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노랑느타리 bookmark_add Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer 1943

Pleurotus cornucopiae var. citrinopileatus (Singer) Ohira 1987 (노랑느타리)

갓은 2~9cm 정도로 둥근 모양에서 점차 깔때기 모양으로 되고 담황색에서 짙은 황색을 띤다. 표면은 평활하나 중앙 또는 가장자리에 섬유상~솜털모양의 인편이 부착되어 있다. 여러 개의 버섯이 중첩해서 나는 일이 많고 나무 등걸에 군생하기도 한다. 살은 얇은 편이고 백색이다. 주름살은 백색이고 나중에 연한 노란빛을 띤 크림색을 띤다. 대에 내리붙은형이고 다소 성글다. 대는 2~5x0.5~1.5cm의 크기로 주름살과 같은 색을 띠고 고목에 편심성으로 자란다. 포자는 원주형으로 표면은 평활하다. 활엽수의 백색부후균이며 여름철 습도가 높을 때 산림 내 고목에서 발생한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 아시아, 북미 [1]

    전국에 분포 [1]

  • 활엽수의 백색부후균이다. 여름에 발생하며 습도가 높을 때 산림 내 고목에서 발생한다. [1]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2012), 국립생물자원관


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    Antioxidant and immunomodulating activities of exo-and endopolysaccharide fractions from submerged mycelia cultures of culinary-medicinal mushrooms. Sang-Chul Jeong,Sundar Rao Koyyalamudi,J Hughes,Cheang Khoo,Trevor Bailey,Karthik Marripudi,Jong Pil Park,Jin Hee Kim,Chi-Hyun Song International journal of medicinal mushrooms 2013 조회
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    Antioxidant properties of different edible mushroom species and increased bioconversion efficiency of Pleurotus eryngii using locally available casing materials. K K Mishra,R S Pal,R Arunkumar,C Chandrashekara,S K Jain,J C Bhatt Food chemistry 2013 조회
    Biodegradation of sugarcane bagasse by Pleurotus citrinopileatus. V K Pandey,M P Singh,A K Srivastava,S K Vishwakarma,S Takshak Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France) 2013 조회
    Induction of a T-Helper 1 (Th1) immune response in mice by an extract from the Pleurotus eryngii (Eringi) mushroom. Kazunori Ike,Natsuko Kameyama,Akira Ito,Soichi Imai Journal of medicinal food 2012 조회
    Analysis of genetic diversity among Chinese Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer cultivars using two molecular marker systems (ISSRs and SRAPs) and morphological traits. Qiu-Sheng Zhang,Bing-Lian Xu,Lin-de Liu,Qin-Qin Yuan,Hong-Xin Dong,Xian-Hao Cheng,De-Ling Lin World journal of microbiology & biotechnology 2012 조회
    Assessment of Antioxidant and Phenolic Compound Concentrations as well as Xanthine Oxidase and Tyrosinase Inhibitory Properties of Different Extracts of Pleurotus citrinopileatus Fruiting Bodies. Nuhu Alam,Ki Nam Yoon,Kyung Rim Lee,Hye Young Kim,Pyung Gyun Shin,Jong Chun Cheong,Young Bok Yoo,Mi Ja Shim,Min Woong Lee,Tae Soo Lee Mycobiology 2011 조회
    Inhibitory effect of a glycoprotein isolated from golden oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus citrinopileatus ) on the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory reaction in RAW 264.7 macrophage. Jian-Nan Chen,Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia,James Swi-Bea Wu Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2011 조회
    In vitro antitumor and immunomodulatory effects of the protein PCP-3A from mushroom Pleurotus citrinopileatus. Jian-Nan Chen,Chia-Yu Ma,Pei-Feng Tsai,Yuh-Tai Wang,James Swi-Bea Wu Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2010 조회
    A glycoprotein extracted from golden oyster mushroom Pleurotus citrinopileatus exhibiting growth inhibitory effect against U937 leukemia cells. Jian-Nan Chen,Yuh-Tai Wang,James Swi-Bea Wu Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2009 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Antioxidant and immunomodulating activities of exo-and endopolysaccharide fractions from submerged mycelia cultures of culinary-medicinal mushrooms. Sang-Chul Jeong,Sundar Rao Koyyalamudi,J Hughes,Cheang Khoo,Trevor Bailey,Karthik Marripudi,Jong Pil Park,Jin Hee Kim,Chi-Hyun Song International journal of medicinal mushrooms 2013 조회
    Comparative study of contents of several bioactive components in fruiting bodies and mycelia of culinary-medicinal mushrooms. Yu-Chang Lo,Shin-Yi Lin,Enkhjargal Ulziijargal,Shin-Yu Chen,Rao-Chi Chien,Yi-Jing Tzou,Jeng-Leun Mau International journal of medicinal mushrooms 2012 조회
    Antioxidant properties of different edible mushroom species and increased bioconversion efficiency of Pleurotus eryngii using locally available casing materials. K K Mishra,R S Pal,R Arunkumar,C Chandrashekara,S K Jain,J C Bhatt Food chemistry 2013 조회
    Biodegradation of sugarcane bagasse by Pleurotus citrinopileatus. V K Pandey,M P Singh,A K Srivastava,S K Vishwakarma,S Takshak Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France) 2013 조회
    Induction of a T-Helper 1 (Th1) immune response in mice by an extract from the Pleurotus eryngii (Eringi) mushroom. Kazunori Ike,Natsuko Kameyama,Akira Ito,Soichi Imai Journal of medicinal food 2012 조회
    Analysis of genetic diversity among Chinese Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer cultivars using two molecular marker systems (ISSRs and SRAPs) and morphological traits. Qiu-Sheng Zhang,Bing-Lian Xu,Lin-de Liu,Qin-Qin Yuan,Hong-Xin Dong,Xian-Hao Cheng,De-Ling Lin World journal of microbiology & biotechnology 2012 조회
    Assessment of Antioxidant and Phenolic Compound Concentrations as well as Xanthine Oxidase and Tyrosinase Inhibitory Properties of Different Extracts of Pleurotus citrinopileatus Fruiting Bodies. Nuhu Alam,Ki Nam Yoon,Kyung Rim Lee,Hye Young Kim,Pyung Gyun Shin,Jong Chun Cheong,Young Bok Yoo,Mi Ja Shim,Min Woong Lee,Tae Soo Lee Mycobiology 2011 조회
    Inhibitory effect of a glycoprotein isolated from golden oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus citrinopileatus ) on the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory reaction in RAW 264.7 macrophage. Jian-Nan Chen,Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia,James Swi-Bea Wu Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2011 조회
    In vitro antitumor and immunomodulatory effects of the protein PCP-3A from mushroom Pleurotus citrinopileatus. Jian-Nan Chen,Chia-Yu Ma,Pei-Feng Tsai,Yuh-Tai Wang,James Swi-Bea Wu Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2010 조회
    A glycoprotein extracted from golden oyster mushroom Pleurotus citrinopileatus exhibiting growth inhibitory effect against U937 leukemia cells. Jian-Nan Chen,Yuh-Tai Wang,James Swi-Bea Wu Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2009 조회

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    NIBRFG0000512556 Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer 1943" / 노랑느타리 강원도 양양군... / 1994-09-03 건조표본 1건

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    • 조해진 ; 이재성 ; 윤기남 ; 이경림 ; 심미자 ; 이민웅 ; 정종천 ; 신평균 ; 유영복 ; 이우윤 ; 이태수 (2010) 느타리속 버섯 계통의 분자생물학적 유연관계의 비교연구. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 38 (2) : 112 – 119

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