생물종 상세정보
유럽 원산의 사료용 작물이 야생화하여 초지에서 자라는 한해살이풀이다. 줄기는 여러 대가 모여서 나오고, 높이는 30~90cm이다. 잎집은 털이 없고 잎귀가 있다. 잎혀는 막질이고 1~2mm이다. 잎몸은 길이 6~25cm이고, 너비 4~10mm이다. 꽃은 5~8월에 피는데 전체 꽃차례는 줄기에 자루가 없는 작은이삭이 두 줄로 달리며, 전체 길이는 10~30cm이다. 작은이삭은 긴 타원형으로 납작하고, 길이 15~25mm이고, 꽃이 5~15개 들어 있다. 제1포영은 퇴화되었고, 제2포영은 5~7맥이 있고 작은이삭 길이의 절반 이하이다. 호영은 5개의 맥이 있고 5~8mm이고, 길이 5~12mm의 까락이 있다. 내영은 호영과 길이가 비슷하다. 우리나라 중부 이남에서 귀화하여 자라며, 유럽, 세계의 온대와 난대에 분포한다. 같은 속의 호밀풀은 호영에 까락이 없고, 독보리는 제2포영이 작은이삭과 길이가 같다. 과수원의 녹비작물로 활용한다. [저작재산권자]
[1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축
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논문 논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고 A phytotoxic active substance in the decomposing litter of the fern Gleichenia japonica. Hisashi Kato-Noguchi,Yoshihumi Saito,Osamu Ohno,Kiyotake Suenaga Journal of plant physiology 2015 조회 Allergen Microarray Indicates Pooideae Sensitization in Brazilian Grass Pollen Allergic Patients. Priscila Ferreira de Sousa Moreira,Katharina Gangl,Francisco de Assis Machado Vieira,Leandro Hideki Ynoue,Birgit Linhart,Sabine Flicker,Helmut Fiebig,Ines Swoboda,Margarete Focke-Tejkl,Ernesto Akio Taketomi,Rudolf Valenta,Verena Niederberger PloS one 2015 조회 Angelicin as the principal allelochemical in Heracleum sosnowskyi fruit. Maryia Mishyna,Nikolai Laman,Valery Prokhorov,Yoshiharu Fujii Natural product communications 2015 조회 Chemical Composition, In vivo Digestibility and Metabolizable Energy Values of Caramba (Lolium multiflorum cv. caramba) Fresh, Silage and Hay. H ?zel?am,F Kırkpınar,K Tan Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 2015 조회 Cr-resistant rhizo- and endophytic bacteria associated with Prosopis juliflora and their potential as phytoremediation enhancing agents in metal-degraded soils. Muhammad U Khan,Angela Sessitsch,Muhammad Harris,Kaneez Fatima,Asma Imran,Muhammad Arslan,Ghulam Shabir,Qaiser M Khan,Muhammad Afzal Frontiers in plant science 2015 조회 Effects of grass species and grass growth on atmospheric nitrogen deposition to a bog ecosystem surrounded by intensive agricultural land use. Miriam Hurkuck,Christian Br?mmer,Karsten Mohr,Oliver Spott,Reinhard Well,Heinz Flessa,Werner L Kutsch Ecology and evolution 2015 조회 Enhanced remediation of chlorpyrifos by ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and a chlorpyrifos degrading bacterial endophyte Mezorhizobium sp. HN3. Hina Jabeen,Samina Iqbal,Fiaz Ahmad,Muhammad Afzal,Sadiqa Firdous International journal of phytoremediation 2015 조회 Establishment and effectiveness of inoculated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural soils. Luise K?hl,Catherine E Lukasiewicz,Marcel G A van der Heijden Plant, cell & environment 2015 조회 Fructans, ascorbate peroxidase, and hydrogen peroxide in ryegrass exposed to ozone under contrasting meteorological conditions. C B Pasqualetti,C Z Sandrin,A N V Pedroso,M Domingos,R C L Figueiredo-Ribeiro Environmental science and pollution research international 2015 조회 Identification of the valid reference genes for quantitative RT-PCR in annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) under salt stress. Xia Wang,Xiao Ma,Linkai Huang,Xinquan Zhang Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 2015 조회 특허 (0건)
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논문 논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고 A phytotoxic active substance in the decomposing litter of the fern Gleichenia japonica. Hisashi Kato-Noguchi,Yoshihumi Saito,Osamu Ohno,Kiyotake Suenaga Journal of plant physiology 2015 조회 Allergen Microarray Indicates Pooideae Sensitization in Brazilian Grass Pollen Allergic Patients. Priscila Ferreira de Sousa Moreira,Katharina Gangl,Francisco de Assis Machado Vieira,Leandro Hideki Ynoue,Birgit Linhart,Sabine Flicker,Helmut Fiebig,Ines Swoboda,Margarete Focke-Tejkl,Ernesto Akio Taketomi,Rudolf Valenta,Verena Niederberger PloS one 2015 조회 Angelicin as the principal allelochemical in Heracleum sosnowskyi fruit. Maryia Mishyna,Nikolai Laman,Valery Prokhorov,Yoshiharu Fujii Natural product communications 2015 조회 Chemical Composition, In vivo Digestibility and Metabolizable Energy Values of Caramba (Lolium multiflorum cv. caramba) Fresh, Silage and Hay. H ?zel?am,F Kırkpınar,K Tan Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 2015 조회 Cr-resistant rhizo- and endophytic bacteria associated with Prosopis juliflora and their potential as phytoremediation enhancing agents in metal-degraded soils. Muhammad U Khan,Angela Sessitsch,Muhammad Harris,Kaneez Fatima,Asma Imran,Muhammad Arslan,Ghulam Shabir,Qaiser M Khan,Muhammad Afzal Frontiers in plant science 2015 조회 Effects of grass species and grass growth on atmospheric nitrogen deposition to a bog ecosystem surrounded by intensive agricultural land use. Miriam Hurkuck,Christian Br?mmer,Karsten Mohr,Oliver Spott,Reinhard Well,Heinz Flessa,Werner L Kutsch Ecology and evolution 2015 조회 Enhanced remediation of chlorpyrifos by ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and a chlorpyrifos degrading bacterial endophyte Mezorhizobium sp. HN3. Hina Jabeen,Samina Iqbal,Fiaz Ahmad,Muhammad Afzal,Sadiqa Firdous International journal of phytoremediation 2015 조회 Establishment and effectiveness of inoculated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural soils. Luise K?hl,Catherine E Lukasiewicz,Marcel G A van der Heijden Plant, cell & environment 2015 조회 Fructans, ascorbate peroxidase, and hydrogen peroxide in ryegrass exposed to ozone under contrasting meteorological conditions. C B Pasqualetti,C Z Sandrin,A N V Pedroso,M Domingos,R C L Figueiredo-Ribeiro Environmental science and pollution research international 2015 조회 Identification of the valid reference genes for quantitative RT-PCR in annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) under salt stress. Xia Wang,Xiao Ma,Linkai Huang,Xinquan Zhang Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 2015 조회 특허 (0건)
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Kim J-B, Kim T-S, Kang D-S, Shin W-K, Lee Y-S (1994) Investigation of pentatomid species of chrysanthemum of host plants of Nysius plebejus Distant (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) and its control.. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 33 : 1 – 5
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