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용설란 bookmark_add Agave americana L.

미국 남서부와 멕시코 원산이며 관상용으로 주로 온실에 심어 기르는 상록성 여러해살이풀이다. 원산지에서는 사막이나 덤불숲에서 자란다. 줄기는 거의 없거나 매우 짧다. 잎은 30~40장이 아래에서 뭉쳐나며, 비스듬히 곧추서고 뒤로 젖혀지기도 하며, 길이 80~200cm, 폭 15~25cm이다. 잎 가장자리에 가시가 있고, 끝에는 진한 갈색 가시가 있으며, 가시 길이는 3~5cm다. 꽃은 늦봄부터 초여름까지 피는데 길이 5~9m의 꽃줄기에 가지가 많이 갈라진 원추꽃차례로 달리며, 황록색이다. 열매는 삭과, 타원형으로 길이 4~8cm다. 우리나라 각처에서 식재하며, 미국 멕시코 등에 분포한다. 관상용, 식용으로 재배한다. 잎은 섬유원료로 쓴다. [저작재산권자]

  • 미국, 멕시코 [2]

    재배 [2]

  • 상록 여러해살이풀이다. 꽃은 늦봄과 초여름에 핀다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2013), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Effect of Agave americana and Agave salmiana Ripeness on Saponin Content from Aguamiel (Agave Sap). Ana Mar?a Leal-D?az,Liliana Santos-Zea,Hilda Cecilia Mart?nez-Escobedo,Daniel Guajardo-Flores,Janet Alejandra Guti?rrez-Uribe,Sergio Oth?n Serna-Saldivar Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2015 조회
    Prospecting for Energy-Rich Renewable Raw Materials: Agave Leaf Case Study. Kendall R Corbin,Caitlin S Byrt,Stefan Bauer,Seth DeBolt,Don Chambers,Joseph A M Holtum,Ghazwan Karem,Marilyn Henderson,Jelle Lahnstein,Cherie T Beahan,Antony Bacic,Geoffrey B Fincher,Natalie S Betts,Rachel A Burton PloS one 2015 조회
    Bacterial consortia constructed for the decomposition of Agave biomass. Miranda Maki,Svetlana Iskhakova,Tingzhou Zhang,Wensheng Qin Bioengineered 2014 조회
    Adverse effects of herbal medicines: an overview of systematic reviews. Paul Posadzki,Leala K Watson,Edzard Ernst Clinical medicine (London, England) 2013 조회
    Anti-inflammatory activity of different agave plants and the compound cantalasaponin-1. Nayeli Monterrosas-Brisson,Martha L Arenas Ocampo,Enrique Jim?nez-Ferrer,Antonio R Jim?nez-Aparicio,Alejandro Zamilpa,Manases Gonzalez-Cortazar,Jaime Tortoriello,Maribel Herrera-Ruiz Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 2013 조회
    Analysis of gene sequences indicates that quantity not quality of chloroplast small HSPs improves thermotolerance in C4 and CAM plants. Samina N Shakeel,Noor Ul Haq,Scott Heckathorn,D S Luthe Plant cell reports 2012 조회
    Pretreatment of Agave americana stalk for enzymatic saccharification. Qiang Yang,Xuejun Pan Bioresource technology 2012 조회
    In vitro cytotoxicity study of agave americana, strychnos nuxvomica and areca catechu extracts using mcf-7 cell line. Chetan C Anajwala,Rajesh M Patel,Sanjay L Dakhara,Jitesh K Jariwala Journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research 2010 조회
    Leishmania donovani: assessment of leishmanicidal effects of herbal extracts obtained from plants in the visceral leishmaniasis endemic area of Bihar, India. Shubhankar K Singh,Sanjiva Bimal,Shyam Narayan,Chandrawati Jee,Devla Bimal,P Das,Raageeva Bimal Experimental parasitology 2010 조회
    Structural analysis of fructans from Agave americana grown in South Africa for spirit production. Neil Ravenscroft,Paola Cescutti,Meredith A Hearshaw,Ronica Ramsout,Roberto Rizzo,Elizabeth M Timme Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2009 조회

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    논문 (19건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Effect of Agave americana and Agave salmiana Ripeness on Saponin Content from Aguamiel (Agave Sap). Ana Mar?a Leal-D?az,Liliana Santos-Zea,Hilda Cecilia Mart?nez-Escobedo,Daniel Guajardo-Flores,Janet Alejandra Guti?rrez-Uribe,Sergio Oth?n Serna-Saldivar Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2015 조회
    Prospecting for Energy-Rich Renewable Raw Materials: Agave Leaf Case Study. Kendall R Corbin,Caitlin S Byrt,Stefan Bauer,Seth DeBolt,Don Chambers,Joseph A M Holtum,Ghazwan Karem,Marilyn Henderson,Jelle Lahnstein,Cherie T Beahan,Antony Bacic,Geoffrey B Fincher,Natalie S Betts,Rachel A Burton PloS one 2015 조회
    Bacterial consortia constructed for the decomposition of Agave biomass. Miranda Maki,Svetlana Iskhakova,Tingzhou Zhang,Wensheng Qin Bioengineered 2014 조회
    Adverse effects of herbal medicines: an overview of systematic reviews. Paul Posadzki,Leala K Watson,Edzard Ernst Clinical medicine (London, England) 2013 조회
    Anti-inflammatory activity of different agave plants and the compound cantalasaponin-1. Nayeli Monterrosas-Brisson,Martha L Arenas Ocampo,Enrique Jim?nez-Ferrer,Antonio R Jim?nez-Aparicio,Alejandro Zamilpa,Manases Gonzalez-Cortazar,Jaime Tortoriello,Maribel Herrera-Ruiz Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 2013 조회
    Analysis of gene sequences indicates that quantity not quality of chloroplast small HSPs improves thermotolerance in C4 and CAM plants. Samina N Shakeel,Noor Ul Haq,Scott Heckathorn,D S Luthe Plant cell reports 2012 조회
    Pretreatment of Agave americana stalk for enzymatic saccharification. Qiang Yang,Xuejun Pan Bioresource technology 2012 조회
    In vitro cytotoxicity study of agave americana, strychnos nuxvomica and areca catechu extracts using mcf-7 cell line. Chetan C Anajwala,Rajesh M Patel,Sanjay L Dakhara,Jitesh K Jariwala Journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research 2010 조회
    Leishmania donovani: assessment of leishmanicidal effects of herbal extracts obtained from plants in the visceral leishmaniasis endemic area of Bihar, India. Shubhankar K Singh,Sanjiva Bimal,Shyam Narayan,Chandrawati Jee,Devla Bimal,P Das,Raageeva Bimal Experimental parasitology 2010 조회
    Structural analysis of fructans from Agave americana grown in South Africa for spirit production. Neil Ravenscroft,Paola Cescutti,Meredith A Hearshaw,Ronica Ramsout,Roberto Rizzo,Elizabeth M Timme Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2009 조회

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    NIBRVP0000814613 Agave americana L." / 용설란 제주특별자치도... / 2019-07-29 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000814626 Agave americana L." / 용설란 제주특별자치도... / 2019-07-29 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000814627 Agave americana L." / 용설란 제주특별자치도... / 2019-07-29 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000814628 Agave americana L." / 용설란 제주특별자치도... / 2019-07-29 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000814629 Agave americana L." / 용설란 제주특별자치도... / 2019-07-29 건조표본 1건

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