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등줄쥐 bookmark_add Apodemus agrarius (Pallas, 1771)

Apodemus coreae Thomas, 1908
Apodemus mantchuricus Thomas, 1898
Apodemus pallescens Johnson and Jones, 1955
Apodemus pallidior Thomas, 1908

몸통의 길이는 7~12cm이며, 꼬리의 길이는 5~10cm이다. 이마부터 꼬리 밑까지 정중선을 따라 검은 줄이 있다. 귓바퀴가 앞으로 구부려도 눈에 닿지 않는다. 몸 윗면의 털은 적갈색이며 아랫면은 회백색이다. 몸의 털이 상당히 거친데 등쪽의 털이 특히 거칠고 길다. 산이나 들의 습하지 않은 곳에 복잡한 굴을 파고 서식한다. 겨울에는 식량 창고에 먹이를 별로 저장하지 않아 먹이를 찾아 헤맨다. 2~11월에 번식한다. 1년에 4회 정도 번식하고, 한 번에 4~8마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 우리나라 들쥐의 서식밀도 1위를 차지하는 매우 흔한 종이다. 우리나라 전역에 서식하며 남서부 중국을 제외한 동부 아시아에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    An assessment of non-volant terrestrial vertebrates response to wind farms--a study of small mammals. Rafał Łopucki,Iwona Mróz An assessment of non-volant terrestrial vertebrates response to wind farms--a study of small mammals. 2016 조회
    Determination of Scrub typhus Suggests a New Epidemic Focus in the Anhui Province of China. Min Cao,Li Che,Jinhai Zhang,Jianli Hu,Swaminath Srinivas,Ruiyao Xu,Henbing Guo,Yun Zhang,Changjun Wang,Youjun Feng Determination of Scrub typhus Suggests a New Epidemic Focus in the Anhui Province of China. 2016 조회
    Genetic Diversity and Reassortment of Hantaan Virus Tripartite RNA Genomes in Nature, the Republic of Korea. Jeong-Ah Kim,Won-Keun Kim,Jin Sun No,Seung-Ho Lee,Sook-Young Lee,Ji Hye Kim,Jeong Hoon Kho,Daesang Lee,Dong Hyun Song,Se Hun Gu,Seong Tae Jeong,Man-Seong Park,Heung-Chul Kim,Terry A Klein,Jin-Won Song Genetic Diversity and Reassortment of Hantaan Virus Tripartite RNA Genomes in Nature, the Republic of Korea. 2016 조회
    Genetic diversity of Bartonella genotypes found in the striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius) in Central Europe. Jasna Kraljik,Anna Paziewska-Harris,Dana Miklisová,Lucia Blaňarová,Ladislav Mošanský,Martin Bona,Michal Stanko Genetic diversity of Bartonella genotypes found in the striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius) in Central Europe. 2016 조회
    Geographical Distribution and Seasonal Indices of Chigger Mites on Small Mammals Collected on the East Coast of the Republic of Korea. Gab-Man Park,Ho-Sung Shin Geographical Distribution and Seasonal Indices of Chigger Mites on Small Mammals Collected on the East Coast of the Republic of Korea. 2016 조회
    Identification of Hepatozoon erhardovae Krampitz, 1964 from bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and fleas in Southern Hungary. Krisztina Rigó,Gábor Majoros,Sándor Szekeres,Imola Molnár,Mónika Jablonszky,Viktória Majláthová,Igor Majláth,Gábor Földvári Identification of Hepatozoon erhardovae Krampitz, 1964 from bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and fleas in Southern Hungary. 2016 조회
    Identification of Hepatozoon erhardovae Krampitz, 1964 from bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and fleas in Southern Hungary. Krisztina Rigó,Gábor Majoros,Sándor Szekeres,Imola Molnár,Mónika Jablonszky,Viktória Majláthová,Igor Majláth,Gábor Földvári Identification of Hepatozoon erhardovae Krampitz, 1964 from bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and fleas in Southern Hungary. 2016 조회
    Molecular Survey of Zoonotic Agents in Rodents and Other Small Mammals in Croatia. Ante Tadin,Rafal Tokarz,Alemka Markotić,Josip Margaletić,Nenad Turk,Josipa Habuš,Petra Svoboda,Marko Vucelja,Aaloki Desai,Komal Jain,W Ian Lipkin Molecular Survey of Zoonotic Agents in Rodents and Other Small Mammals in Croatia. 2016 조회
    Phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of the Korean field mouse Apodemus peninsulae (Rodentia, Murinae) from China. Mi Gyung Jeon,Ji Young Kim,Yung Chul Park Phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of the Korean field mouse Apodemus peninsulae (Rodentia, Murinae) from China. 2016 조회
    Presence of Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and Babesia microti in rodents and two tick species (Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes trianguliceps) in Slovakia. Lucia Blaňarová,Michal Stanko,Dana Miklisová,Bronislava Víchová,Ladislav Mošanský,Jasna Kraljik,Martin Bona,Markéta Derdáková Presence of Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and Babesia microti in rodents and two tick species (Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes trianguliceps) in Slovakia. 2016 조회

    특허 (5건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    cytB specific sequences of four rats in river ports of three gorges area and molecular identification method | Three Gorges reservoir river port 4 of mouse cytB peculiar sequence and module identification method CHEN, Zheng-ming | LIU, Qi-jun | LUO, Xing-dan | PENG, Yan-qing | WEN, Hai-yan | ZHANG, Hua-rong | WANG, Dong | HAO, Yu-tong 2015-12-09 조회
    Rodent Repellent Composition Comprising Extract from Illicium verum | 팔각회향 추출물을 유효성분으로 포함하는 설치류 기피용 조성물 | The composition for the rodent evasion comprising the illicium verum extract as an active ingredient. LEE, SAM PIN | KIM, JUN TAE | PARK, SUNG JIN | LIM, JI YEON | LIM, JONG SOON | LEE, EUN JI 2014-03-31 조회
    Composition for Repelling Rodents Comprising Plant Essential Oil | The composition for the rodent evasion comprising the essential oil as an active ingredient. LEE, SAM PIN | LEE, IN SEON | PARK, SUNG JIN | PARK, MIN JU | LIM, JI YEON | LEE, TAE HUN | CHOI, WON SIK | SON, SE JIN | KIM, TAE GYU | PARK, SUNG JOON 2013-01-17 조회
    Rat eradication agent | Rodenticide CAO, Yu | CHENG, Chun-he | ZHANG, Jin-hua | CHEN, Fu-liang 2008-09-26 조회

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    논문 (182건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    An assessment of non-volant terrestrial vertebrates response to wind farms--a study of small mammals. Rafał Łopucki,Iwona Mróz An assessment of non-volant terrestrial vertebrates response to wind farms--a study of small mammals. 2016 조회
    Determination of Scrub typhus Suggests a New Epidemic Focus in the Anhui Province of China. Min Cao,Li Che,Jinhai Zhang,Jianli Hu,Swaminath Srinivas,Ruiyao Xu,Henbing Guo,Yun Zhang,Changjun Wang,Youjun Feng Determination of Scrub typhus Suggests a New Epidemic Focus in the Anhui Province of China. 2016 조회
    Genetic Diversity and Reassortment of Hantaan Virus Tripartite RNA Genomes in Nature, the Republic of Korea. Jeong-Ah Kim,Won-Keun Kim,Jin Sun No,Seung-Ho Lee,Sook-Young Lee,Ji Hye Kim,Jeong Hoon Kho,Daesang Lee,Dong Hyun Song,Se Hun Gu,Seong Tae Jeong,Man-Seong Park,Heung-Chul Kim,Terry A Klein,Jin-Won Song Genetic Diversity and Reassortment of Hantaan Virus Tripartite RNA Genomes in Nature, the Republic of Korea. 2016 조회
    Genetic diversity of Bartonella genotypes found in the striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius) in Central Europe. Jasna Kraljik,Anna Paziewska-Harris,Dana Miklisová,Lucia Blaňarová,Ladislav Mošanský,Martin Bona,Michal Stanko Genetic diversity of Bartonella genotypes found in the striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius) in Central Europe. 2016 조회
    Geographical Distribution and Seasonal Indices of Chigger Mites on Small Mammals Collected on the East Coast of the Republic of Korea. Gab-Man Park,Ho-Sung Shin Geographical Distribution and Seasonal Indices of Chigger Mites on Small Mammals Collected on the East Coast of the Republic of Korea. 2016 조회
    Identification of Hepatozoon erhardovae Krampitz, 1964 from bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and fleas in Southern Hungary. Krisztina Rigó,Gábor Majoros,Sándor Szekeres,Imola Molnár,Mónika Jablonszky,Viktória Majláthová,Igor Majláth,Gábor Földvári Identification of Hepatozoon erhardovae Krampitz, 1964 from bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and fleas in Southern Hungary. 2016 조회
    Identification of Hepatozoon erhardovae Krampitz, 1964 from bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and fleas in Southern Hungary. Krisztina Rigó,Gábor Majoros,Sándor Szekeres,Imola Molnár,Mónika Jablonszky,Viktória Majláthová,Igor Majláth,Gábor Földvári Identification of Hepatozoon erhardovae Krampitz, 1964 from bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and fleas in Southern Hungary. 2016 조회
    Molecular Survey of Zoonotic Agents in Rodents and Other Small Mammals in Croatia. Ante Tadin,Rafal Tokarz,Alemka Markotić,Josip Margaletić,Nenad Turk,Josipa Habuš,Petra Svoboda,Marko Vucelja,Aaloki Desai,Komal Jain,W Ian Lipkin Molecular Survey of Zoonotic Agents in Rodents and Other Small Mammals in Croatia. 2016 조회
    Phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of the Korean field mouse Apodemus peninsulae (Rodentia, Murinae) from China. Mi Gyung Jeon,Ji Young Kim,Yung Chul Park Phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of the Korean field mouse Apodemus peninsulae (Rodentia, Murinae) from China. 2016 조회
    Presence of Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and Babesia microti in rodents and two tick species (Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes trianguliceps) in Slovakia. Lucia Blaňarová,Michal Stanko,Dana Miklisová,Bronislava Víchová,Ladislav Mošanský,Jasna Kraljik,Martin Bona,Markéta Derdáková Presence of Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and Babesia microti in rodents and two tick species (Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes trianguliceps) in Slovakia. 2016 조회

    특허 (5건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    cytB specific sequences of four rats in river ports of three gorges area and molecular identification method | Three Gorges reservoir river port 4 of mouse cytB peculiar sequence and module identification method CHEN, Zheng-ming | LIU, Qi-jun | LUO, Xing-dan | PENG, Yan-qing | WEN, Hai-yan | ZHANG, Hua-rong | WANG, Dong | HAO, Yu-tong 2015-12-09 조회
    Rodent Repellent Composition Comprising Extract from Illicium verum | 팔각회향 추출물을 유효성분으로 포함하는 설치류 기피용 조성물 | The composition for the rodent evasion comprising the illicium verum extract as an active ingredient. LEE, SAM PIN | KIM, JUN TAE | PARK, SUNG JIN | LIM, JI YEON | LIM, JONG SOON | LEE, EUN JI 2014-03-31 조회
    Composition for Repelling Rodents Comprising Plant Essential Oil | The composition for the rodent evasion comprising the essential oil as an active ingredient. LEE, SAM PIN | LEE, IN SEON | PARK, SUNG JIN | PARK, MIN JU | LIM, JI YEON | LEE, TAE HUN | CHOI, WON SIK | SON, SE JIN | KIM, TAE GYU | PARK, SUNG JOON 2013-01-17 조회
    Rat eradication agent | Rodenticide CAO, Yu | CHENG, Chun-he | ZHANG, Jin-hua | CHEN, Fu-liang 2008-09-26 조회

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