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주꾸미 bookmark_add Amphioctopus fangsiao (d'Orbigny, 1839)

Amphioctopus ocellatus Gray, 1849 (주꾸미)
Octopus ochellatus Gray, 1849
(북한명) 돌개직게미
(북한명) 직검발
(북한명) 직게미
(북한명) 망조어

소형종이다. 몸통의 외형은 타원형으로 길이가 폭보다 길다. 체색은 회색빛 도는 자색, 황갈색, 흑갈색 등으로 변이가 심하다. 다리와 눈 사이 좌우로 황금빛 둥근 무늬가 나타난다. 몸통의 등 쪽 표면은 옅은 갈색으로 작은 돌기들이 불규칙하게 나 있다. 머리의 폭은 몸통의 폭보다 좁고, 눈은 등 쪽으로 돌출해 있다. 양 눈의 윗부분에는 각각 2개씩의 육질돌기가 현저하게 돌출해 있다. 몸 전체의 길이는 200~300mm 정도인데, 다른 두족류에 비해 다리가 짧아서 몸통의 약 2.5~3배 정도 길이이다. 봄철에 축제가 열릴 정도로 인기가 많은데 실제 피로회복에 좋은 타우린이 풍부한 것으로 알려져 있다. 최근에는 국산은 거의 없고, 중국이나 동남아 지역에서 살아 있는 주꾸미를 주로 수입한다. 두족류 중에는 작은 종으로 주로 고둥껍질 속에 숨어 산다.

  • 일본, 중국, 동남아시아 [1]

    서해, 남해 연안 [1]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2020), 국외반출 승인대상 생물자원 선정연구


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Osmotic/ionic status of body fluids in the euryhaline cephalopod suggest possible parallel evolution of osmoregulation. Tatsuya Sakamoto,Satoshi Ogawa,Yudai Nishiyama,Chiaki Akada,Hideya Takahashi,Taro Watanabe,Hiroyuki Minakata,Hirotaka Sakamoto Osmotic/ionic status of body fluids in the euryhaline cephalopod suggest possible parallel evolution of osmoregulation. 2015 조회
    Involvement of a Serpin serine protease inhibitor (OoSerpin) from mollusc Octopus ocellatus in antibacterial response. Xiumei Wei,Jie Xu,Jianmin Yang,Xiangquan Liu,Ranran Zhang,Weijun Wang,Jialong Yang Involvement of a Serpin serine protease inhibitor (OoSerpin) from mollusc Octopus ocellatus in antibacterial response. 2015 조회
    Involvement of a Serpin serine protease inhibitor (OoSerpin) from mollusc Octopus ocellatus in antibacterial response. Xiumei Wei,Jie Xu,Jianmin Yang,Xiangquan Liu,Ranran Zhang,Weijun Wang,Jialong Yang Fish & shellfish immunology 2014 조회
    Immunohistochemical observations of methionine-enkephalin and delta opioid receptor in the digestive system of Octopus ocellatus. Ailong Sha,Hushan Sun,Yiyan Wang Tissue & cell 2012 조회
    Purification and characterization of phenoloxidase from Octopus ocellatus. Tingjun Fan,Mingyu Li,Jing Wang,Lingling Yang,Rishan Cong Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2009 조회
    Extensive mitochondrial gene arrangements in coleoid Cephalopoda and their phylogenetic implications. Tetsuya Akasaki,Masato Nikaido,Kotaro Tsuchiya,Susumu Segawa,Masami Hasegawa,Norihiro Okada Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 2006 조회
    D-lactate metabolism in starved Octopus ocellatus. Tomomi Fujisawa,Shinsuke Akagi,Michi Kawase,Masamichi Yamamoto,Shinji Ohmori Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Comparative experimental biology 2005 조회
    Post-hatching development of the brain in Octopus ocellatus. Akiko Yamazaki,Masayuki Yoshida,Kazumasa Uematsu Zoological science 2002 조회

    특허 (48건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Ocellated octopus culturing box | A nurturing box for octopus ocellatus JIANG, Rong-xiang 2008-05-13 조회
    High-density octopus ocellatus artificial breeding incubator | High density short octopus ocellatus artificially breeding seedling breeding device LI, Yuan-yuan | LIU, Ying-xia | SUN, Yu-zhong | WANG, Ya | WANG, Bo | ZHU, Wen-bo | GUO, Jian-jun | FEI, Ying 2014-07-23 조회
    Pure aquatic animal meat sausage containing aquatic crustacean meat and its preparation method | Aquatic shellfish meat contains pure aquatic animal sausage and its manufacturing method Wang, Shan 2002-08-14 조회
    Temporary culture and ripening promotion method for octopus vulgaris parents and device used in same | A kind of real cuttlebone amphiphilic body temporarily and ripening method LI, Qi | LIU, Yong-sheng | LIU, Zhao-sheng | QU, Jiang-bo | YANG, Jian-min | ZHENG, Xiao-dong 2011-05-21 조회
    农田蜘蛛华丽肖蛸和锥腹肖蛸特异性鉴定引物及鉴定方法 | pin ascidia farmland spider gorgeous and tapered squirt specificity identification primer and identification method WANG, Zheng-liang | YU, Xiao-ping | LI, Chao 2014-12-11 조회
    Method and field for cultivating Octopus variabilis | Cultivating method of octopus variabilis and cultivating farm JIANG, Rong-xiang 2008-05-13 조회
    Artificial nursery stock growing method for Ooctopus ocellatus | A kind of real cuttlebone artificial breeding method Zhenming Lu | Kangmei Chang | Changwen Wu | Meiying Xu | Changfeng Chi 2007-10-10 조회
    Instant octopus food and processing method thereof | Ready-to-eat octopus ocellatus food and processing method thereof JIANG, Rong-xiang 2008-08-26 조회
    Indoor wintering method of octopus parents in north | Northern indoor wintering method of octopus ocellatus parent WANG, Wei-jun | YANG, Jian-min | ZHOU, Quan-li | ZHENG, Xiao-dong | ZHANG, Yu | SUN, Guo-hua 2009-07-31 조회
    Method for breeding octopus in man-made pond | A kind of short cuttlebone artificial culture method SUN, Guo-hua | WANG, Wei-jun | YANG, Jian-min | ZHANG, Yu | ZHENG, Xiao-dong | ZHOU, Quan-li 2009-07-31 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Osmotic/ionic status of body fluids in the euryhaline cephalopod suggest possible parallel evolution of osmoregulation. Tatsuya Sakamoto,Satoshi Ogawa,Yudai Nishiyama,Chiaki Akada,Hideya Takahashi,Taro Watanabe,Hiroyuki Minakata,Hirotaka Sakamoto Osmotic/ionic status of body fluids in the euryhaline cephalopod suggest possible parallel evolution of osmoregulation. 2015 조회
    Involvement of a Serpin serine protease inhibitor (OoSerpin) from mollusc Octopus ocellatus in antibacterial response. Xiumei Wei,Jie Xu,Jianmin Yang,Xiangquan Liu,Ranran Zhang,Weijun Wang,Jialong Yang Involvement of a Serpin serine protease inhibitor (OoSerpin) from mollusc Octopus ocellatus in antibacterial response. 2015 조회
    Involvement of a Serpin serine protease inhibitor (OoSerpin) from mollusc Octopus ocellatus in antibacterial response. Xiumei Wei,Jie Xu,Jianmin Yang,Xiangquan Liu,Ranran Zhang,Weijun Wang,Jialong Yang Fish & shellfish immunology 2014 조회
    Immunohistochemical observations of methionine-enkephalin and delta opioid receptor in the digestive system of Octopus ocellatus. Ailong Sha,Hushan Sun,Yiyan Wang Tissue & cell 2012 조회
    Purification and characterization of phenoloxidase from Octopus ocellatus. Tingjun Fan,Mingyu Li,Jing Wang,Lingling Yang,Rishan Cong Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2009 조회
    Extensive mitochondrial gene arrangements in coleoid Cephalopoda and their phylogenetic implications. Tetsuya Akasaki,Masato Nikaido,Kotaro Tsuchiya,Susumu Segawa,Masami Hasegawa,Norihiro Okada Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 2006 조회
    D-lactate metabolism in starved Octopus ocellatus. Tomomi Fujisawa,Shinsuke Akagi,Michi Kawase,Masamichi Yamamoto,Shinji Ohmori Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Comparative experimental biology 2005 조회
    Post-hatching development of the brain in Octopus ocellatus. Akiko Yamazaki,Masayuki Yoshida,Kazumasa Uematsu Zoological science 2002 조회

    특허 (48건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Ocellated octopus culturing box | A nurturing box for octopus ocellatus JIANG, Rong-xiang 2008-05-13 조회
    High-density octopus ocellatus artificial breeding incubator | High density short octopus ocellatus artificially breeding seedling breeding device LI, Yuan-yuan | LIU, Ying-xia | SUN, Yu-zhong | WANG, Ya | WANG, Bo | ZHU, Wen-bo | GUO, Jian-jun | FEI, Ying 2014-07-23 조회
    Pure aquatic animal meat sausage containing aquatic crustacean meat and its preparation method | Aquatic shellfish meat contains pure aquatic animal sausage and its manufacturing method Wang, Shan 2002-08-14 조회
    Temporary culture and ripening promotion method for octopus vulgaris parents and device used in same | A kind of real cuttlebone amphiphilic body temporarily and ripening method LI, Qi | LIU, Yong-sheng | LIU, Zhao-sheng | QU, Jiang-bo | YANG, Jian-min | ZHENG, Xiao-dong 2011-05-21 조회
    农田蜘蛛华丽肖蛸和锥腹肖蛸特异性鉴定引物及鉴定方法 | pin ascidia farmland spider gorgeous and tapered squirt specificity identification primer and identification method WANG, Zheng-liang | YU, Xiao-ping | LI, Chao 2014-12-11 조회
    Method and field for cultivating Octopus variabilis | Cultivating method of octopus variabilis and cultivating farm JIANG, Rong-xiang 2008-05-13 조회
    Artificial nursery stock growing method for Ooctopus ocellatus | A kind of real cuttlebone artificial breeding method Zhenming Lu | Kangmei Chang | Changwen Wu | Meiying Xu | Changfeng Chi 2007-10-10 조회
    Instant octopus food and processing method thereof | Ready-to-eat octopus ocellatus food and processing method thereof JIANG, Rong-xiang 2008-08-26 조회
    Indoor wintering method of octopus parents in north | Northern indoor wintering method of octopus ocellatus parent WANG, Wei-jun | YANG, Jian-min | ZHOU, Quan-li | ZHENG, Xiao-dong | ZHANG, Yu | SUN, Guo-hua 2009-07-31 조회
    Method for breeding octopus in man-made pond | A kind of short cuttlebone artificial culture method SUN, Guo-hua | WANG, Wei-jun | YANG, Jian-min | ZHANG, Yu | ZHENG, Xiao-dong | ZHOU, Quan-li 2009-07-31 조회

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