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흰동가리 bookmark_add Amphiprion clarkii (Bennett, 1830)

Amphiprion polymnus

농어목 자리돔과에 속하는 어류이다. 몸길이 15cm쯤이며, 몸은 긴 타원형이고 옆으로 납작하다. 아래턱이 위턱보다 튀어나와 있다. 몸 빛깔은 등 쪽이 흑갈색, 가슴과 배가 주황색이다. 몸통과 꼬리자루에 흰색의 넓은 가로띠가 3개 있다. 체색 변이가 심해서, 검은색, 주황색, 황갈색 등 다양하다. 몸에는 2개의 선명한 흰색 띠가 있는데, 앞의 것은 눈 뒤쪽에 위치하고 뒤쪽 띠는 몸의 중간에 있다. 개체에 따라서 꼬리자루에 흰띠가 있기도 하고 없기도 하다. 꼬리지느러미는 흰색 혹은 노란색이다. 해안의 암초 사이에서 살며 독침을 가진 말미잘의 촉수에 들어가 공생한다. 암컷이 죽으면 수컷이 성전환을 한다. 산란기는 5~11월이다. 세계적으로 일본, 필리핀, 인도네시아, 폴리네시아, 오스트레일리아 북부, 아프리카 동부 연안, 홍해에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 일본, 필리핀, 인도네시아, 폴리네시아, 오스트레일리아 북부, 아프리카 동부 연안, 홍해 [2]

    인도-서태평양 [3]

    제주도 [3]

  • 독침을 가진 말미잘의 촉수에 들어가 공생한다. 암컷이 죽으면 수컷이 성전환을 한다. 산란기는 5~11월이다. [1]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2018), 한반도의생물다양성시스템고도화

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한국생물지발간연구


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Mitochondrial DNA genomes organization and phylogenetic relationships analysis of eight anemonefishes (pomacentridae: amphiprioninae). Jianlong Li,Xiao Chen,Bin Kang,Min Liu PloS one 2015 조회
    A morphological novelty for feeding and sound production in the yellowtail clownfish. Damien Olivier,Bruno Fr?d?rich,Anthony Herrel,Eric Parmentier Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological genetics and physiology 2015 조회
    Estrogen favors the differentiation of ovarian tissues in the ambisexual gonads of anemonefish Amphiprion clarkii. Saori Miura,Yasuhisa Kobayashi,Ramji Kumar Bhandari,Masaru Nakamura Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological genetics and physiology 2013 조회
    Excreted thiocyanate detects live reef fishes illegally collected using cyanide--a non-invasive and non-destructive testing approach. Marcela C M Vaz,Teresa A P Rocha-Santos,Rui J M Rocha,Isabel Lopes,Ruth Pereira,Armando C Duarte,Peter J Rubec,Ricardo Calado PloS one 2012 조회
    Effects of LED light spectra on oxidative stress and the protective role of melatonin in relation to the daily rhythm of the yellowtail clownfish, Amphiprion clarkii. Hyun Suk Shin,Jehee Lee,Cheol Young Choi Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology 2011 조회
    Prey selection and functional morphology through ontogeny of Amphiprion clarkii with a congeneric comparison. J Anto,J Majoris,R G Turingan Journal of fish biology 2010 조회
    Using isolation by distance and effective density to estimate dispersal scales in anemonefish. Malin L Pinsky,Humberto R Montes,Stephen R Palumbi Evolution; international journal of organic evolution 2010 조회
    Sex- and tissue-specific expression of P450 aromatase (cyp19a1a) in the yellowtail clownfish, Amphiprion clarkii. Yasuhisa Kobayashi,Ryo Horiguchi,Saori Miura,Masaru Nakamura Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology 2009 조회
    Hearing ability in three clownfish species. Eric Parmentier,Orphal Colleye,David Mann The Journal of experimental biology 2009 조회
    Immunohistochemical evidence for 11beta-hydroxylase (P45011beta) and androgen production in the gonad during sex differentiation and in adults in the protandrous anemonefish Amphiprion clarkii. Saori Miura,Ryo Horiguchi,Masaru Nakamura Zoological science 2008 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Mitochondrial DNA genomes organization and phylogenetic relationships analysis of eight anemonefishes (pomacentridae: amphiprioninae). Jianlong Li,Xiao Chen,Bin Kang,Min Liu PloS one 2015 조회
    A morphological novelty for feeding and sound production in the yellowtail clownfish. Damien Olivier,Bruno Fr?d?rich,Anthony Herrel,Eric Parmentier Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological genetics and physiology 2015 조회
    Estrogen favors the differentiation of ovarian tissues in the ambisexual gonads of anemonefish Amphiprion clarkii. Saori Miura,Yasuhisa Kobayashi,Ramji Kumar Bhandari,Masaru Nakamura Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological genetics and physiology 2013 조회
    Excreted thiocyanate detects live reef fishes illegally collected using cyanide--a non-invasive and non-destructive testing approach. Marcela C M Vaz,Teresa A P Rocha-Santos,Rui J M Rocha,Isabel Lopes,Ruth Pereira,Armando C Duarte,Peter J Rubec,Ricardo Calado PloS one 2012 조회
    Effects of LED light spectra on oxidative stress and the protective role of melatonin in relation to the daily rhythm of the yellowtail clownfish, Amphiprion clarkii. Hyun Suk Shin,Jehee Lee,Cheol Young Choi Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology 2011 조회
    Prey selection and functional morphology through ontogeny of Amphiprion clarkii with a congeneric comparison. J Anto,J Majoris,R G Turingan Journal of fish biology 2010 조회
    Using isolation by distance and effective density to estimate dispersal scales in anemonefish. Malin L Pinsky,Humberto R Montes,Stephen R Palumbi Evolution; international journal of organic evolution 2010 조회
    Sex- and tissue-specific expression of P450 aromatase (cyp19a1a) in the yellowtail clownfish, Amphiprion clarkii. Yasuhisa Kobayashi,Ryo Horiguchi,Saori Miura,Masaru Nakamura Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology 2009 조회
    Hearing ability in three clownfish species. Eric Parmentier,Orphal Colleye,David Mann The Journal of experimental biology 2009 조회
    Immunohistochemical evidence for 11beta-hydroxylase (P45011beta) and androgen production in the gonad during sex differentiation and in adults in the protandrous anemonefish Amphiprion clarkii. Saori Miura,Ryo Horiguchi,Masaru Nakamura Zoological science 2008 조회

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