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구름송편버섯 bookmark_add Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd 1921

Coriolus versicolor (L.) Quél. 1886

자실체는 일년생이고 갓을 형성하며 선반 모양 또는 부채 모양이고 지름이 100mm에 이르며 중생한다. 표면은 융모가 있고 여러 가지 색을 띤다. 갓은 2mm보다 얇고 흰색이며 섬유질이다. 구멍 표면은 흰색에서 옅은 황토색을 띤다. 구멍은 원형이고 mm당 7~8개가 있다. 균사체계는 삼균사형이다. 생식균사는 투명하고 얇은 균사벽과 꺾쇠연결을 하고 지름은 2.7μm이다. 골격균사는 두터운 균사벽이 있고 지름은 5.5μm이다. 결합균사는 투명하고 두터운 균사벽이 있고 지름이 4μm이며 불규칙적으로 가지를 친다. 낭상체는 존재하지 않는다. 담자기는 얇은 곤봉형이다. 담자포자는 약간 굽은 원통형이고 부드럽고 투명하다. 이 종은 매끄러운 자실층으로 혁질의 선반 모양을 하는 다른 버섯들과 구분된다. 우리나라 각처에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 경상북도 속리산 [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2010), 국외반출승인대상생물자원선정연구


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Formation of hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers from laccase-catalyzed oxidation of bromophenols. Kunde Lin,Shiyang Zhou,Xi Chen,Jiafeng Ding,Xiaoyan Kong,Jay Gan Chemosphere 2015 조회
    Polysaccharides of Trametes Versicolor Improve Bone Properties in Diabetic Rats. Chung-Hwan Chen,Lin Kang,Hui-Chen Lo,Tai-Hao Hsu,Fang-Yi Lin,Yi-Shan Lin,Zai-Jie Wang,Shih-Tse Chen,Chwan-Li Shen Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2015 조회
    Screening of ligninolytic fungi for biological pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. Chunyan Xu,Deepak Singh,Kathleen M Dorgan,Xiaoyu Zhang,Shulin Chen Canadian journal of microbiology 2015 조회
    Antigenotoxic Effect of Trametes spp. Extracts against DNA Damage on Human Peripheral White Blood Cells. Aleksandar Kne?evi?,Lada ?ivkovi?,Mirjana Staji?,Jelena Vukojevi?,Ivan Milovanovi?,Biljana Spremo-Potparevi? TheScientificWorldJournal 2015 조회
    Polyacrylamide based semi-interpenetrating networks for entrapment of laccase and their use in azo dye decolorization. Selva Zeynep Koklukaya,Serdar Sezer,Serpil Aksoy,Nesrin Hasirci Biotechnology and applied biochemistry 2015 조회
    Correlation between mesopore volume of carbon supports and the immobilization of laccase from Trametes versicolor for the decolorization of Acid Orange 7. Luis A Ram?rez-Montoya,Virginia Hern?ndez-Montoya,Miguel A Montes-Mor?n,Francisco J Cervantes Journal of environmental management 2015 조회
    Aroma Characterization and Safety Assessment of a Beverage Fermented by Trametes versicolor. Yanyan Zhang,Marco Alexander Fraatz,Julia M?ller,Hans-Joachim Schmitz,Florian Birk,Dieter Schrenk,Holger Zorn Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2015 조회
    Chitosan multiple addition enhances laccase production from Trametes versicolor. Abiodun Emmanuel Adekunle,Feng Wang,Jianhua Hu,Anzhou Ma,Chen Guo,Guoqiang Zhuang,Chun-Zhao Liu Bioprocess and biosystems engineering 2015 조회
    Widespread Polycistronic Transcripts in Fungi Revealed by Single-Molecule mRNA Sequencing. Sean P Gordon,Elizabeth Tseng,Asaf Salamov,Jiwei Zhang,Xiandong Meng,Zhiying Zhao,Dongwan Kang,Jason Underwood,Igor V Grigoriev,Melania Figueroa,Jonathan S Schilling,Feng Chen,Zhong Wang PloS one 2015 조회
    A comparison between the oxidation with laccase and horseradish peroxidase for triclosan conversion. C F Melo,M Dezotti,M R C Marques Environmental technology 2015 조회

    특허 (708건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Active traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating hepatitis and preparation process thereof | Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating hepatitis and preparation process thereof ZHAO, Li-jun 2010-11-01 조회
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    Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating diabetes, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia QIAN, Yi-fan | ZHANG, Lin-mei | ZHANG, Zheng-gao 2011-11-04 조회
    Disease-preventing bio-organic fertilizer prepared from straw and its preparation method | Disease prevention microbial organic fertilizer prepared from straw and preparation method thereof LEI, Zhen | WANG, Bin | ZHANG, Xiao-ping | TIAN, Xiu-cai 2011-10-13 조회
    Method for treating crop straw | Method for processing crop straw DENG, Qian-chun | GUO, Ping-mei | HUANG, Feng-hong | Huang, Qian | HUANG, Qing-de | LIU, Chang-sheng | LI, Wen-lin | NIU, Yan-xing | LIU, Rui | WAN, Chu-jun | XU, Ji-qu | ZHENG, Ming-ming | YANG, Mei 2011-05-05 조회
    Chinese herbal compound preparation for treating chronic hepatitis | Traditional Chinese medicine compound preparation for treating chronic hepatitis WU, Rong-lin 2011-12-20 조회
    Method of deinking inkjet ink-containing suspensions NYMAN, KATARIINA | HAKALA, TERO 2010-09-13 조회
    Biological adsorbent, preparation method and application thereof WANG, Xiao-lei | YANG, Fan | YANG, Xiu-rong | ZHANG, Jia | ZHU, Hui 2012-01-11 조회
    Method for treating dye waste water by enzyme production through mixed biomass fermenting | Method for processing dye waste water through mixing biomass, fermenting and generating enzyme NIU, Jie-zhen | YAN, Jin-ping | IRIBUSI 2012-01-12 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine composite for curing liver cancer GAO, Li | MAO, Hai-ting | YANG, Yong-mei 2012-04-24 조회

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    논문 (328건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Formation of hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers from laccase-catalyzed oxidation of bromophenols. Kunde Lin,Shiyang Zhou,Xi Chen,Jiafeng Ding,Xiaoyan Kong,Jay Gan Chemosphere 2015 조회
    Polysaccharides of Trametes Versicolor Improve Bone Properties in Diabetic Rats. Chung-Hwan Chen,Lin Kang,Hui-Chen Lo,Tai-Hao Hsu,Fang-Yi Lin,Yi-Shan Lin,Zai-Jie Wang,Shih-Tse Chen,Chwan-Li Shen Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2015 조회
    Screening of ligninolytic fungi for biological pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. Chunyan Xu,Deepak Singh,Kathleen M Dorgan,Xiaoyu Zhang,Shulin Chen Canadian journal of microbiology 2015 조회
    Antigenotoxic Effect of Trametes spp. Extracts against DNA Damage on Human Peripheral White Blood Cells. Aleksandar Kne?evi?,Lada ?ivkovi?,Mirjana Staji?,Jelena Vukojevi?,Ivan Milovanovi?,Biljana Spremo-Potparevi? TheScientificWorldJournal 2015 조회
    Polyacrylamide based semi-interpenetrating networks for entrapment of laccase and their use in azo dye decolorization. Selva Zeynep Koklukaya,Serdar Sezer,Serpil Aksoy,Nesrin Hasirci Biotechnology and applied biochemistry 2015 조회
    Correlation between mesopore volume of carbon supports and the immobilization of laccase from Trametes versicolor for the decolorization of Acid Orange 7. Luis A Ram?rez-Montoya,Virginia Hern?ndez-Montoya,Miguel A Montes-Mor?n,Francisco J Cervantes Journal of environmental management 2015 조회
    Aroma Characterization and Safety Assessment of a Beverage Fermented by Trametes versicolor. Yanyan Zhang,Marco Alexander Fraatz,Julia M?ller,Hans-Joachim Schmitz,Florian Birk,Dieter Schrenk,Holger Zorn Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2015 조회
    Chitosan multiple addition enhances laccase production from Trametes versicolor. Abiodun Emmanuel Adekunle,Feng Wang,Jianhua Hu,Anzhou Ma,Chen Guo,Guoqiang Zhuang,Chun-Zhao Liu Bioprocess and biosystems engineering 2015 조회
    Widespread Polycistronic Transcripts in Fungi Revealed by Single-Molecule mRNA Sequencing. Sean P Gordon,Elizabeth Tseng,Asaf Salamov,Jiwei Zhang,Xiandong Meng,Zhiying Zhao,Dongwan Kang,Jason Underwood,Igor V Grigoriev,Melania Figueroa,Jonathan S Schilling,Feng Chen,Zhong Wang PloS one 2015 조회
    A comparison between the oxidation with laccase and horseradish peroxidase for triclosan conversion. C F Melo,M Dezotti,M R C Marques Environmental technology 2015 조회

    특허 (708건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Active traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating hepatitis and preparation process thereof | Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating hepatitis and preparation process thereof ZHAO, Li-jun 2010-11-01 조회
    Laccase fermentation and separation coupled system and method | System and method for laccase fermentation and separation LIU, Chun-chao | GUO, Chen | WANG, Feng 2010-07-23 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating diabetes, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia QIAN, Yi-fan | ZHANG, Lin-mei | ZHANG, Zheng-gao 2011-11-04 조회
    Disease-preventing bio-organic fertilizer prepared from straw and its preparation method | Disease prevention microbial organic fertilizer prepared from straw and preparation method thereof LEI, Zhen | WANG, Bin | ZHANG, Xiao-ping | TIAN, Xiu-cai 2011-10-13 조회
    Method for treating crop straw | Method for processing crop straw DENG, Qian-chun | GUO, Ping-mei | HUANG, Feng-hong | Huang, Qian | HUANG, Qing-de | LIU, Chang-sheng | LI, Wen-lin | NIU, Yan-xing | LIU, Rui | WAN, Chu-jun | XU, Ji-qu | ZHENG, Ming-ming | YANG, Mei 2011-05-05 조회
    Chinese herbal compound preparation for treating chronic hepatitis | Traditional Chinese medicine compound preparation for treating chronic hepatitis WU, Rong-lin 2011-12-20 조회
    Method of deinking inkjet ink-containing suspensions NYMAN, KATARIINA | HAKALA, TERO 2010-09-13 조회
    Biological adsorbent, preparation method and application thereof WANG, Xiao-lei | YANG, Fan | YANG, Xiu-rong | ZHANG, Jia | ZHU, Hui 2012-01-11 조회
    Method for treating dye waste water by enzyme production through mixed biomass fermenting | Method for processing dye waste water through mixing biomass, fermenting and generating enzyme NIU, Jie-zhen | YAN, Jin-ping | IRIBUSI 2012-01-12 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine composite for curing liver cancer GAO, Li | MAO, Hai-ting | YANG, Yong-mei 2012-04-24 조회

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