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돼지풀아재비 bookmark_add Parthenium hysterophorus L.

열대 아메리카 원산의 한해살이풀로 밭둑이나 빈터에 자라는 귀화식물이다. 국내에는 마산, 울산을 중심으로 퍼지고 있다. 줄기는 곧추서며 높이 30~120cm, 윗부분에서 가지가 갈라지며 전체에 털이 있다. 잎은 어긋나며, 잎몸은 난형 또는 타원형, 2회 깃꼴로 갈라지며, 길이 8~20cm, 줄기 위쪽으로 갈수록 작아진다. 꽃은 9~11월에 흰색 머리 모양 꽃으로 피며, 가지 끝에 1개씩 달려서 전체가 산방꽃차례를 이룬다. 머리 모양 꽃 가장자리에는 암꽃인 혀모양꽃 5개가 달리며, 가운데에는 수꽃인 관모양꽃 40여 개가 있다. [저작재산권자]

  • 열대아메리카(원산) [2]

    경상남도 [2]

  • 한해살이풀이다. 꽃은 9~11월에 핀다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2013), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    The Invasive American Weed Parthenium hysterophorus Can Negatively Impact Malaria Control in Africa. Vincent O Nyasembe,Xavier Cheseto,Fatma Kaplan,Woodbridge A Foster,Peter E A Teal,James H Tumlinson,Christian Borgemeister,Baldwyn Torto PloS one 2015 조회
    Downscaling Pest Risk Analyses: Identifying Current and Future Potentially Suitable Habitats for Parthenium hysterophorus with Particular Reference to Europe and North Africa. Darren J Kriticos,Sarah Brunel,Noboru Ota,Guillaume Fried,Alfons G J M Oude Lansink,F Dane Panetta,T V Ramachandra Prasad,Asad Shabbir,Tuvia Yaacoby PloS one 2015 조회
    Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori growth and its colonization factors by Parthenium hysterophorus extracts. Jazm?n Espinosa-Rivero,Erika Rend?n-Huerta,Irma Romero Journal of ethnopharmacology 2015 조회
    Projecting future expansion of invasive species: Comparing and improving methodologies for species distribution modeling. Kumar P Mainali,Dan L Warren,Kunjithapatham Dhileepan,Andrew McConnachie,Lorraine Strathie,Gul Hassan,Debendra Karki,Bharat B Shrestha,Camille Parmesan Global change biology 2015 조회
    Ultrasound enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of Parthenium hysterophorus: A mechanistic investigation. Shuchi Singh,Mayank Agarwal,Aditya Bhatt,Arun Goyal,Vijayanand S Moholkar Bioresource technology 2015 조회
    Rapid nectar-meal effects on a predators capacity to kill mosquitoes. Georgina E Carvell,Josiah O Kuja,Robert R Jackson Royal Society open science 2015 조회
    Assessment of different organic supplements for degradation of Parthenium hysterophorus by vermitechnology. R Hiranmai Yadav Journal of environmental health science & engineering 2015 조회
    Clinical profile and quality of life of patients with occupational contact dermatitis from New Delhi, India. Riti Bhatia,Vinod K Sharma,M Ramam,Gomathy Sethuraman,Chander P Yadav Contact dermatitis 2015 조회
    Performance of a commercially available plant allergen series in the assessment of suspected occupational contact dermatitis to plants in north Indian patients. Dipankar De,Geeti Khullar,Sanjeev Handa Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology 2015 조회
    Phytoremediation of cadmium improved with the high production of endogenous phenolics and free proline contents in Parthenium hysterophorus plant treated exogenously with plant growth regulator and chelating agent. Nasir Ali,Fazal Hadi Environmental science and pollution research international 2015 조회

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    논문 (92건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    The Invasive American Weed Parthenium hysterophorus Can Negatively Impact Malaria Control in Africa. Vincent O Nyasembe,Xavier Cheseto,Fatma Kaplan,Woodbridge A Foster,Peter E A Teal,James H Tumlinson,Christian Borgemeister,Baldwyn Torto PloS one 2015 조회
    Downscaling Pest Risk Analyses: Identifying Current and Future Potentially Suitable Habitats for Parthenium hysterophorus with Particular Reference to Europe and North Africa. Darren J Kriticos,Sarah Brunel,Noboru Ota,Guillaume Fried,Alfons G J M Oude Lansink,F Dane Panetta,T V Ramachandra Prasad,Asad Shabbir,Tuvia Yaacoby PloS one 2015 조회
    Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori growth and its colonization factors by Parthenium hysterophorus extracts. Jazm?n Espinosa-Rivero,Erika Rend?n-Huerta,Irma Romero Journal of ethnopharmacology 2015 조회
    Projecting future expansion of invasive species: Comparing and improving methodologies for species distribution modeling. Kumar P Mainali,Dan L Warren,Kunjithapatham Dhileepan,Andrew McConnachie,Lorraine Strathie,Gul Hassan,Debendra Karki,Bharat B Shrestha,Camille Parmesan Global change biology 2015 조회
    Ultrasound enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of Parthenium hysterophorus: A mechanistic investigation. Shuchi Singh,Mayank Agarwal,Aditya Bhatt,Arun Goyal,Vijayanand S Moholkar Bioresource technology 2015 조회
    Rapid nectar-meal effects on a predators capacity to kill mosquitoes. Georgina E Carvell,Josiah O Kuja,Robert R Jackson Royal Society open science 2015 조회
    Assessment of different organic supplements for degradation of Parthenium hysterophorus by vermitechnology. R Hiranmai Yadav Journal of environmental health science & engineering 2015 조회
    Clinical profile and quality of life of patients with occupational contact dermatitis from New Delhi, India. Riti Bhatia,Vinod K Sharma,M Ramam,Gomathy Sethuraman,Chander P Yadav Contact dermatitis 2015 조회
    Performance of a commercially available plant allergen series in the assessment of suspected occupational contact dermatitis to plants in north Indian patients. Dipankar De,Geeti Khullar,Sanjeev Handa Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology 2015 조회
    Phytoremediation of cadmium improved with the high production of endogenous phenolics and free proline contents in Parthenium hysterophorus plant treated exogenously with plant growth regulator and chelating agent. Nasir Ali,Fazal Hadi Environmental science and pollution research international 2015 조회

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    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRVP0000023063 Parthenium hysterophorus L." / 돼지풀아재비 경상남도 창원... / 2001-08-09 건조표본 3건
    NIBRVP0000036941 Parthenium hysterophorus L." / 돼지풀아재비 경상남도 창원... / 2001-08-09 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000597326 Parthenium hysterophorus L." / 돼지풀아재비 경상남도 고성... / 2016-09-25 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000597328 Parthenium hysterophorus L." / 돼지풀아재비 경상남도 고성... / 2016-09-25 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000613102 Parthenium hysterophorus L." / 돼지풀아재비 / 2012-12-24 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000613448 Parthenium hysterophorus L." / 돼지풀아재비 / 2012-12-22 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000700818 Parthenium hysterophorus L." / 돼지풀아재비 경상남도 고성... / 2018-11-10 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000783284 Parthenium hysterophorus L." / 돼지풀아재비 경상남도 창원... / 2020-10-25 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000788224 Parthenium hysterophorus L." / 돼지풀아재비 경상남도 고성... / 2020-09-09 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000788452 Parthenium hysterophorus L." / 돼지풀아재비 경상남도 고성... / 2020-10-10 건조표본 1건

    소재 (총6건)

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    NIBRGR0000675803 Parthenium hysterophorus L. / 돼지풀아재비 / 2021-10-15 조직 1건
  • 염기서열 (1건)

    학명 국명 마커명 프라이머세트명 출처
    Parthenium hysterophorus L. 돼지풀아재비 rbcL rbcL_1F/rbcL_724R 국립생물자원관

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    • 박수현(Soo Hyun Park) (1996) 한국 미기록 귀화식물 ( 8 ). 한국식물분류학회지 26 (2) : 155 – 162

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