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수달 bookmark_add Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758)

식육목 족제비과에 속하는 포유류이다. 몸통의 길이는 64~71cm이고, 꼬리 길이는 39~49cm 정도, 몸무게 5~14kg이다. 털색은 암갈색이며 몸 아랫부분은 다소 옅은 갈색, 턱 아랫부분은 흰색이다. 머리는 납작하고 둥글고 코도 둥글다. 입 주변에 더듬이 역할을 하는 수염이 나 있다. 치아 중 송곳니가 발달하였다. 수중생활을 하기에 알맞도록 네 다리는 짧고 발가락 사이에 물갈퀴가 있다. 하천이나 호숫가에서 살며 물가에 있는 바위 구멍 또는 나무뿌리 밑이나 땅에 구멍을 파고 산다. 출입구는 물가 쪽으로, 공기 구멍은 땅 위쪽으로 낸다. 야행성이며 시각, 청각 특히 후각이 발달되어 있다. 교미 시기는 1~2월이며, 한 번에 2~4마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 전국에 서식하며, 세계적으로는 시베리아를 제외한 유라시아, 알제리, 모로코, 튀니지, 북아프리카에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 해외에는 영국, 유럽에서부터 캄차카, 사할린, 중국 동북지방, 인도 동부, 히말라야까지 시베리아를 제외한 유럽과 아시아의 하천변에 넓게 분포한다. [2]

    국내에는 전국적으로 넓게 분포하나 한줄기 하천 수계 영역에서 세력권을 가지고 살아가는 종이기 때문에 개체 수가 적다. [2]

  • 수변부에 갈대나 식생이 풍부하고 먹잇감이 많은 하천이나 호숫가에 산다. 보금자리는 주로 물가에 있는 바위 구멍 또는 나무뿌리 밑의 틈새 공간을 활용하여 살아간다. 물고기를 주식으로 하나 서식하는 환경에 따라 양서류, 갑각류, 조류 등 다양한 먹이를 먹으며, 주로 야행성이다. 한줄기 하천 내에서 약 7~15km에 달하는 세력권을 가지고 있어 다른 가족과 구별되어 살아가므로 개체 수 밀도가 적은 동물이다. 야행성이며, 시각, 청각, 후각이 발달했다. 연중 조건이 좋은 시기에 교미하며, 임신 기간은 61~74일이고, 한번에 새끼 2~3마리를 낳는다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2018), 한반도의생물다양성시스템고도화

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2018), 한눈에 보는 멸종위기 야생생물


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  • 논문 (69건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. Elzbieta Kalisinska,Natalia Lanocha-Arendarczyk,Danuta Kosik-Bogacka,Halina Budis,Joanna Podlasinska,Marcin Popiolek,Agnieszka Pirog,Ewa Jedrzejewska Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. 2016 조회
    Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. Elzbieta Kalisinska,Natalia Lanocha-Arendarczyk,Danuta Kosik-Bogacka,Halina Budis,Joanna Podlasinska,Marcin Popiolek,Agnieszka Pirog,Ewa Jedrzejewska Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. 2016 조회
    Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. Elzbieta Kalisinska,Natalia Lanocha-Arendarczyk,Danuta Kosik-Bogacka,Halina Budis,Joanna Podlasinska,Marcin Popiolek,Agnieszka Pirog,Ewa Jedrzejewska Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. 2016 조회
    Diet of otters (Lutra lutra) in various habitat types in the Pannonian biogeographical region compared to other regions of Europe. József Lanszki,István Lehoczky,Antoinette Kotze,Michael J Somers Diet of otters (Lutra lutra) in various habitat types in the Pannonian biogeographical region compared to other regions of Europe. 2016 조회
    Distribution and molecular phylogeny of biliary trematodes (Opisthorchiidae) infecting native Lutra lutra and alien Neovison vison across Europe. Ellie Sherrard-Smith,David W G Stanton,Jo Cable,Pablo Orozco-terWengel,Vic R Simpson,Morten Elmeros,Jiska van Dijk,Franck Simonnet,Anna Roos,Charles Lemarchand,Lukáš Poledník,Petr Heneberg,Elizabeth A Chadwick Distribution and molecular phylogeny of biliary trematodes (Opisthorchiidae) infecting native Lutra lutra and alien Neovison vison across Europe. 2016 조회
    Evaluating the Phylogenetic Status of the Extinct Japanese Otter on the Basis of Mitochondrial Genome Analysis. Daisuke Waku,Takahiro Segawa,Takahiro Yonezawa,Ayumi Akiyoshi,Taichiro Ishige,Miya Ueda,Hiroshi Ogawa,Hiroshi Sasaki,Motokazu Ando,Naoki Kohno,Takeshi Sasaki Evaluating the Phylogenetic Status of the Extinct Japanese Otter on the Basis of Mitochondrial Genome Analysis. 2016 조회
    Geographic variation of craniodental morphology of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in East Asia. Alice Ching Ching Lau,Masakazu Asahara,Sung Yong Han,Junpei Kimura Geographic variation of craniodental morphology of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in East Asia. 2016 조회
    Integrative taxonomy of European parasitic flatworms of the genus Metorchis Looss, 1899 (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae). Jiljí Sitko,Jiří Bizos,Eleanor Sherrard-Smith,David W G Stanton,Petronela Komorová,Petr Heneberg Integrative taxonomy of European parasitic flatworms of the genus Metorchis Looss, 1899 (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae). 2016 조회
    Report of the first Vagococcus lutrae human infection, Marseille, France. V Garcia,C Abat,J-M Rolain Report of the first Vagococcus lutrae human infection, Marseille, France. 2016 조회
    Sexual dimorphism of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in South Korea: Craniodental geometric morphometry. Alice Ching Ching Lau,Masakazu Asahara,Sung Yong Han,Junpei Kimura Sexual dimorphism of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in South Korea: Craniodental geometric morphometry. 2016 조회

    특허 (4건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating liver-yin and kidney-yin deficiency type sicca syndrome | A traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating liver-Yin and kidney-Yin dry syndrome LI, Jing | YIN, Xu-dong 2016-01-22 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating yin-yang deficiency type phthisis and preparation method of composition WANG, Wei 2012-04-12 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine extractum used for curing qi yin consumption injury type phthisis and preparation method thereof WANG, Wei 2012-04-12 조회
    Microsatellite Markers for Individualization in Otter and Individualizing Method Using the Same | MICROSATELLITE MARKER AND A METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING LUTRA LUTRA | The microsatellite marker for the object identification of the national form otter (Lutra lutra) and object identification method using the same. JEON, JIN TAE | LIM, HYUN TAE | PARK, MOON SUNG | SEO, BO YEONG | JUNG, EUN JI | YOO, CHAE KYOUNG | LEE, GIL JU 2010-02-08 조회

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    논문 (69건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. Elzbieta Kalisinska,Natalia Lanocha-Arendarczyk,Danuta Kosik-Bogacka,Halina Budis,Joanna Podlasinska,Marcin Popiolek,Agnieszka Pirog,Ewa Jedrzejewska Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. 2016 조회
    Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. Elzbieta Kalisinska,Natalia Lanocha-Arendarczyk,Danuta Kosik-Bogacka,Halina Budis,Joanna Podlasinska,Marcin Popiolek,Agnieszka Pirog,Ewa Jedrzejewska Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. 2016 조회
    Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. Elzbieta Kalisinska,Natalia Lanocha-Arendarczyk,Danuta Kosik-Bogacka,Halina Budis,Joanna Podlasinska,Marcin Popiolek,Agnieszka Pirog,Ewa Jedrzejewska Brains of Native and Alien Mesocarnivores in Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals in Europe. 2016 조회
    Diet of otters (Lutra lutra) in various habitat types in the Pannonian biogeographical region compared to other regions of Europe. József Lanszki,István Lehoczky,Antoinette Kotze,Michael J Somers Diet of otters (Lutra lutra) in various habitat types in the Pannonian biogeographical region compared to other regions of Europe. 2016 조회
    Distribution and molecular phylogeny of biliary trematodes (Opisthorchiidae) infecting native Lutra lutra and alien Neovison vison across Europe. Ellie Sherrard-Smith,David W G Stanton,Jo Cable,Pablo Orozco-terWengel,Vic R Simpson,Morten Elmeros,Jiska van Dijk,Franck Simonnet,Anna Roos,Charles Lemarchand,Lukáš Poledník,Petr Heneberg,Elizabeth A Chadwick Distribution and molecular phylogeny of biliary trematodes (Opisthorchiidae) infecting native Lutra lutra and alien Neovison vison across Europe. 2016 조회
    Evaluating the Phylogenetic Status of the Extinct Japanese Otter on the Basis of Mitochondrial Genome Analysis. Daisuke Waku,Takahiro Segawa,Takahiro Yonezawa,Ayumi Akiyoshi,Taichiro Ishige,Miya Ueda,Hiroshi Ogawa,Hiroshi Sasaki,Motokazu Ando,Naoki Kohno,Takeshi Sasaki Evaluating the Phylogenetic Status of the Extinct Japanese Otter on the Basis of Mitochondrial Genome Analysis. 2016 조회
    Geographic variation of craniodental morphology of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in East Asia. Alice Ching Ching Lau,Masakazu Asahara,Sung Yong Han,Junpei Kimura Geographic variation of craniodental morphology of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in East Asia. 2016 조회
    Integrative taxonomy of European parasitic flatworms of the genus Metorchis Looss, 1899 (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae). Jiljí Sitko,Jiří Bizos,Eleanor Sherrard-Smith,David W G Stanton,Petronela Komorová,Petr Heneberg Integrative taxonomy of European parasitic flatworms of the genus Metorchis Looss, 1899 (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae). 2016 조회
    Report of the first Vagococcus lutrae human infection, Marseille, France. V Garcia,C Abat,J-M Rolain Report of the first Vagococcus lutrae human infection, Marseille, France. 2016 조회
    Sexual dimorphism of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in South Korea: Craniodental geometric morphometry. Alice Ching Ching Lau,Masakazu Asahara,Sung Yong Han,Junpei Kimura Sexual dimorphism of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in South Korea: Craniodental geometric morphometry. 2016 조회

    특허 (4건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating liver-yin and kidney-yin deficiency type sicca syndrome | A traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating liver-Yin and kidney-Yin dry syndrome LI, Jing | YIN, Xu-dong 2016-01-22 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating yin-yang deficiency type phthisis and preparation method of composition WANG, Wei 2012-04-12 조회
    Traditional Chinese medicine extractum used for curing qi yin consumption injury type phthisis and preparation method thereof WANG, Wei 2012-04-12 조회
    Microsatellite Markers for Individualization in Otter and Individualizing Method Using the Same | MICROSATELLITE MARKER AND A METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING LUTRA LUTRA | The microsatellite marker for the object identification of the national form otter (Lutra lutra) and object identification method using the same. JEON, JIN TAE | LIM, HYUN TAE | PARK, MOON SUNG | SEO, BO YEONG | JUNG, EUN JI | YOO, CHAE KYOUNG | LEE, GIL JU 2010-02-08 조회

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    • Chung CU (2006) Analysis on distribution characteristics of mammals in relation to altitude in Juwangsan National Park.. Journal of Ecology and Field Biology 29 : 511 – 520

      주왕산 ( )
    • Park NY, Lee MC, Kurkure NV, Cho HS (2007) Canine adenovirus type 1 infection of a Eurasian river otter (Lutra lutra).. Veterinary Pathology 44 : 536 – 539

      한국 ( )
    • Ando M, Son SW, Shiraishi S (1985) The common otter, Lutra lutra, in southern Korea.. Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University 40 : 1 – 5

      Korea ( )