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황마 bookmark_add Corchorus capsularis L.

인도 원산이며 섬유용으로 밭에서 재배하는 한해살이풀이다. 줄기는 곧추서며, 높이 1~2m, 나무질로 되며, 털이 없다. 잎은 어긋나며, 잎몸은 피침형으로 길이 5~12cm, 폭 2~5cm, 밑은 둥글고, 끝은 뾰족하며, 가장자리는 거친 톱니가 있다. 잎자루는 길이 2cm쯤이고, 털이 있다. 턱잎은 피침형이다. 꽃은 8~9월에 노란색으로 피며, 잎겨드랑이에서 취산꽃차례로 달린다. 꽃대와 꽃자루는 짧다. 꽃받침잎은 4~5개, 길이 3~4mm다. 꽃잎은 도란형으로 꽃받침잎과 길이가 비슷하다. 수술은 18~12개다. 열매는 둥근 삭과로 지름 1cm쯤이며, 5실로 각 실에 1개의 씨가 들어 있다. 우리나라 남부지방에서 재배하며, 인도에 분포한다. 까치깨속에 비해 열매는 구형, 5실이므로 구분된다. 또한 고슴도치풀과 비교하여 열매에 갈고리 모양의 긴 가시가 없어 구분된다. 황색 꽃이 피는 삼이라 하여 황마라 한다. 어린잎은 식용하고, 줄기는 섬유원료로 쓴다. 청마라고도 한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 인도 [2]

    남부지방 [2]

  • 한해살이풀이다. 꽃은 8~9월에 핀다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2013), 한반도생물자원포털


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    Identification of differentially expressed transcripts associated with bast fibre development in Corchorus capsularis by suppression subtractive hybridization. Pradipta Samanta,Sanjoy Sadhukhan,Asitava Basu Planta 2014 조회
    Nitric oxide production by necrotrophic pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina and the host plant in charcoal rot disease of jute: complexity of the interplay between necrotroph-host plant interactions. Tuhin Subhra Sarkar,Pranjal Biswas,Subrata Kumar Ghosh,Sanjay Ghosh PloS one 2014 조회
    The CCoAOMT1 gene from jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) is involved in lignin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Gaoyang Zhang,Yujia Zhang,Jiantang Xu,Xiaoping Niu,Jianmin Qi,Aifen Tao,Liwu Zhang,Pingping Fang,LiHui Lin,Jianguang Su Gene 2014 조회
    Overexpression of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase gene could increase cellulose content in Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.). Gaoyang Zhang,Jianmin Qi,Jiantang Xu,Xiaoping Niu,Yujia Zhang,Aifen Tao,Liwu Zhang,Pingping Fang,Lihui Lin Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2013 조회
    Comparative molecular cytogenetic analyses of a major tandemly repeated DNA family and retrotransposon sequences in cultivated jute Corchorus species (Malvaceae). Rabeya Begum,Falk Zakrzewski,Gerhard Menzel,Beatrice Weber,Sheikh Shamimul Alam,Thomas Schmidt Annals of botany 2013 조회
    Botanicals to control soft rot bacteria of potato. M M Rahman,A A Khan,M E Ali,I H Mian,A M Akanda,S B Abd Hamid TheScientificWorldJournal 2012 조회
    Genome size variation in Corchorus olitorius (Malvaceae s.l.) and its correlation with elevation and phenotypic traits. Solomon Benor,J?rg Fuchs,Frank R Blattner Genome 2011 조회
    Isolation of RNA from field-grown jute (Corchorus capsularis) plant in different developmental stages for effective downstream molecular analysis. Pradipta Samanta,Sanjoy Sadhukhan,Subrata Das,Alpana Joshi,Soumitra K Sen,Asitava Basu Molecular biotechnology 2011 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Characteristics and kinetic study on pyrolysis of five lignocellulosic biomass via thermogravimetric analysis. Zhihua Chen,Mian Hu,Xiaolei Zhu,Dabin Guo,Shiming Liu,Zhiquan Hu,Bo Xiao,Jingbo Wang,Mahmood Laghari Bioresource technology 2015 조회
    Pathways associated with lignin biosynthesis in lignomaniac jute fibres. Avrajit Chakraborty,Debabrata Sarkar,Pratik Satya,Pran Gobinda Karmakar,Nagendra Kumar Singh Molecular genetics and genomics 2015 조회
    Identification of differentially expressed transcripts associated with bast fibre development in Corchorus capsularis by suppression subtractive hybridization. Pradipta Samanta,Sanjoy Sadhukhan,Asitava Basu Planta 2014 조회
    Nitric oxide production by necrotrophic pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina and the host plant in charcoal rot disease of jute: complexity of the interplay between necrotroph-host plant interactions. Tuhin Subhra Sarkar,Pranjal Biswas,Subrata Kumar Ghosh,Sanjay Ghosh PloS one 2014 조회
    The CCoAOMT1 gene from jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) is involved in lignin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Gaoyang Zhang,Yujia Zhang,Jiantang Xu,Xiaoping Niu,Jianmin Qi,Aifen Tao,Liwu Zhang,Pingping Fang,LiHui Lin,Jianguang Su Gene 2014 조회
    Overexpression of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase gene could increase cellulose content in Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.). Gaoyang Zhang,Jianmin Qi,Jiantang Xu,Xiaoping Niu,Yujia Zhang,Aifen Tao,Liwu Zhang,Pingping Fang,Lihui Lin Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2013 조회
    Comparative molecular cytogenetic analyses of a major tandemly repeated DNA family and retrotransposon sequences in cultivated jute Corchorus species (Malvaceae). Rabeya Begum,Falk Zakrzewski,Gerhard Menzel,Beatrice Weber,Sheikh Shamimul Alam,Thomas Schmidt Annals of botany 2013 조회
    Botanicals to control soft rot bacteria of potato. M M Rahman,A A Khan,M E Ali,I H Mian,A M Akanda,S B Abd Hamid TheScientificWorldJournal 2012 조회
    Genome size variation in Corchorus olitorius (Malvaceae s.l.) and its correlation with elevation and phenotypic traits. Solomon Benor,J?rg Fuchs,Frank R Blattner Genome 2011 조회
    Isolation of RNA from field-grown jute (Corchorus capsularis) plant in different developmental stages for effective downstream molecular analysis. Pradipta Samanta,Sanjoy Sadhukhan,Subrata Das,Alpana Joshi,Soumitra K Sen,Asitava Basu Molecular biotechnology 2011 조회

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    NIBRVP0000622595 Corchorus capsularis L." / 황마 제주특별자치도... / 2005-08-28 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000833955 Corchorus capsularis L." / 황마 / 2022-04-01 건조표본 2건

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    NIBRGR0000677113 Corchorus capsularis L. / 황마 / 2022-04-01 조직 1건
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    학명 국명 마커명 프라이머세트명 출처
    Corchorus capsularis L. 황마 rbcL rbcL_Z1-F/rbcLa-R 국립생물자원관

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