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산왕거미 bookmark_add Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)

Epeira ventricosa L. Koch, 1878
Araneus ventricosa (L. Koch, 1878)
(북한명) 말거미
Epeira ventricosa L. Koch, 1878

암컷의 몸길이는 20~30mm이고 수컷은 15~20mm이다. 두흉부는 적갈색이고 가운데홈이 가로로 뚜렷하다. 복부는 갈색 내지 흑갈색으로 앞쪽 양옆에 독특한 어깨돌기가 있다. 몸 빛깔에 많은 변이가 있다. 산과 들이나 인가 부근에 널리 서식한다. 저녁에 원형의 큰 그물을 치고 아침에 거두며 낮에는 은신처에 숨어 지낸다. 6~10월에 많이 출현한다. 한국, 일본, 중국, 러시아, 대만 등지에 분포한다. [저작재산권자]

  • 일본, 중국, 러시아, 대만 [3]

    국내분포: 강원, 경기, 충북, 경남, 제주 관찰표본: 1♀, 1♂(강원도 대진: 30.vii.1992); 3♀♀(강원도 대진: 20.viii.1997); 21♀(강원도 매봉산: 22.viii.1997); 5♀♀(강원도 홍천: 1.ix.1997); 2♀♀, 1♂(강원도 고성: 2.vi.1998); 1♀(강원도 고성: 7.vii.1998); 17♀♀(강원도 철원: 18.ix.1998); 1♀(경기도 연천: 29.viii.2009); 1♂(경기도 연천: 15.viii.1997); 1♀(충청북도 괴산: 27.ix.1992); 7♀♀(충청북도 청주: 28.viii.2006); 2♀♀(경상남도 거제도: 2.ix.2009); 1♀, 1♂(제주도 가파도: 23.vii.1993); 2♀♀(제주도 종달리: 10.vi.2001) [2]

  • 산지, 평원, 인가 근처 등에서 흔히 발견되는 종이며 대형의 원형그물을 친다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2013), 한국생물지발간연구

    [3] 국립생물자원관(2010), 국외반출승인대상생물자원자료집


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  • 논문 (22건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Venom from the spider Araneus ventricosus is lethal to insects but inactive in vertebrates. Kai Liu,Meichi Wang,Volker Herzig,Zhen Liu,Weijun Hu,Guihua Zhou,Zhigui Duan Venom from the spider Araneus ventricosus is lethal to insects but inactive in vertebrates. 2016 조회
    Diversified Structural Basis of a Conserved Molecular Mechanism for pH-Dependent Dimerization in Spider Silk N-Terminal Domains. Martins Otikovs,Gefei Chen,Kerstin Nordling,Michael Landreh,Qing Meng,Hans Jörnvall,Nina Kronqvist,Anna Rising,Jan Johansson,Kristaps Jaudzems Diversified Structural Basis of a Conserved Molecular Mechanism for pH-Dependent Dimerization in Spider Silk N-Terminal Domains. 2015 조회
    The complete mitochondrial genome of orb-weaving spider Araneus ventricosus (Araneae: Araneidae). Zheng-Liang Wang,Chao Li,Wen-Yuan Fang,Xiao-Ping Yu The complete mitochondrial genome of orb-weaving spider Araneus ventricosus (Araneae: Araneidae). 2016 조회
    Diversified Structural Basis of a Conserved Molecular Mechanism for pH-Dependent Dimerization in Spider Silk N-Terminal Domains. Martins Otikovs,Gefei Chen,Kerstin Nordling,Michael Landreh,Qing Meng,Hans J?rnvall,Nina Kronqvist,Anna Rising,Jan Johansson,Kristaps Jaudzems Chembiochem 2015 조회
    [Effect of salt on minor ampullate silk spidroin modules]. Jia Wang,Gefei Chen,Qing Meng Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao 2014 조회
    [Effect of salt on minor ampullate silk spidroin modules]. Jia Wang,Gefei Chen,Qing Meng Sheng wu gong cheng xue bao = Chinese journal of biotechnology 2014 조회
    The complete mitochondrial genome of orb-weaving spider Araneus ventricosus (Araneae: Araneidae). Zheng-Liang Wang,Chao Li,Wen-Yuan Fang,Xiao-Ping Yu Mitochondrial DNA 2014 조회
    High-toughness silk produced by a transgenic silkworm expressing spider (Araneus ventricosus) dragline silk protein. Yoshihiko Kuwana,Hideki Sezutsu,Ken-ichi Nakajima,Yasushi Tamada,Katsura Kojima PloS one 2014 조회
    [Expression of Araneus ventricosus minor ampullate spidroin]. Zijiang Yang,Gefei Chen,Qing Meng Sheng wu gong cheng xue bao = Chinese journal of biotechnology 2014 조회
    Structure-property relationship of regenerated spider silk protein nano/microfibrous scaffold fabricated by electrospinning. Qiaozhen Yu,Shuiling Xu,Hong Zhang,Li Gu,Yepei Xu,Frank Ko Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A 2013 조회

    특허 (24건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Araneus ventricosus serine protease inhibitor AvSPI gene and encoding protein and application thereof | Large ventral garden spider serine protease inhibitor AvSPI gene and its encoding protein and application GAO, Wa | LI, Jian-hong | WAN, Hu | YOU, Hong 2013-12-17 조회
    Spider mitochondria ND4 gene complete sequence amplification primer and identification method thereof | A spider a mitochondrial ND4 gene total sequence primer and identification method. LI, Chao | WANG, Zheng-liang | YU, Xiao-ping 2014-12-11 조회
    Amplification primer of mitochondrial genome control region of spider and reaction system of amplification primer | One of spider line particle body gene group region of amplification primer and reaction system thereof LI, Chao | WANG, Zheng-liang | YU, Xiao-ping 2014-12-11 조회
    AVMASP GENE INCREASING SPECIFIC AMINO ACID CONTENT FROM ARANEUS VENTRICOSUS AND USES THEREOF | 특정 아미노산 함량을 증가시키는 산왕거미 유래의 AvMaSp 유전자 및 이의 용도 | The AvMaSp gene derived from the acid spider increasing the specific amino acid content and use thereof. KIM, DOH HOON | YANG, WON TAE | JIN, BYUNG RAE | LEE, KWANG SIK 2014-08-28 조회
    Pharmaceutical compositions containing the extracts of Araneus ventricosus for increasing immune cell number or inhibiting metastasis of cancer or proliferation of hepatitis virus | PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING ARANEUS VENTRICOSUS EXTRACT FOR SUPPRESSING HEPATITIS VIRUS PROLIFERATION | The pharmaceutical composition for the immunocyte increase or the cancer-cell metastasis suppression or the hepatitis virus genesistasis including the area bath extract PARK, JAE HEUNG | KIM, JEONG GI | KIM, HYUN HO 2011-09-29 조회
    Pharmaceutical compositions containing the extracts of Araneus ventricosus for increasing immune cell number or inhibiting metastasis of cancer or proliferation of hepatitis virus | 야베스 추출물을 포함하는 면역세포증가 또는 암세포 전이 억제 또는 간염 바이러스 증식 억제용 약학적 조성물 | PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING ARANEUS VENTRICOSUS EXTRACT FOR SUPPRESSING METASTASIS | The pharmaceutical composition for the immunocyte increase or the cancer-cell metastasis suppression or the hepatitis virus genesistasis including the area bath extract PARK, JAE HEUNG | KIM, JEONG GI | KIM, HYUN HO 2011-09-29 조회
    Pharmaceutical compositions containing the extracts of Araneus ventricosus for increasing immune cell number | PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR SUPPRESSING CANCER CELL METASTASIS OR HEPATITIS VIRUS PROLIFERATION CONTAINING HEATED ARANEUS VENTRICOSUS SOLVENT EXTRACT | The pharmaceutical composition for the immunocyte increase including the area bath extract PARK, JAE HEUNG | KIM, JEONG KI | KIM, HYUN HO 2008-03-12 조회
    Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor derived from Araneus ventricosus having antielastolytic or antiplasmin function and composition for inhibiting inflammation and fibrinolysis comprising the same | The composition for inflammation control including the Kunitz type serine protease obstruction protein and this as an active ingredient derived from acid spider having the plasmin and elastase inhibitory activity and antifibrinolysis. JIN, BYUNG RAE | LEE, KWANG SIK | WAN HU | KIM, BO YEON | JE, YEON HO 2012-11-05 조회
    Polypeptide Sequences of the Repetitive C-terminus of the Major Ampullate Spidroin Protein from Araneus ventricosus and Gene Sequences Encoding thereof | The polypeptide sequence of repetitive C - terminal region of the protein which is to the major M full rate speed derived from the acid spider and the base sequence coding this. JIN, BYUNG RAE | LEE, KWANG SIK | KIM, BO YEON | KIM, DOH HOON 2011-11-04 조회
    Pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating diabetes and diabetic complications comprising Major ampullate spidroin protein from Araneus ventricosus | 산왕거미 유래 메이져 엠풀레이트 스피드로인 단백질을 유효성분으로 포함하는 당뇨병 및 당뇨합병증 예방 또는 치료용 약제학적 조성물 | The pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating the diabetes comprising the protein which is to the major M full rate speed derived from the acid spider as an active ingredient and diabetic combination disease. JIN, BYUNG RAE | LEE, KWANG SIK | KIM, BO YEON | KIM, DOH HOON 2013-11-12 조회

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    논문 (22건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Venom from the spider Araneus ventricosus is lethal to insects but inactive in vertebrates. Kai Liu,Meichi Wang,Volker Herzig,Zhen Liu,Weijun Hu,Guihua Zhou,Zhigui Duan Venom from the spider Araneus ventricosus is lethal to insects but inactive in vertebrates. 2016 조회
    Diversified Structural Basis of a Conserved Molecular Mechanism for pH-Dependent Dimerization in Spider Silk N-Terminal Domains. Martins Otikovs,Gefei Chen,Kerstin Nordling,Michael Landreh,Qing Meng,Hans Jörnvall,Nina Kronqvist,Anna Rising,Jan Johansson,Kristaps Jaudzems Diversified Structural Basis of a Conserved Molecular Mechanism for pH-Dependent Dimerization in Spider Silk N-Terminal Domains. 2015 조회
    The complete mitochondrial genome of orb-weaving spider Araneus ventricosus (Araneae: Araneidae). Zheng-Liang Wang,Chao Li,Wen-Yuan Fang,Xiao-Ping Yu The complete mitochondrial genome of orb-weaving spider Araneus ventricosus (Araneae: Araneidae). 2016 조회
    Diversified Structural Basis of a Conserved Molecular Mechanism for pH-Dependent Dimerization in Spider Silk N-Terminal Domains. Martins Otikovs,Gefei Chen,Kerstin Nordling,Michael Landreh,Qing Meng,Hans J?rnvall,Nina Kronqvist,Anna Rising,Jan Johansson,Kristaps Jaudzems Chembiochem 2015 조회
    [Effect of salt on minor ampullate silk spidroin modules]. Jia Wang,Gefei Chen,Qing Meng Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao 2014 조회
    [Effect of salt on minor ampullate silk spidroin modules]. Jia Wang,Gefei Chen,Qing Meng Sheng wu gong cheng xue bao = Chinese journal of biotechnology 2014 조회
    The complete mitochondrial genome of orb-weaving spider Araneus ventricosus (Araneae: Araneidae). Zheng-Liang Wang,Chao Li,Wen-Yuan Fang,Xiao-Ping Yu Mitochondrial DNA 2014 조회
    High-toughness silk produced by a transgenic silkworm expressing spider (Araneus ventricosus) dragline silk protein. Yoshihiko Kuwana,Hideki Sezutsu,Ken-ichi Nakajima,Yasushi Tamada,Katsura Kojima PloS one 2014 조회
    [Expression of Araneus ventricosus minor ampullate spidroin]. Zijiang Yang,Gefei Chen,Qing Meng Sheng wu gong cheng xue bao = Chinese journal of biotechnology 2014 조회
    Structure-property relationship of regenerated spider silk protein nano/microfibrous scaffold fabricated by electrospinning. Qiaozhen Yu,Shuiling Xu,Hong Zhang,Li Gu,Yepei Xu,Frank Ko Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A 2013 조회

    특허 (24건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Araneus ventricosus serine protease inhibitor AvSPI gene and encoding protein and application thereof | Large ventral garden spider serine protease inhibitor AvSPI gene and its encoding protein and application GAO, Wa | LI, Jian-hong | WAN, Hu | YOU, Hong 2013-12-17 조회
    Spider mitochondria ND4 gene complete sequence amplification primer and identification method thereof | A spider a mitochondrial ND4 gene total sequence primer and identification method. LI, Chao | WANG, Zheng-liang | YU, Xiao-ping 2014-12-11 조회
    Amplification primer of mitochondrial genome control region of spider and reaction system of amplification primer | One of spider line particle body gene group region of amplification primer and reaction system thereof LI, Chao | WANG, Zheng-liang | YU, Xiao-ping 2014-12-11 조회
    AVMASP GENE INCREASING SPECIFIC AMINO ACID CONTENT FROM ARANEUS VENTRICOSUS AND USES THEREOF | 특정 아미노산 함량을 증가시키는 산왕거미 유래의 AvMaSp 유전자 및 이의 용도 | The AvMaSp gene derived from the acid spider increasing the specific amino acid content and use thereof. KIM, DOH HOON | YANG, WON TAE | JIN, BYUNG RAE | LEE, KWANG SIK 2014-08-28 조회
    Pharmaceutical compositions containing the extracts of Araneus ventricosus for increasing immune cell number or inhibiting metastasis of cancer or proliferation of hepatitis virus | PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING ARANEUS VENTRICOSUS EXTRACT FOR SUPPRESSING HEPATITIS VIRUS PROLIFERATION | The pharmaceutical composition for the immunocyte increase or the cancer-cell metastasis suppression or the hepatitis virus genesistasis including the area bath extract PARK, JAE HEUNG | KIM, JEONG GI | KIM, HYUN HO 2011-09-29 조회
    Pharmaceutical compositions containing the extracts of Araneus ventricosus for increasing immune cell number or inhibiting metastasis of cancer or proliferation of hepatitis virus | 야베스 추출물을 포함하는 면역세포증가 또는 암세포 전이 억제 또는 간염 바이러스 증식 억제용 약학적 조성물 | PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING ARANEUS VENTRICOSUS EXTRACT FOR SUPPRESSING METASTASIS | The pharmaceutical composition for the immunocyte increase or the cancer-cell metastasis suppression or the hepatitis virus genesistasis including the area bath extract PARK, JAE HEUNG | KIM, JEONG GI | KIM, HYUN HO 2011-09-29 조회
    Pharmaceutical compositions containing the extracts of Araneus ventricosus for increasing immune cell number | PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR SUPPRESSING CANCER CELL METASTASIS OR HEPATITIS VIRUS PROLIFERATION CONTAINING HEATED ARANEUS VENTRICOSUS SOLVENT EXTRACT | The pharmaceutical composition for the immunocyte increase including the area bath extract PARK, JAE HEUNG | KIM, JEONG KI | KIM, HYUN HO 2008-03-12 조회
    Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor derived from Araneus ventricosus having antielastolytic or antiplasmin function and composition for inhibiting inflammation and fibrinolysis comprising the same | The composition for inflammation control including the Kunitz type serine protease obstruction protein and this as an active ingredient derived from acid spider having the plasmin and elastase inhibitory activity and antifibrinolysis. JIN, BYUNG RAE | LEE, KWANG SIK | WAN HU | KIM, BO YEON | JE, YEON HO 2012-11-05 조회
    Polypeptide Sequences of the Repetitive C-terminus of the Major Ampullate Spidroin Protein from Araneus ventricosus and Gene Sequences Encoding thereof | The polypeptide sequence of repetitive C - terminal region of the protein which is to the major M full rate speed derived from the acid spider and the base sequence coding this. JIN, BYUNG RAE | LEE, KWANG SIK | KIM, BO YEON | KIM, DOH HOON 2011-11-04 조회
    Pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating diabetes and diabetic complications comprising Major ampullate spidroin protein from Araneus ventricosus | 산왕거미 유래 메이져 엠풀레이트 스피드로인 단백질을 유효성분으로 포함하는 당뇨병 및 당뇨합병증 예방 또는 치료용 약제학적 조성물 | The pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating the diabetes comprising the protein which is to the major M full rate speed derived from the acid spider as an active ingredient and diabetic combination disease. JIN, BYUNG RAE | LEE, KWANG SIK | KIM, BO YEON | KIM, DOH HOON 2013-11-12 조회

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    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRIV0000079771 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)" / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-26 액침표본 1건
    NIBRIV0000079772 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)" / 산왕거미 비금도, / 2006-09-25 액침표본 1건
    NIBRIV0000079773 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)" / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-25 액침표본 1건
    NIBRIV0000079774 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)" / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-25 액침표본 1건
    NIBRIV0000079775 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)" / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-26 액침표본 1건
    NIBRIV0000079776 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)" / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-25 액침표본 1건
    NIBRIV0000079777 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)" / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-26 액침표본 1건
    NIBRIV0000079778 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)" / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-25 액침표본 1건
    NIBRIV0000079779 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)" / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-25 액침표본 1건
    NIBRIV0000079780 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878)" / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-26 액침표본 1건

    소재 (총86건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRGR0000051202 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... / 2006-09-26 DNA 1건
    NIBRGR0000051203 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... / 2006-09-26 DNA 1건
    NIBRGR0000053150 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) / 산왕거미 경기도 포천시... . / 2008-06-11 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000053187 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) / 산왕거미 경기도 포천시... . / 2008-06-11 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000062418 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... / 2006-09-25 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000062419 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... / 2006-09-26 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000062420 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... / 2006-09-26 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000063439 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-25 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000063440 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... / 2006-09-26 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000063448 Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) / 산왕거미 전라남도 신안... 비금도 / 2006-09-26 조직 1건
  • 염기서열 (1건)

    학명 국명 마커명 프라이머세트명 출처
    Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch, 1878) 산왕거미 COI PolyLCO_F/PolyHCO_R 국립생물자원관

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    • Moon M-J, Choi Y-S, An J-S (2005) Screening of necrotizing spiders in Korea using nonradioactive sphingomyelinase assay (II) web-building spiders.. Entomological Research (Seoul) 35 : 161 – 167

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