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말꼬마거미 bookmark_add Parasteatoda tepidariorum (C. L. Koch, 1841)

Achaearanea tepidariorum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (말꼬마거미)
Theridion tepidariorum C. L. Koch, 1841
(북한명) 큰애기거미
Theridion tepidariorum C. L. Koch, 1841

암컷의 몸길이는 6~8mm이고 수컷은 4~6mm이다. 두흉부는 볼록하며 짙은 갈색이다. 복부는 공 모양으로 볼록하고 황백색 바탕에 중앙에 큰 흑갈색 세로무늬가 있고, 그 양쪽에 백색의 ‘八’자 무늬가 늘어서며 뒤쪽과 옆면에 갈색 반점이 산재해 있다. 몸 색은 검은색, 갈색, 녹갈색으로 개체변이가 심하다. 집 안팎 구석진 곳이나 담장 밑에도 많이 서식한다. 나뭇가지나 바위 밑, 동굴 등 어두운 곳에 불규칙한 입체형 그물을 치고 산다. 3~4개의 알주머니를 그물 위쪽에 만든다. 1개의 알주머니에 100~500개의 알을 낳는다. 6~7월에 성체가 된다. 1년 내내 출현한다. 한반도를 비롯한 전 세계에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 전 세계 [2]

  • 어두운 곳에 불규칙한 입체형 그물을 치고 살며, 3~4개의 알주머니를 그물 위쪽에 만든다. [1]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2010), 국외반출승인대상생물자원자료집


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    Regressive evolution of the arthropod tritocerebral segment linked to functional divergence of the Hox gene labial. Matthias Pechmann,Evelyn E Schwager,Natascha Turetzek,Nikola-Michael Prpic Proceedings. Biological sciences 2015 조회
    Molecular characterization and embryonic origin of the eyes in the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Christoph Schomburg,Natascha Turetzek,Magdalena Ines Schacht,Julia Schneider,Phillipp Kirfel,Nikola-Michael Prpic,Nico Posnien EvoDevo 2015 조회
    Book lung development in the embryo, postembryo and first instar of?the cobweb spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum C. L Koch, 1841 (Araneomorphae, Theridiidae). Roger D Farley Arthropod structure & development 2015 조회
    vasa and piwi are required for mitotic integrity in early embryogenesis in the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Evelyn E Schwager,Yue Meng,Cassandra G Extavour Developmental biology 2014 조회
    A comprehensive reference transcriptome resource for the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Nico Posnien,Victor Zeng,Evelyn E Schwager,Matthias Pechmann,Maarten Hilbrant,Joseph D Keefe,Wim G M Damen,Nikola-Michael Prpic,Alistair P McGregor,Cassandra G Extavour PloS one 2014 조회
    Characterization of the Distal-less gene homologue, NlDll, in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (St?l). Xinda Lin,Yun Yao,Minna Jin,Qilin Li Gene 2013 조회
    Flee or fight: ontogenetic changes in the behavior of cobweb spiders in encounters with spider-hunting wasps. Divya B Uma,Martha R Weiss Environmental entomology 2013 조회
    Evolutionary crossroads in developmental biology: the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Maarten Hilbrant,Wim G M Damen,Alistair P McGregor Development (Cambridge, England) 2012 조회

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    Regressive evolution of the arthropod tritocerebral segment linked to functional divergence of the Hox gene labial. Matthias Pechmann,Evelyn E Schwager,Natascha Turetzek,Nikola-Michael Prpic Proceedings. Biological sciences 2015 조회
    Molecular characterization and embryonic origin of the eyes in the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Christoph Schomburg,Natascha Turetzek,Magdalena Ines Schacht,Julia Schneider,Phillipp Kirfel,Nikola-Michael Prpic,Nico Posnien EvoDevo 2015 조회
    Book lung development in the embryo, postembryo and first instar of?the cobweb spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum C. L Koch, 1841 (Araneomorphae, Theridiidae). Roger D Farley Arthropod structure & development 2015 조회
    vasa and piwi are required for mitotic integrity in early embryogenesis in the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Evelyn E Schwager,Yue Meng,Cassandra G Extavour Developmental biology 2014 조회
    A comprehensive reference transcriptome resource for the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Nico Posnien,Victor Zeng,Evelyn E Schwager,Matthias Pechmann,Maarten Hilbrant,Joseph D Keefe,Wim G M Damen,Nikola-Michael Prpic,Alistair P McGregor,Cassandra G Extavour PloS one 2014 조회
    Characterization of the Distal-less gene homologue, NlDll, in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (St?l). Xinda Lin,Yun Yao,Minna Jin,Qilin Li Gene 2013 조회
    Flee or fight: ontogenetic changes in the behavior of cobweb spiders in encounters with spider-hunting wasps. Divya B Uma,Martha R Weiss Environmental entomology 2013 조회
    Evolutionary crossroads in developmental biology: the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Maarten Hilbrant,Wim G M Damen,Alistair P McGregor Development (Cambridge, England) 2012 조회

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