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팽나무버섯 bookmark_add Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951


주름버섯목 뽕나무버섯과에 속하는 균류이다. 전국에서 활엽수 죽은 줄기에서 자라는 버섯이다. 겨울에서 봄까지 발생하므로 겨울버섯이라고도 한다. 버섯갓은 지름 2~8cm이며, 갓 표면은 끈적끈적한 느낌이 들고 노란색이다. 살은 흰색 또는 노란색이며, 주름살은 성글며, 흰색 또는 연한 갈색이다. 버섯대는 길이 2~9cm, 지름 2~8mm로 갈색이며, 윗부분은 색이 연하고 짧은 털이 촘촘하게 난다. 세계적으로 일본, 중국, 유럽, 북아메리카, 오스트레일리아 등에 분포한다. 식용 또는 약용으로 이용한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 전 세계 [3]

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  • 늦가을부터 이듬해 봄에 걸쳐 감나무, 뽕나무, 아카시아, 포플러 등 각종 활엽수의 고목이나 그루터기에 다수 속생하며, 눈이 쌓이는 겨울에도 발생하는 내한성균이다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2018), 한반도의생물다양성시스템고도화

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2010), 국외반출승인대상생물자원선정연구


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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Easy conversion of protein-rich enoki mushroom biomass to a nitrogen-doped carbon nanomaterial as a promising metal-free catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. Chaozhong Guo,Wenli Liao,Zhongbin Li,Lingtao Sun,Changguo Chen Nanoscale 2015 조회
    Depigmenting Effect of Winter Medicinal Mushroom Flammulna velutipes (Higher Basidiomycetes) on Melanoma Cells. Reiko Nagasaka,Yuki Ishikawa,Takumi Inada,Toshiaki Ohshima International journal of medicinal mushrooms 2015 조회
    Temperature-Dependent Development and Reproductive Traits of Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Sarcoptiformes: Acaridae) Reared on Different Edible Mushrooms. S X Qu,H P Li,L Ma,J D Song,L J Hou,J S Lin Environmental entomology 2015 조회
    Evaluation of umami taste in mushroom extracts by chemical analysis, sensory evaluation, and an electronic tongue system. Chanvorleak Phat,BoKyung Moon,Chan Lee Food chemistry 2015 조회
    Synthesis and characterization of biomatrixed-gold nanoparticles by the mushroom Flammulina velutipes and its heterogeneous catalytic potential. Kannan Badri Narayanan,Hyun Ho Park,Sung Soo Han Chemosphere 2015 조회
    Antioxidative Effects and Inhibition of Human Low Density Lipoprotein Oxidation In Vitro of Polyphenolic Compounds in Flammulina velutipes (Golden Needle Mushroom). Mohammad Azizur Rahman,Noorlidah Abdullah,Norhaniza Aminudin Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 2015 조회
    Market Survey and Risk Assessment for Trace Metals in Edible Fungi and the Substrate Role in Accumulation of Heavy Metals. Qingqing Huang,Yan Jia,Yanan Wan,Huafen Li,Rongfeng Jiang Journal of food science 2015 조회
    Diacylglyceryltrimethylhomoserine content and gene expression changes triggered by phosphate deprivation in the mycelium of the basidiomycete Flammulina velutipes. Svetlana V Senik,Liliya G Maloshenok,Ekaterina R Kotlova,Alexey L Shavarda,Konstantin V Moiseenko,Sergey A Bruskin,Olga V Koroleva,Nadezhda V Psurtseva Phytochemistry 2015 조회
    Expression of enterovirus 71 virus-like particles in transgenic enoki (Flammulina velutipes). Yu-Ju Lin,Wen-Ti Liu,Holger Stark,Ching-Tsan Huang Applied microbiology and biotechnology 2015 조회
    Comparison of antioxidant and antiproliferation activities of polysaccharides from eight species of medicinal mushrooms. Peiying Chen,Yangyang Yong,Yifan Gu,Zeliang Wang,Shizhu Zhang,Ling Lu International journal of medicinal mushrooms 2015 조회

    특허 (1,774건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Fermenting method of semi-anaerobic bio-organic fertilizer | One half of anaerobic biological organic fertile fermentation method XIE, Zhen-zong 2015-08-19 조회
    Special flammulina velutipes culture medium additive | One of mushroom culture medium special for additive TANG, Xiao-feng 2015-07-31 조회
    Method for culturing hypsizygus marmoreus by using maize byproducts | Method for cultivating flammulina velutipes with corn by-product SUN, Lei 2015-09-02 조회
    Needle mushroom cultivation medium and preparation method thereof | Flammulina velutipes culture medium and preparation method thereof TANG, Xiao-feng 2015-07-31 조회
    Method for preparing Agaricus bisporus stock culture by wheat and mushroom dregs | Method of using wheat and fungus slag to manufacture agaricus bisporus protospecies KE, Li-na | YUAN, Bin 2015-07-16 조회
    Coptidis deltoideae planting method | A planting method of radix coptidis deltoideae YAN, Guan-yu 2015-09-09 조회
    Processing technology for needle mushroom and hericium erinaceus compound beverages | Processing technique of mushroom and hericium erinaceus composite beverage LU, Guo-xiao 2015-08-11 조회
    Method for preparing agaricus bisporus cultivated specie by using wheat and mushroom dregs | Method of using wheat and one fungus slag manufacturing double agaricus bisporus cultivation and plant KE, Li-na | ZHANG, Zhi-hong | YUAN, Bin 2015-07-16 조회
    Red jujube and snake wine and method for manufacturing same | A red snake wine and preparation method WANG, Wei-quan 2015-08-24 조회
    Method for preparing agaricus bisporus breeder seed by utilizing tartary buckwheat and mushroom dreg | One method of using tartary buckwheat and fungus slag manufacturing dual source of the agaricus bisporus KE, Li-na | YAN, Jun-jie | YUAN, Bin 2015-07-16 조회

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    논문 (157건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Easy conversion of protein-rich enoki mushroom biomass to a nitrogen-doped carbon nanomaterial as a promising metal-free catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. Chaozhong Guo,Wenli Liao,Zhongbin Li,Lingtao Sun,Changguo Chen Nanoscale 2015 조회
    Depigmenting Effect of Winter Medicinal Mushroom Flammulna velutipes (Higher Basidiomycetes) on Melanoma Cells. Reiko Nagasaka,Yuki Ishikawa,Takumi Inada,Toshiaki Ohshima International journal of medicinal mushrooms 2015 조회
    Temperature-Dependent Development and Reproductive Traits of Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Sarcoptiformes: Acaridae) Reared on Different Edible Mushrooms. S X Qu,H P Li,L Ma,J D Song,L J Hou,J S Lin Environmental entomology 2015 조회
    Evaluation of umami taste in mushroom extracts by chemical analysis, sensory evaluation, and an electronic tongue system. Chanvorleak Phat,BoKyung Moon,Chan Lee Food chemistry 2015 조회
    Synthesis and characterization of biomatrixed-gold nanoparticles by the mushroom Flammulina velutipes and its heterogeneous catalytic potential. Kannan Badri Narayanan,Hyun Ho Park,Sung Soo Han Chemosphere 2015 조회
    Antioxidative Effects and Inhibition of Human Low Density Lipoprotein Oxidation In Vitro of Polyphenolic Compounds in Flammulina velutipes (Golden Needle Mushroom). Mohammad Azizur Rahman,Noorlidah Abdullah,Norhaniza Aminudin Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 2015 조회
    Market Survey and Risk Assessment for Trace Metals in Edible Fungi and the Substrate Role in Accumulation of Heavy Metals. Qingqing Huang,Yan Jia,Yanan Wan,Huafen Li,Rongfeng Jiang Journal of food science 2015 조회
    Diacylglyceryltrimethylhomoserine content and gene expression changes triggered by phosphate deprivation in the mycelium of the basidiomycete Flammulina velutipes. Svetlana V Senik,Liliya G Maloshenok,Ekaterina R Kotlova,Alexey L Shavarda,Konstantin V Moiseenko,Sergey A Bruskin,Olga V Koroleva,Nadezhda V Psurtseva Phytochemistry 2015 조회
    Expression of enterovirus 71 virus-like particles in transgenic enoki (Flammulina velutipes). Yu-Ju Lin,Wen-Ti Liu,Holger Stark,Ching-Tsan Huang Applied microbiology and biotechnology 2015 조회
    Comparison of antioxidant and antiproliferation activities of polysaccharides from eight species of medicinal mushrooms. Peiying Chen,Yangyang Yong,Yifan Gu,Zeliang Wang,Shizhu Zhang,Ling Lu International journal of medicinal mushrooms 2015 조회

    특허 (1,774건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Fermenting method of semi-anaerobic bio-organic fertilizer | One half of anaerobic biological organic fertile fermentation method XIE, Zhen-zong 2015-08-19 조회
    Special flammulina velutipes culture medium additive | One of mushroom culture medium special for additive TANG, Xiao-feng 2015-07-31 조회
    Method for culturing hypsizygus marmoreus by using maize byproducts | Method for cultivating flammulina velutipes with corn by-product SUN, Lei 2015-09-02 조회
    Needle mushroom cultivation medium and preparation method thereof | Flammulina velutipes culture medium and preparation method thereof TANG, Xiao-feng 2015-07-31 조회
    Method for preparing Agaricus bisporus stock culture by wheat and mushroom dregs | Method of using wheat and fungus slag to manufacture agaricus bisporus protospecies KE, Li-na | YUAN, Bin 2015-07-16 조회
    Coptidis deltoideae planting method | A planting method of radix coptidis deltoideae YAN, Guan-yu 2015-09-09 조회
    Processing technology for needle mushroom and hericium erinaceus compound beverages | Processing technique of mushroom and hericium erinaceus composite beverage LU, Guo-xiao 2015-08-11 조회
    Method for preparing agaricus bisporus cultivated specie by using wheat and mushroom dregs | Method of using wheat and one fungus slag manufacturing double agaricus bisporus cultivation and plant KE, Li-na | ZHANG, Zhi-hong | YUAN, Bin 2015-07-16 조회
    Red jujube and snake wine and method for manufacturing same | A red snake wine and preparation method WANG, Wei-quan 2015-08-24 조회
    Method for preparing agaricus bisporus breeder seed by utilizing tartary buckwheat and mushroom dreg | One method of using tartary buckwheat and fungus slag manufacturing dual source of the agaricus bisporus KE, Li-na | YAN, Jun-jie | YUAN, Bin 2015-07-16 조회

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    NIBRFG0000000496 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951" / 팽나무버섯 경상남도 산청... 지리산 / 2004-07-23 건조표본 1건
    NIBRFG0000001483 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951" / 팽나무버섯 경상남도 함양... 지리산 / 2001-11-14 건조표본 1건
    NIBRFG0000101737 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951" / 팽나무버섯 전라북도 무주... 덕유산 / 2006-07-06 건조표본 1건
    NIBRFG0000101740 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951" / 팽나무버섯 전라북도 무주... 덕유산 / 2006-07-06 건조표본 1건
    NIBRFG0000101743 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951" / 팽나무버섯 전라북도 무주... 덕유산 / 2006-07-07 건조표본 1건
    NIBRFG0000101746 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951" / 팽나무버섯 강원도 인제군... 설악산 / 2006-09-24 건조표본 1건
    NIBRFG0000101750 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951" / 팽나무버섯 전라남도 영광... / 2006-11-08 건조표본 1건
    NIBRFG0000101752 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951" / 팽나무버섯 전라북도 무주... 덕유산 / 2006-10-27 건조표본 1건
    NIBRFG0000102105 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951" / 팽나무버섯 강원도 강릉시... / 2008-03-14 건조표본 1건
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    NIBRFGC000506486 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951 / 팽나무버섯 강원도 태백시... 태백산 / 2020-05-26 배양체 1건
    NIBRGR0000076977 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951 / 팽나무버섯 제주특별자치도... 제주도 / 2009-11-19 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000099223 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951 / 팽나무버섯 제주특별자치도... 영실 / 2008-10-28 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000132456 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951 / 팽나무버섯 경상남도 진주... / 2012 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000132458 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951 / 팽나무버섯 경상남도 진주... / 2012 조직 1건
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    NIBRGR0000165762 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951 / 팽나무버섯 제주특별자치도... / 2006-12-11 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000176257 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951 / 팽나무버섯 제주특별자치도... 오름 / 2008-11-20 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000176258 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951 / 팽나무버섯 제주특별자치도... 오름 / 2014-01-27 조직 1건
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    • 申寬澈, 朴鍾聲, 劉英福, 呂運炯 (1988) 팽이버섯 (Flammulina velutipes)原形質體의 再生, 還元 및 營養要求性 菌株選拔. 농업과학연구 15 (1) : 15 – 22

      한국 ( )
    • 라용준 ; 신현동 (1982) 서울대학교(大學校) 수원(水原)캠퍼스에서 채집(採集)한 목재부후균(木材腐朽菌)(I). 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 10 (4) : 203 – 206

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    • 박상신 ; 이갑득 ; 민태진 (1995) 버섯 중 항균물질의 검색 및 개발에 관한 연구 -그람양성균에 대한 항균물질의 검색 (1보)-. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 23 (1) : 28 – 36

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    • 박상신 ; 이갑득 ; 민태진 (1995) 버섯 중 항균물질의 검색 및 개발에 관한 연구 -그람음성균 및 곰팡이에 대한 항균물질의 검색(2보)-. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 23 (2) : 176 – 189

      한국 ( 19920000 )
    • 박상신 ; 유국현 ; 민태진 (1998) 버섯추출물의 항산화활성에 관한 연구. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 26 (1) : 69 – 77

      한국 ( 19920000 )
    • 이상선 ; 홍성운 ; 정흥채 ; 성창근 ; 김재훈 ; 가강현 ; 김현중 (1999) 송이의 Genomic DNA에 특이적인 Probe. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 27 (1) : 20 – 26

      한국 ( 19960000 Sang-Sun, Lee )
    • 권순우 ; 고승주 ; 전명숙 ; 강희완 ; 오세종 ; 장후봉 ; 류진창 (1999) 종 특이 DNA probe를 이용한 버섯 세균성 갈반병 병원균(Pseudomonas tolaasii)의 검출. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 27 (2) : 132 – 137

      경기 ( )
    • Kong, Won-Sik ; Cho, Yong-Hyun ; Jhune, Chang-Sung ; Yoo, Young-Bok ; Kim, Kwang-Ho (2004) Breeding of Flammulina velutipes Strains Adaptable to Elevated-temperature. Mycobiology 32 (1) : 11 – 16

      한국 ( )
    • Cho, Jung-Hee ; Lee, Seung-Eun ; Chang, Who-Bong ; Cha, Jae-Soon (2006) Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of the Winter Mushroom, Flammulina velutipes. Mycobiology 34 (2) : 104 – 107

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    • Kim, Wan-Gyu ; Weon, Hang-Yeon ; Seok, Soon-Ja ; Lee, Kang-Hyo (2008) In Vitro Antagonistic Characteristics of Bacilli Isolates against Trichoderma spp. and Three Species of Mushrooms. Mycobiology 36 (4) : 266 – 269

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      남원 ( )
    • Le, Quy Vang ; Won, Hyo-Kyung ; Lee, Tae-Soo ; Lee, Chang-Yun ; Lee, Hyun-Sook ; Ro, Hyeon-Su (2008) Retrotransposon Microsatellite Amplified Polymorphism Strain Fingerprinting Markers Applicable to Various Mushroom Species. Mycobiology 36 (3) : 161 – 166

      CCWM ( )
    • 안유나 ; 장보라 ; 김면수 ; 원항연 ; 전창성 ; 천세철 (2009) 국내 주요 버섯류의 병해 발생과 재배사의 미생물 밀도 조사. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 37 (2) : 144 – 149

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    • Lee, Chang-Yun ; Park, Jeong-Eun ; Kim, Bo-Bae ; Kim, Sun-Mi ; Ro, Hyeon-Su (2009) Determination of Mineral Components in the Cultivation Substrates of Edible Mushrooms and Their Uptake into Fruiting Bodies. Mycobiology 37 (2) : 109 – 113

      한국 남쪽 지역 ( )
    • Lee, Ji-Su ; Min, Gyung-Hun ; Lee, Jong-Soo (2009) Nutritional and Physicochemical Characteristics of the Antidementia Acetylcho-linesterase-Inhibiting Methanol Extracts from Umbilicaria esculenta. Mycobiology 37 (3) : 203 – 206

      수원 ( )
    • Kim, Jong-Kun ; Park, Young-Jin ; Kong, Won-Sik ; Kang, Hee-Wan (2010) Highly Efficient Electroporation-mediated Transformation into Edible Mushroom Flammulina velutipes. Mycobiology 38 (4) : 331 – 335

      한국 ( )
    • 고평열 ; 이승학 ; 전용철 (2012) 전통적으로 이용되는 제주 야생버섯의 종류와 분포. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 40 (1) : 39 – 43

      제주도 ( )
    • Back, Chang-Gi ; Lee, Chang-Yun ; Seo, Geon-Sik ; Jung, Hee-Young (2012) Characterization of Species of Cladobotryum which Cause Cobweb Disease in Edible Mushrooms Grown in Korea. Mycobiology 40 (3) : 189 – 194

      청도군 ( )
    • 고평열 ; 강신호 ; 송관필 ; 전용철 (2013) 한려해상국립공원 인근 지역에서의 야생버섯에 대한 전통 지식. 한국균학회지 = The Korean journal of mycology 41 (2) : 127 – 131

      한려해상국립공원 ( 20120500 )
    • Kim, Hong-Il ; Kwon, O-Chul ; Kong, Won-Sik ; Lee, Chang-Soo ; Park, Young-Jin (2014) Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of Novel Laccase Genes in the White-Rot Fungus Flammulina velutipes. Mycobiology 42 (4) : 322 – 330

      Korean Agricultural Culture Collection ( )