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얼록동사리 bookmark_add Odontobutis interrupta Iwata and Jeon, 1985

Odontobutis obscura interrupta

농어목 동사리과에 속하는 어류이다. 몸길이는 10~15cm이고 통통하며 머리는 약간 납작하며, 뒤쪽으로는 좌우로 납작하다. 체색은 갈색이고, 복측은 밝은색이다. 체측에는 검은 반문이 뚜렷이 있고, 앞의 두 반문은 체측 상부에서 무늬가 분리되어 있다. 가슴지느러미 기부에는 2개의 검은 반점이 있다. 아가미 구멍 상부에는 한 개의 검은 반점이 있다. 성적이형이 나타나는데, 수컷의 생식돌기는 뾰족하고, 암컷은 끝이 잘린 형이다. 자갈이 깔린 바닥의 하천 중상류에 서식하며, 작은 물고기와 수서곤충을 섭식한다. 산란기는 5~7월이며 수컷은 돌 밑에 알을 붙이고 알이 부화할 때까지 산란장을 지킨다. 한강, 임진강, 금강 수계에 서식하는 고유종이다. [저작재산권자]

  • 우리나라의 서해 유입하천 [2]

  • [1] 국립생물자원관(2010), 한반도생물자원포털

    [2] 국립생물자원관(2010), 국외반출승인대상생물자원자료집


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    Development of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Odontobutis obscura using Illumina paired-end sequencing and the test of cross-species amplification. H-G Bae,J An,J Jun,S-M Kweon,S Kim,J-N Yu,B-J Kim,H Sakai,Y J Lee,H Y Suk Development of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Odontobutis obscura using Illumina paired-end sequencing and the test of cross-species amplification. 2016 조회
    Development of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Odontobutis obscura using Illumina paired-end sequencing and the test of cross-species amplification. H-G Bae,J An,J Jun,S-M Kweon,S Kim,J-N Yu,B-J Kim,H Sakai,Y J Lee,H Y Suk Development of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Odontobutis obscura using Illumina paired-end sequencing and the test of cross-species amplification. 2016 조회
    Complete mitochondrial genome of the endemic South Korean species Odontobutis interrupta (Perciformes, Odontobutidae). Jumin Jun,Seong-Ho Choi,Ji-Don Kum Complete mitochondrial genome of the endemic South Korean species Odontobutis interrupta (Perciformes, Odontobutidae). 2016 조회
    Complete mitochondrial genome of the endemic South Korean species Odontobutis interrupta (Perciformes, Odontobutidae). Jumin Jun,Seong-Ho Choi,Ji-Don Kum Mitochondrial DNA 2015 조회
    Egg Development and Early Life History of Korean Endemic Species Korean Spotted Sleeper, Odontobutis interrupta (Pisces: Odontobutidae). Jae-Min Park,Kyeong-Ho Han,Na-Ri Kim,Dong-Jae Yoo,Seong-Min Yun,Ji-Hyeong Han Balsaenggwa saengsig 2015 조회

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    논문명 저자 저널명 발행년도 비고
    Development of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Odontobutis obscura using Illumina paired-end sequencing and the test of cross-species amplification. H-G Bae,J An,J Jun,S-M Kweon,S Kim,J-N Yu,B-J Kim,H Sakai,Y J Lee,H Y Suk Development of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Odontobutis obscura using Illumina paired-end sequencing and the test of cross-species amplification. 2016 조회
    Development of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Odontobutis obscura using Illumina paired-end sequencing and the test of cross-species amplification. H-G Bae,J An,J Jun,S-M Kweon,S Kim,J-N Yu,B-J Kim,H Sakai,Y J Lee,H Y Suk Development of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Odontobutis obscura using Illumina paired-end sequencing and the test of cross-species amplification. 2016 조회
    Complete mitochondrial genome of the endemic South Korean species Odontobutis interrupta (Perciformes, Odontobutidae). Jumin Jun,Seong-Ho Choi,Ji-Don Kum Complete mitochondrial genome of the endemic South Korean species Odontobutis interrupta (Perciformes, Odontobutidae). 2016 조회
    Complete mitochondrial genome of the endemic South Korean species Odontobutis interrupta (Perciformes, Odontobutidae). Jumin Jun,Seong-Ho Choi,Ji-Don Kum Mitochondrial DNA 2015 조회
    Egg Development and Early Life History of Korean Endemic Species Korean Spotted Sleeper, Odontobutis interrupta (Pisces: Odontobutidae). Jae-Min Park,Kyeong-Ho Han,Na-Ri Kim,Dong-Jae Yoo,Seong-Min Yun,Ji-Hyeong Han Balsaenggwa saengsig 2015 조회

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    NIBR-P0000000426 Odontobutis interrupta Iwata and Jeon, 1985" / 얼록동사리 대한민국 / 1988-04-20 액침표본 1건
    NIBR-P0000002094 Odontobutis interrupta Iwata and Jeon, 1985" / 얼록동사리 충청북도 청주... 금강 / 2003-06-09 액침표본 1건
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