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검은머리쑥새 bookmark_add Emberiza schoeniclus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Emberiza pyrrhulina Swinhoe, 1876
Fringilla schoeniclus Linnaeus, 1758
Fringilla schoeniclus Linnaeus, 1758

작은 무리들이 우리나라에 찾아오는 드문 겨울새이다. 몸길이 16cm이다. 수컷은 머리가 검은색이며 뺨에는 흰색이 뚜렷하다. 등은 적갈색 바탕에 검은색 세로 줄무늬가 있다. 아랫면은 흰색이다. 암컷은 수컷보다 색이 옅으며, 머리는 갈색 바탕에 흰 눈썹선과 뺨선이 있다. 부리, 다리, 홍채는 갈색이다. 물가 풀밭, 갈대밭, 습한 초원에서 서식한다. 초지의 땅 위에 밥그릇 모양의 둥지를 만든다. 산란기는 5월 하순~7월 중순이며, 연 2회 번식하고 한 배의 산란수는 4~5개이다. 먹이는 식물성이 주가 되나 곤충류도 잘 먹는다. 캄차카, 사할린, 아무르, 우수리, 홋카이도 등지에서 번식하고 한국, 일본, 만주 남부, 중국 남부에서 월동한다. [저작재산권자]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2011), 한반도생물자원포털


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    Susceptibility of wild passerines to subtype H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. Yoshikazu Fujimoto,Tatsufumi Usui,Hiroshi Ito,Etsuro Ono,Toshihiro Ito Avian pathology 2015 조회
    Phenotypic divergence among west European populations of Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus: the effects of migratory and foraging behaviours. J?lio M Neto,Lu?s Gordinho,Eduardo J Belda,Marcial Mar?n,Juan S Monr?s,Peter Fearon,Ross Crates PloS one 2013 조회
    New support for an old hypothesis: density affects extra-pair paternity. Christian Mayer,Gilberto Pasinelli Ecology and evolution 2013 조회
    Monitoring of group A rotaviruses in wild-living birds in Hungary. K Ursu,H Papp,P Kisfali,D Rig?,B Melegh,V Martella,K B?nyai Avian diseases 2011 조회
    Behavioral plasticity allows short-term adjustment to a novel environment. Karin Gross,Gilberto Pasinelli,Hansjoerg P Kunc The American naturalist 2010 조회
    Patchy population structure in a short-distance migrant: evidence from genetic and demographic data. C Mayer,K Schiegg,G Pasinelli Molecular ecology 2009 조회
    Small and large wetland fragments are equally suited breeding sites for a ground-nesting passerine. Gilberto Pasinelli,Christian Mayer,Alexandre Gouskov,Karin Schiegg Oecologia 2008 조회
    Reed bunting females increase fitness through extra-pair mating with genetically dissimilar males. Stefan M Suter,Martin Keiser,Raoul Feignoux,Dietrich R Meyer Proceedings. Biological sciences 2007 조회
    Nestling mouth colour: ecological correlates of a begging signal. Kilner,Davies Animal behaviour 1998 조회
    Genetic variation and bill size dimorphism in a passerine bird, the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus. A Grapputo,A Pilastro,G Marin Molecular ecology 1998 조회

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    Susceptibility of wild passerines to subtype H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. Yoshikazu Fujimoto,Tatsufumi Usui,Hiroshi Ito,Etsuro Ono,Toshihiro Ito Avian pathology 2015 조회
    Phenotypic divergence among west European populations of Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus: the effects of migratory and foraging behaviours. J?lio M Neto,Lu?s Gordinho,Eduardo J Belda,Marcial Mar?n,Juan S Monr?s,Peter Fearon,Ross Crates PloS one 2013 조회
    New support for an old hypothesis: density affects extra-pair paternity. Christian Mayer,Gilberto Pasinelli Ecology and evolution 2013 조회
    Monitoring of group A rotaviruses in wild-living birds in Hungary. K Ursu,H Papp,P Kisfali,D Rig?,B Melegh,V Martella,K B?nyai Avian diseases 2011 조회
    Behavioral plasticity allows short-term adjustment to a novel environment. Karin Gross,Gilberto Pasinelli,Hansjoerg P Kunc The American naturalist 2010 조회
    Patchy population structure in a short-distance migrant: evidence from genetic and demographic data. C Mayer,K Schiegg,G Pasinelli Molecular ecology 2009 조회
    Small and large wetland fragments are equally suited breeding sites for a ground-nesting passerine. Gilberto Pasinelli,Christian Mayer,Alexandre Gouskov,Karin Schiegg Oecologia 2008 조회
    Reed bunting females increase fitness through extra-pair mating with genetically dissimilar males. Stefan M Suter,Martin Keiser,Raoul Feignoux,Dietrich R Meyer Proceedings. Biological sciences 2007 조회
    Nestling mouth colour: ecological correlates of a begging signal. Kilner,Davies Animal behaviour 1998 조회
    Genetic variation and bill size dimorphism in a passerine bird, the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus. A Grapputo,A Pilastro,G Marin Molecular ecology 1998 조회

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