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중대백로 bookmark_add Ardea alba Linnaeus, 1758

Ardea alba Linnaeus, 1758 (중대백로)
Egretta alba modesta (중대백로)

황새목 백로과의 조류로 흔한 여름철새이다. 몸길이 약 90cm. 암수의 형태가 유사하다. 여름철 관찰되는 흰색의 대형 백로로, 긴 부리와 다리를 가지고 있다. 번식시기에 부리는 검은색이며, 눈 앞부분은 청록색, 등에는 장식깃이 발달한다. 번식이 끝나면 부리는 노란색으로 바뀌며, 장식깃은 사라진다. 다리는 전체적으로 검은색이다. 다른 백로류와 함께 집단번식지에서 번식하며, 3~4개의 알을 낳으며, 포란기간은 25~28일이다. 논, 하천, 저수지, 양어장, 하구, 갯벌 등지에서 천천히 걸으며, 물고기나, 개구리 등을 잡아먹는다. 남아시아, 동아시아, 호주 등에 분포한다. 아종 대백로는 겨울에 도래한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 국내에는 전국에 걸쳐 번식하는 흔한 여름철새이며, 드문 겨울철새이다. [1]

    남아시아, 동아시아, 호주 등에 분포한다. [1]

  • 흔한 여름철새. 다른 백로류와 함께 집단번식지에서 번식하며, 3~4개의 알을 낳고 포란기간은 25~28일이다. 논, 하천, 저수지, 양어장, 하구, 갯벌 등지에서 천천히 걸으며, 물고기나, 개구리 등을 잡아먹는다. [1]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2021), 철새정보 통합관리체계 구축 2020


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Linking Dynamic Habitat Selection with Wading Bird Foraging Distributions across Resource Gradients. James M Beerens,Erik G Noonburg,Dale E Gawlik PloS one 2015 조회
    Mercury Concentrations in Birds from Two Atmospherically Contaminated Sites in North Texas, USA. Sarah E Schulwitz,Matthew M Chumchal,Jeff A Johnson Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 2015 조회
    POTENTIAL FOR GREAT EGRETS (ARDEA ALBA) TO TRANSMIT A VIRULENT STRAIN OF AEROMONAS HYDROPHILA AMONG CHANNEL CATFISH (ICTALURUS PUNCTATUS) CULTURE PONDS. Madison M Jubirt,Larry A Hanson,Katie C Hanson-Dorr,Lorelei Ford,Scott Lemmons,Paul Fioranelli,Fred L Cunningham Journal of wildlife diseases 2015 조회
    [Egg size variation in egrets and herons (Aves: Ardeidae) nesting in Biramas swamp, Cuba]. Dennis Denis Avila Revista de biolog?a tropical 2015 조회
    Composition, structure and pattern of helminth assemblages associated with central European herons (Ardeidae). Jilj? Sitko,Petr Heneberg Parasitology international 2014 조회
    Metal levels in eggs of waterbirds in the New York Harbor (USA): trophic relationships and possible risk to human consumers. Joanna Burger,Susan Elbin Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 2014 조회
    Physiological condition of juvenile wading birds in relation to multiple landscape stressors in the Florida Everglades: effects of hydrology, prey availability, and mercury bioaccumulation. Garth Herring,Collin A Eagles-Smith,Dale E Gawlik,James M Beerens,Joshua T Ackerman PloS one 2014 조회
    Surveillance of avian influenza viruses in migratory birds in Egypt, 2003-09. Atef Soliman,Magdi Saad,Emad Elassal,Ehab Amir,Chantal Plathonoff,Verina Bahgat,Maha El-Badry,Luay S Ahmed,Mostafa Fouda,Mohammed Gamaleldin,Nahed Abd-Elal Mohamed,Stephanie Salyer,Claire Cornelius,Robert Barthel Journal of wildlife diseases 2012 조회
    New primers for sex identification in the Chinese egret and other ardeid species. Zeng Wang,Xiaoping Zhou,Qingxian Lin,Wenzhen Fang,Xiaolin Chen Molecular ecology resources 2011 조회
    Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in local waterbird eggs from Hong Kong: risk assessment to local waterbirds. Yuan Wang,Margaret B Murphy,James C W Lam,Liping Jiao,Captain C L Wong,Leo W Y Yeung,Paul K S Lam Chemosphere 2011 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Linking Dynamic Habitat Selection with Wading Bird Foraging Distributions across Resource Gradients. James M Beerens,Erik G Noonburg,Dale E Gawlik PloS one 2015 조회
    Mercury Concentrations in Birds from Two Atmospherically Contaminated Sites in North Texas, USA. Sarah E Schulwitz,Matthew M Chumchal,Jeff A Johnson Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 2015 조회
    POTENTIAL FOR GREAT EGRETS (ARDEA ALBA) TO TRANSMIT A VIRULENT STRAIN OF AEROMONAS HYDROPHILA AMONG CHANNEL CATFISH (ICTALURUS PUNCTATUS) CULTURE PONDS. Madison M Jubirt,Larry A Hanson,Katie C Hanson-Dorr,Lorelei Ford,Scott Lemmons,Paul Fioranelli,Fred L Cunningham Journal of wildlife diseases 2015 조회
    [Egg size variation in egrets and herons (Aves: Ardeidae) nesting in Biramas swamp, Cuba]. Dennis Denis Avila Revista de biolog?a tropical 2015 조회
    Composition, structure and pattern of helminth assemblages associated with central European herons (Ardeidae). Jilj? Sitko,Petr Heneberg Parasitology international 2014 조회
    Metal levels in eggs of waterbirds in the New York Harbor (USA): trophic relationships and possible risk to human consumers. Joanna Burger,Susan Elbin Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 2014 조회
    Physiological condition of juvenile wading birds in relation to multiple landscape stressors in the Florida Everglades: effects of hydrology, prey availability, and mercury bioaccumulation. Garth Herring,Collin A Eagles-Smith,Dale E Gawlik,James M Beerens,Joshua T Ackerman PloS one 2014 조회
    Surveillance of avian influenza viruses in migratory birds in Egypt, 2003-09. Atef Soliman,Magdi Saad,Emad Elassal,Ehab Amir,Chantal Plathonoff,Verina Bahgat,Maha El-Badry,Luay S Ahmed,Mostafa Fouda,Mohammed Gamaleldin,Nahed Abd-Elal Mohamed,Stephanie Salyer,Claire Cornelius,Robert Barthel Journal of wildlife diseases 2012 조회
    New primers for sex identification in the Chinese egret and other ardeid species. Zeng Wang,Xiaoping Zhou,Qingxian Lin,Wenzhen Fang,Xiaolin Chen Molecular ecology resources 2011 조회
    Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in local waterbird eggs from Hong Kong: risk assessment to local waterbirds. Yuan Wang,Margaret B Murphy,James C W Lam,Liping Jiao,Captain C L Wong,Leo W Y Yeung,Paul K S Lam Chemosphere 2011 조회

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    NIBRAV0000102817 Ardea alba Linnaeus, 1758" / 중대백로 경기도 고양시... / 2010-07-22 가박제표본 1건
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    NIBRAV0000103174 Ardea alba Linnaeus, 1758" / 중대백로 경기도 고양시... / 2010-07-22 가박제표본 1건

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    Ardea alba Linnaeus, 1758 중대백로 COI jgLCO1490/COI-E 국립생물자원관

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