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채송화 bookmark_add Portulaca grandiflora Hook.

Portulaca caryophylloides Hort. ex Vilm.
Portulaca caryophylloides Hort. ex Vilm.

석죽목 쇠비름과에 속하는 관속식물이다. 한해살이풀로 줄기는 눕거나 비스듬히 자라며, 가지가 많이 갈라지고, 높이 10~20cm로 붉은빛이 돈다. 잎은 어긋나게 달리며 원주형으로 길이 1~2cm이며 끝이 뭉툭하고 잎겨드랑이에 흰 털이 나며 다육질이다. 잎자루는 없다. 꽃은 7~10월에 가지 끝에서 1~3개씩 피는데 붉은색, 흰색 또는 노란색으로 지름 2.5~4.0cm이며, 밤에는 오므라든다. 꽃자루는 없다. 꽃받침잎은 2장으로 막질이고 넓은 난형으로 길이 5~7mm이다. 꽃잎은 5장 또는 그 이상이며 도란형이고 끝이 파진다. 수술은 많고, 암술대는 5~9갈래다. 열매는 삭과이며 막질이 있고 9~10월에 익으면 중앙에서 수평으로 갈라져서 터진다. 씨는 많고, 검은색이다. 전국에 자생하는 쇠비름은 잎이 마주나며 납작하고, 꽃은 지름 3~4mm로서 작고 노란색이므로 다르다. 댕명화, 따꽃이라고도 부른다. 남아메리카 원산이며 우리나라 전역에서 화단, 정원에 관상용으로 심어 기른다. [저작재산권자]

  • 남아메리카 [2]

    전국(식재) [2]

  • 한해살이풀로 꽃은 7~10월에 피고 열매는 9~10월에 익는다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Phytoremediation of textile dyes and effluents: Current scenario and future prospects. Rahul V Khandare,Sanjay P Govindwar Biotechnology advances 2015 조회
    Tolerance of Portulaca grandiflora to individual and combined application of Ni, Pb and Zn. N Mihailovic,G Andreji?,? D?eletovi? Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 2014 조회
    Can green roof act as a sink for contaminants? A methodological study to evaluate runoff quality from green roofs. K Vijayaraghavan,Umid Man Joshi Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex 2014 조회
    Design and development of green roof substrate to improve runoff water quality: plant growth experiments and adsorption. K Vijayaraghavan,Franklin D Raja Water research 2014 조회
    Catecholamine Biosynthesis Dependent on the Dark in Betacyanin-forming Portulaca Callus. R Endress,A J?ger,W Kreis Journal of plant physiology 1984 조회
    Betalain production is possible in anthocyanin-producing plant species given the presence of DOPA-dioxygenase and L-DOPA. Nilangani N Harris,John Javellana,Kevin M Davies,David H Lewis,Paula E Jameson,Simon C Deroles,Kate E Calcott,Kevin S Gould,Kathy E Schwinn BMC plant biology 2012 조회
    The complete nucleotide sequence of Alternanthera mosaic virus infecting Portulaca grandiflora represents a new strain distinct from phlox isolates. Peter A Ivanov,Anna A Mukhamedzhanova,Alexander A Smirnov,Nina P Rodionova,Olga V Karpova,Joseph G Atabekov Virus genes 2010 조회
    Identification and full sequence of an isolate of Alternanthera mosaic potexvirus infecting Phlox stolonifera. J Hammond,M D Reinsel,C J Maroon-Lango Archives of virology 2005 조회
    Chronic toxicity study of Portulaca grandiflora Hook. Pranee Chavalittumrong,Songphol Chivapat,Aimmanas Attawish,Jaree Bansiddhi,Songphol Phadungpat,Banchong Chaorai,Raywadee Butraporn Journal of ethnopharmacology 2004 조회
    Characterization and functional identification of a novel plant 4,5-extradiol dioxygenase involved in betalain pigment biosynthesis in Portulaca grandiflora. Laurent Christinet,Fr?d?ric X Burdet,Ma?a Zaiko,Ursula Hinz,Jean-Pierre Zr?d Plant physiology 2004 조회

    특허 (155건)

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    Medical plaster for the adjuvant therapy of the acute nephritis | Medicine paste for aided curing acute nephritis ZHANG, Bei-jing | CHAI, Yan-feng | YANG, Hai-lin 2006-11-07 조회
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    Traditional Chinese medicinal granules for treating whelk, verruca plana, chloasma and colored patch | A kind of treating whelk, verruca plana, chloasma, splash of traditional Chinese medicine medicinal granules LIUIU X 2009-06-02 조회
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    Liver-invigorating detoxication pill for treating hepatitis B | Liver-strengthening detoxifying hepatitis B pill DENG Y 2000-01-25 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Phytoremediation of textile dyes and effluents: Current scenario and future prospects. Rahul V Khandare,Sanjay P Govindwar Biotechnology advances 2015 조회
    Tolerance of Portulaca grandiflora to individual and combined application of Ni, Pb and Zn. N Mihailovic,G Andreji?,? D?eletovi? Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 2014 조회
    Can green roof act as a sink for contaminants? A methodological study to evaluate runoff quality from green roofs. K Vijayaraghavan,Umid Man Joshi Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex 2014 조회
    Design and development of green roof substrate to improve runoff water quality: plant growth experiments and adsorption. K Vijayaraghavan,Franklin D Raja Water research 2014 조회
    Catecholamine Biosynthesis Dependent on the Dark in Betacyanin-forming Portulaca Callus. R Endress,A J?ger,W Kreis Journal of plant physiology 1984 조회
    Betalain production is possible in anthocyanin-producing plant species given the presence of DOPA-dioxygenase and L-DOPA. Nilangani N Harris,John Javellana,Kevin M Davies,David H Lewis,Paula E Jameson,Simon C Deroles,Kate E Calcott,Kevin S Gould,Kathy E Schwinn BMC plant biology 2012 조회
    The complete nucleotide sequence of Alternanthera mosaic virus infecting Portulaca grandiflora represents a new strain distinct from phlox isolates. Peter A Ivanov,Anna A Mukhamedzhanova,Alexander A Smirnov,Nina P Rodionova,Olga V Karpova,Joseph G Atabekov Virus genes 2010 조회
    Identification and full sequence of an isolate of Alternanthera mosaic potexvirus infecting Phlox stolonifera. J Hammond,M D Reinsel,C J Maroon-Lango Archives of virology 2005 조회
    Chronic toxicity study of Portulaca grandiflora Hook. Pranee Chavalittumrong,Songphol Chivapat,Aimmanas Attawish,Jaree Bansiddhi,Songphol Phadungpat,Banchong Chaorai,Raywadee Butraporn Journal of ethnopharmacology 2004 조회
    Characterization and functional identification of a novel plant 4,5-extradiol dioxygenase involved in betalain pigment biosynthesis in Portulaca grandiflora. Laurent Christinet,Fr?d?ric X Burdet,Ma?a Zaiko,Ursula Hinz,Jean-Pierre Zr?d Plant physiology 2004 조회

    특허 (155건)

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    Medical plaster for the adjuvant therapy of the acute nephritis | Medicine paste for aided curing acute nephritis ZHANG, Bei-jing | CHAI, Yan-feng | YANG, Hai-lin 2006-11-07 조회
    Loulian capsule for protecting liver and eliminating tumor | Capsule Wang, Zhi-yi 1994-11-22 조회
    Medicine for curing cancer and preparing method | Medicine for treating cancer and preparation method PEI SE HUI | Jin, Yun-cang 1996-12-13 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicinal granules for treating whelk, verruca plana, chloasma and colored patch | A kind of treating whelk, verruca plana, chloasma, splash of traditional Chinese medicine medicinal granules LIUIU X 2009-06-02 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine compound transdermal patch for treating mastitis of dairy cattle and preparation method thereof | Compound traditional Chinese medicine transdermal patch for treating bouine mastitis and preparation method thereof WU, Jin-jie | ZOU, Song-yang | FENG, Shi-bin | LIU, Qi-shan | LI, Zhi-ming | WANG, Xi-chun | HAN, Chun-yang | LI, Jin-chun | MENG, Qing-juan | ZHOU, Fan 2010-03-24 조회
    Anti-tumour agent and preparation method thereof Zhou, James 2007-09-25 조회
    Medicine for treating prostate disease and preparation method thereof TANG, Ben-fen 2007-12-26 조회
    Feed for 22 to 42-day meat ducks and preparation method thereof | A 22-42 day age meat duck feed and preparation method thereof HUANG, He | LV, Ming-bin | SUN, Zuo-wei 2011-04-29 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine feed for promoting pig growth and preparation method as well as application thereof | Traditional Chinese medicine feed for promoting pig growth and preparation method as well as application thereo LV, Ming-bin | TANG, Ting-ting | YAN, Lei 2013-05-22 조회
    Liver-invigorating detoxication pill for treating hepatitis B | Liver-strengthening detoxifying hepatitis B pill DENG Y 2000-01-25 조회

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