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지붕빨간이끼 bookmark_add Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid.

Dicranum purpureum Hedw.

일본, 중국, 프랑스, 아메리카 등 세계에 넓게 퍼져 분포한다. 주로 초가집이나 판자집의 지붕 또는 사질토 위에 군락을 이룬다. 식물체는 황록색이나 녹색을 띤다. 줄기는 길이 1cm 이하이며 가지가 조금 갈라진다. 잎은 폭넓은 피침형으로 길이 0.37-1.3mm이고, 잎맥은 잎 끝까지 도달한다. 잎 중앙세포는 네모꼴이거나 긴 네모꼴이고 매끈하며 후막이고 길이 10-13㎛이다. 익부세포는 대체로 발달하고 길이 2-4㎛이며 암포엽은 잎보다 크다. 삭이 잘 생기며 길이 약 1mm이고 적갈색이며, 삭병은 길이 10-15mm이며 적자색이거나 황갈색이다. 북한에서는 뿔이이끼라고 부른다. [저작재산권자]

  • 전 세계에 넓게 분포 [1]

    강원, 전북, 충북 [1]

    전 세계 [2]

    전국 [2]

  • 포자체는 흔하다. 초가집이나 판자집의 지붕 또는 사질토 위에 군락을 이룬다. [1]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2014), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2014), 선태식물관찰도감


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    A method for eliminating bacterial contamination from in vitro moss cultures. Sarah B Carey,Adam C Payton,Stuart F McDaniel Applications in plant sciences 2015 조회
    Antarctic moss stress assessment based on chlorophyll content and leaf density retrieved from imaging spectroscopy data. Zbyn?k Malenovsk?,Johanna D Turnbull,Arko Lucieer,Sharon A Robinson The New phytologist 2015 조회
    Toxicity of fuel-contaminated soil to Antarctic moss and terrestrial algae. Anna C Nydahl,Catherine K King,Jane Wasley,Dianne F Jolley,Sharon A Robinson Environmental toxicology and chemistry 2015 조회
    De novo assembly and comparative analysis of the Ceratodon purpureus transcriptome. P?ter Sz?v?nyi,Pierre-Fran?ois Perroud,Aikaterini Symeonidi,Sean Stevenson,Ralph S Quatrano,Stefan A Rensing,Andrew C Cuming,Stuart F McDaniel Molecular ecology resources 2014 조회
    Novel biogenic aggregation of moss gemmae on a disappearing African glacier. Jun Uetake,Sota Tanaka,Kosuke Hara,Yukiko Tanabe,Denis Samyn,Hideaki Motoyama,Satoshi Imura,Shiro Kohshima PloS one 2014 조회
    [Genetic transformation of the moss Ceratodon purpureus by novel polycationic carriers of DNA]. N S Finiuk,A Ie Chaplia,N Ie Mitina,N M Bo?ko,O V Lobachevska,O S Miahkota,A I Iemets,Ia B Blium,O S Zaichenko,R S Sto?ka T?Sitologii?a i genetika 2014 조회
    Estimating the nucleotide diversity in Ceratodon purpureus (Ditrichaceae) from 218 conserved exon-primed, intron-spanning nuclear loci. Stuart F McDaniel,Marijke J van Baren,Kelly S Jones,Adam C Payton,Ralph S Quatrano Applications in plant sciences 2013 조회
    Assembly of synthetic locked phycocyanobilin derivatives with phytochrome in vitro and in vivo in Ceratodon purpureus and Arabidopsis. Rui Yang,Kaori Nishiyama,Ayumi Kamiya,Yutaka Ukaji,Katsuhiko Inomata,Tilman Lamparter The Plant cell 2012 조회
    Sex-specific volatile compounds influence microarthropod-mediated fertilization of moss. Todd N Rosenstiel,Erin E Shortlidge,Andrea N Melnychenko,James F Pankow,Sarah M Eppley Nature 2012 조회
    Smardaesidins A-G, isopimarane and 20-nor-isopimarane diterpenoids from Smardaea sp., a fungal endophyte of the moss Ceratodon purpureus. Xiao-Ning Wang,Bharat P Bashyal,E M Kithsiri Wijeratne,Jana M URen,Manping X Liu,Malkanthi K Gunatilaka,A Elizabeth Arnold,A A Leslie Gunatilaka Journal of natural products 2011 조회

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    논문 (33건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    A method for eliminating bacterial contamination from in vitro moss cultures. Sarah B Carey,Adam C Payton,Stuart F McDaniel Applications in plant sciences 2015 조회
    Antarctic moss stress assessment based on chlorophyll content and leaf density retrieved from imaging spectroscopy data. Zbyn?k Malenovsk?,Johanna D Turnbull,Arko Lucieer,Sharon A Robinson The New phytologist 2015 조회
    Toxicity of fuel-contaminated soil to Antarctic moss and terrestrial algae. Anna C Nydahl,Catherine K King,Jane Wasley,Dianne F Jolley,Sharon A Robinson Environmental toxicology and chemistry 2015 조회
    De novo assembly and comparative analysis of the Ceratodon purpureus transcriptome. P?ter Sz?v?nyi,Pierre-Fran?ois Perroud,Aikaterini Symeonidi,Sean Stevenson,Ralph S Quatrano,Stefan A Rensing,Andrew C Cuming,Stuart F McDaniel Molecular ecology resources 2014 조회
    Novel biogenic aggregation of moss gemmae on a disappearing African glacier. Jun Uetake,Sota Tanaka,Kosuke Hara,Yukiko Tanabe,Denis Samyn,Hideaki Motoyama,Satoshi Imura,Shiro Kohshima PloS one 2014 조회
    [Genetic transformation of the moss Ceratodon purpureus by novel polycationic carriers of DNA]. N S Finiuk,A Ie Chaplia,N Ie Mitina,N M Bo?ko,O V Lobachevska,O S Miahkota,A I Iemets,Ia B Blium,O S Zaichenko,R S Sto?ka T?Sitologii?a i genetika 2014 조회
    Estimating the nucleotide diversity in Ceratodon purpureus (Ditrichaceae) from 218 conserved exon-primed, intron-spanning nuclear loci. Stuart F McDaniel,Marijke J van Baren,Kelly S Jones,Adam C Payton,Ralph S Quatrano Applications in plant sciences 2013 조회
    Assembly of synthetic locked phycocyanobilin derivatives with phytochrome in vitro and in vivo in Ceratodon purpureus and Arabidopsis. Rui Yang,Kaori Nishiyama,Ayumi Kamiya,Yutaka Ukaji,Katsuhiko Inomata,Tilman Lamparter The Plant cell 2012 조회
    Sex-specific volatile compounds influence microarthropod-mediated fertilization of moss. Todd N Rosenstiel,Erin E Shortlidge,Andrea N Melnychenko,James F Pankow,Sarah M Eppley Nature 2012 조회
    Smardaesidins A-G, isopimarane and 20-nor-isopimarane diterpenoids from Smardaea sp., a fungal endophyte of the moss Ceratodon purpureus. Xiao-Ning Wang,Bharat P Bashyal,E M Kithsiri Wijeratne,Jana M URen,Manping X Liu,Malkanthi K Gunatilaka,A Elizabeth Arnold,A A Leslie Gunatilaka Journal of natural products 2011 조회

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    NIBRMS0000104907 Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid." / 지붕빨간이끼 경상북도 울릉... 성인봉 / 2014-05-28 건조표본 2건
    NIBRMS0000104965 Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid." / 지붕빨간이끼 경상북도 울릉... 태하령 / 2014-06-17 건조표본 3건
    NIBRMS0000105984 Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid." / 지붕빨간이끼 제주특별자치도... 한라산 영 / 2015-10-30 건조표본 1건
    NIBRMS0000107243 Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid." / 지붕빨간이끼 강원도 평창군... 가리왕산 / 2017-05-30 건조표본 1건
    NIBRMS0000108570 Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid." / 지붕빨간이끼 경상북도 울릉... / 2022-06-05 건조표본 1건

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