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풀망둑 bookmark_add Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)

몸길이가 크게는 50cm 이상 자라는 바닷물고기이다. 몸은 황갈색 바탕에 몸 중앙에는 10개 내외의 불분명한 반점이 배열되어 있다. 꼬리지느러미는 무늬가 없이 노란색을 띤다. 연안과 기수역의 개펄에 서식하며 주로 갑각류와 어류 등을 먹고 산다. 산란은 4~5월에 한다. 우리나라 서해와 남해, 동해 남부에 서식하며, 일본, 중국, 타이완, 인도네시아 등에 분포한다. 회, 구이, 탕 등의 재료로 사용하며 낚시 대상종이다. 망둑어과 어류 중 가장 큰 어종이다. ‘망둑어 IQ’는 3초라는 말이 있는데 한번 낚인 풀망둑이 도망갔다 하더라도 금방 다시 낚시 바늘을 문다고 하여 붙여진 말이다. 그러나 이는 금방 낚시에 걸린 것을 잊어버린 것보다는 경계심이 적고 탐식성이 매우 강하기 때문이다. [저작재산권자]

  • 일본, 중국, 대만, 인도네시아 등에 분포한다. [2]

    서해와 남해, 동해 남부 [2]

  • 주로 갑각류와 어류 등을 섭식한다. 산란기는 4~5월이다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2012), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2012), 유용자생어류100선


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    JAK family members: Molecular cloning, expression profiles and their roles in leptin influencing lipid metabolism in Synechogobius hasta. Kun Wu,Xiao-Ying Tan,Yi-Huan Xu,Xi Shi,Yao-Fang Fan,Dan-Dan Li,Xu Liu JAK family members: Molecular cloning, expression profiles and their roles in leptin influencing lipid metabolism in Synechogobius hasta. 2016 조회
    Complete mitochondrial genome of javeline goby (Synechogobius hasta). Xiaodong Wang,Dunxue Chen,Xianjun Zhou,Falan Zhao,Junjie Yao,Miao An Complete mitochondrial genome of javeline goby (Synechogobius hasta). 2016 조회
    Effects of waterborne Cu exposure on intestinal copper transport and lipid metabolism of Synechogobius hasta. Feng Chen,Zhi Luo,Guang-Hui Chen,Xi Shi,Xu Liu,Yu-Feng Song,Ya-Xiong Pan Effects of waterborne Cu exposure on intestinal copper transport and lipid metabolism of Synechogobius hasta. 2016 조회
    Five metal elements homeostasis-related genes in Synechogobius hasta: Molecular characterization, tissue expression and transcriptional response to Cu and Fe exposure. Feng Chen,Zhi Luo,Yao-Fang Fan,Kun Wu,Ya-Xiong Pan,Xu Liu,Li-Han Zhang,Yu-Feng Song Five metal elements homeostasis-related genes in Synechogobius hasta: Molecular characterization, tissue expression and transcriptional response to Cu and Fe exposure. 2016 조회
    Isolation and Expression Analysis of STAT Members from Synechogobius hasta and Their Roles in Leptin Affecting Lipid Metabolism. Kun Wu,Xiao-Ying Tan,Chuan-Chuan Wei,Wen-Jing You,Mei-Qin Zhuo,Yu-Feng Song Isolation and Expression Analysis of STAT Members from Synechogobius hasta and Their Roles in Leptin Affecting Lipid Metabolism. 2016 조회
    Endoplasmic reticulum stress and dysregulation of calcium homeostasis mediate Cu-induced alteration in hepatic lipid metabolism of javelin goby Synechogobius hasta. Yu-Feng Song,Chao Huang,Xi Shi,Ya-Xiong Pan,Xu Liu,Zhi Luo Endoplasmic reticulum stress and dysregulation of calcium homeostasis mediate Cu-induced alteration in hepatic lipid metabolism of javelin goby Synechogobius hasta. 2016 조회
    Fe reduced hepatic lipid deposition in Synechogobius hasta exposed to waterborne Cu. Feng Chen,Chao Huang,Zhi Luo,Xi Shi,Xu Liu,Yao-Fang Fan,Ya-Xiong Pan Fe reduced hepatic lipid deposition in Synechogobius hasta exposed to waterborne Cu. 2016 조회
    Bioaccumulation characteristics of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the marine food web of Bohai Bay. Binghui Zheng,Xingru Zhao,Xinjuan Ni,Yujie Ben,Rui Guo,Lihui An Bioaccumulation characteristics of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the marine food web of Bohai Bay. 2016 조회
    De novo characterization of the liver transcriptome of javelin goby Synechogobius hasta and analysis of its transcriptomic profile following waterborne copper exposure. Qi-Liang Chen,Zhi Luo,Chao Huang,Ya-Xiong Pan,Kun Wu De novo characterization of the liver transcriptome of javelin goby Synechogobius hasta and analysis of its transcriptomic profile following waterborne copper exposure. 2016 조회
    Effect and mechanism of waterborne prolonged Zn exposure influencing hepatic lipid metabolism in javelin goby Synechogobius hasta. Chao Huang,Zhi Luo,Christer Hogstrand,Feng Chen,Xi Shi,Qi-Liang Chen,Yu-Feng Song,Ya-Xiong Pan Effect and mechanism of waterborne prolonged Zn exposure influencing hepatic lipid metabolism in javelin goby Synechogobius hasta. 2016 조회

    특허 (1건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Method for cultivating synechogobius hast fry | Fry breeding method of synechogobius hast LOU, Bao | MAO, Guo-min | SHI, Hui-lai | LUO, Ji-an | ZHENG, Dai-ming | CHENG, Guo-bao | XU, Dong-dong | ZHAN, Wei | CHENG, Li-na 2009-07-30 조회

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    논문 (21건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    JAK family members: Molecular cloning, expression profiles and their roles in leptin influencing lipid metabolism in Synechogobius hasta. Kun Wu,Xiao-Ying Tan,Yi-Huan Xu,Xi Shi,Yao-Fang Fan,Dan-Dan Li,Xu Liu JAK family members: Molecular cloning, expression profiles and their roles in leptin influencing lipid metabolism in Synechogobius hasta. 2016 조회
    Complete mitochondrial genome of javeline goby (Synechogobius hasta). Xiaodong Wang,Dunxue Chen,Xianjun Zhou,Falan Zhao,Junjie Yao,Miao An Complete mitochondrial genome of javeline goby (Synechogobius hasta). 2016 조회
    Effects of waterborne Cu exposure on intestinal copper transport and lipid metabolism of Synechogobius hasta. Feng Chen,Zhi Luo,Guang-Hui Chen,Xi Shi,Xu Liu,Yu-Feng Song,Ya-Xiong Pan Effects of waterborne Cu exposure on intestinal copper transport and lipid metabolism of Synechogobius hasta. 2016 조회
    Five metal elements homeostasis-related genes in Synechogobius hasta: Molecular characterization, tissue expression and transcriptional response to Cu and Fe exposure. Feng Chen,Zhi Luo,Yao-Fang Fan,Kun Wu,Ya-Xiong Pan,Xu Liu,Li-Han Zhang,Yu-Feng Song Five metal elements homeostasis-related genes in Synechogobius hasta: Molecular characterization, tissue expression and transcriptional response to Cu and Fe exposure. 2016 조회
    Isolation and Expression Analysis of STAT Members from Synechogobius hasta and Their Roles in Leptin Affecting Lipid Metabolism. Kun Wu,Xiao-Ying Tan,Chuan-Chuan Wei,Wen-Jing You,Mei-Qin Zhuo,Yu-Feng Song Isolation and Expression Analysis of STAT Members from Synechogobius hasta and Their Roles in Leptin Affecting Lipid Metabolism. 2016 조회
    Endoplasmic reticulum stress and dysregulation of calcium homeostasis mediate Cu-induced alteration in hepatic lipid metabolism of javelin goby Synechogobius hasta. Yu-Feng Song,Chao Huang,Xi Shi,Ya-Xiong Pan,Xu Liu,Zhi Luo Endoplasmic reticulum stress and dysregulation of calcium homeostasis mediate Cu-induced alteration in hepatic lipid metabolism of javelin goby Synechogobius hasta. 2016 조회
    Fe reduced hepatic lipid deposition in Synechogobius hasta exposed to waterborne Cu. Feng Chen,Chao Huang,Zhi Luo,Xi Shi,Xu Liu,Yao-Fang Fan,Ya-Xiong Pan Fe reduced hepatic lipid deposition in Synechogobius hasta exposed to waterborne Cu. 2016 조회
    Bioaccumulation characteristics of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the marine food web of Bohai Bay. Binghui Zheng,Xingru Zhao,Xinjuan Ni,Yujie Ben,Rui Guo,Lihui An Bioaccumulation characteristics of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the marine food web of Bohai Bay. 2016 조회
    De novo characterization of the liver transcriptome of javelin goby Synechogobius hasta and analysis of its transcriptomic profile following waterborne copper exposure. Qi-Liang Chen,Zhi Luo,Chao Huang,Ya-Xiong Pan,Kun Wu De novo characterization of the liver transcriptome of javelin goby Synechogobius hasta and analysis of its transcriptomic profile following waterborne copper exposure. 2016 조회
    Effect and mechanism of waterborne prolonged Zn exposure influencing hepatic lipid metabolism in javelin goby Synechogobius hasta. Chao Huang,Zhi Luo,Christer Hogstrand,Feng Chen,Xi Shi,Qi-Liang Chen,Yu-Feng Song,Ya-Xiong Pan Effect and mechanism of waterborne prolonged Zn exposure influencing hepatic lipid metabolism in javelin goby Synechogobius hasta. 2016 조회

    특허 (1건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Method for cultivating synechogobius hast fry | Fry breeding method of synechogobius hast LOU, Bao | MAO, Guo-min | SHI, Hui-lai | LUO, Ji-an | ZHENG, Dai-ming | CHENG, Guo-bao | XU, Dong-dong | ZHAN, Wei | CHENG, Li-na 2009-07-30 조회

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    NIBR-P0000000034 Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)" / 풀망둑 대한민국 / 1996-11-29 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000161 Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)" / 풀망둑 인천광역시 옹... / 1999-10-01 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000164 Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)" / 풀망둑 인천광역시 옹... / 2001-03-28 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000165 Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)" / 풀망둑 인천광역시 옹... / 2000-04-07 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000166 Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)" / 풀망둑 인천광역시 옹... / 2001-04-11 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000167 Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)" / 풀망둑 대한민국 / 2004-04- 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000168 Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)" / 풀망둑 인천광역시 옹... / 2001-07-20 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000172 Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)" / 풀망둑 대한민국 / 1998-11-13 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000173 Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)" / 풀망둑 인천광역시 옹... / 2001-05-24 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000174 Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)" / 풀망둑 대한민국 / 액침표본 1건

    소재 (총17건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
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  • 염기서열 (1건)

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    Synechogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845) 풀망둑 COI LCO/HCO 국립생물자원관

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    • 이충렬 (1990) 한국산 말뚝망둥어 Periopthalmus cantonensis(농어목:망둑어과)의 골학적 연구. 동물학회지 = The Korean journal of zoology 33 (4) : 402 – 410

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    • Hwang SW, Kim CK, Lee TW (2003) Seasonal variation of fish catch using a fence net in the shallow tidal flat off Ganghwado, Korea.. Journal of the Korean Fisheries Society 36 : 676 – 685

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    • Kim H, Choi M, Seo Y-I, Lee S-K, Cha HK (2011) Recruitment characteristics of jack mackerel, Trachurus japonicus, in the waters around the Geumo Islands by using both sides fyke nets.. Bulletin of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology 47 : 356 – 368

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