생물종 상세정보
여름과 가을에 활엽수의 고목, 생나무 등에 발생하는 다년생 목재백색부후균이다. 갓은 지름 20~50cm(소형은 3~5cm), 두께 10~20cm로 말굽형~종형이며, 표면은 회갈색~회황갈색 바탕에 동심상의 환문과 환구가 있고, 조직은 황갈색이고 가죽질이다. 자실층인 회백색의 관공은 여러 층이며, 관공구는 원형이고 3개/mm가 있다. 한반도에서는 거의 전역에 생육하며, 세계적으로는 일본, 아시아, 유럽, 북미 등지에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]
일본, 아시아, 유럽, 북미 [2]
온대 이북 등지 [2]
[1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털
[2] 국립생물자원관(2010), 국외반출승인대상생물자원선정연구
Scientific name Classification Rank Status Distributions Published in Description Citation Scientific name Classification SpecificEpithet Rank Status Authorship Genus Link -
논문 (41건)
논문 논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고 Lignicolous fungi hydrodistilled extracts may represent a promising source of natural phenolics. Miodrag Glumac,Boris Pejin,Maja Karaman,Miloš Mojović,Milan Matavulj Lignicolous fungi hydrodistilled extracts may represent a promising source of natural phenolics. 2016 조회 Stimulation of the activity of a novel tannase produced in white-rot fungi Phellinus pini, Fomes fomentarius, and Tyromyces pubescens by medium supplementation. Monika Prendecka,Magdalena Jaszek,Marcin Grąz,Natalia Głuszak,Katarzyna Małysz,Agata Nowak,Jerzy Żuchowski,Teresa Małecka-Massalska Stimulation of the activity of a novel tannase produced in white-rot fungi Phellinus pini, Fomes fomentarius, and Tyromyces pubescens by medium supplementation. 2016 조회 Trinitrotoluene and mandarin peels selectively affect lignin-modifying enzyme production in white-rot basidiomycetes. Eva Kachlishvili,Mikheil Asatiani,Aza Kobakhidze,Vladimir Elisashvili Trinitrotoluene and mandarin peels selectively affect lignin-modifying enzyme production in white-rot basidiomycetes. 2016 조회 Apoptotic properties of polysaccharide isolated from fruiting bodies of medicinal mushroom Fomes fomentarius in human lung carcinoma cell line. Sang Ho Kim,Rekha Jakhar,Sun Chul Kang Apoptotic properties of polysaccharide isolated from fruiting bodies of medicinal mushroom Fomes fomentarius in human lung carcinoma cell line. 2015 조회 Apoptotic properties of polysaccharide isolated from fruiting bodies of medicinal mushroom Fomes fomentarius in human lung carcinoma cell line. Sang Ho Kim,Rekha Jakhar,Sun Chul Kang Saudi journal of biological sciences 2015 조회 Differential Modulation of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Cytokine Production by and Antioxidant Activity of Fomentariol in RAW264.7 Cells. Dong-Won Seo,Young-Joo Yi,Myeong-Seok Lee,Bong-Sik Yun,Sang-Myeong Lee Differential Modulation of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Cytokine Production by and Antioxidant Activity of Fomentariol in RAW264.7 Cells. 2015 조회 First chitin extraction from Plumatella repens (Bryozoa) with comparison to chitins of insect and fungal origin. Murat Kaya,Vykintas Baublys,Ingrida Šatkauskienė,Bahar Akyuz,Esra Bulut,Vaida Tubelytė First chitin extraction from Plumatella repens (Bryozoa) with comparison to chitins of insect and fungal origin. 2015 조회 First chitin extraction from Plumatella repens (Bryozoa) with comparison to chitins of insect and fungal origin. Murat Kaya,Vykintas Baublys,Ingrida ?atkauskien?,Bahar Akyuz,Esra Bulut,Vaida Tubelyt? International journal of biological macromolecules 2015 조회 Fungal strain matters: colony growth and bioactivity of the European medicinal polypores Fomes fomentarius, Fomitopsis pinicola and Piptoporus betulinus. Philipp Dresch,Maria Nives D Aguanno,Katharina Rosam,Ulrike Grienke,Judith Maria Rollinger,Ursula Peintner AMB Express 2015 조회 Fungal strain matters: colony growth and bioactivity of the European medicinal polypores Fomes fomentarius, Fomitopsis pinicola and Piptoporus betulinus. Philipp Dresch,Maria Nives D Aguanno,Katharina Rosam,Ulrike Grienke,Judith Maria Rollinger,Ursula Peintner Fungal strain matters: colony growth and bioactivity of the European medicinal polypores Fomes fomentarius, Fomitopsis pinicola and Piptoporus betulinus. 2015 조회 특허 (230건)
특허 출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고 METHODS FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE OF MYCELIAL LIQUID TISSUE CULTURE LANGAN, James Patrick | KELLY, Brooks John | DAVIS, Huntington | SONI, Bhupendra Kumar 2016-05-02 조회 种土壤再生剂及其制备方法 | One of soil regeneration agent and its preparation method LI, Xiao-hua 2016-03-08 조회 METHODS FOR LOWERING GLUTEN CONTENT USING FUNGAL CULTURES | PROCÉDÉS DE RÉDUCTION DE LA TENEUR EN GLUTEN À L'AIDE DE CULTURES FONGIQUES LANGAN, James Patrick | KELLY, Brooks John | DAVIS, Huntington | HAHN, Alan D. 2016-02-26 조회 Traditional Chinese medicine compositions for treating hiccups after tumor radiotherapy | Medicine composition for treating hiccup after tumour radiotherapy XU, Wei-liang | XU, Ling-ling 2016-01-11 조회 Skin care product composition with acne mark removing function and acne treatment cream | Skin care composition with acne removing effect and acne removing paste Unannounced Inventor 2015-11-25 조회 Composite biological agent used for treating encephalopathy | Composite biological preparation for treating brain disease YANG, Xiao-hong | ZHOU, Chun-lei | CHENG, Shuai-fang 2015-11-24 조회 METHODS FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE OF MYCELIAL LIQUID TISSUE CULTURE LANGAN, James Patrick | KELLY, Brooks John | DAVIS, Huntington 2015-08-26 조회 METHODS FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE OF MYCELIAL LIQUID TISSUE CULTURE | PROCÉDÉS POUR LA PRODUCTION ET L'UTILISATION D'UNE CULTURE MYCÉLIENNE LIQUIDE LANGAN, James Patrick | KELLY, Brooks John | DAVIS, Huntington 2015-08-26 조회 Traditional Chinese medicine for treating acute infantile diarrhea caused by wind cold and preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine | Traditional Chinese medicine for treating wind cold acute infantile diarrhea and preparation method thereof LI, Hong-jin | LI, Hong-xia | LI, Hong-yan 2015-08-25 조회 THE METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING HEALTH FUNCTIONAL SOYBEAN PASTE AN SOY SAUCE | 한약재를 이용한 건강 기능성 된장 및 간장의 제조방법 | METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING HEALTH FUNCTIONAL SOYBEAN PASTE AND SOY SAUCE USING MEDICINAL HERBS | The manufacturing method of the soy sauce and the he SEO, GEUM SOON | LEE, DOO HWAN 2015-06-23 조회 전통지식(문헌) (6건)
전통지식(문헌) 문헌명 전통지식(문헌)조사내용 번역문 용도 열람등급 다이어트에는 썰어서 감초를 넣어 삶아서 먹음 약용 공개 항암에는 달여서 먹으면 항암에 좋음 약용 공개 항암에는 말굽버섯 전체를 달여서 먹음 약용 공개 항암에는 말굽버섯을 차로 끓여 먹음 약용 공개 암에는 말굽버섯을 삶아서 물을 마심 약용 공개 차 용도로 가을에 채취한 말굽버섯 자실체를 차로 끓여마신다는 것을 어르신에게 들었으며 본인이 직접 경험하였음 식용 공개 특성정보 (0건)
특성정보 유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청 관련된 특성정보가 없습니다. 논문 (41건)
논문 논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고 Lignicolous fungi hydrodistilled extracts may represent a promising source of natural phenolics. Miodrag Glumac,Boris Pejin,Maja Karaman,Miloš Mojović,Milan Matavulj Lignicolous fungi hydrodistilled extracts may represent a promising source of natural phenolics. 2016 조회 Stimulation of the activity of a novel tannase produced in white-rot fungi Phellinus pini, Fomes fomentarius, and Tyromyces pubescens by medium supplementation. Monika Prendecka,Magdalena Jaszek,Marcin Grąz,Natalia Głuszak,Katarzyna Małysz,Agata Nowak,Jerzy Żuchowski,Teresa Małecka-Massalska Stimulation of the activity of a novel tannase produced in white-rot fungi Phellinus pini, Fomes fomentarius, and Tyromyces pubescens by medium supplementation. 2016 조회 Trinitrotoluene and mandarin peels selectively affect lignin-modifying enzyme production in white-rot basidiomycetes. Eva Kachlishvili,Mikheil Asatiani,Aza Kobakhidze,Vladimir Elisashvili Trinitrotoluene and mandarin peels selectively affect lignin-modifying enzyme production in white-rot basidiomycetes. 2016 조회 Apoptotic properties of polysaccharide isolated from fruiting bodies of medicinal mushroom Fomes fomentarius in human lung carcinoma cell line. Sang Ho Kim,Rekha Jakhar,Sun Chul Kang Apoptotic properties of polysaccharide isolated from fruiting bodies of medicinal mushroom Fomes fomentarius in human lung carcinoma cell line. 2015 조회 Apoptotic properties of polysaccharide isolated from fruiting bodies of medicinal mushroom Fomes fomentarius in human lung carcinoma cell line. Sang Ho Kim,Rekha Jakhar,Sun Chul Kang Saudi journal of biological sciences 2015 조회 Differential Modulation of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Cytokine Production by and Antioxidant Activity of Fomentariol in RAW264.7 Cells. Dong-Won Seo,Young-Joo Yi,Myeong-Seok Lee,Bong-Sik Yun,Sang-Myeong Lee Differential Modulation of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Cytokine Production by and Antioxidant Activity of Fomentariol in RAW264.7 Cells. 2015 조회 First chitin extraction from Plumatella repens (Bryozoa) with comparison to chitins of insect and fungal origin. Murat Kaya,Vykintas Baublys,Ingrida Šatkauskienė,Bahar Akyuz,Esra Bulut,Vaida Tubelytė First chitin extraction from Plumatella repens (Bryozoa) with comparison to chitins of insect and fungal origin. 2015 조회 First chitin extraction from Plumatella repens (Bryozoa) with comparison to chitins of insect and fungal origin. Murat Kaya,Vykintas Baublys,Ingrida ?atkauskien?,Bahar Akyuz,Esra Bulut,Vaida Tubelyt? International journal of biological macromolecules 2015 조회 Fungal strain matters: colony growth and bioactivity of the European medicinal polypores Fomes fomentarius, Fomitopsis pinicola and Piptoporus betulinus. Philipp Dresch,Maria Nives D Aguanno,Katharina Rosam,Ulrike Grienke,Judith Maria Rollinger,Ursula Peintner AMB Express 2015 조회 Fungal strain matters: colony growth and bioactivity of the European medicinal polypores Fomes fomentarius, Fomitopsis pinicola and Piptoporus betulinus. Philipp Dresch,Maria Nives D Aguanno,Katharina Rosam,Ulrike Grienke,Judith Maria Rollinger,Ursula Peintner Fungal strain matters: colony growth and bioactivity of the European medicinal polypores Fomes fomentarius, Fomitopsis pinicola and Piptoporus betulinus. 2015 조회 특허 (230건)
특허 출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고 METHODS FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE OF MYCELIAL LIQUID TISSUE CULTURE LANGAN, James Patrick | KELLY, Brooks John | DAVIS, Huntington | SONI, Bhupendra Kumar 2016-05-02 조회 种土壤再生剂及其制备方法 | One of soil regeneration agent and its preparation method LI, Xiao-hua 2016-03-08 조회 METHODS FOR LOWERING GLUTEN CONTENT USING FUNGAL CULTURES | PROCÉDÉS DE RÉDUCTION DE LA TENEUR EN GLUTEN À L'AIDE DE CULTURES FONGIQUES LANGAN, James Patrick | KELLY, Brooks John | DAVIS, Huntington | HAHN, Alan D. 2016-02-26 조회 Traditional Chinese medicine compositions for treating hiccups after tumor radiotherapy | Medicine composition for treating hiccup after tumour radiotherapy XU, Wei-liang | XU, Ling-ling 2016-01-11 조회 Skin care product composition with acne mark removing function and acne treatment cream | Skin care composition with acne removing effect and acne removing paste Unannounced Inventor 2015-11-25 조회 Composite biological agent used for treating encephalopathy | Composite biological preparation for treating brain disease YANG, Xiao-hong | ZHOU, Chun-lei | CHENG, Shuai-fang 2015-11-24 조회 METHODS FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE OF MYCELIAL LIQUID TISSUE CULTURE LANGAN, James Patrick | KELLY, Brooks John | DAVIS, Huntington 2015-08-26 조회 METHODS FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE OF MYCELIAL LIQUID TISSUE CULTURE | PROCÉDÉS POUR LA PRODUCTION ET L'UTILISATION D'UNE CULTURE MYCÉLIENNE LIQUIDE LANGAN, James Patrick | KELLY, Brooks John | DAVIS, Huntington 2015-08-26 조회 Traditional Chinese medicine for treating acute infantile diarrhea caused by wind cold and preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine | Traditional Chinese medicine for treating wind cold acute infantile diarrhea and preparation method thereof LI, Hong-jin | LI, Hong-xia | LI, Hong-yan 2015-08-25 조회 THE METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING HEALTH FUNCTIONAL SOYBEAN PASTE AN SOY SAUCE | 한약재를 이용한 건강 기능성 된장 및 간장의 제조방법 | METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING HEALTH FUNCTIONAL SOYBEAN PASTE AND SOY SAUCE USING MEDICINAL HERBS | The manufacturing method of the soy sauce and the he SEO, GEUM SOON | LEE, DOO HWAN 2015-06-23 조회 전통지식(문헌) (6건)
전통지식(문헌) 문헌명 전통지식(문헌)조사내용 번역문 용도 열람등급 다이어트에는 썰어서 감초를 넣어 삶아서 먹음 약용 공개 항암에는 달여서 먹으면 항암에 좋음 약용 공개 항암에는 말굽버섯 전체를 달여서 먹음 약용 공개 항암에는 말굽버섯을 차로 끓여 먹음 약용 공개 암에는 말굽버섯을 삶아서 물을 마심 약용 공개 차 용도로 가을에 채취한 말굽버섯 자실체를 차로 끓여마신다는 것을 어르신에게 들었으며 본인이 직접 경험하였음 식용 공개 특성정보 (0건)
특성정보 유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청 관련된 특성정보가 없습니다. -
표본 (총59건)
표본 표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수 NIBRFG0000000380 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867" / 말굽버섯 전라북도 무주... / 2003-10-27 건조표본 1건 NIBRFG0000000451 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867" / 말굽버섯 경상남도 산청... 지리산 / 2004-05-25 건조표본 1건 NIBRFG0000000475 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867" / 말굽버섯 경상남도 산청... 지리산 / 2004-05-27 건조표본 1건 NIBRFG0000001445 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867" / 말굽버섯 경상남도 함양... 지리산 / 2005-05-26 건조표본 1건 NIBRFG0000004025 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867" / 말굽버섯 / 0000 액침표본 18건 NIBRFG0000004079 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867" / 말굽버섯 / 0000 액침표본 18건 NIBRFG0000004125 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867" / 말굽버섯 / 0000 액침표본 9건 NIBRFG0000004179 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867" / 말굽버섯 / 0000 액침표본 9건 NIBRFG0000004225 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867" / 말굽버섯 / 0000 액침표본 18건 NIBRFG0000004279 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867" / 말굽버섯 / 0000 액침표본 18건 소재 (총14건)
소재 표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수 NIBRGR0000056073 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867 / 말굽버섯 서울특별시 성... . / 2008-07-26 DNA 1건 NIBRGR0000058930 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867 / 말굽버섯 경상북도 청도... / 2009-03-19 조직 1건 NIBRGR0000076963 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867 / 말굽버섯 강원도 양양군... 설악산 / 2009-12-12 조직 1건 NIBRGR0000076975 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867 / 말굽버섯 강원도 평창군... 가리왕산 / 2009-11-28 조직 1건 NIBRGR0000160508 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867 / 말굽버섯 서울특별시 종... / 2001-07-04 조직 1건 NIBRGR0000160509 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867 / 말굽버섯 서울특별시 종... / 2001-07-04 조직 1건 NIBRGR0000160510 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867 / 말굽버섯 서울특별시 종... / 2001-07-04 조직 1건 NIBRGR0000160511 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867 / 말굽버섯 서울특별시 종... / 2001-07-04 조직 1건 NIBRGR0000160512 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867 / 말굽버섯 서울특별시 종... / 2001-07-04 조직 1건 NIBRGR0000176790 Fomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx 1867 / 말굽버섯 광주광역시 북... / 2014-06-27 조직 1건 -
염기서열 (0건)
염기서열 학명 국명 마커명 프라이머세트명 출처 조회된 자료가 없습니다. 계통수 (0건)
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전체 분류 제목 설명 길이 조회된 자료가 없습니다. -
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Yang, Byung-Keun ; Gu, Young-Ah ; Jeong, Yong-Tae ; Song, Chi-Hyun (2007) Anti-complementary Activities of Exo- and Endo-biopolymer Produced by Submerged Mycelial Culture of Eight Different Mushrooms. Mycobiology 35 (3) : 145 – 149
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