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무릇 bookmark_add Barnardia japonica (Thunb.) Schult. & Schult. f.

Scilla scilloides (Lindl.) Druce

백합목 백합과에 속하는 관속식물이다. 낮은 산지의 양지바른 풀밭, 산기슭, 산골짜기에 흔하게 자라는 여러해살이풀로 원줄기는 없다. 비늘줄기는 난상 구형이며 길이 2~3cm이고, 외피는 흑갈색이다. 수염뿌리가 내린다. 잎은 봄과 가을 두 차례에 걸쳐 2개씩 나오고 길이 15~30cm, 폭 4~6cm로서 약간 두꺼우며 끝이 뾰족하고 털이 없다. 여러 잎이 뿌리에서 나온다. 꽃은 7~9월에 피고, 꽃줄기는 높이 20~50cm로서 끝에 길이 4~7cm의 총상꽃차례가 달린다. 꽃차례의 길이는 12cm이다. 포는 길이 1~2mm로서 좁은 피침형이다. 작은꽃자루는 길이 5~12mm이며 화피열편은 6개이고 도피침형으로 길이 약 3mm이다. 열매는 삭과로 길이 5mm로서 도란상 구형이고 종자는 넓은 피침형, 9월에 익는다. 우리나라 전역에 나며 일본, 중국, 타이완, 러시아 등지에 분포한다. 어린잎과 비늘줄기는 식용 및 약용한다. 물구, 물구지, 물굿이라고도 한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 일본, 대만, 러시아 극동지방, 중국 동북지방 [2]

    전국 [3]

  • 여러해살이풀이다. 꽃은 7-9월에 피고, 열매는 9-10월에 익는다. [3]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2018), 국외반출 승인대상 생물자원 선정 연구 2단계 3차년도

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Lanostane-Type Triterpenoids from Scilla scilloides and Structure Revision of Drimiopsin D. Fu-Cai Ren,Li-Xia Wang,Qin Yu,Xian-Jun Jiang,Fei Wang Lanostane-Type Triterpenoids from Scilla scilloides and Structure Revision of Drimiopsin D. 2015 조회
    Inhibitory effects of the ethyl acetate extract from bulbs of Scilla scilloides on lipoxygenase and hyaluronidase activities. Youichirou Nishida,Shintaro Sugahara,Kensuke Wada,Daiki Toyohisa,Toshiharu Tanaka,Masateru Ono,Shin Yasuda Pharmaceutical biology 2014 조회
    Homoisoflavones as the antioxidants responsible from bulbs of Scilla scilloides. Youichirou Nishida,Kensuke Wada,Daiki Toyohisa,Toshiharu Tanaka,Masateru Ono,Shin Yasuda Natural product research 2013 조회
    Anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects of a methanol extract from bulbs of Scilla scilloides. Shin Yasuda,Youichirou Nishida,Kensuke Wada,Daisuke Akiyama,Daiki Toyohisa,Toshiharu Tanaka,Keiji Igoshi,Masateru Ono Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 2013 조회
    Eucosterol oligoglycosides isolated from Scilla scilloides and their anti-tumor activity. Sang-Myung Lee,Hyo-Kon Chun,Choong-Hwan Lee,Byung-Sun Min,Eun-Sook Lee,Yung-Hee Kho Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 2002 조회

    특허 (22건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Method for preparing scilla sinensis saponin B | Preparation method of one kind of cotton jujube a saponin B LIU, Dong-feng | WAN, Dong-mei 2013-05-17 조회
    Local chicken feed containing ramulus mori for improving immunity and preparation method of local chicken feed | A containing a branch increase immunity earth chicken feed and its preparation method LI, Fang 2014-12-24 조회
    Method for inhibiting foam generation during vacuum concentration of saponin solution | A method for inhibiting foam generation in a saponin solution containing decompression concentration process WANG, Yuan-feng | WEI, Xin-lin | CHENG, Li-zeng 2015-05-29 조회
    Veterinary medicine for treating bovine mastitis WANG, Lu 2015-09-06 조회
    Brewing technology of scilla scilloides wine | Brewing technique of cotton jujube wine LI, Qi 2015-06-18 조회
    Externally-applied medicine for treating chilblain and preparing method and application thereof | External medicine of treating chilblain and preparation method and application XIE, Xian-de 2015-10-28 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine external lotion used for treating infective raw surfaces caused by multiple resistant bacteria | Traditional Chinese medicine lotion for treating infectious wound caused by multiple drug-resistance bacteria LU, Shi-jun 2015-09-12 조회
    Radix et caulis acanthopanacis senticosi extracting method and radix et caulis acanthopanacis senticosi health care product | Extracting method of acanthopanax and acanthopanax health-care product CHEN, Ai-hua 2016-03-03 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine for treating neuromyotonia | 种治疗神经性肌强直的中药 | One traditional Chinese medicine for treating neuromyotonia QI, Yun 2016-05-13 조회
    NODATA 1997-12-10 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Lanostane-Type Triterpenoids from Scilla scilloides and Structure Revision of Drimiopsin D. Fu-Cai Ren,Li-Xia Wang,Qin Yu,Xian-Jun Jiang,Fei Wang Lanostane-Type Triterpenoids from Scilla scilloides and Structure Revision of Drimiopsin D. 2015 조회
    Inhibitory effects of the ethyl acetate extract from bulbs of Scilla scilloides on lipoxygenase and hyaluronidase activities. Youichirou Nishida,Shintaro Sugahara,Kensuke Wada,Daiki Toyohisa,Toshiharu Tanaka,Masateru Ono,Shin Yasuda Pharmaceutical biology 2014 조회
    Homoisoflavones as the antioxidants responsible from bulbs of Scilla scilloides. Youichirou Nishida,Kensuke Wada,Daiki Toyohisa,Toshiharu Tanaka,Masateru Ono,Shin Yasuda Natural product research 2013 조회
    Anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects of a methanol extract from bulbs of Scilla scilloides. Shin Yasuda,Youichirou Nishida,Kensuke Wada,Daisuke Akiyama,Daiki Toyohisa,Toshiharu Tanaka,Keiji Igoshi,Masateru Ono Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 2013 조회
    Eucosterol oligoglycosides isolated from Scilla scilloides and their anti-tumor activity. Sang-Myung Lee,Hyo-Kon Chun,Choong-Hwan Lee,Byung-Sun Min,Eun-Sook Lee,Yung-Hee Kho Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 2002 조회

    특허 (22건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Method for preparing scilla sinensis saponin B | Preparation method of one kind of cotton jujube a saponin B LIU, Dong-feng | WAN, Dong-mei 2013-05-17 조회
    Local chicken feed containing ramulus mori for improving immunity and preparation method of local chicken feed | A containing a branch increase immunity earth chicken feed and its preparation method LI, Fang 2014-12-24 조회
    Method for inhibiting foam generation during vacuum concentration of saponin solution | A method for inhibiting foam generation in a saponin solution containing decompression concentration process WANG, Yuan-feng | WEI, Xin-lin | CHENG, Li-zeng 2015-05-29 조회
    Veterinary medicine for treating bovine mastitis WANG, Lu 2015-09-06 조회
    Brewing technology of scilla scilloides wine | Brewing technique of cotton jujube wine LI, Qi 2015-06-18 조회
    Externally-applied medicine for treating chilblain and preparing method and application thereof | External medicine of treating chilblain and preparation method and application XIE, Xian-de 2015-10-28 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine external lotion used for treating infective raw surfaces caused by multiple resistant bacteria | Traditional Chinese medicine lotion for treating infectious wound caused by multiple drug-resistance bacteria LU, Shi-jun 2015-09-12 조회
    Radix et caulis acanthopanacis senticosi extracting method and radix et caulis acanthopanacis senticosi health care product | Extracting method of acanthopanax and acanthopanax health-care product CHEN, Ai-hua 2016-03-03 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine for treating neuromyotonia | 种治疗神经性肌强直的中药 | One traditional Chinese medicine for treating neuromyotonia QI, Yun 2016-05-13 조회
    NODATA 1997-12-10 조회

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