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쥐노래미 bookmark_add Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895

몸길이가 30~40cm 정도 나가는 바닷물고기이다. 눈 위의 가장자리에는 가시가 있는 빗 모양의 비늘(피판, 皮瓣)이 있다. 꼬리지느러미 뒤 가장자리는 직선이거나 약간 오목한 형태이다. 측선은 5개이다. 몸은 연한 황갈색에 짙은 갈색 무늬가 흩어져 있다. 바위와 해조류가 많은 연안에 서식하며 새우류와 작은 조개류, 어류 등을 먹고 산다. 10~1월에 산란하는데 알 덩어리를 해조류나 암반 등에 붙이고 수컷은 부화할 때까지 알을 보호한다. 노래미와 유사하나 노래미에 비해 배가 하얗고 꼬리지느러미 가장자리가 약간 파여 있다. 우리나라 전 해역에 서식하며, 일본 홋카이도 이남, 동중국해 등에도 분포한다. 연중 잡히나 산란기인 11~12월은 금어기이다. 회, 소금구이, 튀김, 탕의 재료로 이용한다. 놀래미, 석반어라고도 부른다. 지방이 많고 단단하며 사시사철 맛이 좋다. [저작재산권자]

  • 일본 북해도 이남, 동중국해 등에 분포한다. [2]

    우리나라 전 해역 [2]

  • 새우류와 작은 조개류, 어류 등을 먹는다. 산란기는 10~1월로서 알 덩어리를 해조류나 암반 등에 붙이고 수컷은 부화할 때까지 알을 보호한다. [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2012), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2012), 유용자생어류100선


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  • 논문 (10건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    The complete mitochondrial genome of the Hexagrammos otakii (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae). Qian Wang,Fengrong Zheng,Bo Wang,Jian Luo,Guohua Chen The complete mitochondrial genome of the Hexagrammos otakii (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae). 2016 조회
    The complete mitochondrial genome of the Hexagrammos otakii (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae). Qian Wang,Fengrong Zheng,Bo Wang,Jian Luo,Guohua Chen The complete mitochondrial genome of the Hexagrammos otakii (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae). 2016 조회
    The complete mitochondrial genome of the Hexagrammos otakii (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae). Qian Wang,Fengrong Zheng,Bo Wang,Jian Luo,Guohua Chen Mitochondrial DNA 2015 조회
    Radiocesium contamination of greenlings (Hexagrammos otakii) off the coast of Fukushima. Yuya Shigenobu,Ken Fujimoto,Daisuke Ambe,Hideki Kaeriyama,Tsuneo Ono,Kenji Morinaga,Kaoru Nakata,Takami Morita,Tomowo Watanabe Scientific reports 2014 조회
    Identification of hemiclonal reproduction in three species of Hexagrammos marine reef fishes. M R Kimura-Kawaguchi,M Horita,S Abe,K Arai,M Kawata,H Munehara Journal of fish biology 2014 조회
    [Dietary composition and food competition of six main fish species in rocky reef habitat off Gouqi Island]. Kai Wang,Shou-Yu Zhang,Zhen-Hua Wang,Jing Zhao,Min Xu,Jun Lin Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology 2012 조회
    Sympatric speciation in a genus of marine reef fishes. Karen D Crow,Hiroyuki Munehara,Giacomo Bernardi Molecular ecology 2010 조회
    Substrate specificity of chitinases from two species of fish, greenling, Hexagrammos otakii, and common mackerel, Scomber japonicus, and the insect, tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Masahiro Matsumiya,Yasuyuki Arakane,Atsunobu Haga,Subaratnam Muthukrishnan,Karl J Kramer Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 2006 조회
    Davisia hexagrammi n. sp. (Myxosporea: Sinuolineidae) parasitic in the urinary bladder of marine fishes from the coasts of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Bay, China. Yuanjun Zhao,Chenglun Ma,Weibo Song Systematic parasitology 2002 조회
    Histological observations on the pituitary gland and the glomerular body of the larvae of the marine teleost, Hexagrammos otakii. T Ichikawa Zeitschrift f?r Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie (Vienna, Austria 1973 조회

    특허 (22건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Big six long cobbles adherance of laying eggs | Hexagrammos otakii oviposition attachment base DUAN, Yan | DONG, Jing | YU, Xu-guang | WANG, Ai-yong | LI, Meng-yao | CHAI, Yu | LIU, Xiu-ze 2015-11-30 조회
    种鱼礁式乌贼集卵器 | A fishing type cuttlefish egg collector YANG, Zheng | TIAN, Jun | PAN, Ying-yu | CHEN, Ji | JIANG, Hua-shuai 2014-12-30 조회
    Compound feed special for greenling | Special compound feed for hexagrammos otakii JIANG, Zhi-qiang | WANG, Fu-qiang | LIU, Yang 2007-12-21 조회
    Star-like radial allocation method for artificial reefs | Star radial configuration method of artificial fishing reef CHEN, Yong | ZHANG, Guo-sheng | LIU, Yong-hu | WANG, Gang | SHI, Hang | TIAN, TAO | LIU, Hai-ying 2009-12-30 조회
    Method for artificially inseminating and hatching hexagrammos otakii PAN, Lei | GUO, Wen | JIAN, Yu-xia | HU, Fa-wen | GAO, Feng-xiang | ZHANG, Shao-chun | WANG, Xue 2010-01-25 조회
    Special concentrated soft particle fodder for hexagrammos otakii and processing technique thereof | Specialized concentration particle feed of Hexagrammos otakii and matching craft JIANG, Zhi-qiang | WANG, Fu-qiang | REN, Tong-jun 2010-07-13 조회
    Parent fish breeding and hatching method for greenlings | Six-line parent fish culturing and hatching method DU, Rong-bin | JIANG, Hai-bin | LIU, Li-ming | WANG, Mao-jian 2010-12-31 조회
    Construction method for Hexagrammos otakii cell line | Building method of fat greenling cell line JIANG, Zhi-qiang | LI, Xia | GUO, Ying | QIN, Yan-jie 2011-11-24 조회
    大泷六线鱼卵黄原蛋白夹心ELISA试剂盒及其制备方法、检测方法及应用 | large hexagrammos otakii six-line fish vitellogenin sandwich ELISA kit and preparation method, detection method and application thereof WANG, Song | WANG, Jun | ZHANG, Tie-jun | LENG, Kai-liang | MIAO, Jun-kui | JIANG, Yong | LUO, Xin | WU, Zhen-xing 2014-11-14 조회
    大泷六线鱼卵黄原蛋白间接ELISA试剂盒及其制备方法、检测方法及应用 | large hexagrammos otakii six-line fish vitellogenin indirect ELISA kit and preparation method, detection method and application thereof WANG, Song | WANG, Jun | ZHANG, Tie-jun | LENG, Kai-liang | MIAO, Jun-kui | JIANG, Yong | LUO, Xin | WU, Zhen-xing 2014-11-14 조회

    전통지식(문헌) (1건)

    문헌명 전통지식(문헌)조사내용 번역문 용도 열람등급
    자산어보 모양은 노래미와 유사하나 머리가 약간 날카롭게 뾰죽하다. 붉은 색과 검은 색이 서로 섞여 있으며, 머리에 또한 귀가 있다. 가을에 산란한다. 비공개

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    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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    논문 (10건)

    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    The complete mitochondrial genome of the Hexagrammos otakii (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae). Qian Wang,Fengrong Zheng,Bo Wang,Jian Luo,Guohua Chen The complete mitochondrial genome of the Hexagrammos otakii (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae). 2016 조회
    The complete mitochondrial genome of the Hexagrammos otakii (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae). Qian Wang,Fengrong Zheng,Bo Wang,Jian Luo,Guohua Chen The complete mitochondrial genome of the Hexagrammos otakii (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae). 2016 조회
    The complete mitochondrial genome of the Hexagrammos otakii (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae). Qian Wang,Fengrong Zheng,Bo Wang,Jian Luo,Guohua Chen Mitochondrial DNA 2015 조회
    Radiocesium contamination of greenlings (Hexagrammos otakii) off the coast of Fukushima. Yuya Shigenobu,Ken Fujimoto,Daisuke Ambe,Hideki Kaeriyama,Tsuneo Ono,Kenji Morinaga,Kaoru Nakata,Takami Morita,Tomowo Watanabe Scientific reports 2014 조회
    Identification of hemiclonal reproduction in three species of Hexagrammos marine reef fishes. M R Kimura-Kawaguchi,M Horita,S Abe,K Arai,M Kawata,H Munehara Journal of fish biology 2014 조회
    [Dietary composition and food competition of six main fish species in rocky reef habitat off Gouqi Island]. Kai Wang,Shou-Yu Zhang,Zhen-Hua Wang,Jing Zhao,Min Xu,Jun Lin Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology 2012 조회
    Sympatric speciation in a genus of marine reef fishes. Karen D Crow,Hiroyuki Munehara,Giacomo Bernardi Molecular ecology 2010 조회
    Substrate specificity of chitinases from two species of fish, greenling, Hexagrammos otakii, and common mackerel, Scomber japonicus, and the insect, tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Masahiro Matsumiya,Yasuyuki Arakane,Atsunobu Haga,Subaratnam Muthukrishnan,Karl J Kramer Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 2006 조회
    Davisia hexagrammi n. sp. (Myxosporea: Sinuolineidae) parasitic in the urinary bladder of marine fishes from the coasts of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Bay, China. Yuanjun Zhao,Chenglun Ma,Weibo Song Systematic parasitology 2002 조회
    Histological observations on the pituitary gland and the glomerular body of the larvae of the marine teleost, Hexagrammos otakii. T Ichikawa Zeitschrift f?r Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie (Vienna, Austria 1973 조회

    특허 (22건)

    출원명 발명자 출원년도 비고
    Big six long cobbles adherance of laying eggs | Hexagrammos otakii oviposition attachment base DUAN, Yan | DONG, Jing | YU, Xu-guang | WANG, Ai-yong | LI, Meng-yao | CHAI, Yu | LIU, Xiu-ze 2015-11-30 조회
    种鱼礁式乌贼集卵器 | A fishing type cuttlefish egg collector YANG, Zheng | TIAN, Jun | PAN, Ying-yu | CHEN, Ji | JIANG, Hua-shuai 2014-12-30 조회
    Compound feed special for greenling | Special compound feed for hexagrammos otakii JIANG, Zhi-qiang | WANG, Fu-qiang | LIU, Yang 2007-12-21 조회
    Star-like radial allocation method for artificial reefs | Star radial configuration method of artificial fishing reef CHEN, Yong | ZHANG, Guo-sheng | LIU, Yong-hu | WANG, Gang | SHI, Hang | TIAN, TAO | LIU, Hai-ying 2009-12-30 조회
    Method for artificially inseminating and hatching hexagrammos otakii PAN, Lei | GUO, Wen | JIAN, Yu-xia | HU, Fa-wen | GAO, Feng-xiang | ZHANG, Shao-chun | WANG, Xue 2010-01-25 조회
    Special concentrated soft particle fodder for hexagrammos otakii and processing technique thereof | Specialized concentration particle feed of Hexagrammos otakii and matching craft JIANG, Zhi-qiang | WANG, Fu-qiang | REN, Tong-jun 2010-07-13 조회
    Parent fish breeding and hatching method for greenlings | Six-line parent fish culturing and hatching method DU, Rong-bin | JIANG, Hai-bin | LIU, Li-ming | WANG, Mao-jian 2010-12-31 조회
    Construction method for Hexagrammos otakii cell line | Building method of fat greenling cell line JIANG, Zhi-qiang | LI, Xia | GUO, Ying | QIN, Yan-jie 2011-11-24 조회
    大泷六线鱼卵黄原蛋白夹心ELISA试剂盒及其制备方法、检测方法及应用 | large hexagrammos otakii six-line fish vitellogenin sandwich ELISA kit and preparation method, detection method and application thereof WANG, Song | WANG, Jun | ZHANG, Tie-jun | LENG, Kai-liang | MIAO, Jun-kui | JIANG, Yong | LUO, Xin | WU, Zhen-xing 2014-11-14 조회
    大泷六线鱼卵黄原蛋白间接ELISA试剂盒及其制备方法、检测方法及应用 | large hexagrammos otakii six-line fish vitellogenin indirect ELISA kit and preparation method, detection method and application thereof WANG, Song | WANG, Jun | ZHANG, Tie-jun | LENG, Kai-liang | MIAO, Jun-kui | JIANG, Yong | LUO, Xin | WU, Zhen-xing 2014-11-14 조회

    전통지식(문헌) (1건)

    문헌명 전통지식(문헌)조사내용 번역문 용도 열람등급
    자산어보 모양은 노래미와 유사하나 머리가 약간 날카롭게 뾰죽하다. 붉은 색과 검은 색이 서로 섞여 있으며, 머리에 또한 귀가 있다. 가을에 산란한다. 비공개

    특성정보 (0건)

    유용성명칭 효용 및 기능 분류 열람등급 열람요청
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  • 표본 (총318건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBR-P0000000045 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895" / 쥐노래미 인천광역시 옹... / 2000-05-22 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000048 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895" / 쥐노래미 경상남도 하동... / 2000-11- 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000083 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895" / 쥐노래미 인천광역시 옹... / 2000-06-08 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000086 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895" / 쥐노래미 대한민국 / 2004-06-00 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000099 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895" / 쥐노래미 인천광역시 옹... / 1999-01-27 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000100 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895" / 쥐노래미 대한민국 / 1997-04-15 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000103 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895" / 쥐노래미 대한민국 / 1999-11-19 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000104 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895" / 쥐노래미 대한민국 / 2004-03-30 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000105 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895" / 쥐노래미 인천광역시 ... / 1996-08-21 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000000106 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895" / 쥐노래미 대한민국 / 1999-10- 액침표본 1건

    소재 (총53건)

    표본번호 학명/국명 채집지/채집일 표본유형 표본 점수
    NIBRGR0000063604 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895 / 쥐노래미 전라남도 여수... / 2007-02-25 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000068866 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895 / 쥐노래미 경상북도 울진... / 2009-03-18 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000069139 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895 / 쥐노래미 전라남도 완도... 남해 / 2009-08-04 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000069144 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895 / 쥐노래미 전라남도 완도... 남해 / 2009-08-04 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000069151 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895 / 쥐노래미 전라남도 완도... 남해 / 2009-08-05 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000069212 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895 / 쥐노래미 전라남도 여수... / 2009-09-11 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000069218 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895 / 쥐노래미 전라남도 완도... / 2009-09-12 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000069230 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895 / 쥐노래미 경상북도 울진... / 2009-03-18 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000098736 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895 / 쥐노래미 전라남도 완도... / 2008-08-15 조직 1건
    NIBRGR0000098737 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan and Starks, 1895 / 쥐노래미 전라남도 완도... / 2008-08-15 조직 1건
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    • 박인석 ( Park In Seog ) , 조진희 ( Jo Jin Hui ) , 이수진 ( Lee Su Jin ) , 김유아 ( Kim Yu A ) , 박기의 ( Park Gi Ui ) , 허준욱 ( Heo Jun Ug ) , 유종수 ( Yu Jong Su ) , 송영채 ( Song Yeong Chae ) (2003) 연구논문 : 쥐노래미 (Hexagrammos otakii)에 대한 염산리도카인 -중탄산나트륨과 MS-222의 마취 효과. 한국수산과학회지 36 (5) : 449 – 453

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    • 서인수 ( In Soo Seo ) , 홍재상 ( Jae Sang Hong ) (2007) 연구논문: 장봉도 갯벌의 쥐노래미 (Hexagrammos otakii)와 조피볼락 (Sebastes schlegeli)의 섭식생태. 한국수산과학회지 40 (2) : 84 – 94

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    • 오승용 ( Sungyong Oh ) , 명정구 ( Junggoo Myoung ) , 박진우 ( Jiwoo Park ) (2015) 쥐노래미(Hexagrammos otakii)의 생존율, 산소 소비율과혈액 성상에 미치는 염분의 영향. 한국수산과학회지 48 (5) : 712 – 718

      경상남도 통영시 연안 ( )
    • Kim H, Choi M, Seo Y-I, Lee S-K, Cha HK (2011) Recruitment characteristics of jack mackerel, Trachurus japonicus, in the waters around the Geumo Islands by using both sides fyke nets.. Bulletin of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology 47 : 356 – 368

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    • 김용억 , 한경호 , 김병학 ( Yong Uk Kim , Kyeong Ho Han , Byeong Hak Kim ) (1993) 쥐노래미 , Hexagrammos otakii 의 난발생과정 (卵發生過程) 및 자어의 (仔魚) 형태발달 (形態發達). 한국어류학회지 5 (2) : 151 – 159

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      고흥 녹동연안 ( 20000100 ) 고흥 녹동연안 ( 20000400 )
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