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제비갈매기 bookmark_add Sterna hirundo Linnaeus, 1758

Sterna longipennis Nordmann, 1835
Sterna hirundo Linnaeus, 1758 (제비갈매기)

도요목 갈매기과의 새로 몸길이 35.5cm, 날개 편 길이 70~81cm이다. 암, 수가 같은 빛깔이다. 여름깃은 이마와 머리 위, 뒷머리, 옆머리 및 눈 앞의 위쪽 등은 모두 검은색이다. 눈 앞의 아래쪽과 귀덮깃, 뺨, 턱 밑, 목 및 목 옆은 흰색이다. 뒷목의 위쪽은 검은색이다. 아래쪽은 회백색이고 어깨깃과 등 및 허리는 연한 회색이며 가슴과 배겨드랑이, 꽁지밑덮깃은 흰색이다. 주로 호수, 하천 등지에 산다. 철새의 일종으로 겨울새에 속하며 우리나라에서는 해안과 하구에 흔한 나그네새이다. 이동할 때에는 30~100마리씩 떼 지어 이동한다. 둥지는 호수, 하천의 갈대와 왕골 등에 집단적으로 마른 풀줄기를 높게 쌓아 화산 모양으로 짓고 산란한다. 5월 상순~8월 상순, 2~3개 산란한다. 작은 물고기, 곤충류, 갑각류 등을 먹는다. 시베리아 동부, 캄차카, 사할린, 쿠릴 열도 등지에서 번식한다. 열대 아프리카 동부, 동남아시아, 오스트레일리아 등지에서 월동한다. 우리나라를 통과한다. [저작재산권자]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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    Contrasting between- and within-individual trait effects on mortality risk in a long-lived seabird. He Zhang,Oscar Vedder,Peter H Becker,Sandra Bouwhuis Ecology 2015 조회
    Sex-specific pathways of parental age effects on offspring lifetime reproductive success in a long-lived seabird. Sandra Bouwhuis,Oscar Vedder,Peter H Becker Evolution; international journal of organic evolution 2015 조회
    Population census of a large common tern colony with a small unmanned aircraft. Dominique Chabot,Shawn R Craik,David M Bird PloS one 2015 조회
    Survival and local recruitment are driven by environmental carry-over effects from the wintering area in a migratory seabird. K Lesley Szostek,Peter H Becker Oecologia 2015 조회
    Age-dependent trait variation: the relative contribution of within-individual change, selective appearance and disappearance in a long-lived seabird. He Zhang,Oscar Vedder,Peter H Becker,Sandra Bouwhuis The Journal of animal ecology 2014 조회
    Are morphometrics sufficient for estimating age of pre-fledging birds in the field? A test using common terns (Sterna hirundo). Christy N Wails,Stephen A Oswald,Jennifer M Arnold PloS one 2014 조회
    Predicting reproductive success from hormone concentrations in the common tern (Sterna hirundo) while considering food abundance. Juliane Riechert,Peter H Becker,Olivier Chastel Oecologia 2014 조회
    Sensitivity of avian species to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligand 6-formylindolo [3,2-b] carbazole (FICZ). Reza Farmahin,Doug Crump,Sean W Kennedy Chemico-biological interactions 2014 조회
    Response of testosterone and corticosterone plasma levels to the challenge of sibling competition: a study in common terns. Alexander Braasch,Peter H Becker,Ton G G Groothuis General and comparative endocrinology 2014 조회
    Mercury concentrations in Common Tern Sterna hirundo and Slender-billed Gull Larus genei from the Shadegan Marshes of Iran, in north-western corner of the Persian Gulf. Rasool Zamani-Ahmadmahmoodi,Mostafa Alahverdi,Roohallah Mirzaei Biological trace element research 2014 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Contrasting between- and within-individual trait effects on mortality risk in a long-lived seabird. He Zhang,Oscar Vedder,Peter H Becker,Sandra Bouwhuis Ecology 2015 조회
    Sex-specific pathways of parental age effects on offspring lifetime reproductive success in a long-lived seabird. Sandra Bouwhuis,Oscar Vedder,Peter H Becker Evolution; international journal of organic evolution 2015 조회
    Population census of a large common tern colony with a small unmanned aircraft. Dominique Chabot,Shawn R Craik,David M Bird PloS one 2015 조회
    Survival and local recruitment are driven by environmental carry-over effects from the wintering area in a migratory seabird. K Lesley Szostek,Peter H Becker Oecologia 2015 조회
    Age-dependent trait variation: the relative contribution of within-individual change, selective appearance and disappearance in a long-lived seabird. He Zhang,Oscar Vedder,Peter H Becker,Sandra Bouwhuis The Journal of animal ecology 2014 조회
    Are morphometrics sufficient for estimating age of pre-fledging birds in the field? A test using common terns (Sterna hirundo). Christy N Wails,Stephen A Oswald,Jennifer M Arnold PloS one 2014 조회
    Predicting reproductive success from hormone concentrations in the common tern (Sterna hirundo) while considering food abundance. Juliane Riechert,Peter H Becker,Olivier Chastel Oecologia 2014 조회
    Sensitivity of avian species to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligand 6-formylindolo [3,2-b] carbazole (FICZ). Reza Farmahin,Doug Crump,Sean W Kennedy Chemico-biological interactions 2014 조회
    Response of testosterone and corticosterone plasma levels to the challenge of sibling competition: a study in common terns. Alexander Braasch,Peter H Becker,Ton G G Groothuis General and comparative endocrinology 2014 조회
    Mercury concentrations in Common Tern Sterna hirundo and Slender-billed Gull Larus genei from the Shadegan Marshes of Iran, in north-western corner of the Persian Gulf. Rasool Zamani-Ahmadmahmoodi,Mostafa Alahverdi,Roohallah Mirzaei Biological trace element research 2014 조회

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