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댕기흰죽지 bookmark_add Aythya fuligula (Linnaeus, 1758)

Anas fuligula Linnaeus, 1758

기러기목 오리과에 속하는 조류로 흔한 겨울철새이다. 몸길이 약 40cm. 수컷의 머리는 광택이 있는 검은색이며, 뒷머리에 긴 댕기가 있다. 가슴과 등은 검은색이며, 옆구리와 배는 흰색이다. 암컷은 몸 전체가 짙은 갈색이며, 댕기가 짧다. 부리와 다리는 푸르스름한 회색이고 끝이 검다. 호수 하구, 항구 등지에서 작은 무리를 이루며 잠수하여 새우, 게 등 갑각류, 수서곤충, 수초를 먹는다. 유라시아대륙 북부에서 번식하고, 유럽, 북아프리카, 인도, 중국 동부와 남부, 한국, 일본, 대만에서 월동한다. 국내에는 겨울철 우리나라 전역의 습지에서 관찰된다. [저작재산권자]

  • 국내에는 겨울철 우리나라 전역의 습지에서 관찰된다. [1]

    유라시아대륙 북부에서 번식하고, 유럽, 북아프리카, 인도, 중국 동부와 남부, 한국, 일본, 대만에서 월동한다. [1]

  • 흔한 겨울철새로 호수 하구, 항구 등지에서 작은 무리를 이루며 잠수하여 새우, 게 등 갑각류, 수서곤충, 수초를 먹는다. [1]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2021), 철새정보 통합관리체계 구축 2020


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    The influence of load carrying on the energetics and kinematics of terrestrial locomotion in a diving bird. Peter G Tickle,Samantha C Lean,Kayleigh A R Rose,Avanti P Wadugodapitiya,Jonathan R Codd Biology open 2013 조회
    Breeding site fidelity and winter admixture in a long-distance migrant, the tufted duck (Aythya fuligula). Y Liu,I Keller,G Heckel Heredity 2012 조회
    Evidence of the trade-off between starvation and predation risks in ducks. C?dric Zimmer,Mathieu Boos,Nicolas Poulin,Andrew Gosler,Odile Petit,Jean-Patrice Robin PloS one 2011 조회
    Final hosts and variability of Trichobilharzia regenti under natural conditions. Damien Jouet,Karl Sk?rnisson,Libuse Kol?rov?,Hubert Fert? Parasitology research 2010 조회
    The survey of H5N1 flu virus in wild birds in 14 Provinces of China from 2004 to 2007. Zheng Kou,Yongdong Li,Zuohua Yin,Shan Guo,Mingli Wang,Xuebin Gao,Peng Li,Lijun Tang,Ping Jiang,Ze Luo,Zhi Xin,Changqing Ding,Yubang He,Zuyi Ren,Peng Cui,Hongfeng Zhao,Zhong Zhang,Shuang Tang,Baoping Yan,Fumin Lei,Tianxian Li PloS one 2009 조회
    [Surveillance of wild birds for avian influenza A virus (AIV) in Bavaria in the years 2007 and 2008]. Stephanie Rabl,Monika Rinder,Antonie Neubauer-Juric,Karl-Heinz Bogner,R?diger Korbel,Mathias B?ttner Berliner und M?nchener tier?rztliche Wochenschrift 2009 조회
    Avian influenza virus screening in wild waterfowl in Norway, 2005. Christine Monceyron Jonassen,Kjell Handeland Avian diseases 2007 조회
    Bioaccumulation of polonium 210Po in marine birds. B Skwarzec,J Fabisiak Journal of environmental radioactivity 2007 조회
    Phylogenetic analyses of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus isolates from Germany in 2006 and 2007 suggest at least three separate introductions of H5N1 virus. E Starick,M Beer,B Hoffmann,C Staubach,O Werner,A Globig,G Strebelow,C Grund,M Durban,F J Conraths,T Mettenleiter,T Harder Veterinary microbiology 2007 조회
    Individual quality, survival variation and patterns of phenotypic selection on body condition and timing of nesting in birds. Peter Blums,James D Nichols,James E Hines,Mark S Lindberg,Aivars Mednis Oecologia 2005 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    The influence of load carrying on the energetics and kinematics of terrestrial locomotion in a diving bird. Peter G Tickle,Samantha C Lean,Kayleigh A R Rose,Avanti P Wadugodapitiya,Jonathan R Codd Biology open 2013 조회
    Breeding site fidelity and winter admixture in a long-distance migrant, the tufted duck (Aythya fuligula). Y Liu,I Keller,G Heckel Heredity 2012 조회
    Evidence of the trade-off between starvation and predation risks in ducks. C?dric Zimmer,Mathieu Boos,Nicolas Poulin,Andrew Gosler,Odile Petit,Jean-Patrice Robin PloS one 2011 조회
    Final hosts and variability of Trichobilharzia regenti under natural conditions. Damien Jouet,Karl Sk?rnisson,Libuse Kol?rov?,Hubert Fert? Parasitology research 2010 조회
    The survey of H5N1 flu virus in wild birds in 14 Provinces of China from 2004 to 2007. Zheng Kou,Yongdong Li,Zuohua Yin,Shan Guo,Mingli Wang,Xuebin Gao,Peng Li,Lijun Tang,Ping Jiang,Ze Luo,Zhi Xin,Changqing Ding,Yubang He,Zuyi Ren,Peng Cui,Hongfeng Zhao,Zhong Zhang,Shuang Tang,Baoping Yan,Fumin Lei,Tianxian Li PloS one 2009 조회
    [Surveillance of wild birds for avian influenza A virus (AIV) in Bavaria in the years 2007 and 2008]. Stephanie Rabl,Monika Rinder,Antonie Neubauer-Juric,Karl-Heinz Bogner,R?diger Korbel,Mathias B?ttner Berliner und M?nchener tier?rztliche Wochenschrift 2009 조회
    Avian influenza virus screening in wild waterfowl in Norway, 2005. Christine Monceyron Jonassen,Kjell Handeland Avian diseases 2007 조회
    Bioaccumulation of polonium 210Po in marine birds. B Skwarzec,J Fabisiak Journal of environmental radioactivity 2007 조회
    Phylogenetic analyses of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus isolates from Germany in 2006 and 2007 suggest at least three separate introductions of H5N1 virus. E Starick,M Beer,B Hoffmann,C Staubach,O Werner,A Globig,G Strebelow,C Grund,M Durban,F J Conraths,T Mettenleiter,T Harder Veterinary microbiology 2007 조회
    Individual quality, survival variation and patterns of phenotypic selection on body condition and timing of nesting in birds. Peter Blums,James D Nichols,James E Hines,Mark S Lindberg,Aivars Mednis Oecologia 2005 조회

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    NIBRGR0000123350 Aythya fuligula (Linnaeus, 1758) / 댕기흰죽지 경기도 김포시... / 2010-01-10 조직 1건
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    Aythya fuligula (Linnaeus, 1758) 댕기흰죽지 COI LCO/HCO 국립생물자원관

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