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큰까치수염 bookmark_add Lysimachia clethroides Duby

Lysimachia sororia Miq.
Lysimachia clethroides var. sororia (Miq.) Kunth

앵초목 앵초과에 속하는 관속식물이다. 산과 들의 햇볕이 잘 드는 풀밭, 경사 지대, 습한 토양에서 자라는 여러해살이풀이다. 땅속줄기는 길게 뻗는다. 줄기는 곧추서며 높이 50~100cm이고, 밑동은 붉은 보라색을 띤다. 줄기 전체에 털이 거의 없으나 윗부분과 꽃차례에는 털이 조금 난다. 잎은 어긋나며 잎몸은 긴 타원형 또는 긴 타원상 피침형으로 길이 6~13cm, 폭 2~5cm이다. 잎끝은 뾰족하고 가장자리는 밋밋하다. 잎 앞면은 녹색으로 짧은 털이 있는 경우도 있고, 뒷면은 연한 녹색으로 털이 없다. 잎자루는 길이 6~10mm이다. 꽃은 6~8월에 피는데 한쪽으로 기울어진 총상꽃차례에 위를 향해 다닥다닥 달리며, 흰색이고 지름 8~12mm다. 꽃자루는 길이 6~10mm로 잔털이 있고 밑부분에 선형의 포잎이 1장 있다. 꽃받침은 종 모양이며 5갈래로 깊게 갈라진다. 수술은 5개다. 열매는 둥근 삭과다. 줄기가 둥근 점에서 능각이 있는 남부 자생인 물까치수염과 구별되고, 전체적으로 털이 드문드문 있는 점에서 흰 털이 많은 까치수염과 구별된다. 또한 진퍼리까치수염은 꽃차례가 한쪽으로 치우치지 않으므로 다르다. 어린순은 나물로 먹고 잎과 줄기를 약용한다. 우리나라 전역에서 자라며, 동아시아에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 일본, 중국(동북지방), 러시아(우수리) [2]

    동아시아 [3]

    전국 [3]

  • 여러해살이풀로 꽃은 6~8월에 피고 열매는 8월에 익는다. [3]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국외반출승인대상생물자원선정연구

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털


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  • 논문 (13건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    A Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Lysimachia clethroides Duby Root Extracts against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Joung, Dae Ki;Kwon, Dong Yeul;Shin, Dong Won; 韓國資源植物學會誌 = Korean journal of plant resources 2018
    A Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Lysimachia clethroides Duby Root Extracts against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Joung, Dae Ki;Kwon, Dong Yeul;Shin, Dong Won; 韓國資源植物學會誌 = Korean journal of plant resources 2018
    A new ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography method for the determination of antioxidant flavonol aglycones in six Lysimachia species. Anita Tóth,Krisztina Végh,Ágnes Alberti,Szabolcs Béni,Ágnes Kéry A new ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography method for the determination of antioxidant flavonol aglycones in six Lysimachia species. 2016 조회
    Effects of Flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroides Duby on the Activities of Cytochrome P450 CYP2E1 and CYP3A4 in Rat Liver Microsomes. Zhi-Juan Zhang,Zhao-Yang Xia,Jin-Mei Wang,Xue-Ting Song,Jin-Feng Wei,Wen-Yi Kang Effects of Flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroides Duby on the Activities of Cytochrome P450 CYP2E1 and CYP3A4 in Rat Liver Microsomes. 2016 조회
    [Analysis of four flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroides using ionic liquid-assisted extraction]. Jin-feng Wei,Zhi-juan Zhang,Dong-dong Li,Wei Liu,Wen-yi Kang Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi = Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi = China journal of Chinese materia medica 2015 조회
    [Analysis of four flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroides using ionic liquid-assisted extraction]. Jin-feng Wei,Zhi-juan Zhang,Dong-dong Li,Wei Liu,Wen-yi Kang [Analysis of four flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroides using ionic liquid-assisted extraction]. 2015 조회
    [Flavonol glycosides from Lysimachia clethroides]. Dong Liang,Yan-Fei Liu,Zhi-You Hao,Huan Luo,Yan Wang,Chun-Lei Zhang,Qing-Jian Zhang,Ruo-Yun Chen,De-Quan Yu Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi = Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi = China journal of Chinese materia medica 2015 조회
    [Flavonol glycosides from Lysimachia clethroides]. Dong Liang,Yan-Fei Liu,Zhi-You Hao,Huan Luo,Yan Wang,Chun-Lei Zhang,Qing-Jian Zhang,Ruo-Yun Chen,De-Quan Yu [Flavonol glycosides from Lysimachia clethroides]. 2015 조회
    Bioactive carboxylic acids from Lysimachia clethroides. Dong Liang,Zhi-You Hao,Yan-Fei Liu,Huan Luo,Yan Wang,Chun-Lei Zhang,Qing-Jian Zhang,Ruo-Yun Chen,De-Quan Yu Journal of Asian natural products research 2013 조회
    Lysimachia clethroides Duby extract attenuates inflammatory response in Raw 264.7 macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide and in acute lung injury mouse model. Do-Wan Shim,Ji-Won Han,Xiao Sun,Cheol-Hun Jang,Sushruta Koppula,Tack-Joong Kim,Tae-Bong Kang,Kwang-Ho Lee Journal of ethnopharmacology 2013 조회

    특허 (39건)

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    Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating spleen-insufficiency damp-amassing type chloasma and preparing method thereof | 一种治疗脾虚湿蕴型黄褐斑的中药制剂及其制备方法 | Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating spleen deficiency and accumulated dampness chloasma and preparation method thereof ZHANG, Jian-chun 2016-04-11 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine composition for replenishing blood for women | 女性补血用中药组合物 | Traditional Chinese medicine composition for female enriching blood ZHANG, Jie 2016-03-16 조회
    Medicinal composition for treating chronic cholecystitis and preparation method for medicinal composition | 一种治疗慢性胆囊炎的药物组合物及其制备方法 | Medicine composition for treating chronic cholecystitis and preparation method thereof GAO, Yu-qiang | LI, Yuan | MA, Xiao-ying 2016-03-04 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating extreme noxious heat type infantile jaundice | Traditional Chinese medicine of treating excessive heat toxin type infantile jaundice BO, Yue-long 2016-01-25 조회
    Prescription for treating synovitis and preparation method | Prescription and preparation method of treating synovitis Unannounced Inventor 2016-01-14 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine plaster for treating gonarthromeningitis and preparation method thereof | A traditional Chinese medicine patch for treating knee joint synovitis and preparation method Unannounced Inventor 2016-01-14 조회
    Lung moistening and cough stopping herbal tea | Herbal tea for moistening lung to arrest cough GOU, Xiu-qin 2015-12-29 조회
    Plaster for treating fracture of pet dogs and preparation method of plaster for treating fracture of pet dogs | Plaster for treating pet dog fracture and preparation method thereof CHENG, Gang | CHENG, Sheng | JIN, Jing | SHI, You-long 2015-12-15 조회
    Formula feed for piglets and preparation method thereof | A piglet compound feed and preparation method thereof HUANG, He | LI, Xin | TANG, Ting-ting 2015-12-04 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating gouty arthritis | A traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating gouty arthritis WANG, Yan-di 2015-06-15 조회

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    논문 (13건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    A Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Lysimachia clethroides Duby Root Extracts against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Joung, Dae Ki;Kwon, Dong Yeul;Shin, Dong Won; 韓國資源植物學會誌 = Korean journal of plant resources 2018
    A Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Lysimachia clethroides Duby Root Extracts against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Joung, Dae Ki;Kwon, Dong Yeul;Shin, Dong Won; 韓國資源植物學會誌 = Korean journal of plant resources 2018
    A new ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography method for the determination of antioxidant flavonol aglycones in six Lysimachia species. Anita Tóth,Krisztina Végh,Ágnes Alberti,Szabolcs Béni,Ágnes Kéry A new ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography method for the determination of antioxidant flavonol aglycones in six Lysimachia species. 2016 조회
    Effects of Flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroides Duby on the Activities of Cytochrome P450 CYP2E1 and CYP3A4 in Rat Liver Microsomes. Zhi-Juan Zhang,Zhao-Yang Xia,Jin-Mei Wang,Xue-Ting Song,Jin-Feng Wei,Wen-Yi Kang Effects of Flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroides Duby on the Activities of Cytochrome P450 CYP2E1 and CYP3A4 in Rat Liver Microsomes. 2016 조회
    [Analysis of four flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroides using ionic liquid-assisted extraction]. Jin-feng Wei,Zhi-juan Zhang,Dong-dong Li,Wei Liu,Wen-yi Kang Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi = Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi = China journal of Chinese materia medica 2015 조회
    [Analysis of four flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroides using ionic liquid-assisted extraction]. Jin-feng Wei,Zhi-juan Zhang,Dong-dong Li,Wei Liu,Wen-yi Kang [Analysis of four flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroides using ionic liquid-assisted extraction]. 2015 조회
    [Flavonol glycosides from Lysimachia clethroides]. Dong Liang,Yan-Fei Liu,Zhi-You Hao,Huan Luo,Yan Wang,Chun-Lei Zhang,Qing-Jian Zhang,Ruo-Yun Chen,De-Quan Yu Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi = Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi = China journal of Chinese materia medica 2015 조회
    [Flavonol glycosides from Lysimachia clethroides]. Dong Liang,Yan-Fei Liu,Zhi-You Hao,Huan Luo,Yan Wang,Chun-Lei Zhang,Qing-Jian Zhang,Ruo-Yun Chen,De-Quan Yu [Flavonol glycosides from Lysimachia clethroides]. 2015 조회
    Bioactive carboxylic acids from Lysimachia clethroides. Dong Liang,Zhi-You Hao,Yan-Fei Liu,Huan Luo,Yan Wang,Chun-Lei Zhang,Qing-Jian Zhang,Ruo-Yun Chen,De-Quan Yu Journal of Asian natural products research 2013 조회
    Lysimachia clethroides Duby extract attenuates inflammatory response in Raw 264.7 macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide and in acute lung injury mouse model. Do-Wan Shim,Ji-Won Han,Xiao Sun,Cheol-Hun Jang,Sushruta Koppula,Tack-Joong Kim,Tae-Bong Kang,Kwang-Ho Lee Journal of ethnopharmacology 2013 조회

    특허 (39건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating spleen-insufficiency damp-amassing type chloasma and preparing method thereof | 一种治疗脾虚湿蕴型黄褐斑的中药制剂及其制备方法 | Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating spleen deficiency and accumulated dampness chloasma and preparation method thereof ZHANG, Jian-chun 2016-04-11 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine composition for replenishing blood for women | 女性补血用中药组合物 | Traditional Chinese medicine composition for female enriching blood ZHANG, Jie 2016-03-16 조회
    Medicinal composition for treating chronic cholecystitis and preparation method for medicinal composition | 一种治疗慢性胆囊炎的药物组合物及其制备方法 | Medicine composition for treating chronic cholecystitis and preparation method thereof GAO, Yu-qiang | LI, Yuan | MA, Xiao-ying 2016-03-04 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating extreme noxious heat type infantile jaundice | Traditional Chinese medicine of treating excessive heat toxin type infantile jaundice BO, Yue-long 2016-01-25 조회
    Prescription for treating synovitis and preparation method | Prescription and preparation method of treating synovitis Unannounced Inventor 2016-01-14 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine plaster for treating gonarthromeningitis and preparation method thereof | A traditional Chinese medicine patch for treating knee joint synovitis and preparation method Unannounced Inventor 2016-01-14 조회
    Lung moistening and cough stopping herbal tea | Herbal tea for moistening lung to arrest cough GOU, Xiu-qin 2015-12-29 조회
    Plaster for treating fracture of pet dogs and preparation method of plaster for treating fracture of pet dogs | Plaster for treating pet dog fracture and preparation method thereof CHENG, Gang | CHENG, Sheng | JIN, Jing | SHI, You-long 2015-12-15 조회
    Formula feed for piglets and preparation method thereof | A piglet compound feed and preparation method thereof HUANG, He | LI, Xin | TANG, Ting-ting 2015-12-04 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating gouty arthritis | A traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating gouty arthritis WANG, Yan-di 2015-06-15 조회

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    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRVP0000015894 Lysimachia clethroides Duby" / 큰까치수염 전라남도 고흥... / 2008-06-24 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000015895 Lysimachia clethroides Duby" / 큰까치수염 전라남도 고흥... / 2008-06-24 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000015914 Lysimachia clethroides Duby" / 큰까치수염 전라남도 고흥... 좌도 / 2008-06-25 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000016294 Lysimachia clethroides Duby" / 큰까치수염 전라남도 고흥... 실억도 / 2008-06-23 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000016946 Lysimachia clethroides Duby" / 큰까치수염 전라북도 고창... / 2007-07-04 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000017309 Lysimachia clethroides Duby" / 큰까치수염 전라북도 고창... / 2007-07-05 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000100177 Lysimachia clethroides Duby" / 큰까치수염 인천광역시 계... 계양산 / 2008-07-04 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000101504 Lysimachia clethroides Duby" / 큰까치수염 충청남도 예산... 가야산 / 1997-09-01 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000101511 Lysimachia clethroides Duby" / 큰까치수염 충청남도 예산... 가야산 / 1997-07-14 건조표본 2건
    NIBRVP0000101513 Lysimachia clethroides Duby" / 큰까치수염 충청남도 공주... / 2000-08-18 건조표본 2건

    소재 (총130건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRGR0000052985 Lysimachia clethroides Duby / 큰까치수염 강원도 인제군... 설악산 / 2008-09-27 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000058648 Lysimachia clethroides Duby / 큰까치수염 충청남도 공주... 계룡산 / 2006-07-30 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000068062 Lysimachia clethroides Duby / 큰까치수염 충청북도 괴산... 군자산 / 2007-09-09 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000068296 Lysimachia clethroides Duby / 큰까치수염 경기도 용인시... 시궁산 / 2007-09-30 DNA 1건
    NIBRGR0000068715 Lysimachia clethroides Duby / 큰까치수염 경기도 용인시... 시궁산 / 2007-09-30 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000068770 Lysimachia clethroides Duby / 큰까치수염 경상북도 상주... 봉황산 / 2007-10-12 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000069540 Lysimachia clethroides Duby / 큰까치수염 강원도 양구군... 대암산 / 2009-07-22 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000074118 Lysimachia clethroides Duby / 큰까치수염 전라북도 장수... 남덕유산 / 2009-08-06 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000077219 Lysimachia clethroides Duby / 큰까치수염 충청북도 영동... / 2007-10-30 조직 1건
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  • 염기서열 (3건)

    학명 국명 마커명 프라이머세트명 출처
    Lysimachia clethroides Duby 큰까치수염 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관
    Lysimachia clethroides Duby 큰까치수염 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관
    Lysimachia clethroides Duby 큰까치수염 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관

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