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멍덕딸기 bookmark_add Rubus idaeus L.

Rubus idaeus var. microphyllus Turcz.

산과 들에 자라는 낙엽 떨기나무이다. 줄기는 곧게 자라며, 높이 1m, 바늘 모양의 가는 가시가 있다. 잎은 3장의 작은잎으로 된다. 작은잎은 난형 또는 타원형으로 길이 4.5~7cm, 폭 3~4.5cm, 끝은 뾰족하고 가장자리는 불규칙한 톱니 모양이다. 잎 앞면은 녹색이고 잔털이 없으며, 뒷면은 회백색의 짧은 솜털이 있다. 잎자루에 짧은 털과 작은 가시가 나 있다. 꽃은 5~6월에 피는데 가지 끝과 잎겨드랑이에서 산방꽃차례를 이룬다. 꽃받침잎은 피침형으로 끝은 뾰족하며, 꽃잎은 주걱 모양으로 길이 5~7mm이다. 수술은 많으며, 꽃잎의 길이와 비슷하다. 열매는 취과, 둥글며, 7~8월에 붉게 익는다. 우리나라 강원도 이북에 자생하며, 러시아, 일본, 중국 등에 분포한다. 거지딸기에 비해서 줄기에 바늘 모양의 가시가 많으며, 잎 뒷면에 흰 털이 빽빽하게 나므로 구별된다. 열매를 식용, 약용한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 일본, 러시아 극동지방, 중국 동북지방, 중앙아시아 [2]

    강원도, 전라남도, 경상북도, 제주도, 북부지방 [2]

    러시아, 일본, 중국 [3]

    강원도 이북 [3]

  • 낙엽 떨기나무이다. 꽃은 5~6월에 피며, 열매는 7~8월에 익는다. [3]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2018), 국외반출 승인대상 생물자원 선정 연구 2단계 3차년도

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC) of phenolic compounds from the shoots of Rubus idaeus 'Glen Ample' cultivar variety. Marta Kula,Daniel Głód,Mirosława Krauze-Baranowska Two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC) of phenolic compounds from the shoots of Rubus idaeus 'Glen Ample' cultivar variety. 2016 조회
    Red Raspberries and Their Bioactive Polyphenols: Cardiometabolic and Neuronal Health Links. Britt M Burton-Freeman,Amandeep K Sandhu,Indika Edirisinghe Red Raspberries and Their Bioactive Polyphenols: Cardiometabolic and Neuronal Health Links. 2016 조회
    Comparison of antioxidant activity of the fruits derived from in vitro propagated and traditionally cultivated tayberry plants. Ely G Zayova,Ira V Stancheva,Maria P Geneva,Maria I Petrova,Ludmila I Dimitrova Comparison of antioxidant activity of the fruits derived from in vitro propagated and traditionally cultivated tayberry plants. 2016 조회
    The Chilean wild raspberry (Rubus geoides Sm.) increases intracellular GSH content and protects against H2O2 and methylglyoxal-induced damage in AGS cells. Felipe Jiménez-Aspee,Cristina Theoduloz,Felipe Ávila,Samanta Thomas-Valdés,Claudia Mardones,Dietrich von Baer,Guillermo Schmeda-Hirschmann The Chilean wild raspberry (Rubus geoides Sm.) increases intracellular GSH content and protects against H2O2 and methylglyoxal-induced damage in AGS cells. 2016 조회
    Analytical fingerprint and chemometrics as phytochemical composition control tools in food supplement analysis: characterization of raspberry bud preparations of different cultivars. Dario Donno,Gabriele L Beccaro,Christoph Carlen,André Ançay,Alessandro K Cerutti,Maria Gabriella Mellano,Giancarlo Bounous Analytical fingerprint and chemometrics as phytochemical composition control tools in food supplement analysis: characterization of raspberry bud preparations of different cultivars. 2016 조회
    Characterization and biological activities of a novel polysaccharide isolated from raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) fruits. Zeyuan Yu,Lu Liu,Yaqin Xu,Libo Wang,Xin Teng,Xingguo Li,Jing Dai Characterization and biological activities of a novel polysaccharide isolated from raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) fruits. 2015 조회
    Agrobacterium arsenijevicii sp. nov., isolated from crown gall tumors on raspberry and cherry plum. Nemanja Kuzmanović,Joanna Puławska,Anđelka Prokić,Milan Ivanović,Nevena Zlatković,Jeffrey B Jones,Aleksa Obradović Agrobacterium arsenijevicii sp. nov., isolated from crown gall tumors on raspberry and cherry plum. 2015 조회
    An oil-soluble extract of Rubus idaeus cells enhances hydration and water homeostasis in skin cells. A Tito,M Bimonte,A Carola,A De Lucia,A Barbulova,A Tortora,G Colucci,F Apone An oil-soluble extract of Rubus idaeus cells enhances hydration and water homeostasis in skin cells. 2015 조회
    Differential expression of ethylene biosynthesis genes in drupelets and receptacle of raspberry (Rubus idaeus). Lida Fuentes,Liliam Monsalve,Luis Morales-Quintana,Mónika Valdenegro,Juan-Pablo Martínez,Bruno G Defilippi,Mauricio González-Agüero Differential expression of ethylene biosynthesis genes in drupelets and receptacle of raspberry (Rubus idaeus). 2015 조회
    Volatile compounds of raspberry fruit: from analytical methods to biological role and sensory impact. Eugenio Aprea,Franco Biasioli,Flavia Gasperi Volatile compounds of raspberry fruit: from analytical methods to biological role and sensory impact. 2015 조회

    특허 (287건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Chinese veterinary drug for effectively preventing and treating porcine respiratory diseases | Veterinary medicine for effectively preventing and treating respiratory disease of pig CHEN, Wen-wen 2014-08-30 조회
    Azoospermatism treatment medicine | A medicine for treating azoospermatism LI, Jie | LI, Hong-guang | ZHANG, Ai-ping | HUANG, Jie-yun 2014-11-13 조회
    Composition and application of composition as well as medicine, food, beverage or health product comprising composition | A composition and application thereof, a drug, food, drink or health products comprising the composition GAO, Qing | GE, Ya-zhong | MA, Zhong-hua | LIU, Shuo | YANG, Yi-ting | ZHU, Hua-wei 2014-12-18 조회
    Extract essence pill and preparation method thereof | An extraction cactus pill and preparation method thereof Unannounced Inventor 2014-12-06 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicinal composition for treating impotence | A treating impotence is one of traditional Chinese medicine composition HUANG, Zhen-bao 2013-12-17 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine for treating arteriosclerosis and preparation method thereof | A traditional Chinese medicine for treating arteriosclerosis and its preparation method WANG, Hua | WANG, Xin-yu 2013-12-21 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicinal decoction for treating urinary incontinence | A traditional Chinese medicine decoction for treating urinary incontinence SHANGGUAN, Rui-hong 2013-12-19 조회
    A razor fish nutritive noodle and a preparing method thereof | Solen nutritional noodle and its preparation method YUE, Hong-wei 2015-03-24 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine for treating amenorrhea diseases | Traditional Chinese medicine for treating amenorrhea syndrome GONG, Can-feng 2015-03-17 조회
    Nanbao plaster | Nanbao patch LIU, Zhi-gang | GU, Xing-wu | LU, Shu-song 2015-03-04 조회

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    문헌명 전통지식(문헌)조사내용 번역문 용도 열람등급
    임하필기 관동(關東)에서 나는 흑앵도와 흑복분자(黑覆盆子)는 그 맛이 매우 달다. 정경산(鄭經山 정원용(鄭元容))이 강원도 관찰사가 되어 선왕고(先王考)에게 인사하러 들렀을 때 왕고께서 술잔을 주고받으면서 반드시 그것을 구해 맛보라고 권하셨다. 뒤에 경산이 돌아와 찾아뵙고 말하기를, “흑복분자는 과연 구해 맛보았는데, 흑앵도는 끝내 맛볼 수 없었습니다.” 하였다. 이 이야기는 내가 어렸을 때 곁에서 모시면서 들은 것이다. 뒤에 호남을 유람하면서 흑복분자는 보았지만 앵도는 역시 볼 수 없었다. 식용 비공개

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    논문 (32건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC) of phenolic compounds from the shoots of Rubus idaeus 'Glen Ample' cultivar variety. Marta Kula,Daniel Głód,Mirosława Krauze-Baranowska Two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC) of phenolic compounds from the shoots of Rubus idaeus 'Glen Ample' cultivar variety. 2016 조회
    Red Raspberries and Their Bioactive Polyphenols: Cardiometabolic and Neuronal Health Links. Britt M Burton-Freeman,Amandeep K Sandhu,Indika Edirisinghe Red Raspberries and Their Bioactive Polyphenols: Cardiometabolic and Neuronal Health Links. 2016 조회
    Comparison of antioxidant activity of the fruits derived from in vitro propagated and traditionally cultivated tayberry plants. Ely G Zayova,Ira V Stancheva,Maria P Geneva,Maria I Petrova,Ludmila I Dimitrova Comparison of antioxidant activity of the fruits derived from in vitro propagated and traditionally cultivated tayberry plants. 2016 조회
    The Chilean wild raspberry (Rubus geoides Sm.) increases intracellular GSH content and protects against H2O2 and methylglyoxal-induced damage in AGS cells. Felipe Jiménez-Aspee,Cristina Theoduloz,Felipe Ávila,Samanta Thomas-Valdés,Claudia Mardones,Dietrich von Baer,Guillermo Schmeda-Hirschmann The Chilean wild raspberry (Rubus geoides Sm.) increases intracellular GSH content and protects against H2O2 and methylglyoxal-induced damage in AGS cells. 2016 조회
    Analytical fingerprint and chemometrics as phytochemical composition control tools in food supplement analysis: characterization of raspberry bud preparations of different cultivars. Dario Donno,Gabriele L Beccaro,Christoph Carlen,André Ançay,Alessandro K Cerutti,Maria Gabriella Mellano,Giancarlo Bounous Analytical fingerprint and chemometrics as phytochemical composition control tools in food supplement analysis: characterization of raspberry bud preparations of different cultivars. 2016 조회
    Characterization and biological activities of a novel polysaccharide isolated from raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) fruits. Zeyuan Yu,Lu Liu,Yaqin Xu,Libo Wang,Xin Teng,Xingguo Li,Jing Dai Characterization and biological activities of a novel polysaccharide isolated from raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) fruits. 2015 조회
    Agrobacterium arsenijevicii sp. nov., isolated from crown gall tumors on raspberry and cherry plum. Nemanja Kuzmanović,Joanna Puławska,Anđelka Prokić,Milan Ivanović,Nevena Zlatković,Jeffrey B Jones,Aleksa Obradović Agrobacterium arsenijevicii sp. nov., isolated from crown gall tumors on raspberry and cherry plum. 2015 조회
    An oil-soluble extract of Rubus idaeus cells enhances hydration and water homeostasis in skin cells. A Tito,M Bimonte,A Carola,A De Lucia,A Barbulova,A Tortora,G Colucci,F Apone An oil-soluble extract of Rubus idaeus cells enhances hydration and water homeostasis in skin cells. 2015 조회
    Differential expression of ethylene biosynthesis genes in drupelets and receptacle of raspberry (Rubus idaeus). Lida Fuentes,Liliam Monsalve,Luis Morales-Quintana,Mónika Valdenegro,Juan-Pablo Martínez,Bruno G Defilippi,Mauricio González-Agüero Differential expression of ethylene biosynthesis genes in drupelets and receptacle of raspberry (Rubus idaeus). 2015 조회
    Volatile compounds of raspberry fruit: from analytical methods to biological role and sensory impact. Eugenio Aprea,Franco Biasioli,Flavia Gasperi Volatile compounds of raspberry fruit: from analytical methods to biological role and sensory impact. 2015 조회

    특허 (287건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Chinese veterinary drug for effectively preventing and treating porcine respiratory diseases | Veterinary medicine for effectively preventing and treating respiratory disease of pig CHEN, Wen-wen 2014-08-30 조회
    Azoospermatism treatment medicine | A medicine for treating azoospermatism LI, Jie | LI, Hong-guang | ZHANG, Ai-ping | HUANG, Jie-yun 2014-11-13 조회
    Composition and application of composition as well as medicine, food, beverage or health product comprising composition | A composition and application thereof, a drug, food, drink or health products comprising the composition GAO, Qing | GE, Ya-zhong | MA, Zhong-hua | LIU, Shuo | YANG, Yi-ting | ZHU, Hua-wei 2014-12-18 조회
    Extract essence pill and preparation method thereof | An extraction cactus pill and preparation method thereof Unannounced Inventor 2014-12-06 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicinal composition for treating impotence | A treating impotence is one of traditional Chinese medicine composition HUANG, Zhen-bao 2013-12-17 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine for treating arteriosclerosis and preparation method thereof | A traditional Chinese medicine for treating arteriosclerosis and its preparation method WANG, Hua | WANG, Xin-yu 2013-12-21 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicinal decoction for treating urinary incontinence | A traditional Chinese medicine decoction for treating urinary incontinence SHANGGUAN, Rui-hong 2013-12-19 조회
    A razor fish nutritive noodle and a preparing method thereof | Solen nutritional noodle and its preparation method YUE, Hong-wei 2015-03-24 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine for treating amenorrhea diseases | Traditional Chinese medicine for treating amenorrhea syndrome GONG, Can-feng 2015-03-17 조회
    Nanbao plaster | Nanbao patch LIU, Zhi-gang | GU, Xing-wu | LU, Shu-song 2015-03-04 조회

    전통지식(문헌) (1건)

    문헌명 전통지식(문헌)조사내용 번역문 용도 열람등급
    임하필기 관동(關東)에서 나는 흑앵도와 흑복분자(黑覆盆子)는 그 맛이 매우 달다. 정경산(鄭經山 정원용(鄭元容))이 강원도 관찰사가 되어 선왕고(先王考)에게 인사하러 들렀을 때 왕고께서 술잔을 주고받으면서 반드시 그것을 구해 맛보라고 권하셨다. 뒤에 경산이 돌아와 찾아뵙고 말하기를, “흑복분자는 과연 구해 맛보았는데, 흑앵도는 끝내 맛볼 수 없었습니다.” 하였다. 이 이야기는 내가 어렸을 때 곁에서 모시면서 들은 것이다. 뒤에 호남을 유람하면서 흑복분자는 보았지만 앵도는 역시 볼 수 없었다. 식용 비공개

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    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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  • 표본 (총11건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRVP0000205596 Rubus idaeus L." / 멍덕딸기 전라남도 해남... . / 2008-04-29 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000435128 Rubus idaeus L." / 멍덕딸기 강원도 정선군... 함백산 / 2013-06-04 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000470644 Rubus idaeus L." / 멍덕딸기 강원도 태백시... 함백산 / 2013-08-22 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000496836 Rubus idaeus L." / 멍덕딸기 / 2014-07-10 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000496837 Rubus idaeus L." / 멍덕딸기 / 2014-07-10 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000496838 Rubus idaeus L." / 멍덕딸기 / 2014-07-10 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000534543 Rubus idaeus L." / 멍덕딸기 / 2015-08-15 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000839574 Rubus idaeus L." / 멍덕딸기 / 2021-09-17 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000845745 Rubus idaeus L." / 멍덕딸기 경상남도 고성... 안장섬(마 / 2013-06-27 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000845746 Rubus idaeus L." / 멍덕딸기 경상남도 고성... 안장섬(마 / 2013-06-27 건조표본 1건

    소재 (총9건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRGR0000052040 Rubus idaeus L. / 멍덕딸기 전라남도 해남... . / 2008-04-29 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000052041 Rubus idaeus L. / 멍덕딸기 전라남도 해남... . / 2008-04-29 DNA 1건
    NIBRGR0000139170 Rubus idaeus L. / 멍덕딸기 강원도 정선군... 함백산 / 2013-06-04 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000153422 Rubus idaeus L. / 멍덕딸기 강원도 태백시... 함백산 / 2013-08-22 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000153601 Rubus idaeus L. / 멍덕딸기 강원도 태백시... 함백산 / 2013-08-22 DNA 1건
    NIBRGR0000186265 Rubus idaeus L. / 멍덕딸기 / 2015-08-15 종자 1건
    NIBRGR0000408478 Rubus idaeus L. / 멍덕딸기 강원도 정선군... 함백산 / 2013-06-04 DNA 1건
    NIBRGR0000408479 Rubus idaeus L. / 멍덕딸기 강원도 정선군... 함백산 / 2013-06-04 DNA 1건
    NIBRGR0000675521 Rubus idaeus L. / 멍덕딸기 / 2021-09-17 조직 1건
  • 염기서열 (2건)

    학명 국명 마커명 프라이머세트명 출처
    Rubus idaeus var. microphyllus Turcz. rbcL 국립생물자원관
    Rubus idaeus var. microphyllus Turcz. rbcL 국립생물자원관

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