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삼지닥나무 bookmark_add Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl.

Edgeworthia papyrifera Siebold & Zucc.
Edgeworthia papyrifera Siebold & Zucc.

중국 원산이며 민가 근처에 관상용, 섬유용으로 식재하는 낙엽 떨기나무이다. 줄기는 높이 1~3m, 가지가 갈라진다. 잎은 어긋나며, 피침형으로 길이 8~15cm, 폭 2~4cm이고, 얇다. 잎 양면은 털이 많은데, 뒷면에 더욱 많다. 잎자루는 길이 5~8mm이며, 털이 난다. 꽃은 3~4월에 피는데 잎보다 먼저 묵은 가지에서 난 머리모양꽃차례에 달리며 밑을 향하고, 노란색이다. 꽃받침통은 끝이 4갈래로 갈라지며, 꽃잎처럼 보이고, 길이 1.2~1.5cm, 안쪽이 연한 노란색, 흰색의 연한 털이 많다. 수술은 8개이며, 그중 4개가 길다. 열매는 수과이며, 난형이다. 우리나라 남부지방에서 식재하며, 중국에 분포한다. 팥꽃나무속 식물들에 비해서 암술대는 둥근 기둥 모양이며, 암술머리는 긴 선형으로서 잔돌기가 있으므로 구분된다. 관상용으로 심고, 나무껍질을 섬유로 쓴다. 삼아나무라고도 한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 남부 [2]

    분포: 일본, 중국 [2]

    중국 [3]

    남부지방(식재) [3]

  • 개화기: 3-4월(결실기 5-8월) [2]

    꽃은 3~4월에 핀다. [3]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2016), 국가생물종정보관리체계구축

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2016), 한국생물지발간연구

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Quantitative flavonoid variation accompanied by change of flower colors in Edgeworthia chrysantha, Pittosporum tobira and Wisteria floribunda. Megumi Ono,Tsukasa Iwashina Natural product communications 2015 조회
    Purification of rutin and nicotiflorin from the flowers of Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. by high-speed counter-current chromatography. Shengqiang Tong,Jizhong Yan,Gang Chen,Jianzhong Lou Journal of chromatographic science 2009 조회
    Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of Edgeworthia chrysantha and its effective chemical constituents. Xiao-Jia Hu,Hui-Zi Jin,Wen-Zheng Xu,Ming Chen,Xiao-Hua Liu,Wei Zhang,Juan Su,Chuan Zhang,Wei-Dong Zhang Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 2008 조회
    Separation and determination of the effective components in the alabastrum of Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Shufang Wang,Yiyu Cheng Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 2005 조회
    Preparative isolation and purification of syringin and edgeworoside C from Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl by high-speed counter-current chromatography. Jizhong Yan,Shengqiang Tong,Jianjun Chu,Liuqing Sheng,Gang Chen Journal of chromatography. A 2004 조회

    특허 (149건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Infusion device for producing agilawood | A transfusion device for producing agilawood CHEN, Bo | MENG, Hui | WEI, Jian-he | YANG, Yun | ZHANG, Zheng 2011-11-10 조회
    种诱导型药用植物输液装置 | A inducible medical transfusion device for plant MENG, Hui | YANG, Yun | WEI, Jian-he | ZHANG, Zheng | CHEN, Bo 2016-01-21 조회
    Liquid infusion method for producing linaloe on aquilaria sinensis trees | Method for producing agilawood on aquilaria sinensis tree through transfusion method WEI, Jian-he | YANG, Yun | ZHANG, Zheng | MENG, Hui | FENG, Jin-dong | GAN, Bing-chun 2010-02-01 조회
    Medicament for treating traumatic injury WANG, Hai-rong 2011-09-30 조회
    One of treating hemorrhoids and medicine preparation MA, Qiu-sheng 2013-10-25 조회
    Ligustrin extracting method | Extracting method clove glycoside is Yan, Ji-zhong | Tong, Sheng-qiang 2003-11-12 조회
    Application of cumarin kind compound in preparation of antiphlogistic and analgetic medicine | Application of a kind of coumarin compound used in the preparation of anti-inflammatory and analgesia medicine ZHANG, Weidong | ZHANG, Wei | SU, Juan | ZHANG, Chuan | CHEN, Huhai | SHEN, Yunheng 2006-09-07 조회
    Soaking bathing agent made of traditional Chinese medicine | A kind of Chinese herbal medicine bathing preparation Maoda Li 2007-01-15 조회
    Method for constructing biologic corridors for the transferring of the small ferine mammal in subtropical cities | Method for constructing subtropical city small mammal migration with biological way injection molding Shengquan Che | Xiaoxing Ma 2007-04-05 조회
    Chinese herbal medicine for treating spermatorrhea disease | Chinese medicinal herb for treating spermatorrhea LIAO, Li-feng 2008-12-15 조회

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    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Quantitative flavonoid variation accompanied by change of flower colors in Edgeworthia chrysantha, Pittosporum tobira and Wisteria floribunda. Megumi Ono,Tsukasa Iwashina Natural product communications 2015 조회
    Purification of rutin and nicotiflorin from the flowers of Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. by high-speed counter-current chromatography. Shengqiang Tong,Jizhong Yan,Gang Chen,Jianzhong Lou Journal of chromatographic science 2009 조회
    Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of Edgeworthia chrysantha and its effective chemical constituents. Xiao-Jia Hu,Hui-Zi Jin,Wen-Zheng Xu,Ming Chen,Xiao-Hua Liu,Wei Zhang,Juan Su,Chuan Zhang,Wei-Dong Zhang Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 2008 조회
    Separation and determination of the effective components in the alabastrum of Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Shufang Wang,Yiyu Cheng Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 2005 조회
    Preparative isolation and purification of syringin and edgeworoside C from Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl by high-speed counter-current chromatography. Jizhong Yan,Shengqiang Tong,Jianjun Chu,Liuqing Sheng,Gang Chen Journal of chromatography. A 2004 조회

    특허 (149건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Infusion device for producing agilawood | A transfusion device for producing agilawood CHEN, Bo | MENG, Hui | WEI, Jian-he | YANG, Yun | ZHANG, Zheng 2011-11-10 조회
    种诱导型药用植物输液装置 | A inducible medical transfusion device for plant MENG, Hui | YANG, Yun | WEI, Jian-he | ZHANG, Zheng | CHEN, Bo 2016-01-21 조회
    Liquid infusion method for producing linaloe on aquilaria sinensis trees | Method for producing agilawood on aquilaria sinensis tree through transfusion method WEI, Jian-he | YANG, Yun | ZHANG, Zheng | MENG, Hui | FENG, Jin-dong | GAN, Bing-chun 2010-02-01 조회
    Medicament for treating traumatic injury WANG, Hai-rong 2011-09-30 조회
    One of treating hemorrhoids and medicine preparation MA, Qiu-sheng 2013-10-25 조회
    Ligustrin extracting method | Extracting method clove glycoside is Yan, Ji-zhong | Tong, Sheng-qiang 2003-11-12 조회
    Application of cumarin kind compound in preparation of antiphlogistic and analgetic medicine | Application of a kind of coumarin compound used in the preparation of anti-inflammatory and analgesia medicine ZHANG, Weidong | ZHANG, Wei | SU, Juan | ZHANG, Chuan | CHEN, Huhai | SHEN, Yunheng 2006-09-07 조회
    Soaking bathing agent made of traditional Chinese medicine | A kind of Chinese herbal medicine bathing preparation Maoda Li 2007-01-15 조회
    Method for constructing biologic corridors for the transferring of the small ferine mammal in subtropical cities | Method for constructing subtropical city small mammal migration with biological way injection molding Shengquan Che | Xiaoxing Ma 2007-04-05 조회
    Chinese herbal medicine for treating spermatorrhea disease | Chinese medicinal herb for treating spermatorrhea LIAO, Li-feng 2008-12-15 조회

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    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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  • 표본 (총70건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRVP0000015949 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl." / 삼지닥나무 전라남도 고흥... 작은돔배섬 / 2008-06-24 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000015950 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl." / 삼지닥나무 전라남도 고흥... 작은돔배섬 / 2008-06-24 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000015951 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl." / 삼지닥나무 전라남도 고흥... 작은돔배섬 / 2008-06-24 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000105935 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl." / 삼지닥나무 전라남도 보성... 존재산 / 2003-04-06 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000105936 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl." / 삼지닥나무 전라남도 보성... 존재산 / 2003-04-06 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000105937 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl." / 삼지닥나무 노자산 / 1997-06-06 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000125106 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl." / 삼지닥나무 충청북도 제천... 금성 / 2007-04-27 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000125110 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl." / 삼지닥나무 충청북도 제천... 금성 / 2007-04-27 건조표본 1건
    NIBRVP0000143543 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl." / 삼지닥나무 전라남도 순천... / 2006-04-28 건조표본 2건
    NIBRVP0000182002 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl." / 삼지닥나무 경상남도 거제... 자연휴양림 / 2008-04-04 건조표본 1건

    소재 (총15건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRGR0000052098 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. / 삼지닥나무 충청남도 태안... . / 2008-05-05 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000052099 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. / 삼지닥나무 충청남도 태안... . / 2008-05-05 DNA 1건
    NIBRGR0000118103 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. / 삼지닥나무 제주특별자치도... 제주도 / 2011-06-20 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000400116 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. / 삼지닥나무 전라남도 영암... / 2015-04-07 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000400119 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. / 삼지닥나무 전라남도 영암... / 2015-04-08 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000400194 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. / 삼지닥나무 경상남도 창원... / 2015-04-12 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000400195 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. / 삼지닥나무 경상남도 창원... / 2015-04-12 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000400196 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. / 삼지닥나무 경상남도 창원... / 2015-04-12 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000405221 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. / 삼지닥나무 충청남도 태안... . / 2008-05-05 DNA 1건
    NIBRGR0000405222 Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. / 삼지닥나무 충청남도 태안... . / 2008-05-05 DNA 1건
  • 염기서열 (3건)

    학명 국명 마커명 프라이머세트명 출처
    Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. 삼지닥나무 rbcL rbcL_1F_724R 국립생물자원관
    Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. 삼지닥나무 rbcL rbcL_1F_724R 국립생물자원관
    Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl. 삼지닥나무 rbcL rbcL_1F_724R 국립생물자원관

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