Stoika Toxicon 2010 조회
    Pathological effects of the mushroom toxin alpha-amanitin on BALB/c mice. Jian Zhao,Mei Cao,Jie Zhang,Qun Sun,Qian Chen,Zhi-Rong Yang Peptides 2006 조회
    Screening for selective thrombin inhibitors in mushrooms. B Doljak,M Stegnar,U Urleb,S Kreft,A Umek,M Ciglaric,B Strukelj,T Popovic Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis 2001 조회
    Glycoinositolphosphosphingolipids (basidiolipids) of higher mushrooms. R Jennemann,R Geyer,R Sandhoff,R M Gschwind,S B Levery,H J Gr?ne,H Wiegandt European journal of biochemistry 2001 조회
    Liver-protective activities of aucubin derived from traditional oriental medicine. I M Chang Research communications in molecular pathology and pharmacology 1999 조회
    Mycetismus in Hamadan, of west Iran. E Omidynia,R Rashidpourai,M T Qaderi,E Ameri The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 1997 조회
    [Poisoning by green and white mushrooms at a special hepatology unit, 1989-1994]. F V Schiødt,P Ott,S Bondesen Ugeskrift for laeger 1995 조회

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    논문 (11건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Severe mushroom poisoning in one Macedonian family. Andon Chibishev,Zanina Perevska,Natasha Simonovska,Lidija Petkovska,Milena Miletic,Emilija Shikole The International journal of artificial organs 2015 조회
    Bioactive lipids metabolites in Amanita virosa. Francesca Cateni,Marina Zacchigna,Bojan Doljak,Marko Anderluh,Giuseppe Procida,Andrej Piltaver Natural product communications 2013 조회
    A concept study on identification and attribution profiling of chemical threat agents using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry applied to Amanita toxins in food. Daniel Jansson,Sten-?ke Fredriksson,Anders Herrmann,Calle Nilsson Forensic science international 2012 조회
    Cytotoxic proteins of Amanita virosa Secr. mushroom: purification, characteristics and action towards mammalian cells. V O Antonyuk,O Yu Klyuchivska,R S Stoika Toxicon 2010 조회
    Pathological effects of the mushroom toxin alpha-amanitin on BALB/c mice. Jian Zhao,Mei Cao,Jie Zhang,Qun Sun,Qian Chen,Zhi-Rong Yang Peptides 2006 조회
    Screening for selective thrombin inhibitors in mushrooms. B Doljak,M Stegnar,U Urleb,S Kreft,A Umek,M Ciglaric,B Strukelj,T Popovic Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis 2001 조회
    Glycoinositolphosphosphingolipids (basidiolipids) of higher mushrooms. R Jennemann,R Geyer,R Sandhoff,R M Gschwind,S B Levery,H J Gr?ne,H Wiegandt European journal of biochemistry 2001 조회
    Liver-protective activities of aucubin derived from traditional oriental medicine. I M Chang Research communications in molecular pathology and pharmacology 1999 조회
    Mycetismus in Hamadan, of west Iran. E Omidynia,R Rashidpourai,M T Qaderi,E Ameri The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 1997 조회
    [Poisoning by green and white mushrooms at a special hepatology unit, 1989-1994]. F V Schiødt,P Ott,S Bondesen Ugeskrift for laeger 1995 조회

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