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네군도단풍 bookmark_add Acer negundo L.

북아메리카 원산의 낙엽 교목이다. 키가 20m가량이다. 잎은 우상복엽이며, 잎자루는 길고, 소엽은 3~5장이며, 소엽은 난형 또는 타원상 피침형이고, 길이 10cm로서 끝은 매우 뾰족하고 가장자리에는 대개 톱니가 있다. 꽃은 암수딴그루, 황록색이며, 잎보다 먼저 피고, 수꽃은 산방화서에 달리며, 암꽃은 총상화서에 달린다. 열매는 시과이다. 꽃은 4~5월에 피며, 열매는 8~9월에 익는다. 가구재로 사용한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 북아메리카(원산) [2]

    서울 이남(재식) [2]

  • 낙엽 큰키나무이다. 꽃은 4~5월에 피며, 열매는 8~9월에 익는다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2013), 한반도생물자원포털


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  • 논문 (19건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Seasonal variation of bacterial endophytes in urban trees. Shu Yi Shen,Roberta Fulthorpe Frontiers in microbiology 2015 조회
    Changes in the IgE-reacting protein profiles of Acer negundo, Platanus x acerifolia and Quercus robur pollen in response to ozone treatment. Helena Ribeiro,Laura Duque,Raquel Sousa,Ana Cruz,Carlos Gomes,Joaquim Esteves da Silva,Ilda Abreu International journal of environmental health research 2014 조회
    Ecotoxicity effects triggered in aquatic organisms by invasive Acer negundo and native Alnus glutinosa leaf leachates obtained in the process of aerobic decomposition. Levonas Manusad?ianas,J?rat? Darginavi?ien?,Brigita Gylyt?,Sigita Jurkonien?,Alina Krev?,Al? Ku?inskien?,Rimut? Ma?kinait?,Romas Pakalnis,Kazys Sadauskas,J?rat? Send?ikait?,Rimantas Vitkus The Science of the total environment 2014 조회
    Effects of CO₂ on Acer negundo pollen fertility, protein content, allergenic properties, and carbohydrates. M Silva,H Ribeiro,I Abreu,A Cruz,J C G Esteves da Silva Environmental science and pollution research international 2014 조회
    Elemental concentrations in deposited dust on leaves along an urbanization gradient. Edina Simon,Edina Baranyai,Mih?ly Braun,Csaba Cserh?ti,Istv?n F?bi?n,B?la T?thm?r?sz The Science of the total environment 2014 조회
    Hypoglycin A concentrations in seeds of Acer pseudoplatanus trees growing on atypical myopathy-affected and control pastures. L Unger,A Nicholson,E M Jewitt,V Gerber,A Hegeman,L Sweetman,S Valberg Journal of veterinary internal medicine 2014 조회
    Preparation and characterisation of biodegradable pollen-chitosan microcapsules and its application in heavy metal removal. ?dris Sargın,Murat Kaya,Gulsin Arslan,Talat Baran,Talip Ceter Bioresource technology 2014 조회
    A test for pre-adapted phenotypic plasticity in the invasive tree Acer negundo L. Laurent J Lamarque,Annabel J Port?,Camille Eymeric,Jean-Baptiste Lasnier,Christopher J Lortie,Sylvain Delzon PloS one 2013 조회
    Identification of methylenecyclopropyl acetic acid in serum of European horses with atypical myopathy. D-M Votion,G van Galen,L Sweetman,F Boemer,P de Tullio,C Dopagne,L Lef?re,A Mouithys-Mickalad,F Patarin,S Rouxhet,G van Loon,D Serteyn,B T Sponseller,S J Valberg Equine veterinary journal 2013 조회
    Ecotoxicological effects evoked in hydrophytes by leachates of invasive Acer negundo and autochthonous Alnus glutinosa fallen off leaves during their microbial decomposition. Alina Krev?,J?rat? Darginavi?ien?,Brigita Gylyt?,Reda Grigutyt?,Sigita Jurkonien?,Rolandas Karitonas,Al? Ku?inskien?,Romas Pakalnis,Kazys Sadauskas,Rimantas Vitkus,Levonas Manusad?ianas Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex 2012 조회

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    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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    논문 (19건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Seasonal variation of bacterial endophytes in urban trees. Shu Yi Shen,Roberta Fulthorpe Frontiers in microbiology 2015 조회
    Changes in the IgE-reacting protein profiles of Acer negundo, Platanus x acerifolia and Quercus robur pollen in response to ozone treatment. Helena Ribeiro,Laura Duque,Raquel Sousa,Ana Cruz,Carlos Gomes,Joaquim Esteves da Silva,Ilda Abreu International journal of environmental health research 2014 조회
    Ecotoxicity effects triggered in aquatic organisms by invasive Acer negundo and native Alnus glutinosa leaf leachates obtained in the process of aerobic decomposition. Levonas Manusad?ianas,J?rat? Darginavi?ien?,Brigita Gylyt?,Sigita Jurkonien?,Alina Krev?,Al? Ku?inskien?,Rimut? Ma?kinait?,Romas Pakalnis,Kazys Sadauskas,J?rat? Send?ikait?,Rimantas Vitkus The Science of the total environment 2014 조회
    Effects of CO₂ on Acer negundo pollen fertility, protein content, allergenic properties, and carbohydrates. M Silva,H Ribeiro,I Abreu,A Cruz,J C G Esteves da Silva Environmental science and pollution research international 2014 조회
    Elemental concentrations in deposited dust on leaves along an urbanization gradient. Edina Simon,Edina Baranyai,Mih?ly Braun,Csaba Cserh?ti,Istv?n F?bi?n,B?la T?thm?r?sz The Science of the total environment 2014 조회
    Hypoglycin A concentrations in seeds of Acer pseudoplatanus trees growing on atypical myopathy-affected and control pastures. L Unger,A Nicholson,E M Jewitt,V Gerber,A Hegeman,L Sweetman,S Valberg Journal of veterinary internal medicine 2014 조회
    Preparation and characterisation of biodegradable pollen-chitosan microcapsules and its application in heavy metal removal. ?dris Sargın,Murat Kaya,Gulsin Arslan,Talat Baran,Talip Ceter Bioresource technology 2014 조회
    A test for pre-adapted phenotypic plasticity in the invasive tree Acer negundo L. Laurent J Lamarque,Annabel J Port?,Camille Eymeric,Jean-Baptiste Lasnier,Christopher J Lortie,Sylvain Delzon PloS one 2013 조회
    Identification of methylenecyclopropyl acetic acid in serum of European horses with atypical myopathy. D-M Votion,G van Galen,L Sweetman,F Boemer,P de Tullio,C Dopagne,L Lef?re,A Mouithys-Mickalad,F Patarin,S Rouxhet,G van Loon,D Serteyn,B T Sponseller,S J Valberg Equine veterinary journal 2013 조회
    Ecotoxicological effects evoked in hydrophytes by leachates of invasive Acer negundo and autochthonous Alnus glutinosa fallen off leaves during their microbial decomposition. Alina Krev?,J?rat? Darginavi?ien?,Brigita Gylyt?,Reda Grigutyt?,Sigita Jurkonien?,Rolandas Karitonas,Al? Ku?inskien?,Romas Pakalnis,Kazys Sadauskas,Rimantas Vitkus,Levonas Manusad?ianas Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex 2012 조회

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    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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  • 표본 (총27건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRVP0000137773 Acer negundo L." / 네군도단풍 경기도 포천시... 한탄강 / 2008-04-17 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000137791 Acer negundo L." / 네군도단풍 경기도 포천시... 한탄강 / 2008-04-17 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000159181 Acer negundo L." / 네군도단풍 경상북도 울진... 응봉산 / 2008-06-26 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000164288 Acer negundo L." / 네군도단풍 / 2007-08-13 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000286313 Acer negundo L." / 네군도단풍 불갑산 / 1998-10-11 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000286314 Acer negundo L." / 네군도단풍 서울특별시 은... / 2001-07-21 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000305357 Acer negundo L." / 네군도단풍 강원도 삼척시... 도화산 / 2011-06-22 건조표본 2건
    NIBRVP0000305535 Acer negundo L." / 네군도단풍 강원도 삼척시... / 2011-07-20 건조표본 3건
    NIBRVP0000346230 Acer negundo L." / 네군도단풍 세종특별자치시... 불티교 / 2011-05-12 건조표본 2건
    NIBRVP0000457619 Acer negundo L." / 네군도단풍 강원도 고성군... 화진포 / 2013-08-06 건조표본 1건

    소재 (총11건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRGR0000386936 Acer negundo L. / 네군도단풍 경기도 남양주... / 2016-11-01 종자 1건
    NIBRGR0000612134 Acer negundo L. / 네군도단풍 강원도 삼척시... / 2019-06-13 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000613195 Acer negundo L. / 네군도단풍 강원도 평창군... / 2019-11-13 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000613849 Acer negundo L. / 네군도단풍 강원도 평창군... / 2019-11-13 건조시료 1건
    NIBRGR0000650074 Acer negundo L. / 네군도단풍 강원도 삼척시... / 2019-06-13 추출물 1건
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    NIBRGR0000650285 Acer negundo L. / 네군도단풍 강원도 평창군... / 2019-11-13 추출물 1건
    NIBRGR0000661792 Acer negundo L. / 네군도단풍 / 2022-07-14 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000661895 Acer negundo L. / 네군도단풍 / 2022-07-03 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000662526 Acer negundo L. / 네군도단풍 / 2022-07-16 조직 1건
  • 염기서열 (2건)

    학명 국명 마커명 프라이머세트명 출처
    Acer negundo L. 네군도단풍 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관
    Acer negundo L. 네군도단풍 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관

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