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자운영 bookmark_add Astragalus sinicus L.

콩목 콩과에 속하는 관속식물이다. 야생화하여 개울가, 논둑, 경작지 주변 등에 자라는 한해 또는 두해살이풀이다. 줄기는 높이 10~25cm이고 흰 털이 있으며 밑에서부터 가지가 갈라져 옆으로 뻗으며 윗부분은 곧추선다. 잎자루는 길이 2~5cm이다. 잎은 홀수 1회 깃꼴겹잎이고 작은잎은 2~11장이며 도란형 또는 타원형으로 길이 6~20mm이다. 잎끝은 파였거나 둥글다. 꽃은 4~6월에 홍자색 또는 흰색으로 피는데 길이 10~20cm의 꽃자루 끝에 7~10개의 꽃이 산형꽃차례를 이루어 달리고 길이 12mm이다. 꽃받침은 종 모양이며 길이 4mm이고 흰 털이 드문드문 난다. 열매는 협과이고 긴 타원형이며 길이 2.0~2.5cm이고 5~6월에 검은색으로 익고 털이 없다. 씨는 노란색이다. 국내에 분포하는 황기속 식물 중에서 꽃은 홍자색 또는 흰색으로 피며, 총상꽃차례를 이루므로 구분된다. 귀화식물이며 퇴비식물로 도입되어 녹비용, 사료용으로 재배한다. 어린순을 식용한다. 우리나라 남부지방, 일본 등에 귀화하여 자라며, 중국에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 중국(원산지), 일본(귀화) [2]

    남부지방(귀화) [2]

  • 한해 또는 두해살이풀이다. 꽃은 4~6월에 피고 열매는 5~6월에 검은색으로 익는다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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  • 논문 (42건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Host-plant dependent population genetics of the invading weevil Hypera postica. S-I Iwase,K Nakahira,M Tuda,K Kagoshima,M Takagi Host-plant dependent population genetics of the invading weevil Hypera postica. 2015 조회
    Isolation of the PCB-degrading bacteria Mesorhizobium sp. ZY1 and its combined remediation with Astragalus sinicus L. for contaminated soil. Ying Teng,Xiufen Li,Ting Chen,Manyun Zhang,Xiaomi Wang,Zhengao Li,Yongming Luo Isolation of the PCB-degrading bacteria Mesorhizobium sp. ZY1 and its combined remediation with Astragalus sinicus L. for contaminated soil. 2016 조회
    A purple acid phosphatase plays a role in nodule formation and nitrogen fixation in Astragalus sinicus. Jianyun Wang,Zaiyong Si,Fang Li,Xiaobo Xiong,Lei Lei,Fuli Xie,Dasong Chen,Yixing Li,Youguo Li A purple acid phosphatase plays a role in nodule formation and nitrogen fixation in Astragalus sinicus. 2015 조회
    Rhizobium oryzicola sp. nov., potential plant-growth-promoting endophytic bacteria isolated from rice roots. Xiao-Xia Zhang,Ju-Sheng Gao,Yan-Hua Cao,Rizwan Ali Sheirdil,Xiu-Cheng Wang,Lei Zhang Rhizobium oryzicola sp. nov., potential plant-growth-promoting endophytic bacteria isolated from rice roots. 2015 조회
    Host-plant dependent population genetics of the invading weevil Hypera postica. S-I Iwase,K Nakahira,M Tuda,K Kagoshima,M Takagi Host-plant dependent population genetics of the invading weevil Hypera postica. 2015 조회
    The single evolutionary origin of chlorinated auxin provides a phylogenetically informative trait in the Fabaceae. Hong Kiat Lam,John J Ross,Erin L McAdam,Scott A M McAdam The single evolutionary origin of chlorinated auxin provides a phylogenetically informative trait in the Fabaceae. 2016 조회
    A JAZ Protein in Astragalus sinicus Interacts with a Leghemoglobin through the TIFY Domain and Is Involved in Nodule Development and Nitrogen Fixation. Yixing Li,Meng Xu,Ning Wang,Youguo Li A JAZ Protein in Astragalus sinicus Interacts with a Leghemoglobin through the TIFY Domain and Is Involved in Nodule Development and Nitrogen Fixation. 2015 조회
    Isolation of the PCB-degrading bacteria Mesorhizobium sp. ZY1 and its combined remediation with Astragalus sinicus L. for contaminated soil. Ying Teng,Xiufen Li,Ting Chen,Manyun Zhang,Xiaomi Wang,Zhengao Li,Yongming Luo International journal of phytoremediation 2015 조회
    A purple acid phosphatase plays a role in nodule formation and nitrogen fixation in Astragalus sinicus. Jianyun Wang,Zaiyong Si,Fang Li,Xiaobo Xiong,Lei Lei,Fuli Xie,Dasong Chen,Yixing Li,Youguo Li Plant molecular biology 2015 조회
    Isolation and Proposal Novel Rice Promoting Endophytic Bacteria, Rhizobium oryzicola sp. nov. Xiao-Xia Zhang,Ju-Sheng Gao,Yan-Hua Cao,Rizwan Ali Sheirdil,Xiu-Cheng Wang,Lei Zhang International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 2015 조회

    특허 (254건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Taiwanese green propolis extractants used for the purpose of slowing down progression of disease of patient | Taiwanese green propolis extractants used for purpose of slowing down progression of disease of patient CHEN, Jia-nan | HUANG, Zhong-yang | HONG, Xiao-qiao | JIAN, Yin-huan | LIN, Jia-wei | YANG, Ying-zhen 2012-04-18 조회
    Culture medium and cultivating method of needle mushrooms | A kind of needle mushroom culture medium and its cultivating method WANG, Bin 2012-11-25 조회
    Chinese milk vetch bread | A one vetch bread SHEN, Jian | YU, Fang 2013-04-19 조회
    Astragalus sinicus vinegar | A milk vetch vinegar HE, Shu-fang | WEI, Wei 2013-04-18 조회
    Cow forage and preparation method thereof | Milk cow feed and preparation method thereof CHEN, Fu-shi 2013-03-29 조회
    Cherry orchard sod culture method | One method a cherry stay of a peach garden ZHANG, Ke-jian | LI, Gou-la | WANG, Wan-qi 2013-05-23 조회
    Astragalus smicus bean curd | A kind of vetch bean curd WEI, Wei 2013-08-11 조회
    Astragalus sinicus single-season rice high-yield efficient seed reservation method | A one vetch one quaternary rice high-yield and high-efficient reserving method XIE, Jian | NIE, Jun | ZHOU, Xing | LIAO, Yu-lin | LU, Yan-hong | YANG, Ceng-ping 2013-09-23 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine for treating apprehensive and cowardly arrhythmia and preparation method | One for treating core virtual liner chloasma model arrhythmia and preparation method YE, Jing | ZHENG, Shi-jie 2013-09-14 조회
    Breeder cock feed containing oyster shell powder | A one contains oyster powder of A rooster feed WANG, Si-rong 2013-10-22 조회

    전통지식(문헌) (0건)

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    특성정보 (0건)

    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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    논문 (42건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Host-plant dependent population genetics of the invading weevil Hypera postica. S-I Iwase,K Nakahira,M Tuda,K Kagoshima,M Takagi Host-plant dependent population genetics of the invading weevil Hypera postica. 2015 조회
    Isolation of the PCB-degrading bacteria Mesorhizobium sp. ZY1 and its combined remediation with Astragalus sinicus L. for contaminated soil. Ying Teng,Xiufen Li,Ting Chen,Manyun Zhang,Xiaomi Wang,Zhengao Li,Yongming Luo Isolation of the PCB-degrading bacteria Mesorhizobium sp. ZY1 and its combined remediation with Astragalus sinicus L. for contaminated soil. 2016 조회
    A purple acid phosphatase plays a role in nodule formation and nitrogen fixation in Astragalus sinicus. Jianyun Wang,Zaiyong Si,Fang Li,Xiaobo Xiong,Lei Lei,Fuli Xie,Dasong Chen,Yixing Li,Youguo Li A purple acid phosphatase plays a role in nodule formation and nitrogen fixation in Astragalus sinicus. 2015 조회
    Rhizobium oryzicola sp. nov., potential plant-growth-promoting endophytic bacteria isolated from rice roots. Xiao-Xia Zhang,Ju-Sheng Gao,Yan-Hua Cao,Rizwan Ali Sheirdil,Xiu-Cheng Wang,Lei Zhang Rhizobium oryzicola sp. nov., potential plant-growth-promoting endophytic bacteria isolated from rice roots. 2015 조회
    Host-plant dependent population genetics of the invading weevil Hypera postica. S-I Iwase,K Nakahira,M Tuda,K Kagoshima,M Takagi Host-plant dependent population genetics of the invading weevil Hypera postica. 2015 조회
    The single evolutionary origin of chlorinated auxin provides a phylogenetically informative trait in the Fabaceae. Hong Kiat Lam,John J Ross,Erin L McAdam,Scott A M McAdam The single evolutionary origin of chlorinated auxin provides a phylogenetically informative trait in the Fabaceae. 2016 조회
    A JAZ Protein in Astragalus sinicus Interacts with a Leghemoglobin through the TIFY Domain and Is Involved in Nodule Development and Nitrogen Fixation. Yixing Li,Meng Xu,Ning Wang,Youguo Li A JAZ Protein in Astragalus sinicus Interacts with a Leghemoglobin through the TIFY Domain and Is Involved in Nodule Development and Nitrogen Fixation. 2015 조회
    Isolation of the PCB-degrading bacteria Mesorhizobium sp. ZY1 and its combined remediation with Astragalus sinicus L. for contaminated soil. Ying Teng,Xiufen Li,Ting Chen,Manyun Zhang,Xiaomi Wang,Zhengao Li,Yongming Luo International journal of phytoremediation 2015 조회
    A purple acid phosphatase plays a role in nodule formation and nitrogen fixation in Astragalus sinicus. Jianyun Wang,Zaiyong Si,Fang Li,Xiaobo Xiong,Lei Lei,Fuli Xie,Dasong Chen,Yixing Li,Youguo Li Plant molecular biology 2015 조회
    Isolation and Proposal Novel Rice Promoting Endophytic Bacteria, Rhizobium oryzicola sp. nov. Xiao-Xia Zhang,Ju-Sheng Gao,Yan-Hua Cao,Rizwan Ali Sheirdil,Xiu-Cheng Wang,Lei Zhang International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 2015 조회

    특허 (254건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Taiwanese green propolis extractants used for the purpose of slowing down progression of disease of patient | Taiwanese green propolis extractants used for purpose of slowing down progression of disease of patient CHEN, Jia-nan | HUANG, Zhong-yang | HONG, Xiao-qiao | JIAN, Yin-huan | LIN, Jia-wei | YANG, Ying-zhen 2012-04-18 조회
    Culture medium and cultivating method of needle mushrooms | A kind of needle mushroom culture medium and its cultivating method WANG, Bin 2012-11-25 조회
    Chinese milk vetch bread | A one vetch bread SHEN, Jian | YU, Fang 2013-04-19 조회
    Astragalus sinicus vinegar | A milk vetch vinegar HE, Shu-fang | WEI, Wei 2013-04-18 조회
    Cow forage and preparation method thereof | Milk cow feed and preparation method thereof CHEN, Fu-shi 2013-03-29 조회
    Cherry orchard sod culture method | One method a cherry stay of a peach garden ZHANG, Ke-jian | LI, Gou-la | WANG, Wan-qi 2013-05-23 조회
    Astragalus smicus bean curd | A kind of vetch bean curd WEI, Wei 2013-08-11 조회
    Astragalus sinicus single-season rice high-yield efficient seed reservation method | A one vetch one quaternary rice high-yield and high-efficient reserving method XIE, Jian | NIE, Jun | ZHOU, Xing | LIAO, Yu-lin | LU, Yan-hong | YANG, Ceng-ping 2013-09-23 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine for treating apprehensive and cowardly arrhythmia and preparation method | One for treating core virtual liner chloasma model arrhythmia and preparation method YE, Jing | ZHENG, Shi-jie 2013-09-14 조회
    Breeder cock feed containing oyster shell powder | A one contains oyster powder of A rooster feed WANG, Si-rong 2013-10-22 조회

    전통지식(문헌) (0건)

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    특성정보 (0건)

    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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  • 표본 (총251건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRVP0000113984 Astragalus sinicus L." / 자운영 경상남도 창원... 작대산 / 2003-08-07 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000119111 Astragalus sinicus L." / 자운영 전라북도 부안... / 2002-05 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000127393 Astragalus sinicus L." / 자운영 전라북도 임실... 성수산 / 2007-05-05 건조표본 4건
    NIBRVP0000133067 Astragalus sinicus L." / 자운영 경상남도 합천... / 2006-04-23 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000133679 Astragalus sinicus L." / 자운영 전라북도 부안... / 2006-05-05 건조표본 7건
    NIBRVP0000136634 Astragalus sinicus L." / 자운영 충청북도 진천... 한천리 / 2007-05-06 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000136635 Astragalus sinicus L." / 자운영 충청북도 진천... 한천리 / 2007-05-06 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000136636 Astragalus sinicus L." / 자운영 충청북도 진천... 한천리 / 2007-05-06 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000136637 Astragalus sinicus L." / 자운영 충청북도 진천... 한천리 / 2007-05-06 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000136638 Astragalus sinicus L." / 자운영 충청북도 진천... 한천리 / 2007-05-06 건조표본 1건

    소재 (총8건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRGR0000064733 Astragalus sinicus L. / 자운영 전라남도 장성... 입암산 / 2008-05-31 DNA 1건
    NIBRGR0000078080 Astragalus sinicus L. / 자운영 전라북도 고창... 인천 / 2008-11-01 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000083997 Astragalus sinicus L. / 자운영 경상남도 양산... . / 2009-05-28 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000085857 Astragalus sinicus L. / 자운영 전라남도 여수... 금오도 / 2010-05-17 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000086129 Astragalus sinicus L. / 자운영 전라남도 여수... / 2010-05-21 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000175158 Astragalus sinicus L. / 자운영 전라남도 구례... 피아골 / 2014-05-22 종자 1건
    NIBRGR0000625673 Astragalus sinicus L. / 자운영 전라남도 화순... / 2020-11-21 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000628102 Astragalus sinicus L. / 자운영 전라남도 화순... / 2020-11-21 DNA 1건
  • 염기서열 (3건)

    학명 국명 마커명 프라이머세트명 출처
    Astragalus sinicus L. 자운영 rbcL rbcL_aF/rbcL_cr 국립생물자원관
    Astragalus sinicus L. 자운영 rbcL rbcL_aF/rbcL_cr 국립생물자원관
    Astragalus sinicus L. 자운영 rbcL rbcL_aF/rbcL_cr 국립생물자원관

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    • 최인수(Insu Choi), 김소영(Soyoung Kim), 최병희(Byounghee Choi) (2015) 논문 : 한국산 황기속의 분류학적 재검토. 식물분류학회지 45 (3) : 227 – 238

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