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울산도깨비바늘 bookmark_add Bidens pilosa L.

열대 아메리카 원산의 귀화식물이며 길가, 밭 등에서 자라는 한해살이풀이다. 줄기는 곧추서며 높이 50~110cm, 4~6개의 각이 진다. 잎은 마주나고 위쪽 잎은 어긋나기도 하며 삼출겹잎 또는 깃꼴겹잎으로 작은잎은 난형이다. 꽃은 6~8월에 피는데 가지 끝에서 지름 1cm인 머리모양꽃이 1개씩 달린다. 모인꽃싸개 조각은 7~8개, 주걱형이다. 관모양꽃만 있으며 노란색이다. 열매는 수과, 선형, 길이 6~8mm, 3~4개의 까끄라기가 있다. 우리나라 남부지방에 자라며, 열대 아메리카 원산으로 전 세계 열대 및 온대 지역까지 귀화하여 분포한다. 이 종과 비교하여 흰도깨비바늘은 머리모양꽃 가장자리에 흰색의 혀모양꽃이 있으므로 구분되는 변종이다. 약재로 사용한다. 긴털가막사리라고도 한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 열대아메리카(원산) [2]

    남부지방 [2]

  • 한해살이풀이다. 꽃은 6~8월에 핀다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2013), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Antiageing Mechanisms of a Standardized Supercritical CO 2 Preparation of Black Jack (Bidens pilosa L.) in Human Fibroblasts and Skin Fragments. Gustavo Dieamant,Maria Del Carmen V Pereda,Cec?lia Nogueira,Samara Eberlin,Gustavo Facchini,Juliana Tib?rio Checon,Camila Kappke Cesar,Lilian Mussi,M?rcio Antonio Polezel,Divino Martins-Oliveira,Luiz Claudio Di Stasi Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine 2015 조회
    Assessment of the root system of Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Bidens pilosa L. exposed to lead polluted soils using rhizobox systems. Natalia Graziani,Mar?a Julieta Salazar,Mar?a Luisa Pignata,Judith Hebelen Rodriguez International journal of phytoremediation 2015 조회
    Bidens pilosa Formulation Improves Blood Homeostasis and β -Cell Function in Men: A Pilot Study. Bun-Yueh Lai,Tzung-Yan Chen,Shou-Hsien Huang,Tien-Fen Kuo,Ting-Hsiang Chang,Chih-Kang Chiang,Meng-Ting Yang,Cicero Lee-Tian Chang Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine 2015 조회
    Effects of a native parasitic plant on an exotic invader decrease with increasing host age. Junmin Li,Beifen Yang,Qiaodi Yan,Jing Zhang,Min Yan,Maihe Li AoB PLANTS 2015 조회
    Essential Oils from Ugandan Aromatic Medicinal Plants: Chemical Composition and Growth Inhibitory Effects on Oral Pathogens. Francis Ocheng,Freddie Bwanga,Moses Joloba,Abier Softrata,Muhammad Azeem,Katrin P?tsep,Anna-Karin Borg-Karlson,Celestino Obua,Anders Gustafsson Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine 2015 조회
    Flow cytometry reveals that the rust fungus, Uromyces bidentis (Pucciniales), possesses the largest fungal genome reported-2489?Mbp. Ana Paula Ramos,S?lvia Tavares,Daniela Tavares,Maria Do C?u Silva,Jo?o Loureiro,Pedro Talhinhas Molecular plant pathology 2015 조회
    Novel platensimycin derivatives with herbicidal activity. Fernanda C Moraes,Elson S Alvarenga,Kariny B Amorim,Antonio J Demuner,Milton E Pereira-Flores Pest management science 2015 조회
    The Invasive American Weed Parthenium hysterophorus Can Negatively Impact Malaria Control in Africa. Vincent O Nyasembe,Xavier Cheseto,Fatma Kaplan,Woodbridge A Foster,Peter E A Teal,James H Tumlinson,Christian Borgemeister,Baldwyn Torto PloS one 2015 조회
    A trade off between separation, detection and sustainability in liquid chromatographic fingerprinting. Cristiano S Funari,Renato L Carneiro,Alberto J Cavalheiro,Emily F Hilder Journal of chromatography. A 2014 조회
    Botanical, Pharmacological, Phytochemical, and Toxicological Aspects of the Antidiabetic Plant Bidens pilosa L. Wen-Chin Yang Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine 2014 조회

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    논문 (107건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Antiageing Mechanisms of a Standardized Supercritical CO 2 Preparation of Black Jack (Bidens pilosa L.) in Human Fibroblasts and Skin Fragments. Gustavo Dieamant,Maria Del Carmen V Pereda,Cec?lia Nogueira,Samara Eberlin,Gustavo Facchini,Juliana Tib?rio Checon,Camila Kappke Cesar,Lilian Mussi,M?rcio Antonio Polezel,Divino Martins-Oliveira,Luiz Claudio Di Stasi Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine 2015 조회
    Assessment of the root system of Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Bidens pilosa L. exposed to lead polluted soils using rhizobox systems. Natalia Graziani,Mar?a Julieta Salazar,Mar?a Luisa Pignata,Judith Hebelen Rodriguez International journal of phytoremediation 2015 조회
    Bidens pilosa Formulation Improves Blood Homeostasis and β -Cell Function in Men: A Pilot Study. Bun-Yueh Lai,Tzung-Yan Chen,Shou-Hsien Huang,Tien-Fen Kuo,Ting-Hsiang Chang,Chih-Kang Chiang,Meng-Ting Yang,Cicero Lee-Tian Chang Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine 2015 조회
    Effects of a native parasitic plant on an exotic invader decrease with increasing host age. Junmin Li,Beifen Yang,Qiaodi Yan,Jing Zhang,Min Yan,Maihe Li AoB PLANTS 2015 조회
    Essential Oils from Ugandan Aromatic Medicinal Plants: Chemical Composition and Growth Inhibitory Effects on Oral Pathogens. Francis Ocheng,Freddie Bwanga,Moses Joloba,Abier Softrata,Muhammad Azeem,Katrin P?tsep,Anna-Karin Borg-Karlson,Celestino Obua,Anders Gustafsson Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine 2015 조회
    Flow cytometry reveals that the rust fungus, Uromyces bidentis (Pucciniales), possesses the largest fungal genome reported-2489?Mbp. Ana Paula Ramos,S?lvia Tavares,Daniela Tavares,Maria Do C?u Silva,Jo?o Loureiro,Pedro Talhinhas Molecular plant pathology 2015 조회
    Novel platensimycin derivatives with herbicidal activity. Fernanda C Moraes,Elson S Alvarenga,Kariny B Amorim,Antonio J Demuner,Milton E Pereira-Flores Pest management science 2015 조회
    The Invasive American Weed Parthenium hysterophorus Can Negatively Impact Malaria Control in Africa. Vincent O Nyasembe,Xavier Cheseto,Fatma Kaplan,Woodbridge A Foster,Peter E A Teal,James H Tumlinson,Christian Borgemeister,Baldwyn Torto PloS one 2015 조회
    A trade off between separation, detection and sustainability in liquid chromatographic fingerprinting. Cristiano S Funari,Renato L Carneiro,Alberto J Cavalheiro,Emily F Hilder Journal of chromatography. A 2014 조회
    Botanical, Pharmacological, Phytochemical, and Toxicological Aspects of the Antidiabetic Plant Bidens pilosa L. Wen-Chin Yang Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine 2014 조회

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    NIBRVP0000016062 Bidens pilosa L." / 울산도깨비바늘 강원도 양양군... / 2008-09-30 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000020608 Bidens pilosa L." / 울산도깨비바늘 경상북도 고령... 미승산 / 2006-10-21 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000020626 Bidens pilosa L." / 울산도깨비바늘 경상남도 합천... / 2006-10-28 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000020642 Bidens pilosa L." / 울산도깨비바늘 전라북도 부안... / 2006-09-23 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000022838 Bidens pilosa L." / 울산도깨비바늘 경상남도 창원... / 2005-10-19 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000022839 Bidens pilosa L." / 울산도깨비바늘 경상남도 창원... 무학산 / 2005-10-18 건조표본 1건
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    NIBRVP0000113328 Bidens pilosa L." / 울산도깨비바늘 전라남도 광양... / 2005-10-07 건조표본 1건

    소재 (총49건)

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    NIBRGR0000174420 Bidens pilosa L. / 울산도깨비바늘 경상북도 울진... / 2014-11-10 종자 1건
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    Bidens pilosa L. 울산도깨비바늘 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관
    Bidens pilosa L. 울산도깨비바늘 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관

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