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미국흰죽지 bookmark_add Aythya americana (Eyton, 1838)

Fuligula americana Eyton, 1838

몸길이 50cm, 체중은 수컷 770g, 암컷 680g이다. 크기, 색깔 면에서 성적 동종이형이다. 수컷의 경우 정수리 부분은 흰색, 눈에서 머리 뒤쪽은 넓은 녹색 줄무늬가 있고, 얼굴과 목은 반점이 있는 회색이며, 가슴과 측면은 밝은 밤나무색이며, 등은 밝은 갈색, 익경(翼鏡, speculum)은 녹색, 깃은 끝부분이 검은 파란색이다. 암컷의 경우 머리 부분은 반점이 있는 회색이다. 등은 반점이 있는 갈색이다. 주로 달팽이, 갑각류, 곤충 등의 수서동물, 무척추동물을 먹는다. 일부일처제이며, 초지가 있는 호수나 습지의 움푹 팬 구멍 등에 둥지를 만든다. 9~13개의 알을 낳는다. 미국에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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    Complete mitochondrial genome of the Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus), with phylogenetic analysis in phasianidae. Tai-Cheng Zhou,Tao Sha,David M Irwin,Ya-Ping Zhang Mitochondrial DNA 2014 조회
    Intra-guild interactions and projected impact of climate and land use changes on North American pochard ducks. Guillaume P?ron,David N Koons Oecologia 2013 조회
    Demographic response to perturbations: the role of compensatory density dependence in a North American duck under variable harvest regulations and changing habitat. Guillaume P?ron,Christopher A Nicolai,David N Koons The Journal of animal ecology 2012 조회
    Integrated modeling of communities: parasitism, competition, and demographic synchrony in sympatric ducks. Guillaume P?ron,David N Koons Ecology 2012 조회
    Avian influenza survey in migrating waterfowl in Sonora, Mexico. M Montalvo-Corral,G L?pez-Robles,J Hern?ndez Transboundary and emerging diseases 2010 조회
    Complete nucleotide sequence of the Coturnix chinensis (blue-breasted quail) mitochondrial genome and a phylogenetic analysis with related species. M Nishibori,M Tsudzuki,T Hayashi,Y Yamamoto,H Yasue The Journal of heredity 2003 조회
    Complete sequence of the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) mitochondrial genome and its genetic relationship with related species. M Nishibori,T Hayashi,M Tsudzuki,Y Yamamoto,H Yasue Animal genetics 2001 조회

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    Complete mitochondrial genome of the Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus), with phylogenetic analysis in phasianidae. Tai-Cheng Zhou,Tao Sha,David M Irwin,Ya-Ping Zhang Mitochondrial DNA 2014 조회
    Intra-guild interactions and projected impact of climate and land use changes on North American pochard ducks. Guillaume P?ron,David N Koons Oecologia 2013 조회
    Demographic response to perturbations: the role of compensatory density dependence in a North American duck under variable harvest regulations and changing habitat. Guillaume P?ron,Christopher A Nicolai,David N Koons The Journal of animal ecology 2012 조회
    Integrated modeling of communities: parasitism, competition, and demographic synchrony in sympatric ducks. Guillaume P?ron,David N Koons Ecology 2012 조회
    Avian influenza survey in migrating waterfowl in Sonora, Mexico. M Montalvo-Corral,G L?pez-Robles,J Hern?ndez Transboundary and emerging diseases 2010 조회
    Complete nucleotide sequence of the Coturnix chinensis (blue-breasted quail) mitochondrial genome and a phylogenetic analysis with related species. M Nishibori,M Tsudzuki,T Hayashi,Y Yamamoto,H Yasue The Journal of heredity 2003 조회
    Complete sequence of the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) mitochondrial genome and its genetic relationship with related species. M Nishibori,T Hayashi,M Tsudzuki,Y Yamamoto,H Yasue Animal genetics 2001 조회

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