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바닷가 상록수림의 덤불숲에 자라는 상록 큰키나무이다. 줄기는 높이 5~10m이다. 어린가지는 어두운 갈색, 털이 없다. 잎은 어긋나며, 가죽질, 타원형 또는 긴 타원형, 길이 6~10cm, 폭 2.5~4cm, 가장자리가 밋밋하다. 잎자루는 1.2~2.8cm이다. 꽃은 5~6월에 암수딴그루로 피는데 햇가지의 잎겨드랑이에서 취산꽃차례로 2~7개씩 달리고, 붉은빛이 도는 녹색, 지름 4~5mm이다. 꽃대는 1cm쯤이다. 꽃자루는 2~5mm이다. 꽃잎과 꽃받침잎은 각각 4~5장이다. 꽃잎은 꽃받침잎보다 길고, 뒤로 젖혀진다. 수술은 4~5개이다. 열매는 핵과, 난상 구형, 지름 5~8mm, 9~12월에 붉게 익고, 씨가 5~6개 들어 있다. 우리나라 남해안과 제주도에 자생하며 일본, 중국 중남부, 타이완, 베트남 등에 분포한다. 감탕나무에 비해서 잎은 톱니가 없으며, 잎자루는 더욱 길고, 꽃은 햇가지에 달리므로 구분된다. 정원수로 심는다. [저작재산권자]

  • 전라남도, 경상남도, 제주도 [2]

    대만, 베트남, 일본, 중국 중부 및 남부; 온대 및 열대 지역 [3]

  • 상록 큰키나무이다. 꽃은 5~6월에 피며, 열매는 9~12월에 익는다. [4]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2017), 국외반출승인대상생물자원선정연구

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2016), 한국생물지발간연구

    [4] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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  • 논문 (33건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    <i>Ilex rotunda Thunb</i> Protects Against Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Ulcerative Colitis in Mice by Restoring the Intestinal Mucosal Barrier and Modulating the Oncostatin M/Oncostatin M Receptor Pathway. Yao Li, Xu Yang, Jia-Ni Yuan, Rui Lin, Yun-Yuan Tian, Yu-Xin Li, Yan Zhang, Xu-Fang Wang, Yan-Hua Xie, Si-Wang Wang, Xiao-Hui Zheng Frontiers in pharmacology 2022 조회
    Analysis of Antioxidant Constituents from <i>Ilex rotunda</i> and Evaluation of Their Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability. Chang-Kwon Kim, Jeongjun Ahn, Jayeon Yu, DucDat Le, Sanghee Han, Mina Lee Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland) 2022 조회
    Termitomenins A-E: Five new lignans from Terminalia chebula var. tomentella (Kurz) C. B. Clarke. Xiao-Rui Zhang, Hong-Tao Zhu, Dong Wang, Zhe Yang, Chong-Ren Yang, Ying-Jun Zhang Fitoterapia 2020 조회
    Protective effect of phenolic acids from Chebulae Fructus immaturus on carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver injury via suppressing oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis in mouse. Nan Li, Bin Li, Jiashu Zhang, Xinguang Liu, Jing Liu, Kun Li, Taowen Pan, Shouyu Wang, Yunpeng Diao Natural product research 2020 조회
    Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography/Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabonomics Reveal Protective Effect of Terminalia chebula Extract on Ischemic Stroke Rats. Wenxing Liu, Fei Mu, Tianlong Liu, Hang Xu, Jianzong Chen, Na Jia, Yikai Zhang, Fang Dou, Lei Shi, Yuwen Li, AiDong Wen, Yi Ding Rejuvenation research 2018 조회
    Natural CAC chemopreventive agents from Ilex rotunda Thunb. Yueqing Han, Lin Zhang, Wei Li, Xinran Liu, Jiao Xiao, Gang Chen, Ning Li Journal of natural medicines 2019 조회
    Five glycosylated phenolic derivatives from the bark of <i>Ilex rotunda</i> Thunb. and their anti-inflammatory activities. Shou Peng, Tong Chen, Ge Wang, Chen-Yue Li, Wen-Jing Liu, Wen-Qiong Wang, Li-Jiang Xuan Natural product research 2023 조회
    Anti-inflammatory activity of caffeic acid derivatives from Ilex rotunda. Chang-Kwon Kim, Jayeon Yu, DucDat Le, Sanghee Han, Soojung Yu, Mina Lee International immunopharmacology 2022 조회
    Antibacterial activity of total flavonoids from Ilex rotunda Thunb. and different antibacterials on different multidrug-resistant bacteria alone or in combination Wu Yongji;Chai Beibei;Wang Lizhen;Jiang Weijia;Hu Mei;Zhao Yuchuan;Si Hongbin; 2018 조회
    Natural CAC chemopreventive agents from Ilex rotunda Thunb. Han, Yueqing;Zhang, Lin;Li, Wei;Liu, Xinran;Xiao, Jiao;Chen, Gang;Li, Ning; Journal of natural medicines 2019 조회

    특허 (129건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Methods and compositions for treatment of COPD diseases Minsheng Zhu|Jie Sun|Yang Pan 2018-07-06 조회
    Method of preparing Ilex rotunda Thunb total saponins and the application thereof | Preparation method and application of holly bark total saponin Chaosheng Li 2006-09-19 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for decreasing blood fat | Traditional Chinese medicinal preparation for decreasing blood fat LIU, Guo-qiao 2008-09-01 조회
    Method for extracting and separating syringin from kurogane holly | A method for extracting syringin from ilex rotunda WANG, Jun-xian | JIA, Xiao-ni | YANG, Yan-zi | ZHANG, Lu 2008-06-19 조회
    Plaster for treating painful swelling | Gall patch HE, Zhong-sheng | HE, Yu | HE, Ning | ZHANG, Xi-lan 2007-11-12 조회
    Application of rotundic acid in preparing blood lipid regulating medicines | Use of rotundic acid for preparing the medicine to regulate the blood fat CHEN, Sheng-wu | ZHAO, Quan-cheng | HE, Yu-fang | NAN, Min-lun 2010-06-22 조회
    Application of rotundic acid in preparing medicines for preventing and treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases | Life without corresponding acid in preparation of medicine for preventing and treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases CHEN, Sheng-wu | HE, Yu-fang | NAN, Min-lun | ZHAO, Quan-cheng 2010-06-22 조회
    Loquat extract extracted from loquat pulp and preparation method thereof | Preparation method extracting loquat meat into refined loquat lotion HU, Zhi-qing 2010-11-10 조회
    Herbal tea capable of relieving summer heat and removing dampness and preparation method thereof | Mixed herb tea for relieving summer heat and removing dampness and preparation method thereof LIU, Qiang | LIU, Li 2010-10-13 조회

    전통지식(문헌) (0건)

    문헌명 전통지식(문헌)조사내용 번역문 용도 열람등급
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    특성정보 (0건)

    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
    관련된 특성정보가 없습니다.

    논문 (33건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    <i>Ilex rotunda Thunb</i> Protects Against Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Ulcerative Colitis in Mice by Restoring the Intestinal Mucosal Barrier and Modulating the Oncostatin M/Oncostatin M Receptor Pathway. Yao Li, Xu Yang, Jia-Ni Yuan, Rui Lin, Yun-Yuan Tian, Yu-Xin Li, Yan Zhang, Xu-Fang Wang, Yan-Hua Xie, Si-Wang Wang, Xiao-Hui Zheng Frontiers in pharmacology 2022 조회
    Analysis of Antioxidant Constituents from <i>Ilex rotunda</i> and Evaluation of Their Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability. Chang-Kwon Kim, Jeongjun Ahn, Jayeon Yu, DucDat Le, Sanghee Han, Mina Lee Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland) 2022 조회
    Termitomenins A-E: Five new lignans from Terminalia chebula var. tomentella (Kurz) C. B. Clarke. Xiao-Rui Zhang, Hong-Tao Zhu, Dong Wang, Zhe Yang, Chong-Ren Yang, Ying-Jun Zhang Fitoterapia 2020 조회
    Protective effect of phenolic acids from Chebulae Fructus immaturus on carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver injury via suppressing oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis in mouse. Nan Li, Bin Li, Jiashu Zhang, Xinguang Liu, Jing Liu, Kun Li, Taowen Pan, Shouyu Wang, Yunpeng Diao Natural product research 2020 조회
    Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography/Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabonomics Reveal Protective Effect of Terminalia chebula Extract on Ischemic Stroke Rats. Wenxing Liu, Fei Mu, Tianlong Liu, Hang Xu, Jianzong Chen, Na Jia, Yikai Zhang, Fang Dou, Lei Shi, Yuwen Li, AiDong Wen, Yi Ding Rejuvenation research 2018 조회
    Natural CAC chemopreventive agents from Ilex rotunda Thunb. Yueqing Han, Lin Zhang, Wei Li, Xinran Liu, Jiao Xiao, Gang Chen, Ning Li Journal of natural medicines 2019 조회
    Five glycosylated phenolic derivatives from the bark of <i>Ilex rotunda</i> Thunb. and their anti-inflammatory activities. Shou Peng, Tong Chen, Ge Wang, Chen-Yue Li, Wen-Jing Liu, Wen-Qiong Wang, Li-Jiang Xuan Natural product research 2023 조회
    Anti-inflammatory activity of caffeic acid derivatives from Ilex rotunda. Chang-Kwon Kim, Jayeon Yu, DucDat Le, Sanghee Han, Soojung Yu, Mina Lee International immunopharmacology 2022 조회
    Antibacterial activity of total flavonoids from Ilex rotunda Thunb. and different antibacterials on different multidrug-resistant bacteria alone or in combination Wu Yongji;Chai Beibei;Wang Lizhen;Jiang Weijia;Hu Mei;Zhao Yuchuan;Si Hongbin; 2018 조회
    Natural CAC chemopreventive agents from Ilex rotunda Thunb. Han, Yueqing;Zhang, Lin;Li, Wei;Liu, Xinran;Xiao, Jiao;Chen, Gang;Li, Ning; Journal of natural medicines 2019 조회

    특허 (129건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Methods and compositions for treatment of COPD diseases Minsheng Zhu|Jie Sun|Yang Pan 2018-07-06 조회
    Method of preparing Ilex rotunda Thunb total saponins and the application thereof | Preparation method and application of holly bark total saponin Chaosheng Li 2006-09-19 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for decreasing blood fat | Traditional Chinese medicinal preparation for decreasing blood fat LIU, Guo-qiao 2008-09-01 조회
    Method for extracting and separating syringin from kurogane holly | A method for extracting syringin from ilex rotunda WANG, Jun-xian | JIA, Xiao-ni | YANG, Yan-zi | ZHANG, Lu 2008-06-19 조회
    Plaster for treating painful swelling | Gall patch HE, Zhong-sheng | HE, Yu | HE, Ning | ZHANG, Xi-lan 2007-11-12 조회
    Application of rotundic acid in preparing blood lipid regulating medicines | Use of rotundic acid for preparing the medicine to regulate the blood fat CHEN, Sheng-wu | ZHAO, Quan-cheng | HE, Yu-fang | NAN, Min-lun 2010-06-22 조회
    Application of rotundic acid in preparing medicines for preventing and treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases | Life without corresponding acid in preparation of medicine for preventing and treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases CHEN, Sheng-wu | HE, Yu-fang | NAN, Min-lun | ZHAO, Quan-cheng 2010-06-22 조회
    Loquat extract extracted from loquat pulp and preparation method thereof | Preparation method extracting loquat meat into refined loquat lotion HU, Zhi-qing 2010-11-10 조회
    Herbal tea capable of relieving summer heat and removing dampness and preparation method thereof | Mixed herb tea for relieving summer heat and removing dampness and preparation method thereof LIU, Qiang | LIU, Li 2010-10-13 조회

    전통지식(문헌) (0건)

    문헌명 전통지식(문헌)조사내용 번역문 용도 열람등급
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    특성정보 (0건)

    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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  • 표본 (총89건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRVP0000129347 Ilex rotunda Thunb." / 먼나무 경상남도 거제... 해금강 / 2007-11-22 건조표본 3건
    NIBRVP0000209920 Ilex rotunda Thunb." / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... 제지기오름 / 2009-10-23 건조표본 2건
    NIBRVP0000225014 Ilex rotunda Thunb." / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... 제주도 / 2008-02-24 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000254297 Ilex rotunda Thunb." / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... 법성사 / 2009-07-28 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000254304 Ilex rotunda Thunb." / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... 법성사 / 2009-07-28 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000257296 Ilex rotunda Thunb." / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... / 2009-08-24 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000261952 Ilex rotunda Thunb." / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... 돈내코 / 2010-03-25 건조표본 5건
    NIBRVP0000261988 Ilex rotunda Thunb." / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... 남국선원 / 2010-03-25 건조표본 5건
    NIBRVP0000280806 Ilex rotunda Thunb." / 먼나무 전라남도 여수... 금오도 / 2010-05-17 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000280820 Ilex rotunda Thunb." / 먼나무 전라남도 여수... 금오도 / 2010-05-17 건조표본 1건

    소재 (총65건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRGR0000068233 Ilex rotunda Thunb. / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... 제주도 / 2008-02-24 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000071401 Ilex rotunda Thunb. / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... 제주도 / 2008-02-24 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000071402 Ilex rotunda Thunb. / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... 제주도 / 2008-02-24 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000085845 Ilex rotunda Thunb. / 먼나무 전라남도 여수... 금오도 / 2010-05-17 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000085859 Ilex rotunda Thunb. / 먼나무 전라남도 여수... 금오도 / 2010-05-17 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000085960 Ilex rotunda Thunb. / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... / 2010-06-23 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000086154 Ilex rotunda Thunb. / 먼나무 전라남도 여수... / 2010-05-21 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000094757 Ilex rotunda Thunb. / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... / 2007-08-16 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000114123 Ilex rotunda Thunb. / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... 돈내코야영 / 2011-10-28 종자 2건
    NIBRGR0000114360 Ilex rotunda Thunb. / 먼나무 제주특별자치도... / 2011-11-11 종자 1건
  • 염기서열 (6건)

    학명 국명 마커명 프라이머세트명 출처
    Ilex rotunda Thunb. 먼나무 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관
    Ilex rotunda Thunb. 먼나무 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관
    Ilex rotunda Thunb. 먼나무 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관
    Ilex rotunda Thunb. 먼나무 rbcL rbcL_1F/724R 국립생물자원관
    Ilex rotunda Thunb. 먼나무 rbcL rbcL_1F/724R 국립생물자원관
    Ilex rotunda Thunb. 먼나무 rbcL rbcL_1F/724R 국립생물자원관

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