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물닭 bookmark_add Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758

Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758 (물닭)

두루미목 뜸부기과에 속하는 조류로 매우 흔한 겨울철새이자 흔한 텃새이다. 몸길이는 약 39cm. 암수의 형태는 유사하며, 전체적으로 검은색이고 체형은 통통하다. 이마판은 흰색, 부리는 엷은 살구색이다. 홍채는 적갈색, 날 때 둘째날개깃 끝이 흰색으로 보인다. 어린 새는 얼굴과 목 앞이 흰색이고, 부리가 흑갈색이다. 다리는 판족을 가지고 있어 헤엄치는데 적합하며 잠수에도 능하다. 위험할 때는 잠수를 하거나 수면을 박차고 뛰어서 도망간다. 유라시아대륙, 인도, 호주에 폭넓게 분포한다. 국내에는 습지 전역에서 관찰된다. [저작재산권자]

포획ㆍ채취 등의 금지 야생생물

수출·수입등 허가대상 야생생물

인공증식 또는 재배를 위한 포획ㆍ채취 등의 허가대상 야생생물

  • 국내에는 습지 전역에서 관찰되는 매우 흔한 겨울철새이자 텃새이다. [1]

    유라시아대륙, 인도, 호주에 폭넓게 분포한다. [1]

  • 다리는 판족을 가지고 있어 수면을 헤엄치는데 적합하며 잠수에도 능하다. 위험할 때는 잠수를 하거나 수면을 박차고 뛰어서 도망간다. [1]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2021), 철새정보 통합관리체계 구축 2020


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Molecular detection and genotypic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii in wild waterfowls in Jilin Province, Northeastern China. Fu-Kai Zhang,Hai-Jun Wang,Si-Yuan Qin,Ze-Dong Wang,Zhi-Long Lou,Xing-Quan Zhu,Quan Liu Parasitology international 2015 조회
    The complete mitochondrial genome of Fulica atra (Avian, Gruiformes, Rallidae). Ke He,Ting Ren,Songhui Zhu,Ayong Zhao Mitochondrial DNA 2015 조회
    Comparison of the metal concentrations in organs of two bird species from western of Iran. Borhan Mansouri,Farshid Majnoni Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 2014 조회
    Environmental and biological monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in waterbirds by non-invasive versus invasive sampling. Rasih Kocag?z,Orta? Onmu?,?lgen Onat,Beste ?a?da?,Mehmet Sıkı,Hilmi Orhan Toxicology letters 2014 조회
    Extraordinary MHC class II B diversity in a non-passerine, wild bird: the Eurasian Coot Fulica atra (Aves: Rallidae). Miguel Alcaide,Joaquin Mu?oz,Josu? Mart?nez-de la Puente,Ram?n Soriguer,Jordi Figuerola Ecology and evolution 2014 조회
    The first case of a major avian type C botulism outbreak in Poland. Radoslaw Wlodarczyk,Piotr Minias,Elibieta Kukier,Tomasz Grenda,Krzysztof Smietanka,Tomasz Janiszewski Avian diseases 2014 조회
    Free-living Waterfowl as a Source of Zoonotic Bacteria in a Dense Wild Bird Population Area in Northeastern Spain. N Antilles,A Sanglas,M Cerd?-Cu?llar Transboundary and emerging diseases 2013 조회
    [The Khurdun virus (KHURV): a new representative of the orthobunyavirus (Bunyaviridae)]. S V Alkovskhovski?,A M Shchetinin,D K Lvov,M Iu Shchelkanov,P G Deriabin,D N Lvov,E I Samokhvalov,A K Gitelman,A G Botikov Voprosy virusologii 2013 조회
    First report of (homo)anatoxin-a and dog neurotoxicosis after ingestion of benthic cyanobacteria in The Netherlands. Elisabeth J Faassen,Liesbeth Harkema,Lineke Begeman,Miquel Lurling Toxicon 2012 조회
    Total and organic mercury in liver, kidney and muscle of waterbirds from wetlands of the Caspian Sea, Iran. J Aazami,A Esmaili-Saria,N Bahramifar,M Savabieasfahani Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 2012 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Molecular detection and genotypic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii in wild waterfowls in Jilin Province, Northeastern China. Fu-Kai Zhang,Hai-Jun Wang,Si-Yuan Qin,Ze-Dong Wang,Zhi-Long Lou,Xing-Quan Zhu,Quan Liu Parasitology international 2015 조회
    The complete mitochondrial genome of Fulica atra (Avian, Gruiformes, Rallidae). Ke He,Ting Ren,Songhui Zhu,Ayong Zhao Mitochondrial DNA 2015 조회
    Comparison of the metal concentrations in organs of two bird species from western of Iran. Borhan Mansouri,Farshid Majnoni Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 2014 조회
    Environmental and biological monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in waterbirds by non-invasive versus invasive sampling. Rasih Kocag?z,Orta? Onmu?,?lgen Onat,Beste ?a?da?,Mehmet Sıkı,Hilmi Orhan Toxicology letters 2014 조회
    Extraordinary MHC class II B diversity in a non-passerine, wild bird: the Eurasian Coot Fulica atra (Aves: Rallidae). Miguel Alcaide,Joaquin Mu?oz,Josu? Mart?nez-de la Puente,Ram?n Soriguer,Jordi Figuerola Ecology and evolution 2014 조회
    The first case of a major avian type C botulism outbreak in Poland. Radoslaw Wlodarczyk,Piotr Minias,Elibieta Kukier,Tomasz Grenda,Krzysztof Smietanka,Tomasz Janiszewski Avian diseases 2014 조회
    Free-living Waterfowl as a Source of Zoonotic Bacteria in a Dense Wild Bird Population Area in Northeastern Spain. N Antilles,A Sanglas,M Cerd?-Cu?llar Transboundary and emerging diseases 2013 조회
    [The Khurdun virus (KHURV): a new representative of the orthobunyavirus (Bunyaviridae)]. S V Alkovskhovski?,A M Shchetinin,D K Lvov,M Iu Shchelkanov,P G Deriabin,D N Lvov,E I Samokhvalov,A K Gitelman,A G Botikov Voprosy virusologii 2013 조회
    First report of (homo)anatoxin-a and dog neurotoxicosis after ingestion of benthic cyanobacteria in The Netherlands. Elisabeth J Faassen,Liesbeth Harkema,Lineke Begeman,Miquel Lurling Toxicon 2012 조회
    Total and organic mercury in liver, kidney and muscle of waterbirds from wetlands of the Caspian Sea, Iran. J Aazami,A Esmaili-Saria,N Bahramifar,M Savabieasfahani Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 2012 조회

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    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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  • 표본 (총3건)

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    NIBRAV0000100130 Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758" / 물닭 전라북도 김제... / 1995-08-01 진박제표본 1건
    NIBRAV0000102318 Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758" / 물닭 인천광역시 중... / 2013-12-24 가박제표본 1건
    NIBRAV0000102950 Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758" / 물닭 제주특별자치도... / 2010-01-24 가박제표본 1건

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    • 정훈 ( Hoon Chung ) , 권영수 ( Young Soo Kwon ) (2007) 팔당호 일대의 조류 분포 및 번식 실태. Bulletin of Korea Institute of Ornithology 10 (1) : 37 – 42

      팔당호 ( )
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      대호방조제 ( )
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      촌수섬 ( )
    • (Won Pyong Oh) (1988) The Population of waterfowl and waders wintering or staging on the Naktong estuary ( 3 ). Bulletin of Korea Institute of Ornithology 2 (0) : 1 – 16

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