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송사리 bookmark_add Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)

동갈치목 송사리과에 속하는 어류이다. 몸길이는 3~4cm이다. 몸은 유선형으로 옆으로 납작하고 머리는 위아래로 약간 납작하다. 등지느러미는 꼬리자루 부위 가까이에 달리고 뒷지느러미의 기부는 길고 바깥 가장자리는 톱니 모양이다. 몸통 옆 뒤쪽의 검은 점은 산란기에 더욱 진해진다. 수면 근처에서 무리를 지어 다닌다. 산란기는 5~7월이고 이른 아침에 알을 낳는다. 낮에 활동하고 주로 동물성 플랑크톤을 먹고 산다. [저작재산권자]

  • 일본 [3]

    동해 유입되는 하천 하류, 낙동강, 탐진강, 서·남해 도서지방 [3]

  • 산란기는 5~7월이고 이른 아침에 알을 낳는다. 낮에 활동하고 주로 동물성 플랑크톤을 먹고 산다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2018), 한반도의생물다양성시스템고도화

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2010), 국외반출승인대상생물자원자료집


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Integrated gene mapping and synteny studies give insights into the evolution of a sex proto-chromosome in Solea senegalensis. Silvia Portela-Bens,Manuel Alejandro Merlo,María Esther Rodríguez,Ismael Cross,Manuel Manchado,Nadezda Kosyakova,Thomas Liehr,Laureana Rebordinos Integrated gene mapping and synteny studies give insights into the evolution of a sex proto-chromosome in Solea senegalensis. 2016 조회
    Genome-wide SNP identification for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus): applications to QTL mapping of Vibrio anguillarum disease resistance and comparative genomic analysis. Changwei Shao,Yongchao Niu,Pasi Rastas,Yang Liu,Zhiyuan Xie,Hengde Li,Lei Wang,Yong Jiang,Shuaishuai Tai,Yongsheng Tian,Takashi Sakamoto,Songlin Chen Genome-wide SNP identification for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus): applications to QTL mapping of Vibrio anguillarum disease resistance and comparative genomic analysis. 2015 조회
    Characterization of rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) complement components C1r and C1s in terms of molecular aspects, genomic modulation, and immune responsive transcriptional profiles following bacterial and viral pathogen exposure. G I Godahewa,S D N K Bathige,H M L P B Herath,Jae Koo Noh,Jehee Lee Characterization of rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) complement components C1r and C1s in terms of molecular aspects, genomic modulation, and immune responsive transcriptional profiles following bacterial and viral pathogen exposure. 2015 조회
    Development of the pancreas in medaka, Oryzias latipes, from embryo to adult. Takayoshi Otsuka,Tatsuya Tsukahara,Hiroyuki Takeda Development of the pancreas in medaka, Oryzias latipes, from embryo to adult. 2015 조회
    Diluted bitumen causes deformities and molecular responses indicative of oxidative stress in Japanese medaka embryos. Barry N Madison,P V Hodson,V S Langlois Diluted bitumen causes deformities and molecular responses indicative of oxidative stress in Japanese medaka embryos. 2015 조회
    Developmental exposures to an azole fungicide triadimenol at environmentally relevant concentrations cause reproductive dysfunction in females of medaka fish. Szu-Hung Chu,Pei-Han Liao,Pei-Jen Chen Developmental exposures to an azole fungicide triadimenol at environmentally relevant concentrations cause reproductive dysfunction in females of medaka fish. 2016 조회
    Whole Body Melanoma Transcriptome Response in Medaka. Manfred Schartl,Yingjia Shen,Katja Maurus,Ron Walter,Chad Tomlinson,Richard K Wilson,John Postlethwait,Wesley C Warren Whole Body Melanoma Transcriptome Response in Medaka. 2015 조회
    Biochemical Characterization of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Transglutaminases, OlTGK1 and OlTGK2, as Orthologues of Human Keratinocyte-Type Transglutaminase. Ayaka Kikuta,Eri Furukawa,Ryota Ogawa,Natsuki Suganuma,Mai Saitoh,Toshiyuki Nishimaki,Takafumi Katsumura,Hiroki Oota,Tadafumi Kawamoto,Hideki Tatsukawa,Hisashi Hashimoto,Kiyotaka Hitomi Biochemical Characterization of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Transglutaminases, OlTGK1 and OlTGK2, as Orthologues of Human Keratinocyte-Type Transglutaminase. 2015 조회
    Glucocorticoid receptor exhibits sexually dimorphic expression in the medaka brain. Yukiko Kikuchi,Kohei Hosono,Junpei Yamashita,Yukika Kawabata,Kataaki Okubo Glucocorticoid receptor exhibits sexually dimorphic expression in the medaka brain. 2015 조회
    Lysosomal localization of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) Neu1 sialidase and its highly conserved enzymatic profiles with human. Sena Ryuzono,Ryo Takase,Kazuki Oishi,Asami Ikeda,Petros Kingstone Chigwechokha,Aki Funahashi,Masaharu Komatsu,Taeko Miyagi,Kazuhiro Shiozaki Lysosomal localization of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) Neu1 sialidase and its highly conserved enzymatic profiles with human. 2016 조회

    특허 (246건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Transgenic fish with increased unsaturated fatty acid content Yoshizaki, Goro | Takeuchi, Toshiro | Sato, Shuichi | Kiron, Viswanath | Alimuddin 2006-09-29 조회
    Biodegradable lubricating oil composition Kawasaki, Hiroshi 2006-07-03 조회
    Enzymatic Antimicrobial and Antifouling Coatings and Polymeric Materials McDaniel, C. Steven | Wales, Melinda E. | Carvajal, Juan Carlo 2008-10-01 조회
    Coatings and Surface Treatments Having Active Enzymes and Peptides McDaniel, C. Steven 2009-05-29 조회
    POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE-RELATED GENE AND USE THEREOF Wakamatsu, Yuko | Hashimoto, Hisashi 2009-11-12 조회
    Microfluidic Continuous Flow Device for Culturing Biological Material Van Noort, Danny | Yu, Hanry 2011-07-11 조회
    VACCINE Poobalane, Saravanane | Thompson, Kim | Adams, Alexandra 2010-03-12 조회
    VACCINE Poobalane, Saravanane | THOMPSON, Kim | ADAMS, Alexandra 2012-05-14 조회
    VACCINE POOBALANE, Saravanane | Thompson, Kim | Adams, Alexandra 2014-02-24 조회

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    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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    논문 (1,246건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Integrated gene mapping and synteny studies give insights into the evolution of a sex proto-chromosome in Solea senegalensis. Silvia Portela-Bens,Manuel Alejandro Merlo,María Esther Rodríguez,Ismael Cross,Manuel Manchado,Nadezda Kosyakova,Thomas Liehr,Laureana Rebordinos Integrated gene mapping and synteny studies give insights into the evolution of a sex proto-chromosome in Solea senegalensis. 2016 조회
    Genome-wide SNP identification for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus): applications to QTL mapping of Vibrio anguillarum disease resistance and comparative genomic analysis. Changwei Shao,Yongchao Niu,Pasi Rastas,Yang Liu,Zhiyuan Xie,Hengde Li,Lei Wang,Yong Jiang,Shuaishuai Tai,Yongsheng Tian,Takashi Sakamoto,Songlin Chen Genome-wide SNP identification for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus): applications to QTL mapping of Vibrio anguillarum disease resistance and comparative genomic analysis. 2015 조회
    Characterization of rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) complement components C1r and C1s in terms of molecular aspects, genomic modulation, and immune responsive transcriptional profiles following bacterial and viral pathogen exposure. G I Godahewa,S D N K Bathige,H M L P B Herath,Jae Koo Noh,Jehee Lee Characterization of rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) complement components C1r and C1s in terms of molecular aspects, genomic modulation, and immune responsive transcriptional profiles following bacterial and viral pathogen exposure. 2015 조회
    Development of the pancreas in medaka, Oryzias latipes, from embryo to adult. Takayoshi Otsuka,Tatsuya Tsukahara,Hiroyuki Takeda Development of the pancreas in medaka, Oryzias latipes, from embryo to adult. 2015 조회
    Diluted bitumen causes deformities and molecular responses indicative of oxidative stress in Japanese medaka embryos. Barry N Madison,P V Hodson,V S Langlois Diluted bitumen causes deformities and molecular responses indicative of oxidative stress in Japanese medaka embryos. 2015 조회
    Developmental exposures to an azole fungicide triadimenol at environmentally relevant concentrations cause reproductive dysfunction in females of medaka fish. Szu-Hung Chu,Pei-Han Liao,Pei-Jen Chen Developmental exposures to an azole fungicide triadimenol at environmentally relevant concentrations cause reproductive dysfunction in females of medaka fish. 2016 조회
    Whole Body Melanoma Transcriptome Response in Medaka. Manfred Schartl,Yingjia Shen,Katja Maurus,Ron Walter,Chad Tomlinson,Richard K Wilson,John Postlethwait,Wesley C Warren Whole Body Melanoma Transcriptome Response in Medaka. 2015 조회
    Biochemical Characterization of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Transglutaminases, OlTGK1 and OlTGK2, as Orthologues of Human Keratinocyte-Type Transglutaminase. Ayaka Kikuta,Eri Furukawa,Ryota Ogawa,Natsuki Suganuma,Mai Saitoh,Toshiyuki Nishimaki,Takafumi Katsumura,Hiroki Oota,Tadafumi Kawamoto,Hideki Tatsukawa,Hisashi Hashimoto,Kiyotaka Hitomi Biochemical Characterization of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Transglutaminases, OlTGK1 and OlTGK2, as Orthologues of Human Keratinocyte-Type Transglutaminase. 2015 조회
    Glucocorticoid receptor exhibits sexually dimorphic expression in the medaka brain. Yukiko Kikuchi,Kohei Hosono,Junpei Yamashita,Yukika Kawabata,Kataaki Okubo Glucocorticoid receptor exhibits sexually dimorphic expression in the medaka brain. 2015 조회
    Lysosomal localization of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) Neu1 sialidase and its highly conserved enzymatic profiles with human. Sena Ryuzono,Ryo Takase,Kazuki Oishi,Asami Ikeda,Petros Kingstone Chigwechokha,Aki Funahashi,Masaharu Komatsu,Taeko Miyagi,Kazuhiro Shiozaki Lysosomal localization of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) Neu1 sialidase and its highly conserved enzymatic profiles with human. 2016 조회

    특허 (246건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Transgenic fish with increased unsaturated fatty acid content Yoshizaki, Goro | Takeuchi, Toshiro | Sato, Shuichi | Kiron, Viswanath | Alimuddin 2006-09-29 조회
    Biodegradable lubricating oil composition Kawasaki, Hiroshi 2006-07-03 조회
    Enzymatic Antimicrobial and Antifouling Coatings and Polymeric Materials McDaniel, C. Steven | Wales, Melinda E. | Carvajal, Juan Carlo 2008-10-01 조회
    Coatings and Surface Treatments Having Active Enzymes and Peptides McDaniel, C. Steven 2009-05-29 조회
    POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE-RELATED GENE AND USE THEREOF Wakamatsu, Yuko | Hashimoto, Hisashi 2009-11-12 조회
    Microfluidic Continuous Flow Device for Culturing Biological Material Van Noort, Danny | Yu, Hanry 2011-07-11 조회
    VACCINE Poobalane, Saravanane | Thompson, Kim | Adams, Alexandra 2010-03-12 조회
    VACCINE Poobalane, Saravanane | THOMPSON, Kim | ADAMS, Alexandra 2012-05-14 조회
    VACCINE POOBALANE, Saravanane | Thompson, Kim | Adams, Alexandra 2014-02-24 조회

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    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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    NIBR-P0000004104 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)" / 송사리 강원도 강릉시... / 2008-09-25 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000004799 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)" / 송사리 경상남도 거제... 거제도 / 2009-04-09 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000004857 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)" / 송사리 전라남도 영광... / 2007-06-21 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000005235 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)" / 송사리 인천광역시 서... / 2009-04-29 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000005314 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)" / 송사리 경상남도 거제... 거제도 / 2009-05-20 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000005325 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)" / 송사리 경상남도 거제... 거제도 / 2009-05-20 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000005332 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)" / 송사리 경상남도 거제... 거제도 / 2009-05-20 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000005340 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)" / 송사리 경상남도 거제... 거제도 / 2009-05-20 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000005350 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)" / 송사리 경상남도 거제... 거제도 / 2009-05-20 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000005704 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)" / 송사리 / 1992-10-23 액침표본 1건

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    NIBRGR0000109632 Oryzias latipes (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846) / 송사리 강원도 삼척시... / 2011-08-29 조직 1건
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    • Na, Oh-Soo ; Lee, Young-Don ; Baek, Hea-Ja ; Kim, Hyung-Bae (2002) Effects of Bisphenol A on Sex Differentiation and Gonadal Development of Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Korean journal of biological sciences 6 (1) : 75 – 80

      Seomjin River ( )
    • Min M-S (1997) Genetic variation and speciation of 2 species of the genus Oryzias (Pisces, Adrianichthyidae) in Korea.. Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology 13 : 9 – 20

      한국 ( )
    • Kang T-W, Lee E-H, Kim M-S, Paik S-G, Kim S, Kim C-B (2005) Molecular phylogeny and geography of Korean medaka fish (Oryzias latipes).. Molecules and Cells 20 : 151 – 156

      Korea ( ) Korea ( )
    • Kim IS, Lee WO (1984) Effects of stream modification in the Seomjin River on the fish communities of the Dongjin River in Korea.. Bulletin of the Korean Fisheries Society 17 : 549 – 556

      섬진강 ( 19820700 )
    • 김익수 , 김소영 ( Ik Soo Kim , So Young Kim ) (1993) 한국산 송사리 두 종의 교잡실험. 한국어류학회지 5 (1) : 113 – 121

      한국 전라북도 남원군 ( )
    • 최충길 , 황영진 , 박종천 , 라명석 , 이종빈 ( Chung Gil Choi , Yeong Jin Hwang , Jong Cheon Park , Myeong Suk Ra n Jong Bin Lee ) (1994) 동복호와 (同福湖) 그 상류수계의 (上流水系) 추 , 동계 어류상에 관한 연구. 한국어류학회지 6 (1) : 28 – 38

      전남 담양군 ( 19920000 )
    • 손영목 , 송호복 ( Yeong Mok Son , Ho Bok Song ) (1998) 거제도의 담수어류상과 분포상의 특징. 한국어류학회지 10 (1) : 87 – 97

      거제도 ( )
    • 김일찬 ( Kim Il Chan ) , 김영자 ( Kim Yeong Ja ) , 김문규 ( Kim Mun Gyu ) , 윤용달 ( Yun Yong Dal ) , 이재성 ( Lee Jae Seong ) (2003) 어류 metallothionein 유전자: Conserved primer를 이용한 증폭 및 염기서열 분석. 한국어류학회지 15 (3) : 180 – 185

      한국 ( )
    • 박민경 ( Min Kyoung Park ) , 김익수 ( Ik Soo Kim ) , 박종영 ( Jong Young Park ) (2006) 한국산 송사리속 어류의 형태적 특징 및 지리적 분포. 한국어류학회지 18 (3) : 163 – 169

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    • 채병수 ( Byung Soo Chae ) , 윤희남 ( Hee Nam Yoon ) (2007) 여수반도와 금오열도의 담수어류상. 한국어류학회지 19 (3) : 225 – 235

      한국 전남 순천시,여수시 ( )
    • 김현태 ( Hyun Tae Kim ) , 박종영 ( Jong Young Park ) (2013) 한국산 송사리속 Oryzias 어류 2종의 인두골과 이두치 구조. 한국어류학회지 25 (1) : 33 – 37

      한국 ( )
    • 김준섭 ( Jun Sop Kim ) , 안순모 ( Soon Mo An ) , 곽우석 ( Woo Seok Gwak ) (2014) 경남 고성지역의 소하천 어류상. 한국어류학회지 26 (4) : 322 – 330

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      한국 ( )
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      한국 서울 ( )
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