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새잣버섯 bookmark_add Neolentinus lepideus (Fr.) Redhead & Ginns 1985

Lentinus lepideus Fr. 1838 (잣버섯)

이른 여름부터 가을에 걸쳐 침엽수의 그루터기, 고목, 생나무에 단생 또는 속생하는 목재갈색부후균이다. 갓은 5~15(25)cm로 처음에는 평반구형이나 차차 편평형이 되고, 표면은 백색~담황갈색이며 황갈색의 인피가 있고 때로는 갓이 찢어져 백색의 조직이 보인다. 주름살은 홈형이며 약간 빽빽하고 백색이며, 주름살날은 톱니형이다. 대는 2~8×1~2cm로 표면은 백색~담황색이고 황갈색의 인피가 있다. 기부는 비늘 모양의 인피가 덮여 있으며 담황색의 턱받이가 있다. 한반도 전역에 생육하며, 한국 고유종이다. [저작재산권자]

  • 강원도 치악산 [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2010), 국외반출승인대상생물자원선정연구


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    A new benzoquinone and a new benzofuran from the edible mushroom Neolentinus lepideus and their inhibitory activity in NO production inhibition assay. Yongxia Li,Li Bao,Bin Song,Junjie Han,Heran Li,Feng Zhao,Hongwei Liu Food chemistry 2013 조회
    Efficient xylose fermentation by the brown rot fungus Neolentinus lepideus. Kenji Okamoto,Ryuichi Kanawaku,Masaru Masumoto,Hideshi Yanase Enzyme and microbial technology 2012 조회
    Radial basis function neural networks for modeling growth rates of the basidiomycetes Physisporinus vitreus and Neolentinus lepideus. Mark Schubert,Safer Mourad,Francis Schwarze Applied microbiology and biotechnology 2009 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    In vitro immunomodulatory activity, cytotoxicity and chemistry of some central European polypores. Ivo Doskocil,Jaroslav Havlik,Roberta Verlotta,Jan Tauchen,Lucia Vesela,Katerina Macakova,Lubomir Opletal,Ladislav Kokoska,Vojtech Rada In vitro immunomodulatory activity, cytotoxicity and chemistry of some central European polypores. 2016 조회
    A new benzoquinone and a new benzofuran from the edible mushroom Neolentinus lepideus and their inhibitory activity in NO production inhibition assay. Yongxia Li,Li Bao,Bin Song,Junjie Han,Heran Li,Feng Zhao,Hongwei Liu Food chemistry 2013 조회
    Efficient xylose fermentation by the brown rot fungus Neolentinus lepideus. Kenji Okamoto,Ryuichi Kanawaku,Masaru Masumoto,Hideshi Yanase Enzyme and microbial technology 2012 조회
    Radial basis function neural networks for modeling growth rates of the basidiomycetes Physisporinus vitreus and Neolentinus lepideus. Mark Schubert,Safer Mourad,Francis Schwarze Applied microbiology and biotechnology 2009 조회

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    Fungal degradation and bioremediation system for creosote-treated wood Illman, Barbara, L. | Yang, Vina, W. | Ferge, Leslie, A. 2002-03-12 조회
    Fungal degradation and bioremediation system for creosote-treated wood Illman, Barbara L. | Yang, Vina W. | Ferge, Leslie A. 2000-03-31 조회

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    • Lee, Wi-Young ; Park, Eung-Jun ; Ahn, Jin-Kwon ; Ka, Kang-Hyeon (2009) Ergothioneine Contents in Fruiting Bodies and Their Enhancement in Mycelial Cultures by the Addition of Methionine. Mycobiology 37 (1) : 43 – 47

      홍릉 ( )
    • 김민수 ; 전성민 ; 가강현 ; 박원철 (2013) 잣버섯 수집균주의 톱밥재배 특성. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 41 (4) : 225 – 230

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